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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.4.4 Lewis Acids and Bases

Lewis Acids and Bases provide an alternative perspective on the traditional acid-base concept, offering a broader understanding of chemical reactions in both inorganic and organic domains.


Lewis Acid

  • Definition: A Lewis acid is an entity that can accept an electron pair. This acceptance often fills its valence shell, making it more stable.
  • Characteristics:
    • Typically, have an incomplete octet, meaning they lack a full set of electrons in their outermost shell.
    • Can be molecules or ions.
    • Not restricted to being hydrogen-containing compounds, unlike Brønsted–Lowry acids.
  • Examples:
    • BF₃ (Boron Trifluoride): Boron has only six electrons in its valence shell, and thus can accept a pair of electrons.
    • Fe³⁺: Iron(III) ion can accept electron pairs, often seen in coordination complexes.
A diagram showing the Lewis acid (boron trifluoride) and Lewis base (fluoride ion) reaction.

The valence shell of the boron atom in boron trifluoride, or BF3, has six electrons. Since BF3 lacks the preferred octet, it is an excellent Lewis acid. The Lewis base in this reaction is a fluoride ion, which donates one of its lone pairs.

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Lewis Base

  • Definition: A Lewis base is a molecule or ion that can donate a pair of electrons.
  • Characteristics:
    • Possess lone pairs which can be shared.
    • Often, but not always, negatively charged or neutral molecules with a polarisable electron cloud.
  • Examples:
    • NH₃ (Ammonia): The nitrogen atom in ammonia has a lone pair of electrons that it can donate.
    • OH⁻ (Hydroxide ion): Has a lone pair which can be donated to an electron-deficient entity.
Each of two ammonia molecules (Lewis bases) donates a pair of electrons to a silver ion (Lewis acid).

Each of two ammonia molecules (Lewis bases) donates a pair of electrons to a silver ion (Lewis acid).

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Application in Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Metal-ligand Complex Formation

  • Central metal ions, such as transition metals, often serve as Lewis acids. Their empty d-orbitals can accommodate electron pairs from ligands (Lewis bases).
  • Example: [Cu(NH₃)₄]²⁺ Complex:
    • Copper ion (Cu²⁺) acts as a Lewis acid.
    • Ammonia (NH₃) molecules are the Lewis bases.
    • The ammonia molecules surround the copper ion, donating their lone pairs to form coordinate bonds.
Structure of tetra ammine copper(II) [Cu(NH₃)₄]²⁺ Complex.

Image courtesy of Nothingserious

Organic Chemistry

Carbonyl Addition Reactions

  • In reactions involving carbonyl compounds (like aldehydes and ketones), the carbon of the carbonyl group is electron-deficient, making it a Lewis acid.
  • Nucleophiles, which are often Lewis bases, can donate an electron pair to this carbon, leading to various addition reactions.
  • Example: In the addition of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) to a carbonyl compound, the cyanide ion (CN⁻) acts as a nucleophile (Lewis base) and attacks the carbonyl carbon (Lewis acid).
Diagram showing the chemical equation of addition of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) to a carbonyl compound.

Image courtesy of Ch.imperial


  • Certain reactions in organic chemistry require the presence of catalysts to increase the reaction rate. These catalysts often function as Lewis acids or bases.
  • Example: The Friedel-Crafts alkylation of benzene utilises AlCl₃ as a Lewis acid catalyst. The aluminium ion in AlCl₃ coordinates with the chlorine of the alkyl halide, creating a more reactive species that can attack the benzene ring.
A diagram of Friedel-Crafts alkylation of benzene.

Friedel-Crafts alkylation of benzene utilising AlCl₃ as a Lewis acid catalyst.

Image courtesy of Yikrazuul

Relationship with Brønsted–Lowry Theory


  • Brønsted–Lowry Acid: Proton (H⁺) donor.
  • Brønsted–Lowry Base: Proton acceptor.
  • While every Brønsted–Lowry acid or base can function as a Lewis acid or base, the converse isn't necessarily true. This is because the Lewis theory encompasses a wider variety of reactions, beyond just proton transfers.

Detailed Examples

  • Water: Water can act as both a Lewis and a Brønsted–Lowry base. As a Lewis base, it can donate an electron pair to an acid like BF₃. In the Brønsted–Lowry context, it can accept a proton from an acid like HCl.
  • Ammonia: NH₃ can act as a Lewis base by donating its lone pair to a Lewis acid like BF₃. In a Brønsted–Lowry scenario, it can accept a proton from an acid like HCl to form the ammonium ion, NH₄⁺.

