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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

5.2.8 Molecularity of Reactions

In chemical kinetics, the study of reaction rates and their mechanisms, understanding how reactions progress on a molecular level is of paramount importance. One such concept that offers profound insight into this is 'molecularity'. By delving deeper into molecularity, we gain a comprehensive view of the individual steps that constitute a reaction.

Definition of Molecularity

Molecularity is a term exclusively used in the context of chemical kinetics. It pertains to the number of reacting species, which could be molecules or ions, participating in a singular elementary reaction step.

  • Elementary Reaction: This is a fundamental reaction step that occurs in a single event. It involves a specified number of molecules or ions undergoing a change without considering other intermediates or sequences.

While discussing overall reactions, it's essential to bear in mind that they can be composed of numerous elementary reactions. Molecularity only focuses on these singular steps, providing a microscopic view of how reactions unfold.

Delving into Types of Molecularity

The number of reacting species in an elementary step can vary, leading to different classifications based on participation. These are:

Unimolecular Reactions

Unimolecular reactions involve the transformation of a single molecule. Such transformations can be influenced by internal energy or external factors such as radiation or even heat.

  • Example: The isomerisation of n-butane to isobutane is a classic instance of a unimolecular reaction, where the transformation occurs within a single molecule. n-C4H10 -> i-C4H10

Bimolecular Reactions

As the name suggests, bimolecular reactions involve the simultaneous interaction of two molecular entities. They are commonplace, as the collision between two molecules is statistically more probable than multiple molecules colliding at once.

  • Example: The reaction between hydrogen chloride and ammonia forming ammonium chloride is a bimolecular reaction. HCl + NH3 -> NH4Cl

Termolecular Reactions

Here, three molecules or ions engage simultaneously. Due to the improbability of three particles colliding at the same time with the correct orientation and requisite energy, termolecular reactions are relatively rare.

  • Example: The reaction wherein two hydrogen molecules combine with one oxygen molecule to form two water molecules is termolecular. 2 H2 + O2 -> 2 H2O
Diagram showing elementary reactions or molecularity of reactions.

Image courtesy of Chemistry Learner

Distinguishing Molecularity from Order of Reaction

The realms of chemical kinetics are filled with nuanced terminologies. It's easy to muddle 'molecularity' with the 'order of reaction'. Here's how they stand apart:

  • Molecularity is inherently theoretical, strictly denoting the number of molecules partaking in an elementary reaction step.
  • Order of Reaction emerges from experimental observations. It designates how the reaction rate varies with the concentration of reactants. Notably, the order can be zero or even fractional, whereas molecularity is always a whole number.
Diagram showing a graph of the order of reaction.

Image courtesy of Pediaa.Com

Implications and Applications

The practical relevance of understanding molecularity extends beyond mere academic interest:

  • 1. Deciphering Mechanisms: Molecularity can be pivotal in deducing the mechanism of a complex reaction. For instance, a bimolecular elementary step suggests a direct collision between two reactant species.
  • 2. Rate Predictions: By identifying molecularity, scientists can make educated predictions about how the rate of an elementary step might change based on reactant concentrations.
  • 3. Industrial Safety: In industrial processes, reactions with higher molecularity (like termolecular) might be sidestepped, given their rarity and the challenges associated with ensuring consistent conditions for their occurrence.
  • 4. Designing Reaction Pathways: In synthesising novel compounds, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, understanding molecularity can assist chemists in selecting or avoiding certain reaction pathways to achieve desired outcomes efficiently.

Importance in Advanced Chemical Studies

Molecularity, when combined with other kinetic parameters, aids in crafting detailed reaction mechanisms. Such mechanisms are integral in advanced chemical studies, such as:

  • Catalysis: Understanding how catalysts work often involves dissecting the molecularity of the elementary steps they influence.
  • Environmental Chemistry: Molecularity plays a role in atmospheric chemistry, where certain unimolecular reactions, influenced by UV radiation, are integral to phenomena like ozone layer depletion.
  • Biochemistry: Enzymatic reactions, vital to life processes, often involve complex mechanisms where understanding molecularity can be crucial.

