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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.1.2 Conjugate Acid–Base Pairs

Delving into the nuanced intricacies of acid-base reactions reveals a plethora of transformative chemical activities. Among these, Brønsted–Lowry's theory of conjugate acid-base pairs takes centre stage, acting as a guiding principle for many such reactions.

Definition of Conjugate Acid–Base Pairs

At the heart of Brønsted–Lowry's theory is the concept of the conjugate acid–base pair. This pair comprises two chemical species that differentiate by the mere transfer of a proton (H^+). When a Brønsted–Lowry acid donates a proton, what remains is its conjugate base. In contrast, when a Brønsted–Lowry base accepts a proton, it transforms into its corresponding conjugate acid.

  • Let's delve into a classic example:
  • HCl + H2O -> Cl- + H3O+
  • Here, HCl surrenders a proton and in the process, transitions into its conjugate base, Cl-. Concurrently, water embraces the proton, morphing into its conjugate acid, H3O+.
Picture of acids and bases in beakers in a lab.

Image courtesy of MIT Academys

Deciphering the Conjugate Acid or Base

One of the critical skills that students must develop is the ability to deduce the formula of the conjugate acid or base of a given Brønsted–Lowry species. To facilitate this, here's an elucidative approach:

From Acid to Conjugate Base:

  • 1. Subtraction of a Proton:
  • Discard a proton (H+) from the acid.
    • Example – Sulfuric Acid:
    • Starting with H2SO4, upon proton donation, it metamorphoses into its conjugate base HSO4-.

From Base to Conjugate Acid:

  • 1. Addition of a Proton:Integrate a proton (H+) into the base.
    • Example – Ammonia:
    • The base NH3, upon embracing a proton, transfigures into its conjugate acid NH4+.
A diagram showing the concept of the conjugate acid–base pair.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Conjugate Acids of Polyatomic Anions

Polyatomic anions, with their surplus of negative charges, are often poised to receive protons. Their interaction with protons gives birth to an array of conjugate acids.

A Closer Look:

  • 1. Carbonate Ion (CO32-)
  • When the carbonate ion welcomes a proton, it births its conjugate acid: 
  • CO32- + H+ -> HCO3-
  • The resulting HCO3-, known as the bicarbonate ion, stands as the conjugate acid of the carbonate ion.
  • 2. Sulfate Ion (SO42-)
  • The sulfate ion's interaction with a proton manifests its conjugate acid:
  • SO42- + H+ -> HSO4-
  • The hydrogen sulfate ion, HSO4-, thus, is the conjugate acid of the sulfate ion.
  • 3. Phosphate Ion (PO43-)
  • The phosphate ion, upon proton acceptance, brings to life its conjugate acid: PO43- + H+ -> HPO42-
  • The progeny, HPO42- or hydrogen phosphate ion, doesn't end the tale. It can further receive protons to give birth to the dihydrogen phosphate, H2PO4-, another of its conjugate acids.

Relevance in Real-world Applications

The concept of conjugate acid-base pairs transcends mere academic interest. It is pivotal in numerous real-world applications:

  • Buffer Systems: These pairs play a critical role in buffer solutions, ensuring that pH levels remain relatively constant despite external influences.
  • Biological Systems: Within the human body, bicarbonate ions and carbonic acid act as a conjugate pair, maintaining the pH of the blood.
  • Industrial Applications: The equilibrium between acids and their conjugate bases is crucial in various chemical industries, influencing reaction rates and yields.
Diagram depicting the Carbonic Acid-Bicarbonate Buffer System.

Carbonic Acid-Bicarbonate Buffer System in human body.

Image courtesy of BruceBlaus

Key Points to Remember

  • The conjugate acid-base pair concept hinges on the transformation between two species through the transfer of a proton.
  • An acid morphs into its conjugate base by donating a proton; inversely, a base evolves into its conjugate acid by accepting a proton.
  • Polyatomic anions exhibit an inherent tendency to become conjugate acids by imbibing protons.

