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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

4.4.1 Understanding Entropy

Entropy is a fundamental concept in chemistry, reflecting the degree of disorder or randomness in a system. This section delves into predicting entropy changes in various processes, calculating standard entropy changes, and understanding entropy in different states of matter.

Prediction of Entropy Changes in Physical or Chemical Processes

Entropy, symbolised as S, is a measure of the randomness or disorder of a system. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system always increases over time, reaching a maximum at equilibrium.

Diagram showing Entropy Changes- low and high entropy.

Image courtesy of PH-HY

In Physical Processes

  • Melting and Freezing: When a solid melts to form a liquid, the particles have more freedom to move, leading to an increase in entropy. Conversely, when a liquid freezes, the particles are held in fixed positions, resulting in a decrease in entropy.
  • Evaporation and Condensation: The process of evaporation increases entropy as particles move from a liquid state, where they are closely packed, to a gaseous state, where they are spread out. Condensation decreases entropy as particles move from a gaseous state to a liquid state.
  • Dissolution: When a solute dissolves in a solvent, the particles become more spread out, leading to an increase in entropy.
A diagram showing the change in entropy when a substance changes from solid to liquid.

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In Chemical Processes

  • Reactions Yielding More Moles of Gas: A reaction that produces more moles of gas than it consumes will generally result in an increase in entropy because gas particles are more disordered than liquids or solids.
  • Reactions Involving Complex Molecules: Decomposition reactions, where a complex molecule breaks down into simpler parts, typically result in an increase in entropy.

Calculation of Standard Entropy Changes, ΔS⦵

Standard entropy values, S⦵, are provided for substances under standard conditions (1 atm pressure and 298 K). The change in standard entropy, ΔS⦵, for a reaction can be calculated using these values.

Calculation Steps

  1. Write the Balanced Chemical Equation: Ensure that the chemical equation for the reaction is balanced.
  2. Find Standard Entropy Values: Use a data book or other reliable source to find the standard entropy values for all reactants and products.
  3. Calculate ΔS⦵:
    • ΔS⦵ = ΣS⦵(products) − ΣS⦵(reactants)
    • Sum the standard entropy values of the products and subtract the sum of the standard entropy values of the reactants.

Example Calculation

Consider the combustion of methane: CH₄(g) + 2O₂(g) → CO₂(g) + 2H₂O(g)

  • S⦵(CH₄) = 186 J/(mol·K)
  • S⦵(O₂) = 205 J/(mol·K)
  • S⦵(CO₂) = 214 J/(mol·K)
  • S⦵(H₂O) = 189 J/(mol·K)

ΔS⦵ = [S⦵(CO₂) + 2S⦵(H₂O)] − [S⦵(CH₄) + 2S⦵(O₂)] = [214 + 2(189)] − [186 + 2(205)] = 802 J/K

Understanding the Concept of Entropy in Different States of Matter

The state of matter of a substance significantly influences its entropy.


  • Lowest Entropy: Particles are in fixed positions and have very little freedom to move.
  • Crystalline Solids: Have regular, repeating structures, resulting in slightly higher entropy than amorphous solids.


  • Intermediate Entropy: Particles are closely packed but can move past each other, giving liquids a higher entropy than solids but lower than gases.


  • Highest Entropy: Particles are spread out and move freely, resulting in the highest entropy among the three states of matter.

Changes in State

  • Solid to Liquid to Gas: As a substance changes from solid to liquid to gas, its entropy increases.
  • Dissolving: When a solid dissolves in a liquid, the system's entropy increases.
Diagram showing Entropy in Different States of Matter.

Image courtesy of Chemistry LibreTexts

Impact of Temperature and Pressure on Entropy


  • Direct Relationship: As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of particles increases, leading to greater movement and higher entropy.
  • Exception: At very low temperatures, entropy changes are less significant.


  • Inverse Relationship (for gases): As pressure increases, the volume available for gas particles decreases, leading to a decrease in entropy.
  • Solids and Liquids: Pressure has a negligible effect on the entropy of solids and liquids.


The complexity of a molecule can significantly influence its entropy. More complex molecules tend to have higher entropy because they have more atoms and thus more possible arrangements and movements. For example, a protein molecule with a complex three-dimensional structure has more potential arrangements of its atoms and more ways its atoms can vibrate and rotate, leading to higher entropy compared to a simpler molecule like methane. Additionally, the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler parts usually results in an increase in entropy.

A change in temperature has a direct impact on the entropy of a system. As the temperature of a system increases, the kinetic energy of the particles also increases, leading to more movement and higher entropy. Conversely, as the temperature decreases, the movement of the particles is reduced, resulting in lower entropy. At absolute zero, the entropy of a perfect crystal is predicted to be zero according to the Third Law of Thermodynamics. It is crucial to consider temperature when examining entropy changes in reactions and physical processes.

The concept of entropy is crucial in chemistry as it helps to predict the direction and spontaneity of chemical reactions. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system will always increase over time, leading towards equilibrium. Understanding entropy allows chemists to determine whether a reaction will be spontaneous based on the changes in entropy and enthalpy. Furthermore, entropy plays a vital role in various chemical processes, including phase changes, reaction kinetics, and the establishment of equilibrium in chemical systems.

Yes, a process can result in a decrease in entropy, especially if it involves a change from a more disordered state to a more ordered state. This typically occurs during processes like freezing, where particles in the liquid state, which are relatively free to move, are arranged into a more ordered solid state. Another example is the reaction of gases to form a solid or liquid product, as gases have higher entropy due to their particles’ freedom of movement compared to solids and liquids.

When a solute dissolves in a solvent, the particles of the solute become spread out among the particles of the solvent, leading to an increase in the randomness or disorder of the system. This results in an increase in the system’s entropy. For example, when salt dissolves in water, the Na+ and Cl- ions become dispersed among the water molecules, increasing the overall entropy. However, it's important to note that the entropy change can depend on the nature of the solute and solvent, as well as the conditions under which the dissolving occurs.

Practice Questions

Methane is burned in oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. Given the following standard entropy values: S⦵(CH₄) = 186 J/(mol·K), S⦵(O₂) = 205 J/(mol·K), S⦵(CO₂) = 214 J/(mol·K), and S⦵(H₂O) = 189 J/(mol·K), calculate the standard entropy change, ΔS⦵, for the reaction.

The balanced chemical equation for the combustion of methane is CH₄(g) + 2O₂(g) → CO₂(g) + 2H₂O(g). To find ΔS⦵, sum the standard entropy values of the products and subtract the sum of the standard entropy values of the reactants: ΔS⦵ = [S⦵(CO₂) + 2S⦵(H₂O)] − [S⦵(CH₄) + 2S⦵(O₂)] = [214 + 2(189)] − [186 + 2(205)] = 802 J/K − 596 J/K = 206 J/K. So, the standard entropy change for the combustion of methane is 206 J/K.

Explain how entropy is different in solids, liquids, and gases, and give an example of a process where the entropy of the system increases.

Entropy is a measure of the disorder in a system. In solids, particles are closely packed in a regular arrangement, resulting in low entropy. In liquids, particles are still closely packed but they have more freedom to move, leading to intermediate entropy. Gases have the highest entropy because the particles are spread out and move freely. An example of a process where entropy increases is the melting of ice. As the solid ice turns into liquid water, the particles gain freedom to move, leading to an increase in the system's entropy.

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