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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.1.12 pH Curves and Indicators

pH curves provide a visual representation of how the pH of a solution changes as we add another substance to it. In the realm of acid-base titrations, these curves are paramount. Similarly, acid-base indicators are substances that display distinctive colour changes at particular pH values, playing a crucial role in determining the endpoint of a titration. Let's explore these concepts in greater detail.

pH indicators and titration.

Image courtesy of sinhyu

pH Curves for Acid-Base Titrations

Titration is an analytical technique that helps determine the concentration of an unknown solution by adding a solution of known concentration. The pH of the reaction mixture is monitored and plotted against the volume of the known solution (titrant) added, creating a pH curve.

Strong Acid with Strong Base

Example: Hydrochloric acid (HCl) with Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

  • Initial pH: At the outset, the pH is very low (typically below 3), reflecting the strong acidic nature of the solution.
  • During Titration: As the strong base is added drop by drop, the strong acid is neutralised, resulting in a gradual increase in pH.
  • Equivalence Point: This is when the number of moles of base added equals the number of moles of acid originally present. Here, the pH experiences a steep rise, typically settling around pH 7 for strong acid-strong base combinations.
  • Post Equivalence: After the equivalence point, the curve flattens out again, with the pH indicating the basic nature due to excess strong base.

Weak Acid with Strong Base

Example: Acetic acid (CH₃COOH) with Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

  • Initial pH: It starts higher than the strong acid case, usually between 3 and 5, due to the weak acidic nature.
  • During Titration: As the base is added, the pH rises more slowly than in the strong acid-strong base case. This is due to the partial dissociation of the weak acid.
  • Equivalence Point: The pH jump isn't as steep, but still noticeable. The pH at the equivalence point will be above 7, reflecting the basic nature of the salts formed.

Strong Acid with Weak Base

Example: Hydrochloric acid (HCl) with Ammonia (NH₃)

  • Initial pH: Begins acidic due to the strong acid.
  • During Titration: As the weak base is added, the pH rises, but not as swiftly as in the case of a strong base. This is due to the weak base partially accepting protons from the strong acid.
  • Equivalence Point: The jump in pH isn't very sharp, and the pH is below 7, indicating an acidic nature of the resultant solution.

Weak Acid with Weak Base

Example: Acetic acid (CH₃COOH) with Ammonia (NH₃)

  • Initial pH: Starts off between 3 and 5 due to the weak acid.
  • During Titration: The pH change is gradual throughout. There isn't a sharp inflection point.
  • Equivalence Point: Very subtle pH change, making it challenging to identify the exact point.
A diagram showing titration curves of an acid with a base - A typical titration curve.

Image courtesy of MME Revise

Acid-Base Indicators

Indicators undergo structural changes by accepting or donating protons at different pH values, resulting in varying colours. The choice of indicator can significantly influence the accuracy of a titration.

Mechanism of Colour Change

  • Chromophore Role: The chromophore is a part of the indicator molecule responsible for its colour. When protonation or deprotonation occurs due to a change in pH, the electronic configuration of the chromophore shifts, altering its colour.
  • Tautomeric Forms: Some indicators exist in a balance between two tautomeric forms. The structural changes between these forms can lead to different colours.

Choosing the Right Indicator

The correct indicator should have its colour change range aligning with the pH change around the titration's equivalence point.

  • Strong Acid and Strong Base: Indicators that change around pH 7, such as bromothymol blue or litmus, are apt choices.
  • Weak Acid and Strong Base: The pH at the equivalence point is often above 7. Indicators like phenolphthalein or thymolphthalein, which operate in a more basic range, are suitable.
  • Strong Acid and Weak Base: With an equivalence point below pH 7, indicators like methyl orange or bromocresol green, which change in the acidic range, are preferred.
  • Weak Acid and Weak Base: As the pH change is subtle, indicators like bromocresol purple, whose colour change spans the anticipated equivalence point, are best.

Remember, the art of titration doesn't just involve adding one solution to another. It's about comprehending the subtle hints the solutions give us through pH changes and the vibrant tales indicators narrate through their vibrant hues. Understanding these nuances allows chemists to execute titrations with precision and accuracy.

