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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

5.3.1 Dynamic Equilibrium

Dynamic equilibrium is an intrinsic concept in the realm of chemistry. This equilibrium arises when the forward and reverse reactions in a system occur at the same rate. Unlike what the term might initially suggest, dynamic equilibrium does not signify a halt in the chemical process. Instead, it portrays a highly active state where individual molecular processes persist, but there's no observable change in the overall concentrations of reactants and products.

Characteristics of Systems at Equilibrium

Physical Systems

  • Phase Equilibrium: The coexistence of different phases of a substance is commonly seen, especially when substances transition between their solid, liquid, and gaseous states.
    • Example: Consider a beaker with ice and water in equilibrium. While the ice melts to become water, an equivalent amount of water freezes to turn into ice, maintaining a constant ratio of ice to water.
    • Saturated Solutions: In a saturated salt solution, the rate of dissolution of the salt equals the rate of crystallisation. Hence, even though salt crystals might be seen at the bottom, the concentration of the salt solution remains constant.
Diagram showing the difference between saturated and unsaturated solution.

A saturated solution is in a state of equilibrium. The rate of dissolution and the rate of crystallisation are equal and hence no visible change is observed.

Image courtesy of Reuel Sa

Chemical Systems

  • Chemical Equilibrium: This is characterised by a state where the concentrations of reactants and products no longer shift over time.
    • Example: In the synthesis of ammonia, hydrogen and nitrogen gases combine to form ammonia gas. When the system reaches equilibrium, the amounts of hydrogen, nitrogen, and ammonia become stable, even though both the synthesis and decomposition of ammonia continue.
    • Shifts in Equilibrium: Certain external factors, such as changes in pressure, temperature, or the addition of a catalyst, can cause the position of the equilibrium to shift, favouring either the forward or reverse reaction.
A graphical representation of reversible reaction and dynamic equilibrium.

A graphical representation of reversible reaction and dynamic equilibrium.

Image courtesy of SG0039

Dynamic Nature of Equilibrium

It's essential to understand the vibrant and unceasing nature of reactions at equilibrium:

  • Ongoing Reactions: The individual forward and reverse reactions persist at the same pace. This means that molecules are continuously colliding, reacting, and forming new compounds, even if the overall concentrations remain unchanged.
  • Microscopic vs Macroscopic Views: While there's a flurry of activity on the microscopic scale with atoms and molecules in constant motion, the macroscopic view (what we observe) is of a stable system with unchanging properties.
  • The Role of Collision Theory: The dynamic nature of equilibrium can be better understood using collision theory. At equilibrium, the frequency and energy of collisions leading to product formation is equal to those leading to reactant formation.

Closed Systems and Equilibrium

The concept of a closed system is fundamental when discussing equilibrium.

Importance of Closed Systems

  • No Loss or Gain: In a closed system, neither reactants nor products can escape or enter. This ensures that the system can reach a state where reactions balance out.
  • Consistency: Factors such as pressure and temperature remain relatively stable in a closed system. This stability offers a consistent environment, allowing the reactions to reach and maintain equilibrium.

Establishing Equilibrium in a Closed System

  • Rate Variation: The forward reaction usually starts faster, consuming reactants. As reactants deplete, the forward reaction decelerates, while the reverse accelerates. Equilibrium is attained when both these rates equalise.
  • Stable Concentrations: Upon achieving equilibrium, concentrations of both reactants and products stabilise. This stable state remains until an external force disrupts the system.
  • Response to Disturbances: External changes, like temperature alterations or the addition of catalysts, can disturb equilibrium. The system, in response, will adjust to establish a new equilibrium position.
A diagram of open, closed and isolated systems.

The difference is an open, closed and isolated system. In a closed system, neither reactants nor products can escape or enter.

Image courtesy of Mayyskiyysergeyy

Factors Affecting Dynamic Equilibrium

  • Concentration: Adding or removing reactants or products can shift the equilibrium position. The system adjusts to counteract the change, following Le Chatelier's principle (covered in more detail in subtopic 5.3.4).
  • Temperature: Heat can either be absorbed or released during reactions. A temperature increase can favour either the forward or reverse reaction, depending on the nature of the reaction (endothermic or exothermic).
  • Pressure: Particularly relevant for gaseous reactions, changes in pressure can shift the equilibrium position, especially if the number of moles of gas differs between the reactant and product sides.

