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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.1.8 pH Curves in Neutralisation

Titration is a central technique in the study of chemistry, particularly when dealing with acid-base reactions. The graphical representation of this process, known as the pH curve, offers invaluable insights into the reaction dynamics.

The General Shape of the pH Curve

Every titration journey is captured through the pH curve, which plots pH against the volume of titrant added. This curve, while generally consistent in its features, varies subtly based on the specific acid and base being titrated.

Starting pH

  • Acidic Solution: If the solution being titrated is acidic, the curve starts with a low pH. As the titrant (usually a base) is added, the pH gradually rises.
  • Basic Solution: Conversely, if starting with a basic solution, the curve begins at a high pH, decreasing as an acidic titrant is added.

Region of Rapid pH Change

  • This region is marked by a sharp change in pH and indicates that the solution is approaching the equivalence point. The steepness is due to the rapid neutralisation of the acid or base.

Equivalence Point

  • Marked by the highest rate of pH change, the equivalence point signifies the moment the acid and base have been mixed in stoichiometrically equal amounts. The pH at the equivalence point can be 7 if the acid and base are strong, less than 7 for a strong acid and weak base, and greater than 7 for a weak acid and strong base.

Beyond Equivalence

  • Past the equivalence point, the pH change slows again. Further addition of the titrant moves the pH increasingly away from neutral.
A graphical representation of the shape of the pH Curve.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Equivalence Point vs. Stoichiometric Point

While these terms are often used interchangeably, they have nuances that are essential to grasp.

  • Equivalence Point: Represents the exact point where the acid and base have reacted completely. The pH may or may not be neutral, depending on the strength of the reactants.
  • Stoichiometric Point: This term relates to the stoichiometry of the reaction, i.e., the ratio in which reactants combine as per the balanced chemical equation. In most acid-base titrations, the stoichiometric point coincides with the equivalence point.

Understanding these points is crucial because they guide the choice of indicator for the titration and influence the interpretation of results.

Titration: Calculating Concentration

Titration offers a precise method to determine the concentration of an unknown solution. The process involves the following steps:

Initial and Final Measurements

  • Always start by recording the initial volume of the burette. This measurement is vital as it sets the baseline for calculations.

Gradual Addition of Titrant

  • Controlled Addition: Add the titrant slowly, especially as you approach the equivalence point, to ensure accuracy.
  • Use of Indicator: An indicator, like phenolphthalein or bromothymol blue, helps signal the endpoint of the titration with a colour change.
A diagram showing a stepwise process of titration.

Image courtesy of VectorMine

Calculate Volume Used

  • Determine the exact volume of the titrant used by subtracting the initial burette reading from the final one.

Establishing Mole Relationship

  • With the balanced chemical equation for the reaction at hand, identify the ratio in which the titrant reacts with the substance in the unknown solution.

Concentration Calculations

  • Use the formula:Concentration (C) = Number of moles (n) / Volume (V)To find the concentration of the unknown solution, rearrange and input known values:Concentration of unknown solution = (Moles of titrant used x Stoichiometric coefficient of unknown substance) / Volume of unknown solution.
The mole formula- concentration calculations.

Image courtesy of fabio

Importance of Accuracy

  • For precise results, ensure the accurate measurement of all volumes. Furthermore, the selection of a suitable indicator that changes colour close to the equivalence point is paramount.

Selecting the Right Indicator

The choice of indicator can make or break a titration exercise. Indicators should be chosen based on their pH range over which they change colour. This range should overlap with the rapid pH change region of the titration curve.

  • Strong Acid-Strong Base Titrations: Indicators like phenolphthalein (pH range: 8.2 - 10.0) are ideal as the pH change is abrupt around neutrality.
  • Strong Acid-Weak Base Titrations: Methyl orange (pH range: 3.1 - 4.4) is suitable since the pH at equivalence is less than 7.
  • Weak Acid-Strong Base Titrations: Here, phenolphthalein is again a good choice because the pH at equivalence is greater than 7.
Diagram showing different indicators and their pH range.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

In conclusion, understanding the intricacies of the pH curve and the associated terminologies is crucial for anyone keen on mastering the art of titration. Beyond its academic relevance, titration holds significant practical importance in various fields, making these concepts invaluable for budding chemists and professionals alike.