The conjugate acid-base pairs' notion offers a structured lens to decode a myriad of chemical reactions. Through its understanding, students gain a foundational knowledge that paves the way for more complex chemical interactions, enriching their comprehension of the molecular dance that orchestrates the chemical realm.


No, the strengths of an acid and its conjugate base are inversely related. A strong acid has a weak conjugate base, and a strong base has a weak conjugate acid. This relationship is because a strong acid readily donates its proton, leaving behind a species (conjugate base) that has little inclination to accept a proton back. Similarly, a strong base eagerly accepts a proton, producing a conjugate acid that doesn't wish to donate its newly acquired proton easily. Recognising this inverse relationship is vital for predicting the behaviour of substances in various chemical environments.

Indeed, every Brønsted-Lowry acid has a conjugate base, and every Brønsted-Lowry base has a conjugate acid. This stems from the theory's definition, where an acid donates a proton to become its conjugate base, and a base accepts a proton to become its conjugate acid. However, it's essential to note that while every acid or base has a conjugate counterpart, not all of them are significant in a chemical sense. For some very strong acids, their conjugate bases are so weak that they have negligible roles in chemical reactions.

Conjugate acid-base pairs play a central role in buffer solutions. A buffer solution resists changes in pH when small amounts of an acid or a base are added. This resistance is primarily due to the presence of a weak acid and its conjugate base (or a weak base and its conjugate acid) in the solution. When an external acid is added to the buffer, the conjugate base present will accept protons, neutralising the added acid. Conversely, when a base is added, the weak acid in the buffer donates protons to neutralise the base. This interplay between the weak acid/base and its conjugate counterpart maintains the solution's pH relatively stable.

Yes, a substance can have both a conjugate acid and a conjugate base. Such substances are termed amphiprotic or amphoteric. An amphiprotic species can act as both a Brønsted-Lowry acid and a base, meaning it can both donate and accept a proton. When it donates a proton, it forms its conjugate base, and when it accepts a proton, it forms its conjugate acid. For example, the water molecule (H2O) can donate a proton to become OH- (hydroxide ion) or accept a proton to become H3O+ (hydronium ion).

Understanding conjugate acid-base pairs is crucial as it provides insights into the reversible nature of acid-base reactions. When an acid donates a proton, its ability to regain that proton makes it the conjugate base of the original acid. Similarly, when a base accepts a proton, it can donate it back, making it the conjugate acid. Recognising these pairs helps in predicting the products of reactions, understanding the equilibrium dynamics, and manipulating conditions to favour desired outcomes in chemical processes. Moreover, it allows chemists to appreciate the nuances in acidity and basicity across a range of substances, aiding in the development of new compounds and materials.

Practice Questions

Describe what is meant by a conjugate acid-base pair using a specific example. How would you determine the conjugate acid of a given Brønsted-Lowry base and vice versa?

A conjugate acid-base pair refers to two species that differ by the mere transfer of a single proton, H+. According to the Brønsted-Lowry theory, an acid is a proton donor, and upon donating a proton, it becomes its conjugate base. Conversely, a base is a proton acceptor, and upon accepting a proton, it turns into its conjugate acid. For instance, when HCl donates a proton, it forms its conjugate base, Cl-. To determine the conjugate acid of a given Brønsted-Lowry base, you would add a proton (H+) to it. Conversely, to find the conjugate base of a given acid, you'd subtract a proton from it.

Given the polyatomic anion CO3^2-, what would be its conjugate acid? Explain the transformation in terms of proton transfer.

The conjugate acid of the polyatomic anion CO32- (carbonate ion) would be HCO3- (bicarbonate ion). The transformation from CO32- to HCO3- involves the carbonate ion accepting a proton (H^+). In this process, CO32- acts as a Brønsted-Lowry base, taking up a proton to form the bicarbonate ion, its conjugate acid. The change can be represented by the equation: CO32- + H+ -> HCO3-. This showcases the foundational principle of the Brønsted-Lowry theory where a base transforms into its conjugate acid upon accepting a proton.

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