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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.1.10 Ka and Kb Relationships

Equilibrium Constants: Ka and Kb

Ka - Acid Dissociation Constant


Ka, or the acid dissociation constant, is a fundamental parameter that quantifies the extent to which an acid donates protons (H+ ions) when dissolved in water. Essentially, it measures the strength of an acid. A higher Ka value indicates a stronger acid, one that readily donates protons.

Mathematical Expression:

Ka is defined mathematically as the ratio of the concentrations of the products (H+ and the conjugate base, A-) to the concentration of the initial acid (HA):

Ka = [H+][A-] / [HA]


The significance of Ka lies in its ability to determine the strength of acids. A higher Ka value indicates that the acid dissociates more extensively, resulting in a higher concentration of H+ ions in the solution. This information is vital in predicting the behaviour of acids in various chemical reactions.

Diagram showing Ka - acid Dissociation Constant using ethanoic acid (a weak acid) as an example.

Image courtesy of Nagwa

Kb - Base Dissociation Constant


Kb, or the base dissociation constant, is the counterpart to Ka for bases. It quantifies the extent to which a base accepts protons (H+ ions) in solution. A higher Kb value implies a stronger base, one that readily accepts protons.

Mathematical Expression:

Kb is calculated similarly to Ka but for bases. It is the ratio of the concentrations of the products (the conjugate acid, BH+, and hydroxide ions, OH-) to the concentration of the initial base (B):

Kb = [BH+][OH-] / [B]


Much like Ka, Kb is crucial in determining the strength of bases. A higher Kb value signifies that the base accepts protons more readily, leading to a higher concentration of OH- ions in the solution. This information is essential for predicting the behaviour of bases in various chemical reactions.

Diagram showing Kb - Base Dissociation Constant using ammonia (a weak base) as an example.

Image courtesy of Nagwa

Relationship Between Ka, Kb, and Kw

Kw - Ion Product Constant of Water


Kw, or the ion product constant of water, represents the equilibrium constant for the autoionization of water. In simpler terms, it measures the extent to which water molecules spontaneously dissociate into H+ and OH- ions. At 25°C, Kw has a fixed value:

Kw = [H+][OH-] = 1.0 x 10-14 mol2/L2

Kw, or the ion product constant of water.

Image courtesy of odette-rasmussen


Kw is a fundamental constant in chemistry as it reflects the self-ionization of water. It underscores the fact that even pure water contains a small concentration of H+ and OH- ions. Understanding Kw is essential for comprehending the properties of acidic, neutral, and basic solutions.

Water's Role in Acid-Base Chemistry

Connection to Ka and Kb:

An intriguing relationship exists between Ka, Kb, and Kw. For any given aqueous solution, the product of Ka and Kb is equal to Kw:

Ka x Kb = Kw


This relationship reveals the interconnectedness of acids, bases, and water. It allows us to determine the concentration of H+ or OH- ions in solution when dealing with weak acids and bases.

Solving Problems Involving Ka, Kb, and Kw Values

Problem Solving Approach

Solving problems involving Ka, Kb, and Kw values requires a systematic approach. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1 - Identify:

Identify whether you are dealing with a weak acid (HA) or a weak base (B) in the equilibrium. Note the given equilibrium constant (Ka or Kb).

Step 2 - Write Equation:

Write the balanced chemical equation for the dissociation of the weak acid or base.

Step 3 - Set up ICE Table:

Create an ICE (Initial, Change, Equilibrium) table to track concentration changes during the reaction.

Step 4 - Use the Equilibrium Constant Expression:

Utilize the equilibrium constant expression (Ka or Kb) to set up an equation involving the initial concentrations, changes, and final concentrations at equilibrium.

Step 5 - Solve for the Unknown:

Determine the unknown variable, typically the concentration of H+ or OH-, or the degree of ionization (x).

Example Problem

Let's illustrate this problem-solving approach with an example:

Problem Statement

Calculate the pH of a 0.01 M acetic acid (CH3COOH) solution. Given Ka for acetic acid is 1.8 x 10-5.


Step 1 - Identify:

We have a weak acid, acetic acid (CH3COOH), and its Ka value.

Step 2 - Write Equation:


Step 3 - ICE Table:

Unknown block type "table", specify a component for it in the `components.types` option

Step 4 - Ka Expression:

Ka = [CH3COO-][H+] / [CH3COOH]

Step 5 - Solve for x:

Ka = (x)(x) / (0.01-x)

x2 = Ka * (0.01-x)


Since x is small compared to 0.01, we can simplify the equation to:

x2 ≈ Ka * 0.01

Calculate x:

x ≈ √(Ka * 0.01)

Calculate pH:

pH = -log([H+])

Final Result:

pH ≈ -log(x)

Simplifying Calculations with Small Equilibrium Constants

When Ka or Kb is Very Small

In some scenarios, Ka or Kb values are extremely small, close to zero. In such cases, the degree of ionization (x) becomes negligible compared to the initial concentration of the weak acid or base. This situation allows for simplification in calculations.


Assuming negligible ionization (x) simplifies the calculations. The initial concentration remains nearly unchanged throughout the reaction, making the math more manageable.

