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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.4.7 Factors Influencing Substitution Reactions

When studying the fascinating world of organic chemistry, one cannot overlook the pivotal role that halogenoalkanes play. The intriguing variance in the reactivity of these compounds lies in the subtle interplay of factors like bond strength and halogen characteristics.

Relative Rates of Substitution Reactions for Different Halogenoalkanes

Halogenoalkanes are organic compounds where an alkane carbon chain is bonded to a halogen atom, be it fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), or iodine (I). The nucleophilic substitution reactivity spectrum of halogenoalkanes is notably influenced by the specific halogen atom in question.


  • Bond Strength: Carbon-fluorine bonds stand out as the strongest amongst carbon-halogen associations, attributing to the least reactivity of fluoroalkanes in substitution reactions.
  • Electronegativity: Fluorine, being the most electronegative element, leads to a significant dipole moment. However, the strong bond counteracts its potential reactivity.
A general chemical structure of fluoroalkane.

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  • Bond Dynamics: The carbon-chlorine bond, being weaker than its carbon-fluorine counterpart, escalates the reactivity of chloroalkanes compared to fluoroalkanes.
  • Polar Character: Chlorine's electronegativity ensures a polar bond, rendering the compound susceptible to nucleophilic attacks.
A general chemical structure of chloroalkanes.

Image courtesy of A Level Chemistry


  • Reactivity Edge: The weaker carbon-bromine bond amplifies the reactivity of bromoalkanes, making them more active participants in nucleophilic substitution reactions compared to chloroalkanes.
  • Atomic Size: Bromine's larger atomic size compared to chlorine means a longer bond length, typically making it easier to break.
A general chemical structure of bromoalkanes.

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  • Bond Vulnerability: The carbon-iodine bond is the most fragile amongst the halogenoalkanes, driving the superior reactivity of iodoalkanes in nucleophilic substitution scenarios.
  • Electron Distribution: Iodine's size allows for a more diffused electron cloud, which can influence reactivity.
A general chemical structure of iodoalkanes.

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Factors Elucidating Reactivity Variance

  • Bond Length Considerations: Progressing down the halogen group (F to I), the bond length sees an expansion. This increased length typically equates to weaker bonds, which are easier to cleave, fostering greater reactivity.
  • Energy Metrics: Bond energy metrics reveal a decreasing trend as we descend the halogen group. This means that cleaving a carbon-iodine bond demands lesser energy than parting a carbon-fluorine bond.
  • Polarity Dynamics: Bond polarity can be a reactivity influencer. A pronounced polar bond is more prone to nucleophilic onslaughts.
Table showing bond energies of different Halogenoalkanes.

Image courtesy of Save My Exams

The Superiority of Iodide Ion as a Leaving Group

In nucleophilic substitution dynamics, the departing halogen atom, termed the 'leaving group', can significantly dictate the reaction rate. How effectively a leaving group can stabilise itself post-detachment often becomes the yardstick of its efficiency.

Decoding Leaving Group Ability

  • Charge Stabilisation: A quintessential leaving group can effectively spread and stabilise the negative charge it accrues upon detachment. While all halide ions (F-, Cl-, Br-, I-) qualify as leaving groups, their proficiency varies markedly.

Iodide vs Chloride: The Comparative Analysis

  • Size and Polarizability Paradigm: Iodide's larger atomic realm compared to chloride enhances its polarisability. An ion that can better spread its charge due to enhanced polarisability stands as a superior leaving group.
  • Solvent Interaction Dynamics: In many solvents, iodide ions aren't as stringently solvated as chloride ions. This lax solvation facilitates iodide's exit as a leaving group, enhancing its efficiency.
  • Energy Considerations: The lower lattice energy of iodide salts compared to chloride salts can make iodide detachment more feasible in some scenarios.
  • Stability Metrics: Iodide's ability to stabilise its negative charge is rooted in its larger size and electron distribution, making it a more stable ion compared to the smaller, less diffused chloride ion.

Beyond Basic Comparisons

It's essential to appreciate that while iodide might be a superior leaving group in many contexts, reaction conditions, solvents, and the presence of other functional groups can influence outcomes. Organic chemistry often thrives in its complexity and interplay of multiple factors, making each reaction a unique event.

