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5.2.2 Collision Theory and Kinetic Energy

Introduction: In the world of chemical reactions, the interactions of molecules hold the key to understanding reaction rates. Delving into collision theory and kinetic energy provides essential insights into why certain reactions are rapid, while others are painstakingly slow.

Collision Theory

Collision theory explains the mechanisms and conditions under which molecules react due to their collisions. The foundation of this theory rests on three critical pillars:

1. Collisions Between Particles

For a reaction to happen, particles, be they atoms or molecules, must physically collide with one another.

  • Frequency of Collisions: The more frequently particles collide, the higher the likelihood of a reaction. This frequency is influenced by concentration; higher concentrations lead to more collisions and, therefore, faster reactions.
A diagram showing the concentration of molecules and frequency of collisions.

Image courtesy of Sadi Carnot

2. Energy of Collisions

Colliding particles must possess a minimum amount of kinetic energy known as the activation energy (Ea) to lead to a successful reaction.

  • Kinetic Energy: This is the energy due to the motion of particles. At a given temperature, particles possess a range of kinetic energies.
  • Activation Energy: For a reaction to proceed, the colliding particles' kinetic energy must surpass this energy threshold. Particles with energy less than Ea will simply bounce off each other without reacting.

3. Proper Collision Geometry

Particle alignment during a collision plays a pivotal role in determining the success of a reaction.

  • Correct Orientation: Atoms within the reacting molecules need to be suitably aligned to effectively form new bonds.
  • Geometry Failures: Even with adequate energy, wrongly aligned particles during a collision won't lead to a reaction.
Diagram showing Proper Collision Geometry determining the success of a reaction.

Image courtesy of UH Pressbooks

Kinetic Energy and Its Significance

The kinetic energy of reacting particles is a major determinant of reaction rates. Here's why:

Influence on Activation Energy

  • Distribution of Energy: At a given temperature, not all particles have the same kinetic energy due to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Some particles might possess energy greater than Ea, some just about Ea, while others have less.
  • Temperature Rise: As temperature increases, more particles gain the necessary kinetic energy to surpass the activation energy. This results in more successful collisions and an increase in reaction rate.
A graph showing an increase in temperature and influence on kinetic energy.

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Role in Collision Success

  • Energetic Collisions: Particles with high kinetic energy are more likely to overcome repulsive forces between them, ensuring a successful reaction.
  • Energy Transfer: During collisions, kinetic energy can be transferred between particles, potentially giving another particle the requisite energy to undergo a reaction.

Relationship Between Kinetic Molecular Theory and Collision Theory

Overview of Kinetic Molecular Theory

The kinetic molecular theory offers a comprehensive look into the behaviour of gas particles. Core principles include:

  • Gases comprise minute particles in ceaseless random motion.
  • These particles undergo perfectly elastic collisions with each other and their container walls, conserving energy.
Diagram showing the kinetic molecular theory of gasses.

Image courtesy of Science Facts

Bridging the Theories

  • Understanding Particle Movement: Both theories accentuate particle movement's importance. Kinetic molecular theory for detailing gas behaviours, and collision theory for underlining how reactant particles collide to generate products.
  • Significance of Collisions: Kinetic molecular theory elucidates the constant, unpredictable motion of gas particles causing collisions. Collision theory refines this idea, proposing that only certain collisions, endowed with ample energy and the right geometry, lead to a chemical reaction.
  • Energy Variance: The kinetic molecular theory introduces the notion that particles in a sample have diverse energies. This energy differentiation is vital in collision theory. Particles with energy equating to or exceeding the activation energy will react upon colliding.
  • Temperature's Role: Kinetic molecular theory denotes that boosting the temperature escalates particle velocity and energy. Collision theory extends this understanding, positing that enhancing kinetic energy translates to elevated reaction rates because a greater fraction of particles will achieve the requisite activation energy.

Practical Impacts

  • Manipulating Reaction Rates: Knowledge of factors influencing collision frequency, energy, and geometry enables us to control reaction rates. Elevating the temperature can boost the reaction rate by endowing particles with additional kinetic energy.
  • Industrial Relevance: Myriad industrial operations hinge on reaction rate control to optimise yield and efficiency. Profound comprehension of collision theory and kinetic energy paves the way for enhanced control and fine-tuning of these operations.

