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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.3.1 Understanding Radicals and Their Formation

Definition and Characteristics of Radicals

  • Radicals can be described as molecular or atomic entities that have an unpaired electron. Unlike atoms or molecules that try to complete their outer electron shells, radicals, with their unpaired electron, remain energetically unstable.
  • The presence of this unpaired electron is a core characteristic, leading to its high reactivity. Radicals are often keen to engage in reactions to achieve a more stable electron configuration.

Identification and Representation of Radicals

  • The signature trait of radicals, the unpaired electron, is usually depicted with a dot adjacent to the atomic or molecular symbol. This dot is a simple yet powerful indicator of the radical's unique properties and reactivity.
    • For example:
      • Hydroxyl radical is denoted as •OH.
      • Chlorine radical is represented as •Cl.
  • These representations are critical in understanding reaction mechanisms involving radicals, especially when deciphering the sequence and nature of reactive steps in complex pathways.
Diagram of a free radical of an oxygen atom.

Image courtesy of reineg

Types of Radicals

Diving deeper into the types of radicals, we find they can manifest in various forms:

  • Atoms: Individual atoms with an unpaired electron, like •H or •Cl.
  • Molecules: Molecules can have an unpaired electron, often due to the cleavage of a bond. Examples include •OH and CH3•.
  • Cations: Positive ions that maintain an unpaired electron, like CH3+•, might seem counterintuitive but are indeed possible.
  • Anions: Negatively charged entities like O2•- also exhibit radical behaviour with their unpaired electrons.

Formation of Radicals: Homolytic Fission

  • A central process in the formation of radicals is homolytic fission. During this process, covalent bonds break evenly, resulting in each atom acquiring one of the shared electrons.
  • This splitting can be visualised as a bond cleaving down its middle, distributing the electron equity. External factors like ultraviolet (UV) light or heat often drive this reaction, especially in the case of halogens.
  • For Instance:
  • Chlorine gas, when exposed to UV light, undergoes homolytic fission:
  • Cl2 (with UV light) -> 2Cl•
  • Such an event marks the initiation step of a chain reaction, laying the groundwork for subsequent radical-driven reactions.
Diagram showing a general example of homolytic fission.

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Single-Barbed Arrow: Representing Electron Movement

  • In the world of organic chemistry, arrows bear great significance. The single-barbed arrow or fish hook arrow is pivotal for representing the movement of a lone electron.
  • Unlike the conventional double-barbed arrows, which denote the movement of electron pairs, this single-barbed arrow focuses on individual electron shifts, crucial for radical reactions.
Types of arrows in chemical reactions (single-barbed arrow and double-barbed arrow).

A single-bared arrow (top) and a double-barbed arrow (bottom), used in two different types of reactions.

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Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and Radicals

  • The rise and fall of CFCs serve as a testament to our evolving understanding of chemical impact on the environment. Initially celebrated for their stability and diverse applications, CFCs later became environmental adversaries.
  • Once CFCs drift into the stratosphere, UV radiation triggers homolytic fission of their C-Cl bonds, unleashing chlorine radicals.
  • For Instance:
  • CFCl3 (with UV light) -> CFCl2• + Cl•
  • It's worth noting that while chlorine radicals frequently emerge from CFCs, fluorine radicals are seldom formed. This can be ascribed to the robustness of the C-F bond, which resists fission more effectively than the C-Cl bond.

Rejoining of Radicals: Reverse Homolytic Fission

  • Reactive as they are, radicals often find counterparts to combine with. This rejoining or pairing of electrons between two radicals results in a new covalent bond. Such reactions often denote the termination step of a radical chain reaction.

Chlorine Radicals and Atmospheric Ozone

  • The stratosphere, our protective atmospheric layer, harbours significant concentrations of ozone (O3) and oxygen (O2).
  • Chlorine radicals, birthed from CFC degradation, exhibit a marked propensity to disassemble ozone.Cl• + O3 -> ClO• + O2
  • Oxygen (O2), on the other hand, typically remains unaffected by chlorine radicals. This selectivity is rooted in bond strengths. The bond within ozone is weaker than that in molecular oxygen, rendering O3 more vulnerable to radical attacks.
Chemical equations involving Radicals and Atmospheric Ozone.