The endpoint and the equivalence point might not coincide because the endpoint is a practical measure, indicating where the indicator changes colour, whereas the equivalence point represents the theoretical point where the reactants have been mixed in stoichiometrically equivalent amounts. If an inappropriate indicator is chosen, its colour change may occur before or after the true equivalence point is reached. Furthermore, the colour change of some indicators might not be sharp and distinct, causing an observer's bias and leading to the determination of an endpoint that's not close to the true equivalence point.

Some titration curves have more than one equivalence point because the acid or base being titrated can donate or accept more than one proton per molecule. Polyprotic acids, like sulphuric acid (H2SO4) or phosphoric acid (H3PO4), have multiple dissociable protons. When titrated, they show separate equivalence points for each proton being donated to the base. Similarly, bases with multiple proton acceptor sites will have multiple equivalence points when titrated against a strong acid. Each equivalence point represents the completion of reaction for each dissociable proton.

The strength of the acid or base being titrated directly influences the pH at the equivalence point. For a titration involving a strong acid and a strong base, the equivalence point is near pH 7. However, for a strong acid and a weak base, the pH at the equivalence point will be less than 7, and for a weak acid and a strong base, it will be greater than 7. Based on the expected pH at the equivalence point, one should choose an indicator that undergoes a colour change around that pH. Selecting the right indicator ensures the endpoint closely matches the equivalence point, leading to accurate titration results.

The half-equivalence point of a titration is reached when half the amount of titrant needed to reach the equivalence point has been added. In the context of acid-base titrations, this point is significant because it is where the pH of the solution equals the pKa of the weak acid or pKb of the weak base being titrated. By identifying the half-equivalence point from a titration curve, one can determine the pKa or pKb value directly from the pH reading at this point. This value is especially useful in understanding the strengths of weak acids or bases and in the determination of buffer capacities.

Inaccuracies in pH curve titrations can arise from several factors. Firstly, there could be errors in measurement, which include inaccuracies in reading the burette, using non-standardised solutions, or misjudging the end point. Secondly, impurities in the solutions can alter the pH, leading to deviations from the expected curve. Additionally, the use of an inappropriate or expired indicator might cause the colour change to occur away from the true equivalence point. External factors such as ambient temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolving in the solution, especially in open containers, can also impact the pH. It's essential to employ standard procedures and maintain equipment cleanliness to minimise these errors.

Practice Questions

Describe the significance of the equivalence point and stoichiometric point in the context of an acid-base titration. How do these points relate to the choice of an indicator for the titration?

The equivalence point in an acid-base titration represents the juncture where the acid and base have completely reacted with each other. This point is crucial because it signifies the moment when the amounts of acid and base are stoichiometrically equal, ensuring that the reaction is complete. On the other hand, the stoichiometric point pertains to the ratio in which reactants combine according to the balanced chemical equation. In most acid-base titrations, the stoichiometric point coincides with the equivalence point. The choice of an indicator is intrinsically linked to these points. The ideal indicator should undergo a colour change near or at the equivalence point of the titration, thus acting as a visual cue for when the reaction has reached completion.

You conduct a titration between a strong acid and a weak base. Describe the general shape of the resulting pH curve and explain how the pH at the equivalence point would differ from a titration involving a strong acid and a strong base.

For a titration between a strong acid and a weak base, the pH curve starts at a low value, indicating the acidic nature of the solution. As the titrant (weak base) is added, the pH gradually rises, but the region of rapid pH change isn't as steep as that seen in strong acid-strong base titrations. The equivalence point for a strong acid-weak base titration will have a pH less than 7, indicating an acidic solution at completion. This is in contrast to a strong acid-strong base titration, where the pH at the equivalence point is neutral, i.e., pH = 7. This difference is because the salt formed in the strong acid-weak base reaction can undergo hydrolysis, producing an acidic solution.

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