Delving Deeper: Activation Energy

Activation energy, central to collision theory, is the energy barrier that must be surmounted for reactants to transform into products. Here's a closer look:

  • Origin of Activation Energy: It arises due to repulsive forces when reactant molecules come close together. Overcoming this barrier ensures successful bond breakage and formation.
  • Reaction Progress: The point of highest energy on a reaction pathway is called the transition state or activated complex. The energy difference between reactants and this state is the activation energy.
  • Role of Catalysts: Catalysts work by providing an alternative pathway with a lower activation energy, facilitating faster reactions.
A graph showing activation energy with and without catalyst (enzyme).

Image courtesy of OpenStax

In summary, the interplay between collision theory and kinetic energy sheds light on the intricacies of chemical reactions. Their combined understanding elucidates how reactions transpire and offers tools to harness and modulate them for diverse applications.


According to collision theory, the rate of a reaction depends on the frequency of successful collisions between reactant particles. As concentration increases, there are more particles present in a given volume. This heightened particle density leads to an increase in the frequency of collisions. With more collisions occurring, there's a higher probability of successful collisions that possess both the correct energy and orientation. Thus, in many reactions, as you increase the concentration of reactants, you typically observe an increase in the reaction rate, which aligns with the principles of collision theory.

The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution is crucial because it offers insights into the distribution of kinetic energies among particles in a sample. At any given temperature, not all particles have the same kinetic energy. Some have high energies, some average, and some low. This distribution means that only a fraction of particles may have the requisite energy to undergo a reaction at a particular moment. Understanding this distribution helps chemists predict how many particles in a sample are likely to possess energy exceeding the activation energy and, consequently, how likely a reaction is to occur. It also sheds light on why increasing temperature can drastically boost reaction rates by shifting more particles into the higher energy realm.

Collision theory, while foundational in understanding reaction kinetics, operates on certain simplifications. In real-life scenarios, several factors can cause deviations. For instance, collision theory assumes that all collisions with energy greater than the activation energy and proper orientation will lead to a reaction. However, there are instances where even with these criteria met, a reaction might not occur due to factors like electronic repulsions. Furthermore, some reactions involve more complex mechanisms than simple binary collisions, like chain reactions. Also, the theory doesn't explicitly consider the role of quantum mechanics or the specific nature of atomic and molecular interactions during collisions. Nonetheless, despite its simplifications, collision theory offers a robust starting point for understanding reaction kinetics.

Striking a matchstick is an illustrative example of activation energy. The match head contains chemicals that are ready to react and produce flame. However, they do not spontaneously combust at room temperature because they haven't surpassed the activation energy barrier. By striking the match, you provide the necessary energy to overcome this barrier. The friction between the match head and the striking surface generates heat, increasing the kinetic energy of the particles. Once the activation energy threshold is achieved, the chemicals react rapidly, producing a flame. Thus, the initial energy needed to start the reaction is analogous to the activation energy in chemical reactions.

Not all collisions between reactant molecules lead to a chemical reaction because two primary conditions need to be met for a successful reaction. Firstly, the colliding particles must possess a minimum amount of kinetic energy, called the activation energy. If the particles’ kinetic energy is less than this threshold, they simply bounce off one another without undergoing any reaction. Secondly, the colliding molecules must have the proper orientation or collision geometry. Without the correct alignment, bond breakage and formation cannot occur, even if the energy criteria are met. Thus, both energy and orientation play pivotal roles in determining the success of a collision leading to a reaction.

Practice Questions

Explain how the kinetic molecular theory supports the principles of collision theory in relation to chemical reactions.

The kinetic molecular theory elucidates that gases comprise of small particles in continuous, random motion. These particles undergo frequent collisions, either with each other or with their container's walls. This foundation aligns with collision theory's assertion that for a reaction to transpire, particles must physically collide. Furthermore, the kinetic molecular theory establishes that not all particles possess the same energy. This range in energy is paramount for collision theory as it posits that only collisions with energy equating to or surpassing the activation energy lead to a successful reaction. In essence, the kinetic molecular theory provides the groundwork for understanding the necessary conditions under which collisions result in chemical reactions, as detailed by the collision theory.

How does collision geometry influence the success of a chemical reaction, even if particles possess the required kinetic energy?

Collision geometry refers to the orientation of colliding particles. Even when particles have sufficient kinetic energy to overcome the activation energy barrier, the reaction might not occur if the alignment of particles is not apt. For a reaction to be successful, specific atoms within the reacting molecules should align in a manner conducive to the formation of new bonds. If the particles do not possess the right orientation during collision, they won't form the desired product; instead, they simply bounce off each other. Thus, both the kinetic energy and the correct geometric alignment during collision are paramount for a successful chemical reaction.

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