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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.1.6 Strong vs Weak Acids and Bases

The world of acids and bases is multifaceted and crucial to our understanding of numerous chemical reactions. Grasping the difference between strong and weak acids and bases is fundamental for students.

Chemicals in a breaker in the lab

Image courtesy of luchschenF

Differentiating Based on Extent of Ionisation

Strong Acids and Bases

  • Definition: These substances fully ionise or dissociate in aqueous solutions. This full ionisation means that for acids, they donate all their protons (H+ ions) to the solution, and for bases, they accept protons wholeheartedly.
  • Examples:
    • Hydrochloric acid (HCl) in aqueous solution disassociates into H+ and Cl- ions, making it a strong acid.
    • Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is a strong base because it completely dissociates into Na+ and OH- ions in water.
  • Implications: The full ionisation of these substances makes them highly reactive, resulting in pronounced effects in chemical reactions, neutralisation processes, and titrations.
Chemical reactions of strong acid and strong base- reaction of Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and Sodium hydroxide in aqueous solution.

Image courtesy of SAMYA

Weak Acids and Bases

  • Definition: These are substances that only partially ionise in aqueous solutions. In essence, only a portion of the acid or base molecules donate or accept protons.
  • Examples:
    • Ethanoic acid (CH3COOH) only partially dissociates in water, making it a weak acid.
    • Ammonia (NH3) is a weak base as it doesn't fully dissociate but partially forms the ammonium ion (NH4+).
  • Implications: The partial ionisation means that these substances are less reactive compared to their strong counterparts. They might require specific conditions, such as certain temperatures or the presence of catalysts, to fully participate in some reactions.
A diagram showing the strength of acids and bases.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Acid-Base Equilibria and Conjugate Formation

Basics of Acid-Base Reactions

  • Acid-Base Interaction: In a typical reaction, an acid donates a proton to a base, forming its conjugate base and the conjugate acid of the initial base.

Equilibrium Direction

  • Favouring Weaker Conjugates: It's a fundamental concept in acid-base chemistry that reactions tend to favour the side with the weaker acid or base. If a strong acid reacts with a weak base, the equilibrium will shift more towards the formation of the weak conjugate acid of the base.
Diagram showing Acid-Base reaction Equilibrium- HCl and NaOH react to give water and NaCl.

Image courtesy of Master Organic Chemistry

Equilibrium Constants: Strong vs. Weak Acids

Understanding Equilibrium Constants

  • Acid Dissociation Constant (Ka): This constant represents the strength of an acid in a solution. It's directly proportional to the extent of ionisation of the acid. A larger Ka value indicates a stronger acid.

Comparing Strength through Ka

  • Strong Acids: They possess large Ka values due to their near-complete ionisation. Examples include hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulphuric acid (H2SO4), and nitric acid (HNO3).
  • Weak Acids: These have smaller Ka values, indicating their partial ionisation. Acetic acid (CH3COOH) and phosphoric acid (H3PO4) are examples of weak acids.

Physical and Chemical Properties to Distinguish Strength


  • Electrical Conductivity: Strong acids and bases, when dissolved in water, exhibit higher conductivity because of the high concentration of ions they produce. Conversely, weak acids and bases demonstrate lower conductivity due to their limited ionisation.

Reaction Rates

  • Vigour and Speed: Strong acids and bases often react more dynamically and rapidly with substances like metals or carbonates than weak acids and bases, owing to their higher ionisation level.

Sensory Observations

  • Taste and Texture:
    • Strong Acids: Characterised by an intensely sour taste.
    • Weak Acids: Exhibit a milder, less pronounced sour taste.
    • Strong Bases: Feel notably slippery to touch.
    • Weak Bases: Less slippery, almost soapy in texture.

Indicators and Colour Change

  • Litmus Test Observations:
    • Strong Acids: They cause blue litmus paper to turn red rapidly.
    • Weak Acids: Still turn blue litmus paper red, but the change is more gradual.
    • Strong Bases: Quickly change red litmus paper to blue.
    • Weak Bases: Cause a slower colour change in red litmus paper.
Diagram showing blue and red litmus paper- litmus test observations.

Blue and red litmus paper.