A diagram showing different types of indicators and their pH range.

Image courtesy of OpenStax


Some indicators can undergo more than one protonation or deprotonation step, meaning they can accept or donate more than one proton. Each of these steps can correspond to a distinct structural and electronic configuration change in the chromophore of the indicator molecule, leading to different colours. For instance, an indicator might appear one colour in a highly acidic environment, a different colour in a slightly acidic to neutral environment, and yet another colour in a basic environment. This multi-step protonation/deprotonation can be valuable when observing pH changes in complex systems but can complicate readings in straightforward titrations.

If an indicator is used outside its effective pH range, it will not display accurate colour changes that correlate with the pH changes in the solution. For instance, if an indicator that changes colour from pH 4 to 6 is used in a solution with a pH of 8, it will remain in its basic form and colour, regardless of any minor pH shifts in that range. This can lead to misleading results, especially in titrations, where the endpoint might be missed or wrongly identified. Hence, it's crucial to select an indicator whose pH range aligns with the expected pH change of the system being studied.

Yes, factors other than pH can influence the colour of an indicator. For instance, the presence of certain metal ions can form complexes with the indicator, resulting in a colour change irrespective of the pH. Additionally, extreme temperatures might affect the molecular structure or the energy levels of the chromophore in the indicator, leading to an altered colour. Solvent effects can also play a role, especially if the indicator is used in a non-aqueous solution. It's essential to be aware of these potential influences when interpreting the colour of an indicator.

Universal indicators are a mixture of several different pH indicators that display a range of colours over a broad spectrum of pH values. While single acid-base indicators, such as litmus or bromothymol blue, undergo a specific colour change over a narrow pH range, a universal indicator can provide a continuous colour change from about pH 1 (red) to pH 14 (purple). This continuous gradient is achieved by blending indicators with different transition pH ranges, allowing for the determination of approximate pH of a solution. While universal indicators give a general pH range, for more precise titrations, a specific single indicator with a narrower transition range aligned with the equivalence point of the titration is preferred.

For titrations involving polyprotic acids or bases (substances that can donate or accept more than one proton), multiple equivalence points might be observed, corresponding to each protonation or deprotonation step. In such cases, a single indicator might not be suitable for detecting all equivalence points. The choice of indicator should be based on the pH at the equivalence point of interest. For instance, if a diprotic acid is titrated and the second equivalence point is of interest, an indicator that changes colour at the pH corresponding to that second equivalence point should be selected. Alternatively, a pH meter can be used to detect all equivalence points accurately.

Practice Questions

Given a titration of acetic acid (a weak acid) with sodium hydroxide (a strong base), explain why the pH at the equivalence point is above 7. Also, recommend an appropriate indicator for this titration and justify your choice.

When acetic acid is titrated with sodium hydroxide, the resulting solution at the equivalence point contains the salt sodium acetate. This salt hydrolyses in water to produce acetate ions, which act as weak bases. These ions accept protons from water, increasing the concentration of hydroxide ions and thus raising the pH above 7. Given this, an appropriate indicator would be phenolphthalein. This indicator undergoes a colour change from colourless to pink around a pH of 8.2, which is closely aligned with the pH change around the equivalence point of this titration, making it suitable for accurately determining the endpoint.

Describe the mechanism behind the colour change observed in acid-base indicators. Use bromothymol blue as an example.

Acid-base indicators, such as bromothymol blue, undergo structural changes by accepting or donating protons at different pH values, resulting in colour variations. The part of the indicator molecule responsible for its colour is called the chromophore. For bromothymol blue, in acidic conditions, it exists in its protonated form which is yellow. As the pH increases and becomes more basic, it donates a proton and changes to its deprotonated form, which is blue. The shift in electronic configuration of the chromophore, brought about by protonation or deprotonation, leads to the change in colour observed. This colour transition occurs around a pH of 6 to 7.6, making bromothymol blue useful in identifying neutral pH levels.

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