Image courtesy of ChemTube3D

Radicals, despite their transient nature, orchestrate a multitude of chemical processes. Understanding their quirks, reactions, and impacts provides invaluable insights into both fundamental and applied chemistry, from organic synthesis pathways to environmental dynamics.


Antioxidants are molecules that can donate an electron to radicals, neutralising them and preventing them from causing cellular damage. Radicals, particularly in biological systems, can react with cell membranes, proteins, and DNA, leading to potential cell damage and contributing to ageing and diseases. Antioxidants, abundant in certain foods and vitamins, can scavenge these radicals, rendering them harmless. By donating an electron, they convert the radical into a stable molecule, preventing further reactions that might harm the cells.

Radicals, due to their high reactivity stemming from the unpaired electron, are transient species in chemical reactions. Their eagerness to either donate or accept an electron means they quickly engage in reactions to attain a more stable electronic configuration. As a result, in most environments, they rapidly react with other molecules, atoms, or even other radicals to form stable compounds, making their existence typically ephemeral. However, in controlled settings or specific conditions like the upper atmosphere, radicals can exist longer and participate in chain reactions.

Yes, radicals can partake in various reactions beyond just chain reactions. While chain reactions, driven by radicals, are a significant and well-studied category, radicals can also be involved in addition reactions, especially in polymerisation processes. For instance, radical polymerisation is a common method to produce certain polymers. Furthermore, radicals can engage in termination reactions where two radicals combine to form a stable molecule. In summary, while chain reactions are a primary mode of radical reactions, they can be involved in several other chemical processes.

While radicals are often implicated in cellular damage and oxidative stress in biological systems, they aren't inherently harmful. In fact, radicals play crucial roles in various physiological processes. For example, the immune system employs radicals to neutralise pathogens. The body's cells generate radicals to act as messengers in specific cellular signalling pathways. Moreover, the controlled production and elimination of radicals is a normal part of cellular metabolism. It's the imbalance—specifically, an excess of radicals or a deficit in antioxidant defence—that can lead to detrimental effects on the cellular level.

Radicals, with their unpaired electrons, display paramagnetism due to the presence of these unpaired electrons. In paramagnetic substances, the individual magnetic moments of atoms or molecules usually align with an external magnetic field, leading to a weak magnetic attraction. This property contrasts diamagnetic substances, which do not have unpaired electrons and slightly repel an external magnetic field. Thus, the magnetic properties of radicals arise specifically from their unpaired electrons, making them distinct and experimentally detectable in various spectroscopic studies.

Practice Questions

Explain the process of homolytic fission and describe its significance in the formation of radicals, particularly with reference to halogens. Additionally, elucidate why the breakdown of CFCs typically results in the release of chlorine radicals but not fluorine radicals.

Homolytic fission is a mechanism by which covalent bonds are cleaved evenly, with each atom involved acquiring one of the shared electrons, leading to the formation of radicals. This process is especially significant in the case of halogens when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light or heat. For instance, chlorine gas under UV radiation undergoes homolytic fission to produce two chlorine radicals. When discussing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), the breakdown under UV light leads predominantly to the formation of chlorine radicals because the C-Cl bond is weaker and more susceptible to fission than the robust C-F bond. Hence, chlorine radicals are more commonly produced than fluorine radicals.

Discuss the representation of radicals using examples and explain the use of the single-barbed arrow in radical reactions. How does it differ from the double-barbed arrow typically used in organic chemistry?

Radicals are represented by placing a dot adjacent to the atomic or molecular symbol to indicate the presence of an unpaired electron. For instance, the hydroxyl radical is denoted as •OH, and the chlorine radical is represented as •Cl. In organic chemistry, the movement of electrons during reactions is shown using arrows. The single-barbed arrow, often called the fish hook arrow, signifies the movement of a lone electron, which is vital in radical reactions. This is in contrast to the double-barbed arrow, which represents the movement of an electron pair and is commonly used to depict regular bond-making and bond-breaking processes in organic reactions.

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