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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.4.9 Electrophilic Substitution in Aromatic Compounds

Mechanism of Electrophilic Substitution in Benzene

Interaction with Electrophile E+

  • Electrophilic Attack: At the heart of benzene's structure is a delocalised electron cloud, spanning above and below the plane of its six carbon atoms. This rich electron cloud is a tempting target for electrophiles. As a strong electrophile approaches benzene, it's attracted to this concentrated electron density.
  • Formation of Arenium Ion: When the electrophile takes a pair of electrons from the benzene ring, it temporarily disrupts the aromaticity, leading to the creation of an intermediate. This intermediate, known as the arenium ion or sigma complex, has one carbon atom in the benzene forming a bond with the electrophile. As a result, a positive charge appears on this carbon atom.
  • Restoration of Aromaticity: The benzene molecule isn't content with this disruption. To reinstate its aromaticity, another molecule from the environment (often a weak base or the solvent itself) plucks a proton from the positively charged carbon. The electrons from the bond that held this proton are then utilised to restore the delocalised electron system, rejuvenating the benzene ring's aromatic state.
A diagram showing the mechanism of Electrophilic Substitution in Benzene.

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Key Features of the Mechanism

  • Benzene's reaction with electrophiles leads to the substitution of a hydrogen atom, rather than the addition of the electrophile to the ring. This distinction sets benzene apart from typical alkenes.
  • Though benzene's aromaticity gets temporarily disrupted, it’s soon restored. This behaviour underscores the overarching stability that the aromatic nature confers upon benzene.

Unique Features of Benzene

Resisting Addition Reactions

  • Delocalised π Electron Cloud: Beyond just being an alkene, benzene's six π electrons are delocalised across all its carbon atoms. This results in a stable, symmetrical ring structure, unlike the isolated double bonds in alkenes.
  • Aromatic Stability: The stability of aromatic compounds, a category to which benzene belongs, is renowned in organic chemistry. This stability, often called aromaticity, makes benzene notably less reactive than its unsaturated non-aromatic counterparts.
  • Energetic Considerations: Engaging in addition reactions with benzene means disrupting its delocalised π system, an act demanding more energy than the potential gain from forming new sigma bonds.
Diagram showing resonance structure of benzene ring.

Resonance structure of benzene ring. Circle representing the delocalization of electrons.

Image courtesy of Rodolopezdato

Benzene's Resistance Explained

Despite its highly unsaturated nature, benzene doesn't participate in addition reactions willingly. Its intrinsic structure and the associated aromatic stability mean it heavily favours reactions that maintain its aromatic ring, such as substitution reactions.

Nitration of Benzene

Generation of the Electrophile

  • A critical step in the nitration of benzene involves the production of an active electrophile, the nitronium ion (NO2+). This electrophile is the agent responsible for attacking benzene.
  • To generate the nitronium ion, a reaction ensues between concentrated nitric acid (HNO3) and concentrated sulphuric acid (H2SO4). This specific reaction yields the potent electrophile, NO2+. The equation is: HNO3 + H2SO4 -> NO2+ + HSO4- + H2O
  • This primed electrophile is now ready for the subsequent electrophilic substitution reaction with benzene.
Diagram showing the chemical equation of nitration of benzene.

Image courtesy of Benjah-bmm27

The Nitration Process

  • Electrophilic Attack: The NO2+ ion, with its electron-deficient nature, finds the electron-rich benzene ring irresistible. Upon making contact, it forms a bond with one of benzene's carbon atoms, resulting in the arenium ion intermediate.
  • Formation of Nitrobenzene: To reinstate its preferred state, a base (in many instances, the HSO4- ion) abstracts a proton from the positively charged carbon atom. As the benzene ring's aromaticity returns, the product materialises as nitrobenzene.
A diagram showing the mechanism of Nitration of Benzene.

Image courtesy of Andres Sanchez

Note: In this dance of molecules, sulphuric acid assumes a vital role. It not only aids in the generation of the nitronium ion but also returns to its original form by the end of the reaction, effectively acting as a catalyst.

