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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.3.2 Radical Reactions with Alkanes

Radical reactions with alkanes provide a comprehensive overview of the nuances in organic chemistry, showcasing how seemingly inert compounds can become reactive under particular conditions.

Stable molecules and a free radical.

Image courtesy of reineg

Participation of Radicals in Substitution Reactions

While alkanes, with their saturated hydrocarbons, are often deemed less reactive under standard conditions, they can undergo significant reactions when in the company of radicals, especially those of halogens.

  • Substitution Reaction: At its core, this involves the substitution of a hydrogen atom in an alkane with a halogen atom. This entire process is steered by a radical mechanism.
    • Reaction Dynamics: When an alkane meets a halogen radical, there's a strong tendency for a hydrogen atom from the alkane to get replaced. This gives rise to the formation of a hydrohalogen while concurrently producing a new radical.

Illustrative Reaction: Methane's interaction with Chlorine:

CH4 + Cl• -> CH3• + HCl

This reaction, in essence, serves as the chain initiation step. The newly produced methyl radical (CH₃•) can further interact with another chlorine molecule, effectively propagating the chain.

Propagation and Termination Steps

A deeper dive into the sequential steps involved in the radical reactions between alkanes and halogens offers an intricate understanding of this mechanism.

Propagation Steps

The entirety of the reaction is carried forward by a series of interconnected chain reactions.

  • 1. Chain Initiation: This step is marked by the inception of a radical. Taking chlorine as an example, its molecules can dissociate into two chlorine radicals when exposed to ultraviolet light.

Cl2 -> 2Cl•

  • 1. Chain Propagation: The freshly minted radical interacts with the alkane, resulting in the creation of a novel radical. This new radical then participates in further reactions, sustaining the chain. For instance:

CH4 + Cl• -> CH3• + HCl CH3• + Cl2 -> CH3Cl + Cl•

The cyclical nature of this step often results in a diverse mixture of products.

Termination Steps

The end of the reaction is signified when two radicals encounter each other, culminating in the formation of a stable molecule.

  • Radical Annihilation: When two methyl radicals merge, they form:

CH3• + CH3• -> C2H6

Alternatively, a methyl radical can combine with a chlorine radical, producing:

CH3• + Cl• -> CH3Cl

Chemical equations involved in radical reaction with alkanes.

Image courtesy of A Level Chemistry

Stability Nuances of Alkanes

To truly appreciate the reactions of alkanes, it's essential to fathom their unique stability attributes, which can be traced back to their bonding structures and innate non-polar disposition.

Strength of C–C and C–H Bonds

  • Alkanes are characterised by their robust covalent bonds—both the bonds linking carbon atoms (C–C) and those connecting carbon and hydrogen atoms (C–H).
  • These formidable bonds bestow upon alkanes a certain resilience, making them resistant to a plethora of reactions, especially under ambient conditions.
  • As a result, radicals usually necessitate an external, higher energy source, like UV light, to initiate any substantial reactions with alkanes.
A chemical structure of ethane (alkane).

A chemical structure of ethane (alkane).

Image courtesy of dan1gia2

Non-polar Nature of Alkanes

  • Alkanes, by their very nature, are intrinsically non-polar molecules. This arises from the close electronegativity values of carbon and hydrogen.
  • Given their non-polar demeanour, alkanes don't exhibit any substantial attraction towards polar molecules or ions. This further diminishes their propensity to undergo diverse reactions.

Kinetically Stable but Thermodynamically Unstable: The Alkane Paradox

Alkanes present a fascinating dichotomy in terms of stability, offering insights into the kinetic versus thermodynamic aspects of reactivity.

Kinetic Stability

  • Alkanes, due to the significant energy barriers of their C–C and C–H bonds, are kinetically stable. This essentially means they're not prone to spontaneous reactions.
  • While many of the reactions that alkanes can undergo are exothermic in nature (releasing energy), the activation energy needed to spark these reactions is usually lofty, making alkanes kinetically resilient.

Thermodynamic Instability

  • Conversely, from a thermodynamic standpoint, alkanes aren't all that stable. This is because they can relinquish a substantial quantum of energy upon undergoing combustion.
  • Thermodynamic principles favour reactions that are exothermic (those releasing energy). Hence, under the right circumstances (like in the presence of oxygen and an ignition source), alkanes can combust with immense vigour, underscoring their thermodynamic fragility.
Combustion of alkanes (exothermic reaction) using methane (CH4) as an example.

Combustion of alkanes (exothermic reaction) using methane (CH4) as an example. The end products are carbon dioxide gas, water and heat.