Image courtesy of petrroudny

Note: Utilise advanced methods, such as Ka value measurements or pH metre readings, for accurate differentiation. Always approach chemicals with care and adhere to safety guidelines in the laboratory.

Reminder for students: Never taste or touch chemicals in a laboratory setting without proper guidance. Safety should always be a priority. Always rely on equipment and techniques provided by your instructors to evaluate chemical properties.


Resonance refers to the ability of a molecule's electrons to be distributed over multiple atomic centres, which can influence an acid's strength. Some weak acids, like carboxylic acids, possess resonance structures. When they lose a proton, the resulting anion can spread its negative charge over more than one atom, stabilising the anion. The more stable the anion formed after donating the proton, the weaker the acid tends to be, as the reverse reaction (re-accepting the proton) is less favoured. A classic example is the acetate ion (CH3COO-) from acetic acid, where the negative charge is delocalised over the two oxygen atoms through resonance.

Strong bases, in aqueous solution, fully ionise and have a high capability to accept protons (H+ ions), resulting in a high concentration of OH- ions. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is a typical example; when dissolved, it dissociates fully into Na+ and OH- ions, the latter being ready to accept protons. Weak bases, conversely, only partially ionise and are less competent at accepting protons, leading to a lower concentration of OH- ions. Ammonia (NH3), for instance, only somewhat ionises in water, producing the ammonium ion (NH4+) and OH- ion, but in a smaller proportion compared to a strong base of similar concentration.

The "extent of ionisation" refers to the proportion of acid or base molecules that ionise when dissolved in water. It's a crucial concept because it directly relates to the strength of an acid or base. The greater the extent of ionisation, the stronger the acid or base. This is because a stronger acid will donate more H+ ions to the solution, and a stronger base will accept more H+ ions, producing more OH- ions. Hence, understanding the extent of ionisation provides insight into the behaviour of acids and bases in various reactions and their relative strengths.

Weak acids don't all possess the same level of weakness due to various molecular factors that influence their acid dissociation constants (Ka values). These factors include the electronegativity of atoms involved, the size of the atoms, the presence of resonance structures, and the overall stability of the anion formed after donating a proton. For example, hydrofluoric acid (HF) is a weaker acid than hydrochloric acid (HCl), but HF is stronger than acetic acid. These differences arise from the distinct molecular characteristics of each acid, determining their propensity to donate protons and thus their relative strengths.

The strength of acids, whether they're strong or weak, can influence their physical properties, including conductivity. Conductivity in solution is due to the movement of ions, and strong acids, which completely ionise, release a higher concentration of ions than weak acids. As a result, strong acid solutions generally have higher electrical conductivities than weak acid solutions of the same concentration. For example, a 1 M solution of hydrochloric acid (a strong acid) will have a higher conductivity than a 1 M solution of acetic acid (a weak acid) because the former fully dissociates into H+ and Cl- ions, whereas the latter only partially does so.

Practice Questions

How do strong acids differ from weak acids in terms of their ionisation in aqueous solutions? Use examples to support your answer.

Strong acids completely ionise in aqueous solutions, meaning they donate all their protons (H+ ions) to the solution, leading to a high concentration of H+ ions. An example of this is hydrochloric acid (HCl), which completely dissociates into H+ and Cl- ions. On the other hand, weak acids only partially ionise in aqueous solutions, resulting in a lower concentration of H+ ions compared to strong acids. For instance, ethanoic acid (CH3COOH) partially dissociates in water, producing fewer H+ ions relative to its molecular concentration.

Considering the equilibrium constants of acids, how can one differentiate between a strong and a weak acid? Provide examples for clarity.

The equilibrium constant, or the acid dissociation constant (Ka), can be used to differentiate between strong and weak acids. A strong acid will have a large Ka value due to its near-complete ionisation in solution. For example, sulphuric acid (H2SO4) has a large Ka value, signifying its strength as an acid. Conversely, weak acids possess smaller Ka values, indicating their partial ionisation. An example of a weak acid is acetic acid (CH3COOH), which has a much smaller Ka value than strong acids like HCl or H2SO4. This relationship between the extent of ionisation and the Ka value provides a clear distinction between strong and weak acids.

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