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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.4.6 Mechanisms of Nucleophilic Substitution

Halogenoalkanes and Their Interactions with Nucleophiles

Halogenoalkanes or alkyl halides are organic entities where one or several hydrogen atoms in an alkane get replaced by halogen atoms (like chlorine, bromine, iodine). The carbon-halogen bond, being polar, makes halogenoalkanes particularly inviting to nucleophiles. Now, a nucleophile, derived from the Greek words for 'nucleus-loving', is electron-rich and has the propensity to donate an electron pair, making it keen to form bonds.

A diagram showing the chemical structure of Bromoethane.

Bromoethane- an alkyl halide.

Image courtesy of Armtuk

Characteristics of Nucleophiles:

  • Electron-rich species.
  • Have lone pairs or pi bonds which can be used to form new bonds.
  • Could be negatively charged, neutral or even occasionally positively charged.

Differentiating SN1 and SN2 Mechanisms

The world of nucleophilic substitution reactions with halogenoalkanes opens up to primarily two paths: the SN1 and SN2 reactions. Each has its unique mechanistic dance and is influenced by distinctive factors.

SN1 (Substitution Nucleophilic Unimolecular) Reactions:

  • Mechanistic Stages:
  1. Departure of the leaving group, leading to a carbocation intermediate.
  2. Nucleophilic attack on the carbocation.
  3. If necessary, deprotonation, leading to the formation of the product.
  • Key Features:
    • Carbocation stability is essential; tertiary carbocations are more stable than secondary ones.
    • The reaction is unimolecular, signifying that its rate solely depends on the concentration of the halogenoalkane.
  • Rate: The rate equation for an SN1 reaction is Rate=k[halogenoalkane]. It’s first order.
Diagram showing a general example of SN1 (Substitution Nucleophilic Unimolecular) Reaction.

Image courtesy of Roland1952

SN2 (Substitution Nucleophilic Bimolecular) Reactions:

  • Mechanistic Stages:
  1. The nucleophile approaches the carbon atom attached to the leaving group.
  2. Bonds simultaneously break and form, transitioning through a high-energy state.
  3. The product is formed with the nucleophile replacing the leaving group.
  • Key Features:
    • A concerted process: The breaking and forming of bonds occur in a single, simultaneous step.
    • The stereochemistry of the molecule inverts after the reaction, akin to inverting an umbrella in wind.
    • Bulkier nucleophiles or substrates can hinder the reaction.
  • Rate: The rate equation for SN2 is Rate=k[halogenoalkane][nucleophile]. It’s second order.
Diagram showing a general example of SN2 (Substitution Nucleophilic Bimolecular) Reaction.

Image courtesy of Saco

SN2’s Stereospecificity

The SN2 mechanism's claim to fame is its stereospecific nature. A molecule’s stereochemistry is like its 3D fingerprint. In SN2, the nucleophile's attack causes an inversion in this configuration.

  • For instance, if an optically active molecule undergoes an SN2 reaction, the product will rotate plane-polarised light in the opposite direction to the reactant.

Peeking into the Energy Profiles

Understanding how energy varies through these reactions offers a window into their mechanistic souls:


  • Energy Profile:
    • 1. An initial peak, signifying the energy needed to form the carbocation.
    • 2. A trough, indicative of the carbocation's stability.
    • 3. A final peak representing the energy for the nucleophilic attack.
  • These peaks and troughs elucidate why certain conditions or substrates are more conducive to the SN1 pathway.


  • Energy Profile:
    • 1. A single pronounced peak, illustrating the energy barrier of the simultaneous bond-breaking and forming.
  • This peak gives clues on why certain nucleophiles or reaction conditions might accelerate or decelerate the SN2 pathway.
Diagram showing energy profiles of SN1 and SN2 reactions.

Image courtesy of wps.prenhall.com

SN1 and SN2: Why are these Mechanistic Models Important?

These models are not just academic exercises; they're tools that drive understanding and innovation.

  • Predictions: By understanding these mechanisms, chemists can predict how a substrate or nucleophile will behave.
  • Kinetics: These models elucidate how different factors, like temperature or solvent, might alter reaction rates.
  • Pathway Design in Synthesis: For chemists crafting complex molecules, these mechanisms offer a playbook, guiding which conditions or substrates to employ.

Exploring the intricacies of SN1 and SN2 reactions allows one to navigate the nuanced labyrinth of organic reactions. Understanding these subtleties offers a foundation, enabling students and chemists alike to decode and harness the vast symphony of organic chemistry.


