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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

5.1.3 Yield Calculations and Limiting Reactants

In the realm of chemical reactions, it is paramount to have a deep understanding of yields and the role of reactants. Yield calculations not only enable chemists to predict the outcomes of reactions but also to analyse experimental outcomes for their efficiency and potential improvements.

Limiting and Excess Reactants

Definition and Significance

  • Limiting Reactant: This is the reactant that gets completely consumed first in a chemical reaction and thus dictates the maximum amount of product that can be formed.
    • Example: For the reaction: 2 H2 + O2 -> 2 H2O. If you begin with 5 moles of H2 and 2 moles of O2, the H2 will be completely used up first, thus it's the limiting reactant.
    • Significance: Knowing the limiting reactant is crucial as it enables one to predict the maximum amount of product. It’s also useful in industries to ensure that resources are used optimally, without unnecessary wastage.
  • Excess Reactant: The reactant that remains after the limiting reactant is completely consumed.
    • Example: In our previous scenario, O2 would be the excess reactant since there would be some O2 remaining after all the H2 has been utilised.
    • Significance: Recognising the excess reactant is vital, especially in industrial settings where waste needs to be minimised. Moreover, the excess reactant can sometimes be recovered and reused.
Diagram showing limiting reactants and excess reactants using a chemical reaction between iron and sulphur to form iron sulphide as an example.

Image courtesy of Science Notes


  • To determine the limiting reactant:
    • 1. Convert all given reactants to the mass of a single product using stoichiometry.
    • 2. The reactant that produces the least amount of that product is the limiting reactant.

Theoretical and Experimental Yields

Theoretical Yield

  • This is the maximum possible amount of product that can be formed in a reaction, based on stoichiometry.
  • It is derived from balanced chemical equations, which tell the exact ratio in which reactants will produce products.
    • Example: For the reaction N2 + 3 H2 -> 2 NH3, the balanced equation suggests that 1 mole of N2 will theoretically yield 2 moles of NH3.

Experimental Yield

  • The quantity of product that is actually obtained from an experiment.
  • Numerous factors can influence the discrepancy between experimental and theoretical yield:
    • Uncompleted Reactions: Not all reactants might convert to products.
    • Side Reactions: Undesired reactions might occur, leading to alternative products.
    • Physical Loss: Some product might be lost during transfers or purification.
Diagram showing actual yield or experimental yield definition.

Actual yield is also known as experimental yield.

Image courtesy of Science Notes

Percentage Yield

Definition and Calculation

  • A metric that gauges the efficiency of a reaction.
  • It's computed as:
    • Percentage Yield = (Experimental Yield / Theoretical Yield) x 100%
  • Example: If the theoretical prediction is 8 grams of a product but only 6 grams are obtained, the percentage yield is (6/8) x 100% = 75%.

Interpretation and Significance

  • Interpretation:
    • A 100% percentage yield implies full efficiency.
    • Less than 100% indicates losses or inefficiencies.
    • Over 100% suggests errors or contamination.
  • Significance: In an industrial context, high percentage yields mean better profit margins and less waste. For researchers, it can indicate the purity and effectiveness of the process.

Potential Errors Affecting Yield Calculations

Measurement Errors

  • Instrument inaccuracies can skew results. For instance, improperly calibrated balances or pipettes might introduce errors.

Incomplete Reactions

  • Not all reactants might convert into products. This can be due to various factors such as rate of reaction or equilibrium being reached.

Side Reactions

  • Impurities or other reactants might cause undesired reactions, leading to different products and decreasing the desired yield.
Diagram showing a general sketch of side reactions.

A general sketch of side reactions.

Image courtesy of Minihaa

Loss of Product

  • During purification, transfers, or other processes, a fraction of the product might be lost.

Temperature and Pressure Variations

  • Changes in these conditions can influence both the rate and extent of reactions.

Equipment Contamination

  • Leftover residue from prior experiments can interfere, reducing yields.

Practical Recommendations

  • To achieve optimal yields:
    • Accuracy: Ensure precise measurements with calibrated equipment.
    • Purity: Always use pure reactants to minimise side reactions.
    • Control: Maintain optimal temperature and pressure conditions.
    • Skill Refinement: Enhance product transfer techniques to prevent losses.

