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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.1.11 pH of Salt Solutions

Salts, which are often perceived as neutral compounds, can produce solutions that are acidic, basic, or neutral in nature. Understanding this behaviour lies in the concept of hydrolysis of ions and the nature of the parent acid or base from which these ions are derived.

Hydrolysis of Ions

When salts dissolve in water, they dissociate into their respective cations and anions. Some of these ions can interact with water molecules, undergoing a process called hydrolysis. Through this, either hydronium ions (H3O+) or hydroxide ions (OH-) are produced, influencing the pH of the solution.

Diagram showing dissociation of salt (NaCl)  in water.

Dissociation of NaCl (salt) in water into its respective cations and anions.

Image courtesy of hakan

Cation Hydrolysis

Basic premise: Cations derived from weak bases have a propensity to act as acids in aqueous solutions, donating a proton to water and forming H3O+ ions.

  • Example: Ammonium Ion (NH4+): It originates from the weak base, ammonia (NH3). In water, ammonium ion tends to donate a proton, reacting as:
  • NH4+ + H2O -> NH3 + H3O+
  • The production of H3O+ ions leads to an increase in the solution's acidity.

Anion Hydrolysis

Basic premise: Anions stemming from weak acids tend to act as bases in aqueous solutions. They accept a proton from water, leading to the production of OH- ions.

  • Example: Acetate Ion (CH3COO-): Originating from the weak acid acetic acid (CH3COOH), it undergoes hydrolysis as:
  • CH3COO- + H2O -> CH3COOH + OH-
  • This reaction increases the solution's basicity due to the increase in OH- ions.

Predicting pH Based on Ion Behaviour

The pH of a salt solution gives insight into its acidic or basic nature. Depending on the ions present and their tendency to hydrolyse, one can anticipate the pH.

Salts from Strong Acids and Strong Bases

  • Here, neither the cation nor the anion undergoes significant hydrolysis.
  • Outcome: The solution remains neutral with a pH close to 7.
  • Example: Consider NaCl. Derived from HCl (a strong acid) and NaOH (a strong base), its solution is neutral.
Equations of chemical reactions between salts of strong acids and strong bases.

Image courtesy of ĒΜιχαήλ Φλέσσας

Salts from Weak Acids and Strong Bases

  • The anion (from the weak acid) is prone to hydrolysis, producing OH- ions.
  • Outcome: The solution turns basic with a pH above 7.
  • Example: Sodium acetate (NaCH3COO) comes from acetic acid (a weak acid) and NaOH (a strong base). Its solution tends to be basic due to the hydrolysis of the acetate ions.
Equations of chemical reactions between salts of weak acids and strong bases.

Image courtesy of ĒΜιχαήλ Φλέσσας

Salts from Strong Acids and Weak Bases

  • The cation (from the weak base) is the one that undergoes hydrolysis, producing H3O+ ions.
  • Outcome: The solution turns acidic with a pH below 7.
  • Example: For ammonium chloride (NH4Cl), derived from HCl (a strong acid) and NH3 (a weak base), the solution is typically acidic because of ammonium ion hydrolysis.
Equations of chemical reactions between salts of strong acids and weak bases.

Image courtesy of ĒΜιχαήλ Φλέσσας

Salts from Weak Acids and Weak Bases

  • This scenario is more complex as both the cation and anion can hydrolyse.
  • Outcome: The pH is determined by the relative strengths of the original acid and base. The ion with a stronger tendency to hydrolyse will influence the solution's pH more.
Equations of chemical reactions between salts of weak acids and weak bases.

Image courtesy of ĒΜιχαήλ Φλέσσας

Factors Influencing pH of Salt Solutions

Ion Concentration

  • The more concentrated the ion, the more pronounced the effect of hydrolysis. A high concentration of an ion that undergoes hydrolysis will cause a larger shift in the pH.


  • As with most chemical reactions, temperature can influence the rate and extent of ionisation. This can, in turn, alter the pH of the solution.

Practical Implications

In the realm of chemistry, understanding the pH of solutions is imperative, especially in experimental settings. Whether it's to provide the right conditions for a particular reaction, or to ensure the stability of certain compounds, knowing how to predict and adjust the pH is crucial.

Lab Preparations

  • When preparing solutions in labs, the anticipated pH is crucial for reactions to proceed correctly. For instance, enzymes used in biochemistry labs work optimally at specific pH levels.