While molecularity might seem like a granular detail in the vast domain of chemical kinetics, it serves as a linchpin in comprehending how reactions proceed at a molecular level. Whether we're trying to understand natural phenomena, design new drugs, or create more efficient industrial processes, a deep understanding of molecularity and its implications can guide us towards more informed and effective decisions.


Despite their rarity, termolecular reactions can have significant real-world implications. They play a role in combustion reactions, which are fundamental to many industrial processes, including the operation of internal combustion engines. When the conditions are right – typically high pressures and temperatures – these rare reactions can proceed. Moreover, understanding termolecular reactions can help scientists and engineers optimise certain conditions in industrial setups to ensure that unwanted or potentially hazardous termolecular reactions are minimised or controlled, leading to safer and more efficient processes.

Determining the molecularity of an elementary reaction step often involves examining the rate of the reaction under various conditions. By conducting experiments where the concentrations of reactants are varied and measuring how these variations influence the reaction rate, chemists can deduce the molecularity of the reaction. For instance, if the rate doubles when the concentration of a reactant is doubled, it may indicate a bimolecular step. However, it's essential to note that the overall order obtained from experiments doesn't always directly reveal the molecularity. Further studies, possibly involving reaction mechanisms or intermediates, may be required to conclusively determine the molecularity.

Molecularity, by definition, refers to the number of reactant molecules or ions participating in an elementary reaction step. It is a theoretical construct that counts physical entities, hence it must always be a whole number. A zero or fractional molecularity would imply a non-existent or partial molecule, which doesn't make sense in a physical context. On the other hand, the order of a reaction is determined experimentally and indicates the relationship between reactant concentration and reaction rate. It's a mathematical construct and can, therefore, be zero, fractional, or even negative.

Molecularity pertains to the number of molecules involved in a single elementary step and is strictly kinetic in nature, focused on how a reaction progresses. Equilibrium, on the other hand, is a thermodynamic concept that deals with the relative concentrations of reactants and products in a system when the forward and reverse reaction rates are equal. While molecularity can inform us about the mechanism or steps involved in reaching equilibrium, it doesn't dictate the position of the equilibrium itself. Equilibrium positions are influenced by factors such as temperature, pressure, and concentration, but not directly by the molecularity of the reaction steps.

Collision theory primarily deals with the idea that molecules need to collide to react. For unimolecular reactions, the concept is slightly different. Such reactions typically involve internal rearrangements or bond-breaking events that don't necessarily require a collision with another molecule. Instead, the molecule might attain the necessary energy to react through mechanisms like the absorption of light or heat, leading to internal vibrational movements that cause the rearrangement. Essentially, while unimolecular reactions don't require a collision between two molecules, they still involve the molecule "colliding" with absorbed energy.

Practice Questions

Distinguish between the terms 'molecularity' and 'order of reaction'. Provide an example to illustrate each concept.

Molecularity pertains to the number of reacting species, be they molecules or ions, participating in a single elementary reaction step. For example, a reaction that involves the simultaneous interaction of two molecular entities is termed bimolecular. On the other hand, the order of reaction is derived from experimental data and represents how the rate of reaction changes in relation to the concentration of reactants. For instance, for a reaction A → Products, if doubling the concentration of A causes the rate to double, the reaction is of first order with respect to A.

Why are termolecular reactions considered to be rare in comparison to bimolecular reactions? Provide an example of a termolecular reaction.

Termolecular reactions involve the simultaneous collision of three molecular entities. The chances of three molecules or ions colliding at the same time with the correct orientation and sufficient energy are statistically improbable, making termolecular reactions relatively rare. Bimolecular reactions, involving just two molecular entities, are more probable as the chance of two molecules colliding is higher than three. An example of a termolecular reaction is the combination of two hydrogen molecules with one oxygen molecule to form two water molecules, represented as: 2 H2 + O2 -> 2 H2O.

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