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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

5.3.5 Reaction Quotient and Equilibrium

In this section, we dive deeper into the concept of the reaction quotient, Q, and its pivotal role in predicting how a reaction will proceed to establish equilibrium. Moreover, we'll elucidate the integral connection between Q and the equilibrium law, highlighting the latter's indispensable function in characterising equilibrium mixtures.

The Reaction Quotient, Q

The reaction quotient provides a snapshot of a reaction's current progress. Unlike the equilibrium constant, which only gives information about the equilibrium state, Q can be calculated at any point in the reaction, giving instantaneous details about the system's status.

Calculating Q

To derive the reaction quotient for a given chemical process, consider the generic chemical reaction: aA + bB -> cC + dD

The expression for Q is:Q = ( [C]c [D]d ) / ( [A]a [B]b )

Equation for the reaction quotient Q.

Image courtesy of Quizlet

  • This formula derives from the law of mass action. It's paramount to note that the exponents in this equation stem from the stoichiometric coefficients present in the balanced reaction.
  • When reactions involve gases, it's possible to calculate Q using partial pressures. In such cases, it's represented as Qp.

Differentiating Between Q and K

While Q and K share similar forms, their applications and the information they offer are distinct:

  • K is exclusive to equilibrium conditions; it is a constant value for a given reaction at a specific temperature.
  • Q, on the other hand, can vary based on the concentrations or pressures of the reactants and products at any given moment during the reaction.

Predicting the Direction of a Reaction

A comparison between the Q value and the known equilibrium constant K can elucidate the direction in which the reaction tends to move:

  • If Q > K: The system is not at equilibrium, with an excess of products. The reaction will shift left, moving towards the formation of reactants until Q equals K.
  • If Q < K: There's a surplus of reactants. The reaction will shift right, gravitating towards product formation.
  • If Q = K: The system is perfectly poised at equilibrium.
A diagram showing the difference between Q and K and the shift in the direction of reaction.

Image courtesy of SAMYA

Delving Deeper into the Equilibrium Law

The equilibrium law isn't just a theoretical construct. It provides a quantitative tool to interpret, predict, and influence the behaviour of chemical systems at equilibrium.

Equilibrium Constant, K: A Closer Look

The equilibrium constant for our generic reaction can be described as:K = ( [C]eqc [D]eqd ) / ( [A]eqa [B]eqb )

  • These concentrations, denoted with the 'eq' subscript, are their respective values when the system is at equilibrium.
  • Much like with the reaction quotient, it's crucial to remember that the exponents correlate with the stoichiometric coefficients of the balanced reaction.

Analysing the Magnitude of K

The value of K isn’t arbitrary. Its magnitude can shed light on the nature of the equilibrium:

  • If K >> 1: This reveals that the reaction predominantly favours the formation of products. At equilibrium, products dominate the reaction mixture.
  • If K << 1: This means the reaction largely leans towards the reactants. The equilibrium state is dominated by reactants.
  • If K ≈ 1: There’s a balance between reactants and products. Neither predominates in the equilibrium mixture.

Deriving Equilibrium Concentrations: A Practical Application

Understanding equilibrium isn’t just theoretical. Practical applications abound, especially when one wishes to determine the exact concentrations of species at equilibrium. Here’s how the equilibrium law facilitates this:

  • 1. Setting Up an Equilibrium Table: Often called an ICE (Initial, Change, Equilibrium) table, this tool can be used to list initial concentrations, changes in concentration due to the reaction, and equilibrium concentrations.
  • 2. Applying the Equilibrium Law: By inserting these concentrations into the K expression, one can generate equations. With some algebraic manipulation, these equations can then yield the desired equilibrium concentrations.
Table of ICE (Initial, Change, Equilibrium) table.

Image courtesy of Lee Willis

In Summary

The relationship between the reaction quotient Q and the equilibrium constant K offers a powerful tool in predicting and analysing chemical reactions. Through understanding and application of the equilibrium law, chemists gain insights into the behaviour of chemical systems, leading to improved control and predictability of reactions. This knowledge serves as a cornerstone for further studies in chemistry, enabling advancements in various fields of research and industry.


Absolutely, Q values can change as the reaction progresses. This is one of the key distinguishing features between Q and K. While K is a constant value for a particular reaction at a fixed temperature, Q is dynamic and changes as the concentrations or partial pressures of reactants and products change throughout the reaction. In the initial stages of a reaction, Q can be very different from K. However, as the system moves closer to equilibrium, Q will get progressively closer to the value of K until they match when equilibrium is reached.

Q being equal to K indicates that the system is at equilibrium, but this does not necessarily mean that the concentrations of reactants and products are the same. Instead, it means that the ratio of the concentrations of products to reactants is constant and matches the equilibrium constant, K. The actual equilibrium position can vary: for some reactions, the equilibrium position might be heavily shifted towards the products, while for others, it might be skewed towards the reactants. The value of K provides information on this balance. A large K indicates a reaction that favours products at equilibrium, while a small K indicates a reaction that favours reactants.

No, when a chemical reaction reaches equilibrium, it does not mean the reaction has halted. Instead, it indicates that the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction. This balance means that the concentrations of reactants and products remain constant over time. On a molecular level, reactants continue to form products, and products continue to revert back to reactants, but they do so at equal rates. Thus, even at equilibrium, dynamic activity persists; it's just that the net change in concentrations is zero.

While a catalyst can speed up the rate of both the forward and reverse reactions, it does not alter the position of the equilibrium. This is because a catalyst increases the rates of both reactions equally, so the balance between them remains unchanged. The equilibrium constant, K, remains the same in the presence of a catalyst. However, the system may reach equilibrium faster due to the catalyst’s effect. So, while catalysts can impact how quickly equilibrium is achieved, they don't influence the actual equilibrium position.

The reaction quotient, Q, offers insight into the current state of a chemical reaction and how it relates to its equilibrium state. If Q equals K, the equilibrium constant for that reaction at a specific temperature, then the system is already at equilibrium. If Q does not equal K, then the system is not at equilibrium. The direction the reaction will proceed (towards the reactants or products) depends on the comparison between Q and K. Thus, Q serves as an indicator of a reaction's proximity to equilibrium, giving chemists a real-time understanding of the system's status.

Practice Questions

A student is studying the reaction between gases A and B which produce gases C and D. The student calculates the reaction quotient, Q, to be 0.02 at a specific instant. Given that the equilibrium constant, K, for this reaction at the same temperature is 0.50, predict the direction in which the reaction will proceed. Justify your answer using the principles you've learned about Q and K.

The reaction will proceed in the direction of the products, C and D. This prediction is based on the comparison between Q and K. Since Q (0.02) is less than K (0.50), this indicates that there is a surplus of reactants compared to what there would be at equilibrium. Therefore, to achieve equilibrium, the reaction will need to produce more of the products, C and D, causing the system to shift to the right. The principle being applied here is that if Q is less than K, the reaction will shift to the right, towards the products, to establish equilibrium.

Using the principles of the equilibrium law, explain how chemists can determine the exact concentrations of reactants and products in a reaction mixture at equilibrium.

Chemists can determine the exact concentrations of reactants and products in a reaction mixture at equilibrium by setting up an equilibrium table, often called an ICE (Initial, Change, Equilibrium) table. This table is used to list the initial concentrations, the changes in concentration due to the reaction, and the equilibrium concentrations. Once these values are laid out, chemists can insert the concentrations into the K expression to create equations. With algebraic manipulation of these equations, it's possible to derive the desired equilibrium concentrations. This approach ensures precise calculations and understanding of the behaviour of the chemical system at equilibrium.

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