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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

4.4.5 Entropy at Absolute Zero

In this section, we delve into the intriguing world of thermodynamics, focusing on the behaviour of entropy at absolute zero. Understanding this concept is crucial for advanced studies in chemistry and physics, as it underpins many fundamental principles.

The Third Law of Thermodynamics

The Third Law of Thermodynamics states that as the temperature of a system approaches absolute zero, the entropy of the system approaches a minimum value. For a perfect crystal at 0 K, this minimum value is typically zero. A perfect crystal is defined as a crystal with a completely ordered structure, where the atoms, ions, or molecules are arranged in a predictable, repeating pattern.

  • Perfect Crystal: At 0 K, a perfect crystal has only one possible configuration, resulting in an entropy of zero. This is because entropy is a measure of disorder or the number of ways a system can be arranged. With only one arrangement, there is no disorder.
  • Imperfections and Defects: In real crystals, imperfections and defects are present, which can contribute to the entropy even at 0 K. However, for a perfect crystal, these imperfections are absent.
A diagrammatic presentation of the third law of thermodynamics.

Image courtesy of udaix

Understanding Entropy at Absolute Zero

Entropy, denoted as 'S', is a state function that measures the level of disorder or randomness in a system. At absolute zero, the motion of particles in a perfect crystal ceases, leading to a state of perfect order.

  • Microstates and Macrostates: A microstate is a specific configuration of particles, while a macrostate is a collection of microstates that have the same macroscopic properties. At 0 K, a perfect crystal has only one microstate, corresponding to one macrostate.
  • Entropy Change: The change in entropy is related to the number of possible microstates of the system. At 0 K, since there is only one microstate, the change in entropy for a perfect crystal is zero.

Application of the Third Law of Thermodynamics

The Third Law of Thermodynamics has significant implications in various fields of science and engineering, particularly in the calculation of absolute entropies of substances.

  • Calculating Absolute Entropy: The Third Law provides a reference point for calculating the absolute entropy of substances. By measuring the heat capacities of substances from 0 K to a certain temperature, and integrating these values, the absolute entropy at that temperature can be determined.
  • Standard Molar Entropies: These are the absolute entropies of substances in their standard states, and they are tabulated for use in thermodynamic calculations.
A diagram showing the Third Law of thermodynamics as a reference point for calculating the absolute entropy.

When a system is closed, the following phenomena can be seen at 0K:

-There is no heat in the system.

-The system's atoms and molecules are all at their lowest possible energy states.

As a result, the ground state of a system is the only microstate that can be accessed at absolute zero. In accordance with the third rule of thermodynamics, this type of system has exactly zero entropy.

Image courtesy of BlyumJ

Prediction of Entropy Changes

Understanding the behaviour of entropy at absolute zero allows chemists to predict entropy changes in reactions.

  • Entropy Changes in Reactions: The standard entropy change for a reaction can be calculated using the standard molar entropies of the reactants and products.
  • Spontaneity of Reactions: The sign of the standard entropy change provides insight into the spontaneity of a reaction, although it is not the only factor.

Quantum Mechanical Perspective

At a quantum mechanical level, the behaviour of particles at absolute zero is described differently.

  • Zero-Point Energy: Even at 0 K, particles exhibit zero-point energy, meaning they are never completely at rest. However, this does not contribute to the entropy.
  • Debye Model: This model describes the heat capacities and entropy of solids at low temperatures, taking into account the quantized vibrational modes of the lattice.

Challenges and Limitations

While the Third Law of Thermodynamics provides a theoretical framework, there are practical challenges and limitations.

  • Reaching Absolute Zero: In practice, reaching absolute zero is impossible due to the Third Law itself, as it would require an infinite amount of energy to remove the last bit of thermal energy from a system.
  • Real Crystals: Real crystals have defects and impurities that contribute to entropy, even at low temperatures.