Key Points to Remember

  • Dynamic, Not Static: The term 'dynamic equilibrium' emphasises the continuous nature of reactions, even if there's no net observable change.
  • Closed Systems: Achieving chemical equilibrium typically necessitates a closed system to prevent the loss or gain of reactants or products.
  • External Factors: Equilibrium is not an unshakeable state. External influences can disrupt and shift it, but the system will always strive to re-establish a balance.

Grasping the nuances of dynamic equilibrium provides a solid foundation for understanding many chemical processes and reactions. As one advances in chemistry, the importance of this balance and its implications in various scenarios become ever clearer.


Not necessarily. A system in dynamic equilibrium has achieved a state where the forward and reverse reactions occur at the same rate, and concentrations of reactants and products remain constant. However, this doesn't imply that the system is at its lowest energy state or thermodynamic equilibrium. The position of dynamic equilibrium is influenced by kinetics, i.e., the rate of reactions, and might not correspond to the most stable thermodynamic state of the system. While thermodynamic equilibrium ensures the system is at its lowest energy state, dynamic equilibrium is more about balanced rates of opposing processes.

Yes, dynamic equilibrium can be achieved in a system with only one reactant if that reactant undergoes a dissociation or dimerisation reaction. For example, consider acetic acid, which can partially dissociate into acetate ions and hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution. Initially, as the dissociation reaction proceeds, the concentration of acetic acid decreases, while the concentration of the acetate and hydrogen ions increases. Over time, these ions can recombine to form acetic acid, and an equilibrium will be established between the dissociated ions and the undissociated acid. Both the forward (dissociation) and reverse (recombination) reactions occur at the same rate at equilibrium.

Dynamic equilibrium is not a permanent state. It can be disrupted by changes in external conditions such as temperature, pressure, or concentration of reactants or products. For instance, if additional reactants are introduced into a system at equilibrium, the forward reaction rate might increase to consume the added reactants, shifting the position of equilibrium. Similarly, changes in temperature can favour either the endothermic or exothermic direction of a reversible reaction, leading to a new equilibrium position. The system will always respond to these changes to re-establish a balance, as described by Le Chatelier's principle.

Visually identifying a system in dynamic equilibrium can be challenging since there's no net observable change in the concentration of reactants and products. However, one could use indicators or tracers. For instance, a colour-changing indicator might be used in a solution, where a change in colour signifies a shift away from equilibrium. If the colour remains constant, it indicates the system is likely at equilibrium. Additionally, modern techniques like spectroscopy can be employed. In a system at dynamic equilibrium, the absorbance or emission spectrum of the reactants and products would remain constant over time, reflecting their unchanging concentrations.

In a closed system, when the reaction starts, the concentration of the reactants is at its maximum. As the forward reaction progresses, reactants are converted into products, which means their concentrations decrease. A decrease in reactant concentration results in a reduced frequency of effective collisions between reactant molecules, slowing down the forward reaction rate. Conversely, as more products are formed, the rate of the reverse reaction increases due to an increase in product concentration. Eventually, the rates of the forward and reverse reactions equalise, leading to dynamic equilibrium. The balance reached is a result of decreasing reactant concentration and increasing product concentration until they stabilise.

Practice Questions

Explain the differences between static and dynamic equilibrium, particularly in the context of a closed chemical system. Use an example to illustrate your point.

Dynamic equilibrium refers to the state in a closed chemical system where the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction. In this scenario, both reactions continue to occur at molecular levels, but there is no net change in the concentration of the reactants and products. This contrasts with static equilibrium, where there's no molecular activity or change at all, and everything is literally at a standstill. For instance, in the synthesis of ammonia, when the system reaches dynamic equilibrium, hydrogen and nitrogen gases are continuously reacting to form ammonia, and vice versa. However, the concentrations of all three gases remain constant, indicating no net change.

Describe the importance of a closed system when discussing chemical equilibrium. Why might the achievement of equilibrium be disrupted in an open system?

A closed system is essential for achieving chemical equilibrium because it ensures that neither reactants nor products can escape or be introduced from the external environment. This containment enables the system to reach a point where the forward and reverse reactions balance out, leading to constant concentrations of reactants and products. In an open system, the loss or addition of reactants or products can disturb this balance. Moreover, external factors like contaminants or changes in pressure and temperature, which can easily influence an open system, can shift the position of equilibrium or prevent it from being established in the first place.

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