The inversion of configuration in SN2 reactions is a consequence of the concerted mechanism in which these reactions occur. During the SN2 process, the nucleophile attacks the substrate carbon atom from the side opposite to the leaving group. As the nucleophile approaches, it pushes the electrons of the carbon-leaving group bond towards the leaving group, causing it to depart. This backside attack results in an inversion of the spatial arrangement of the groups around the carbon atom, akin to an umbrella being flipped inside out. This inverted configuration is distinct from the starting configuration of the substrate, leading to the observed inversion of stereochemistry.

Yes, polar protic solvents can significantly influence the rate of SN1 and SN2 reactions. Polar protic solvents, like water and alcohols, have hydrogen atoms attached to strongly electronegative atoms, allowing them to form hydrogen bonds. In SN1 reactions, polar protic solvents can stabilise the carbocation intermediate through solvation, accelerating the reaction. However, in SN2 reactions, these solvents can solvate and 'shield' the nucleophile, reducing its nucleophilicity. This solvation makes it harder for the nucleophile to attack the substrate, thus slowing down SN2 reactions. So, while polar protic solvents promote SN1 reactions, they are not ideal for SN2 reactions.

The leaving group's ability plays a crucial role in determining the rate and feasibility of SN1 and SN2 reactions. A good leaving group is one that can depart as a stable entity, often as a weak base. The stability typically arises due to resonance or electron delocalisation, which allows the leaving group to accommodate the negative charge more effectively. Common good leaving groups include iodide, bromide, and tosylate. A competent leaving group will accelerate both SN1 and SN2 reactions. In SN1, its departure forms the carbocation intermediate, and in SN2, its departure is simultaneous with the nucleophilic attack.

The rate equation reflects the mechanism of the reaction. For SN1 reactions, the slow, rate-determining step involves only the departure of the leaving group from the substrate to form a carbocation intermediate. Since this step does not involve the nucleophile, the rate of the reaction is dependent solely on the concentration of the substrate, leading to a unimolecular rate equation. Conversely, in SN2 reactions, the nucleophile's attack and the leaving group's departure occur simultaneously in a single, concerted step. This bimolecular process means that the rate of the reaction is dependent on the concentrations of both the substrate and the nucleophile, leading to a bimolecular rate equation.

Tertiary halogenoalkanes do not undergo SN2 reactions primarily because of steric hindrance. The tertiary carbon atom is surrounded by three bulky alkyl groups, making it difficult for a nucleophile to approach and attack the central carbon atom directly. In the concerted SN2 mechanism, the nucleophile must be able to approach the carbon atom being substituted to displace the leaving group in one step. The spatial bulkiness of tertiary halogenoalkanes impedes this direct approach, making the reaction kinetically unfavourable. Instead, tertiary halogenoalkanes favour the SN1 mechanism, where the leaving group departs first, forming a carbocation intermediate which is then attacked by the nucleophile.

Practice Questions

Distinguish between the SN1 and SN2 mechanisms for nucleophilic substitution in halogenoalkanes.

SN1 and SN2 are both nucleophilic substitution mechanisms observed in halogenoalkanes, yet they differ in several key aspects. The SN1 mechanism is characterised by a two-step process. Firstly, the leaving group departs, forming a carbocation intermediate. This is followed by a nucleophilic attack. This mechanism is unimolecular, with the rate depending only on the concentration of the halogenoalkane. In contrast, the SN2 mechanism is a concerted process, where the nucleophile simultaneously attacks as the leaving group departs, leading to an inversion of stereochemistry. The rate of the SN2 mechanism depends on both the nucleophile and halogenoalkane concentrations, making it bimolecular.

Explain the importance of understanding the energy profiles of SN1 and SN2 reactions.

The energy profiles of SN1 and SN2 reactions offer profound insights into the nature and progress of these reactions. For the SN1 reaction, the energy profile typically showcases an initial peak, reflecting the energy necessary to form the carbocation intermediate, followed by a trough representing its stability, and another peak for the nucleophilic attack. This profile helps elucidate why particular conditions or substrates favour the SN1 route. On the other hand, the SN2 energy profile depicts a single significant peak, indicating the concerted mechanism's energy barrier. Understanding these profiles aids chemists in predicting reaction behaviours, optimising conditions, and strategising syntheses effectively.

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