Industrial Applications

  • In industries, especially the food and pharmaceutical sectors, maintaining a specific pH can be essential for product stability, taste, and efficacy.

Environmental Significance

  • The pH of water bodies can influence aquatic life. Runoffs from industries can contain salts that alter the pH, affecting the ecosystem. Therefore, understanding the pH effect of various salts helps in environmental conservation.

Key Takeaway: The pH of a salt solution isn't always neutral. By understanding the nature of the ions present and their interactions with water, one can adeptly predict the resulting pH. This knowledge is invaluable in both academic and real-world scenarios.


Yes, certain cations or anions in salt solutions can have harmful effects, but this generally relates more to their chemical or biological properties rather than their effect on pH. For instance, salts containing lead, mercury, or cadmium ions can be toxic and harmful to human health and the environment. Similarly, excessive fluoride, though beneficial in small amounts for dental health, can be detrimental in high concentrations. While these effects aren't directly tied to pH changes, it's essential to understand the broader impacts of specific ions in salt solutions beyond just their influence on acidity or basicity.

The extent of hydrolysis of salts in water depends on the strength of the original acids and bases from which the salt is derived. Ions originating from strong acids or bases don't hydrolyse significantly. On the other hand, ions from weak acids or bases readily undergo hydrolysis. This is because strong acids and bases fully dissociate in water, and their conjugate bases or acids are weak and don't react much with water. In contrast, weak acids and bases don't fully dissociate, leaving their conjugate partners (which are correspondingly stronger) to react significantly with water during hydrolysis.

The solubility of a salt plays a pivotal role in its hydrolysis in water. Only dissolved ions can undergo hydrolysis. If a salt has low solubility, fewer ions are available to interact with water, leading to limited hydrolysis. In contrast, highly soluble salts release a greater number of ions, which increases the potential for hydrolysis. However, it's also essential to remember that the nature of the ions (whether they originate from strong or weak acids or bases) will ultimately determine the extent of hydrolysis. Thus, solubility determines the quantity of ions available, while the inherent properties of the ions dictate how readily they'll undergo hydrolysis.

Temperature can have an effect on the pH of a salt solution, especially if the salt undergoes hydrolysis to produce H3O+ or OH- ions. As temperature rises, the ion product constant of water, Kw, generally increases. This implies that there are more H3O+ and OH- ions present in the solution. If the salt solution primarily undergoes hydrolysis to produce H3O+ ions (making the solution acidic), an increase in temperature will raise the pH slightly by producing more OH- ions. Conversely, for basic solutions, the pH might decrease slightly due to increased H3O+ ion production. However, these changes are often minor unless there's a significant temperature variation.

When salts originating from strong acids and strong bases are dissolved in water, they dissociate into their respective cations and anions. Both these ions come from strong acids and bases, meaning that they do not undergo significant hydrolysis in water. Hydrolysis is the process where ions react with water to produce H3O+ or OH- ions, which can change the pH. Since the ions from strong acids and bases remain relatively unreactive with water, they don't produce a notable amount of either acidic or basic ions, leaving the pH of the solution unchanged, or close to neutral (around pH 7).

Practice Questions

A salt is prepared by neutralising a weak acid with a strong base. Discuss the pH of the resulting salt solution and explain your reasoning.

When a weak acid is neutralised by a strong base, the resulting salt tends to produce a basic solution when dissolved in water. This is because the anion from the weak acid will undergo hydrolysis, accepting a proton from water and producing hydroxide ions (OH-). As the concentration of OH- ions increases, the solution becomes more basic, leading to a pH above 7. On the other hand, the cation from the strong base will not significantly affect the pH because it doesn't undergo hydrolysis to a notable extent. Therefore, the pH of the salt solution will be on the basic side due to the predominant hydrolysis of the anion from the weak acid.

Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) is added to water. Predict the nature of the resulting solution in terms of pH and justify your answer.

Ammonium nitrate, when dissolved in water, dissociates into ammonium ions (NH4+) and nitrate ions (NO3-). The ammonium ion comes from ammonia, which is a weak base, and will undergo hydrolysis in water, donating a proton to form H3O+ ions. This will tend to make the solution acidic. Conversely, the nitrate ion originates from nitric acid, a strong acid. However, ions from strong acids do not significantly undergo hydrolysis. Consequently, the nitrate ion will not have a significant effect on pH. Given the predominant influence of the ammonium ion, the solution will be slightly acidic, resulting in a pH below 7.

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