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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

5.2.10 Arrhenius Equation and Activation Energy

In the realm of chemical kinetics, temperature plays a pivotal role in influencing the speed of reactions. The Arrhenius Equation is a mathematical relationship that elucidates the connection between reaction rates and temperature. By studying this equation, we gain insights into the concept of activation energy and the mechanics of chemical reactions.

Temperature Dependence of the Rate Constant

Every chemical reaction has an associated rate constant which signifies how quickly the reaction occurs. The value of this rate constant often changes with temperature.

Reasons for Temperature Influence:

  • Increased Kinetic Energy: At a molecular level, an increase in temperature translates to an increase in the average kinetic energy of the particles. Faster moving particles lead to a greater number of collisions per unit of time.
  • Surpassing Activation Energy: At higher temperatures, a larger fraction of particles will have energies that exceed the activation energy, thereby making reactions more probable.

This alteration in the rate of reactions with temperature is mathematically encompassed in the Arrhenius equation.

A graph showing the relation between the rate of reaction and temperature.

Relation between the rate of reaction and temperature- as temperature increases rate of reaction increases.

Image courtesy of Thomas Shafee

The Arrhenius Equation

Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius developed the equation which bears his name to describe the temperature dependence of reaction rates. The equation is expressed as:

k = A * e(-Ea/RT)


  • k is the rate constant.
  • A is the Arrhenius factor or pre-exponential factor. This factor represents the frequency of molecular collisions with the correct orientation that could lead to a reaction.
  • Ea is the activation energy, essentially the minimum energy required for a reaction to occur.
  • R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J mol(-1) K(-1)).
  • T is the absolute temperature, measured in Kelvin.

For simplification and analytical purposes, we often transform the equation into its linear form:

ln k = ln A - (Ea/R) * (1/T)

Graphical Representation of the Arrhenius Equation

Experimental data is often plotted on an Arrhenius plot, which is a graph of ln k against 1/T. The linear relationship allows for easy extraction of essential parameters.

  • Gradient: The gradient of this graph, when multiplied by the negative of the universal gas constant (-R), gives the activation energy, Ea.
  • Intercept: The y-intercept yields the natural logarithm of the Arrhenius factor, ln A. By analysing this graph, scientists can swiftly determine the activation energy and the pre-exponential factor, essential parameters in understanding reaction kinetics.
Diagram showing Graphical Representation of the Arrhenius Equation

Image courtesy of Julee Ashmead

Calculation of Activation Energy and the Arrhenius Factor

Activation Energy

From the Arrhenius plot:

Ea = -R * (slope of the graph)

This activation energy reflects the height of the energy barrier that reactants must overcome to transform into products.

Arrhenius Factor

Given the y-intercept, b, of the Arrhenius plot:

A = eb

This factor sheds light on the number of collisions with the correct geometry for a reaction to proceed.

Deeper Dive into Activation Energy

Activation energy is more than just an energy barrier; it provides an energy threshold that reactants must exceed to transform into products. Reactants with energy less than this threshold won't convert, while those with energy exceeding the threshold will likely undergo a reaction.

Collision Geometry: Apart from energy, the orientation of molecules during collisions plays a crucial role. Not all high-energy collisions result in reactions. The geometry of collision determines if the reactants will transform into products.

Temperature and Activation Energy: Higher temperatures increase the number of molecules with energy surpassing the activation energy, thus raising the likelihood of a successful reaction.

A graph showing an increase in temperature and activation energy.

In the graph, as temperature increases (T2), the number of molecules surpassing the higher activation energy barrier increases.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Practical Implications and Applications

Understanding the Arrhenius equation's parameters and the influence of temperature on reaction rates has several practical ramifications:

  • Industry Efficiency: Industries often need to optimise reaction conditions. Knowledge of how reaction rates change with temperature can guide choices in heating or cooling processes, ensuring maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
  • Research and Development: Scientists exploring new reactions or refining existing processes use the Arrhenius equation to gain insights into reaction mechanisms, helping them design better catalysts or optimise conditions.
  • Environmental Sciences: Climate scientists and environmental chemists use the Arrhenius equation to understand and predict rates of natural reactions in various environments, helping in understanding processes like greenhouse gas breakdown or ozone depletion.