Advantages of the Lewis Concept

  • Universality: The Lewis concept can be applied to any solvent system, not just aqueous solutions.
  • Broad Scope: It can explain reactions that don't involve proton transfer, providing a more comprehensive understanding of acid-base chemistry.

Challenges with the Lewis Concept

  • Abstraction: The Lewis theory might seem abstract to newcomers, as it delves into the realm of electron transfer rather than the more tangible concept of proton transfer.
  • Overlap and Ambiguity: There are substances which meet the criteria of both Lewis and Brønsted–Lowry theories, which can sometimes lead to confusion.

In essence, the Lewis concept offers a more expansive view on acid-base interactions. It not only encapsulates the traditional understanding of acids and bases but also extends it to scenarios beyond proton transfer, making it indispensable in modern chemistry.


In theory, all Brønsted–Lowry acids can function as Lewis acids, but not all Lewis acids are Brønsted–Lowry acids. The reason is grounded in their definitions. A Brønsted–Lowry acid is one that can donate a proton (H⁺), and since a proton is essentially a nucleus without electrons, it's eager to accept an electron pair, adhering to the Lewis definition. However, Lewis acids, like BF₃, don't always donate protons. They may accept an electron pair without any proton transfer, making them exclusively Lewis acids and not Brønsted–Lowry acids.

Lewis acids can play a pivotal role in catalysis by accepting electron pairs and thus increasing the reactivity of other species in the system. By doing so, they can facilitate certain reactions by stabilising intermediates or activating specific reactants. A common application is in the petrochemical industry where Lewis acid catalysts assist in cracking hydrocarbons or polymerising olefins. Their electron-accepting nature can make certain bonds in the reactant molecules more susceptible to breaking or facilitate the formation of new bonds, thereby speeding up the reaction.

The primary difference stems from the nature of their interactions. Lewis bases interact by donating a pair of electrons, which can lead to the formation of coordinate bonds with Lewis acids. This donation isn't limited to protons; it can involve other species like metal cations or molecules. In contrast, Brønsted–Lowry bases specifically interact by accepting a proton from an acid. This proton acceptance is limited to reactions where a proton (H⁺) transfer occurs. For instance, OH⁻ is a Brønsted–Lowry base when it accepts a proton from an acid like HCl but acts as a Lewis base when it donates an electron pair to a metal ion like Al³⁺.

Some molecules possess regions that can accept electron pairs and other regions that can donate electron pairs, making them amphoteric in the Lewis sense. For instance, water (H₂O) can act as a Lewis base by donating a pair of its non-bonding electrons, like when it binds to metal ions. Conversely, it can also act as a Lewis acid in the presence of stronger Lewis bases like OH⁻. This dual nature arises from the molecular structure and the distribution of electrons, allowing certain molecules to interact in multiple ways depending on the reaction context.

The dative or coordinate bond holds unique importance in Lewis acid-base reactions. It represents the donation of an electron pair from the Lewis base to the Lewis acid. This type of bond forms when one reactant (the Lewis base) donates a pair of non-bonding electrons to another reactant (the Lewis acid). An illustrative example is the reaction between ammonia (NH₃) and boron trifluoride (BF₃). Ammonia, acting as a Lewis base, donates an electron pair to the boron atom in BF₃, which serves as a Lewis acid. The bond between nitrogen and boron in the resulting complex is a dative bond, which illustrates the Lewis acid-base reaction.

Practice Questions

Briefly explain the key differences between Lewis acids and Brønsted–Lowry acids, giving an example for each.

A Lewis acid is characterised by its ability to accept an electron pair, whereas a Brønsted–Lowry acid is defined by its ability to donate a proton (H⁺). For instance, BF₃ is a Lewis acid because it can accept a pair of electrons due to its incomplete octet. On the other hand, hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a Brønsted–Lowry acid, as it donates a proton to a base like water, resulting in the formation of the hydronium ion (H₃O⁺) in aqueous solution.

Describe the role of water as both a Lewis and a Brønsted–Lowry base. Provide an example for each scenario.

Water, with its ability to donate an electron pair, acts as a Lewis base. For instance, when water reacts with boron trifluoride (BF₃), it donates an electron pair to boron, forming a coordinate bond. In the context of Brønsted–Lowry theory, water can act as a base by accepting a proton. A classic example is its reaction with hydrochloric acid (HCl). In this scenario, water accepts a proton from HCl to form the hydronium ion (H₃O⁺), showcasing its ability to act as a Brønsted–Lowry base.

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