Image courtesy of Jynto Robert A. Rohde Jacek FH Jynto

In-depth Reaction Mechanism Insights

It's pivotal to appreciate that while alkanes might appear passive or inert, the radical reactions provide a window into the more intricate, dynamic, and reactive facets of these compounds. Delving deep into the sequential steps, from initiation to termination, helps elucidate the unique reactivity and stability profiles of these saturated hydrocarbons. As students of chemistry, such insights are instrumental in decoding the myriad reactions and interactions in the organic realm.


Alkanes, being saturated hydrocarbons, possess only single bonds between carbon atoms. These single bonds, or sigma (σ) bonds, are quite strong and involve head-on overlap of orbitals, leading to greater stability. In contrast, alkenes have a double bond which consists of a sigma (σ) bond and a pi (π) bond. The pi bond is weaker as it's formed by the sideways overlap of p-orbitals. This makes alkenes more reactive and predisposed to addition reactions where the π bond is broken. Alkanes, lacking this π bond and being shielded by the robust σ bonds, primarily undergo substitution reactions when reactive species like radicals are involved.

Ultraviolet (UV) light plays a critical role in the homolytic fission of chlorine molecules, resulting in the formation of two chlorine radicals. When chlorine is exposed to UV light, the energy from the light is absorbed by the chlorine molecule. This energy is sufficient to break the Cl-Cl bond, causing the molecule to split homolytically, where each chlorine atom takes away one electron, forming two chlorine radicals. This initiation step is crucial because these radicals can then go on to react with alkanes, triggering a series of chain reactions.

Alkanes are non-polar due to the near identical electronegativities of carbon and hydrogen atoms, leading to a lack of significant charge separation within the molecule. Water, on the other hand, is a highly polar molecule. The principle "like dissolves like" in chemistry implies that polar solvents, like water, tend to dissolve polar solutes, while non-polar solvents dissolve non-polar solutes. Given this, the non-polar nature of alkanes means that they are virtually insoluble in water. Instead, alkanes will tend to separate from water, forming a distinct layer, which is a characteristic often observed in oil spills in aquatic environments.

Radicals demonstrate a unique selectivity towards hydrogens based on their positioning in a hydrocarbon molecule. This phenomenon is termed 'regioselectivity'. The reason lies in the stability of the radicals that are formed post the hydrogen abstraction. For instance, a tertiary radical (one formed on a tertiary carbon) is more stable than a secondary radical, which in turn is more stable than a primary radical. This is due to the dispersal of the unpaired electron over a larger volume and the hyperconjugation effect. As a result, when a radical reacts with a hydrocarbon having different types of hydrogens, it prefers to abstract a hydrogen such that the most stable radical is formed.

Hyperconjugation is a stabilising interaction that involves the overlap of an adjacent sigma bond's orbital with the orbital of a radical or a positively charged centre. In the context of alkanes, when a radical is formed on a carbon, adjacent C-H sigma bonds can engage in hyperconjugation. This phenomenon disperses the electron deficiency of the radical over multiple atoms, increasing the stability of the radical. For instance, tertiary radicals are more stable than secondary radicals, which are more stable than primary radicals. This is because tertiary radicals have more neighbouring hydrogen atoms available for hyperconjugative interactions, thereby offering greater stability.

Practice Questions

Explain the paradox of alkanes being both kinetically stable and thermodynamically unstable.

Alkanes display a unique dichotomy in their stability profiles. They are kinetically stable due to the strong C–C and C–H bonds that pose significant energy barriers for reactions. This means that even though many reactions involving alkanes can be exothermic, the activation energy needed to initiate these reactions is quite high. Hence, under normal conditions, alkanes are less reactive. However, thermodynamically, alkanes are unstable. They can release a large amount of energy when they undergo combustion. Thermodynamics favours reactions that release energy. Thus, given the right conditions, like the presence of oxygen and an ignition source, alkanes can burn vigorously, illustrating their thermodynamic instability.

Describe the propagation and termination steps involved in the radical reactions between alkanes and halogens, using methane and chlorine as an example.

During the propagation step of a radical reaction between methane and chlorine, the chlorine radical (formed during the initiation step) reacts with a methane molecule. This results in the formation of a methyl radical and hydrochloric acid. For instance, CH4 + Cl• gives rise to CH3• + HCl. This newly formed methyl radical can then react with a chlorine molecule, continuing the chain by forming methyl chloride and a fresh chlorine radical: CH3• + Cl2 results in CH3Cl + Cl•. The termination step occurs when two radicals collide to form a stable molecule. For example, two methyl radicals could combine to form ethane: CH3• + CH3• gives C2H6. Alternatively, a methyl radical and a chlorine radical could react to produce methyl chloride: CH3• + Cl• results in CH3Cl.

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