Practical Applications

Understanding the relationships between Ka, Kb, and Kw empowers you to navigate the world of weak acids and bases in chemistry. These concepts form the foundation for solving complex equilibrium problems in acid-base chemistry, and their applications extend to various fields, including pharmaceuticals, environmental science, and chemical engineering.

In pharmaceuticals, knowledge of Ka and Kb values is essential for designing drugs and understanding their behaviour in the human body. Environmental scientists use these constants


Kw, the ion product constant of water, connects Ka and Kb in a fundamental way. At 25°C, Kw is a fixed value, equal to 1.0 x 10-14 mol2/L2. The relationship between these constants lies in the self-ionization of water. When a weak acid (HA) donates a proton (H+) in water, it generates the conjugate base (A-) and increases [H+]. Similarly, when a weak base (B) accepts a proton (H+) in water, it forms the conjugate acid (BH+) and increases [OH-]. Since Kw reflects the equilibrium constant for water's autoionization (H2O ⇌ H+ + OH-), it embodies the product of [H+] and [OH-]. Consequently, for any aqueous solution, Ka x Kb = Kw. This relationship underscores the interconnectedness of acid-base equilibria and their dependence on water's self-ionization.

pKa and pKb are logarithmic transformations of Ka and Kb values, respectively. They are used to simplify calculations and comparisons. The pKa of an acid is calculated as -log(Ka), while the pKb of a base is calculated as -log(Kb). These values provide a more manageable scale for comparing the strengths of acids and bases. Smaller pKa or pKb values indicate stronger acids or bases, respectively. For instance, a lower pKa indicates a stronger acid than one with a higher pKa. Similarly, a lower pKb indicates a stronger base than one with a higher pKb. pKa and pKb values are particularly useful in the selection of appropriate acid-base indicators for titrations and in predicting the behaviour of weak acids and bases in various chemical reactions.

The differentiation between strong and weak acids is primarily based on their Ka values. Strong acids have Ka values that are significantly larger (often greater than 1) than those of weak acids. This signifies that strong acids almost completely dissociate in solution, yielding a high concentration of H+ ions. In contrast, weak acids have Ka values that are relatively small (typically much less than 1), indicating limited dissociation, resulting in a lower concentration of H+ ions in solution. A practical way to differentiate them is to observe that strong acids produce a highly acidic solution (low pH), while weak acids lead to a less acidic solution (higher pH) due to their lower H+ ion concentration.

A very small Ka or Kb value for a weak acid or base indicates limited dissociation or ionization in solution. This has several practical implications. Firstly, it suggests that the weak acid or base is relatively ineffective at donating or accepting protons, respectively. Consequently, the resulting solution will be only slightly acidic or basic, making it suitable for applications where precise pH control is necessary, such as in buffers. Secondly, when solving equilibrium problems involving such weak species, simplifications can be made. The assumption of negligible ionization (x) compared to the initial concentration simplifies calculations. Thirdly, the small Ka or Kb values often mean that reactions involving weak acids or bases are less kinetically favorable and may require more time to reach equilibrium, impacting reaction rates. Overall, understanding the implications of small Ka or Kb values is essential for predicting and controlling the behaviour of weak acids and bases in various chemical processes.

Understanding Ka and Kb values for weak acids and bases is crucial in various practical scenarios. These values help predict the behaviour of acidic and basic solutions in chemical reactions. For instance, in pharmaceuticals, knowing Ka and Kb values aids in drug formulation, ensuring that medications are effective in the desired pH range of the human body. Additionally, environmental scientists rely on these constants to assess the impact of acid rain, caused by oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, on ecosystems. By quantifying the strength of acids and bases, Ka and Kb values contribute to informed decision-making in a range of industries, from agriculture to wastewater treatment, where pH control is essential for desired outcomes.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of the equilibrium constant Ka in the context of acid-base chemistry. Provide an example of a weak acid and its Ka value. How does the magnitude of Ka relate to the strength of the acid?

In acid-base chemistry, Ka, or the acid dissociation constant, plays a pivotal role. It quantifies the extent to which a weak acid donates protons (H+ ions) in solution. A higher Ka value indicates a stronger acid that dissociates more extensively, resulting in a higher concentration of H+ ions. For instance, acetic acid (CH3COOH) has a Ka of 1.8 x 10-5. This implies that acetic acid is a weak acid as its Ka is relatively small, signifying limited dissociation. Stronger acids, like hydrochloric acid (HCl), have much larger Ka values, illustrating their greater ability to donate protons.

Consider a 0.02 M solution of ammonia (NH3), a weak base, with a Kb value of 1.8 x 10^-5. Calculate the concentration of hydroxide ions ([OH-]) in this solution. Explain how you arrived at your answer and discuss the implications of the Kb value on the strength of the base.

To determine [OH-], we can use the Kb expression: Kb = [BH+][OH-] / [B]. Given [B] = 0.02 M and Kb = 1.8 x 10-5, we can solve for [OH-]. Rearranging the equation, [OH-] = (Kb * [B])0.5, we find [OH-] ≈ (1.8 x 10-5 * 0.02)0.5 ≈ 0.006 M. This concentration of hydroxide ions makes the solution slightly basic. The Kb value of 1.8 x 10^-5 indicates that ammonia is a weak base, as it only slightly accepts protons. Strong bases, like sodium hydroxide (NaOH), have much larger Kb values, signifying greater proton acceptance.

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