Relevance to Other Areas of Chemistry

The concepts of entropy at absolute zero have wider applications in chemistry and beyond.

  • Statistical Thermodynamics: This branch of thermodynamics uses statistical methods to explain the macroscopic properties of systems based on the behaviour of particles.
  • Cryogenics: The study and application of low-temperature phenomena rely on the principles of entropy and the Third Law of Thermodynamics.

In summary, the behaviour of entropy at absolute zero is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics, providing a basis for understanding and calculating entropy changes in chemical reactions and processes. The principles outlined in this section are essential for advanced studies in chemistry, physics, and related fields.


In real-life applications, understanding entropy at absolute zero helps in the field of cryogenics and the study of superconductors, which exhibit unique properties at very low temperatures. By understanding how entropy behaves as substances approach absolute zero, scientists and engineers can better manipulate conditions to achieve desired outcomes, such as superconductivity. Additionally, this understanding aids in the development of new materials and technologies that operate efficiently at low temperatures.

In theory, entropy values are always positive or zero. This is because entropy is a measure of the number of ways a system can be arranged, and there is always at least one possible arrangement. However, when discussing changes in entropy (ΔS), it is possible to have a negative value. A negative ΔS indicates that the system has moved to a more ordered state. It is important to clarify that while ΔS can be negative, the absolute entropy of a system (S) is always positive or zero.

A 'perfect' crystal, as referred to in the Third Law of Thermodynamics, is an idealised crystal with every atom or molecule in its proper place, resulting in a single unique arrangement or microstate. This means that there is no disorder or randomness in the system, leading to an entropy of zero at absolute zero. The significance of this is that it provides a reference point for measuring and comparing the entropy of other states and substances. It sets a baseline, helping chemists to better understand and quantify the disorder in different systems.

The Third Law of Thermodynamics provides a crucial foundation in chemical thermodynamics for calculating absolute entropies of substances. By establishing that the entropy of a perfect crystal at absolute zero is zero, it allows chemists to calculate the absolute entropy of a substance at any temperature, given its heat capacities and phase transition temperatures. This in turn enables the calculation of ΔS for chemical reactions, which is essential for predicting reaction spontaneity and equilibrium positions, critical components in the study and application of chemistry.

The Third Law of Thermodynamics states that as a system approaches absolute zero, the entropy of the system approaches a minimum value. For a perfect crystal, this minimum value is zero. However, real crystals are not perfect; they have imperfections and defects. As a result, even at very low temperatures, real crystals possess a non-zero entropy. The entropy does decrease as the temperature decreases, but due to these imperfections, it does not reach zero. This is an important distinction because it highlights the idealised nature of the Third Law and its application to real-world substances.

Practice Questions

Explain why the entropy of a perfect crystal is considered to be zero at absolute zero.

A perfect crystal at absolute zero is in a state of complete order, with its particles arranged in a fixed and predictable pattern. Entropy is a measure of disorder or randomness in a system, and since a perfect crystal at absolute zero has only one possible arrangement of its particles, there is no disorder or randomness. This results in the entropy of the system being zero. The Third Law of Thermodynamics supports this, stating that the entropy of a perfect crystalline substance is zero at absolute zero. This is because at this point, the substance is in its ground state with no accessible energy levels, leading to only one possible microstate and hence, no randomness or disorder.

Describe the challenges and limitations associated with reaching absolute zero and measuring the entropy of real crystals.

Reaching absolute zero is theoretically and practically challenging due to the Third Law of Thermodynamics, which implies that an infinite amount of energy is required to cool a substance to absolute zero. As the temperature decreases, the energy required to remove the remaining thermal energy from the system increases exponentially. Additionally, real crystals have imperfections and defects which contribute to their entropy, even at temperatures close to absolute zero. These imperfections result in multiple accessible microstates, leading to a non-zero entropy. Measuring the exact entropy of real crystals is complicated due to these imperfections and the practical impossibility of reaching absolute zero.

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