To truly appreciate the nuances of benzene's chemistry, one needs to grasp its interaction with electrophiles. Its aromatic stability, though making it a resilient molecule, doesn't render it inert. Given the right conditions and a strong enough electrophile, even a stalwart like benzene can be swayed into reaction, as the classic nitration process elegantly demonstrates.


Catalysts like aluminium chloride play a pivotal role in certain electrophilic substitution reactions of benzene, notably in the Friedel-Crafts reactions. These catalysts work by enhancing the electrophilic nature of the attacking species. For instance, in the alkylation of benzene, aluminium chloride combines with a halogen from the haloalkane, generating a carbocation. This carbocation is a strong electrophile and can effectively attack the benzene ring. Aluminium chloride essentially facilitates the generation of the active electrophile, thus speeding up the reaction without itself being consumed.

The arenium ion is a highly reactive and transient intermediate. Its existence is fleeting because it's in a state of higher energy and is not aromatic, thus making it less stable than the parent benzene molecule. The arenium ion quickly seeks to regain the aromatic stability by losing a proton, converting back to an aromatic compound. This rapid transformation from the arenium ion to a stable compound, combined with the challenges in isolating such a short-lived species, makes it virtually impossible to isolate this intermediate under normal reaction conditions.

Electrophilic substitution reactions in benzene can be regioselective because the position of the initial substitution can dictate where subsequent substitutions might occur. After the initial electrophilic attack, the resulting intermediate (the arenium ion) can have electron-donating or withdrawing substituents, which can activate or deactivate specific positions on the benzene ring. Electron-donating groups, for instance, generally direct subsequent electrophilic substitutions to the ortho and para positions, while electron-withdrawing groups tend to favour the meta position. This regioselectivity arises due to the electronic effects imparted by these substituents on the aromatic ring.

While both benzene and alkenes are unsaturated, their electronic structures and stabilities vary greatly. Alkenes have a pi bond located between two carbon atoms, which allows them to undergo addition reactions easily, breaking the pi bond and creating sigma bonds. In contrast, benzene possesses a delocalised pi system across all six carbon atoms, contributing to its aromaticity and unique stability. This delocalised system is more energetically favourable and harder to disrupt than the pi bond in alkenes. Hence, benzene avoids reactions that would break this system, such as addition reactions, and prefers those that retain its aromatic character, like substitution reactions.

The strength of an electrophile is largely determined by its ability to accept an electron pair, which in turn is influenced by its electronic and structural configuration. Electrophiles with greater positive charge or those with highly electronegative atoms attached to them are typically stronger. A stronger electrophile is more eager to react because of its high affinity for electrons. With benzene, a stronger electrophile has a better chance of interacting with the electron-rich aromatic ring, leading to a faster rate of electrophilic substitution. Conversely, weaker electrophiles may require a catalyst or more stringent conditions to facilitate their reactions with benzene.

Practice Questions

Describe the mechanism of electrophilic substitution in benzene when it reacts with a charged electrophile, E+.

Benzene contains a delocalised electron cloud, making it attractive to electrophiles. As an electrophile, E+, approaches benzene, it is attracted to the concentrated electron density. The electrophile then forms a bond with one of the carbon atoms in benzene, creating an intermediate known as the arenium ion. This disrupts benzene's aromaticity temporarily, resulting in a positive charge on the bonded carbon. To regain its aromaticity, another molecule in the environment removes a proton from the positively charged carbon. This action utilises the bond electrons to restore the delocalised electron system, thus returning the aromatic nature of benzene.

Why is benzene resistant to addition reactions despite being highly unsaturated, and how does this relate to its preferred type of reaction?

Benzene, an aromatic compound, possesses a unique delocalised π electron cloud spread across its carbon atoms, resulting in a symmetrical and highly stable ring structure. This stability is termed as aromaticity, making benzene significantly less reactive than other unsaturated compounds. Any addition reaction would disrupt its stable delocalised π system, which requires more energy than can be gained from forming new sigma bonds. As a result, benzene resists addition reactions. Instead, benzene favours reactions that maintain its aromatic ring, specifically, substitution reactions. Electrophilic substitution reactions preserve the aromatic nature, making them the preferred type of reaction for benzene.

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