Through an in-depth understanding of these concepts, students can anticipate reaction outcomes, optimise experimental procedures, and critically evaluate real-world chemical processes.


Industries often aim to use reactants optimally to minimise waste and cost. When there's an excess reactant, industries might recover and recycle it for subsequent batches or reactions. In some cases, the excess reactant can be sold or used in other processes within the industry. Moreover, continuous reaction monitoring and control systems can adjust reactant flows in real-time to ensure optimal usage. Computer simulations and modelling can also predict the optimal ratios and conditions for minimal waste. Environmental regulations and sustainability goals further drive industries to reduce waste, making efficient use of reactants not just an economic concern but also an environmental one.

Optimising reactions for maximum yield involves a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical adjustments. Chemists might modify conditions such as temperature, pressure, or concentration to push a reaction to completion. Using catalysts can also improve yields by speeding up the reaction rate. The choice of reactants, especially their purity, can play a significant role; purer reactants can minimise side reactions. Chemists also utilise techniques to shift equilibriums favourably, such as removing products as they form. Feedback from analytical tools, like spectroscopy or chromatography, can guide chemists in making adjustments to improve yield continuously.

State symbols in chemical equations (e.g., (s) for solid, (l) for liquid, (g) for gas, (aq) for aqueous solution) provide crucial information about the physical state of the reactants and products under specific conditions. They can influence yield calculations in several ways. For instance, if a product is gaseous, it might escape the reaction vessel, leading to lower experimental yields unless properly contained. The formation or consumption of gases can also shift the position of equilibrium in reactions, affecting the yield. Additionally, state symbols can indicate possible side reactions; a solid might not react as quickly as substances in solution, or there might be solubility concerns that affect the reaction rate and yield. Understanding the physical states helps chemists anticipate challenges and optimise conditions for maximum yield.

Yes, there are instances in chemical processes where the percentage yield isn't the sole or primary metric for success. Sometimes, the purity of the product might take precedence over the amount produced, especially in cases where the product has significant health or safety implications, such as pharmaceuticals. In other cases, the rate of reaction might be more crucial; for industries that rely on fast turnaround times, it might be more important to produce a product quickly than to maximise the yield. Moreover, environmental considerations, energy efficiency, or the ease of scaling up a process might overshadow the importance of percentage yield in certain contexts.

Achieving a percentage yield greater than 100% is typically indicative of an error in the experiment or in the measurements. There are several factors that can contribute to this anomaly. One common reason is the presence of impurities or contaminants in the final product, which increase its mass. Another reason could be inaccurate measurements, either when measuring the initial reactants or the final product. For instance, if there was water or another solvent present and it wasn’t properly removed, it could artificially inflate the mass of the product. Always ensure to use calibrated equipment and thorough purification techniques to ensure accurate results.

Practice Questions

A student conducted an experiment to produce ammonia using the reaction: N2 + 3 H2 -> 2 NH3. The student started with 10 moles of H2 and 4 moles of N2. Based on this information, identify the limiting reactant and calculate the maximum theoretical yield of NH3 in moles.

The limiting reactant can be determined by using stoichiometry. For every mole of N2, 3 moles of H2 are required. Hence, for 4 moles of N2, 12 moles of H2 would be required. Given that we only have 10 moles of H2, H2 is the limiting reactant. Now, 3 moles of H2 produce 2 moles of NH3. Thus, 10 moles of H2 will produce (10/3) x 2 = 20/3 or 6.67 moles of NH3. Therefore, the limiting reactant is H2 and the theoretical yield of NH3 is 6.67 moles.

In an industrial reaction, the theoretical yield of a certain product was calculated to be 150 grams. However, after conducting the reaction, only 120 grams of the product was obtained. Calculate the percentage yield and comment on potential reasons for the discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental yields.

The percentage yield can be determined using the formula: (Experimental Yield / Theoretical Yield) x 100%. Plugging in the values we get: (120/150) x 100% = 80%. The discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental yield, resulting in an 80% percentage yield, could be attributed to several factors. Uncompleted reactions might have occurred, where not all reactants were converted to products. There might have been side reactions producing other undesired products. Physical loss during transfers, purification, or even equipment contamination might have also impacted the yield. Lastly, measurement inaccuracies can introduce errors in yield calculations.

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