In essence, the Arrhenius equation provides both a theoretical and practical foundation for comprehending how and why temperature influences reaction rates. This understanding has broad applications, from basic chemistry labs to industrial processes, making it an invaluable tool in the chemist's arsenal.


Linearising the Arrhenius equation by plotting ln k against 1/T simplifies the extraction of key kinetic parameters from experimental data. When in its original exponential form, direct graphical representation would result in a curved plot, making it difficult to determine specific values like the activation energy or the Arrhenius factor directly. By transforming it into a linear form, the gradient and y-intercept of the resulting straight line can be easily related to the activation energy and Arrhenius factor, respectively. This linear relationship provides a straightforward method to determine these crucial parameters without complex calculations.

While the Arrhenius equation specifically addresses the temperature's effect on the rate constant of a reaction, the overall rate of reaction is also influenced by factors like concentration and pressure. In general, the rate law for a reaction, derived from experimental data, can show dependencies on the concentration of reactants. For reactions involving gases, pressure can play a role as it affects the concentration of the gaseous reactants. However, the Arrhenius equation doesn't inherently factor in these dependencies. It's crucial to understand that while the Arrhenius equation provides insights into temperature effects, a comprehensive understanding of reaction rates requires considering all influencing factors.

A catalyst works by offering an alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation energy (Ea) compared to the uncatalysed reaction. In terms of the Arrhenius equation, introducing a catalyst typically reduces the value of Ea, leading to an increased rate constant (k) for the reaction at a given temperature. However, the Arrhenius factor (A) may or may not change depending on the nature of the catalyst and its mechanism of action. It's noteworthy that while a catalyst alters the kinetics and the pathway of the reaction, it doesn't change the thermodynamics, meaning the initial and final energy states remain unchanged.

The Arrhenius factor, often denoted as A, is also termed the pre-exponential factor. This factor encompasses the rate of collisions that occur between reactant molecules with the correct geometric orientation for a successful reaction. While temperature affects the kinetic energy of molecules and, in turn, the number of molecules with energies above the activation energy, A gives an insight into the inherent likelihood of effective collisions, regardless of energy. It essentially represents an upper limit on the reaction rate at infinite temperature, where every collision would lead to a reaction, considering just the orientation factor.

Knowing the activation energy (Ea) of a reaction is fundamental in many real-world applications, especially in industries and research. Activation energy indicates the energy barrier that reactants must overcome to transform into products. If Ea is high, it means that the reaction will be slower at a given temperature, and more energy might be needed to speed it up. In industries, understanding Ea helps in optimising processes, choosing appropriate catalysts, and conserving energy. In pharmaceutical research, for instance, determining Ea can guide decisions about the conditions under which drug reactions should proceed to obtain desired products efficiently.

Practice Questions

A student carries out an experiment and plots a graph of ln k against 1/T to analyse the reaction kinetics. Describe what information can be deduced from the gradient and intercept of this graph.

From the graph of ln k against 1/T, the gradient, when multiplied by the negative of the universal gas constant (-R), gives the activation energy, Ea, of the reaction. This represents the minimum energy barrier the reactants must surpass for the reaction to proceed. The y-intercept of this graph provides the natural logarithm of the Arrhenius factor, ln A. The Arrhenius factor represents the frequency of molecular collisions with the correct orientation that could result in a successful reaction. Both these parameters, Ea and A, are crucial for understanding the reaction's temperature dependency and its inherent kinetics.

Explain the significance of the activation energy and how temperature affects the proportion of molecules exceeding this energy threshold.

Activation energy is a pivotal concept in reaction kinetics as it represents the minimum energy threshold that reactants must exceed to transform into products. Reactants with energy lower than this won't convert, while those surpassing it will likely undergo a reaction. As the temperature increases, the average kinetic energy of the molecules also rises. Consequently, a greater fraction of these molecules will possess energies exceeding the activation energy at higher temperatures. In essence, raising the temperature elevates the number of molecules that can successfully overcome the energy barrier, hence accelerating the rate of the reaction.

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