In delving deep into the intricate dynamics of halogenoalkane reactivity and the proficiency of leaving groups, we pave the way for a nuanced understanding of organic chemistry. This knowledge lays a robust foundation for myriad applications, from synthesising novel compounds to decoding complex biochemical pathways.


Bond length plays a pivotal role in determining the strength and reactivity of the bond. In general, shorter bonds are stronger and require more energy to break, while longer bonds are weaker and can be cleaved with less energy. In the context of halogenoalkanes, as we descend the halogen group, the bond length between the carbon and the halogen atom increases, leading to weaker bonds. This increased bond length and associated reduction in bond strength render the halogenoalkane more susceptible to nucleophilic attacks, thereby elevating its reactivity in nucleophilic substitution reactions.

As we move down the halogen group, the number of electron shells increases, leading to a more diffused and expansive electron cloud around the larger halogen atoms. This increasing diffuseness allows these halogens to better spread and stabilise any negative charge they might accrue, which in turn enhances their efficiency as leaving groups. In terms of nucleophilic substitution reactivity, a halogen with a more diffused electron cloud, like iodine, facilitates the departure of its ion from the organic molecule, making compounds like iodoalkanes more reactive in nucleophilic substitution reactions compared to those higher up the group.

Absolutely, polar solvents can influence the mechanism and rate of nucleophilic substitution reactions of halogenoalkanes. Polar solvents, especially protic solvents, can solvate and stabilise both the nucleophile and the leaving group through hydrogen bonding, impacting their reactivity. In an SN1 reaction, a polar protic solvent can stabilise the carbocation intermediate, promoting the reaction. Conversely, in an SN2 reaction, where a strong nucleophile is essential, polar protic solvents might hinder the reaction by solvating and "shielding" the nucleophile, reducing its nucleophilicity. Thus, understanding the solvent's role is crucial when predicting the outcome of nucleophilic substitution reactions.

Yes, the choice of solvent can have a significant impact on the efficiency of the leaving group in nucleophilic substitution reactions. Protic solvents, like water and alcohols, can form hydrogen bonds with the leaving group, which can inhibit its departure. On the other hand, aprotic solvents, such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and acetone, do not engage in hydrogen bonding with the leaving group, facilitating its exit. For instance, iodide ions, which are weakly solvated in aprotic solvents, can leave more easily, accentuating their efficiency as leaving groups in such solvents.

Fluoroalkanes, in general, are less reactive in nucleophilic substitution reactions primarily due to the exceptional strength of the carbon-fluorine (C-F) bond. Even though fluorine is the most electronegative element, leading to a pronounced polar character in the C-F bond, this bond strength effectively counteracts the potential for reactivity. The strong bond means that it requires a lot of energy to break, making nucleophilic substitution reactions less favourable. Thus, despite the high electronegativity of fluorine creating a significant dipole, the strength of the C-F bond predominantly determines the reduced reactivity of fluoroalkanes.

Practice Questions

Discuss the influence of halogen atomic size on the reactivity of halogenoalkanes in nucleophilic substitution reactions. Why might an iodoalkane be more reactive than a chloroalkane in such a reaction?

The reactivity of halogenoalkanes in nucleophilic substitution reactions is significantly influenced by the size of the halogen atom. As we progress down the halogen group, from fluorine to iodine, the atomic size increases. Larger atoms have longer carbon-halogen bonds, which are inherently weaker and easier to break than shorter bonds. In the case of an iodoalkane compared to a chloroalkane, the carbon-iodine bond is longer and weaker than the carbon-chlorine bond. This makes the iodoalkane more susceptible to nucleophilic attack, thus rendering it more reactive in nucleophilic substitution reactions than chloroalkane.

Explain why the iodide ion is considered a better leaving group than the chloride ion during nucleophilic substitution reactions.

The efficacy of a leaving group in nucleophilic substitution reactions is fundamentally rooted in its ability to stabilise any negative charge it accrues upon detachment. Iodide ions, being larger than chloride ions, possess greater polarisability. This means that iodide can distribute and stabilise its negative charge more effectively over its larger electron cloud. Additionally, iodide ions are not as tightly solvated in many solvents as chloride ions, which can facilitate their departure. These attributes, combined with the overall stability of the iodide ion due to its size and electron distribution, make it a superior leaving group compared to the chloride ion in nucleophilic substitution reactions.

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