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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

4.3.5 Fuel Cells and Energy Conversion

Fuel cells represent a pivotal advancement in energy conversion technology, offering a cleaner alternative to traditional combustion-based power sources. This section explores the workings of fuel cells, focusing on their electrode reactions, the types of fuels they utilise, and how they differ fundamentally from primary (voltaic) cells.

Deduction of Half-Equations for Electrode Reactions in Fuel Cells

Fuel cells operate through redox reactions, where oxidation and reduction occur at separate electrodes. Understanding these processes requires breaking down the reactions into half-equations.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Hydrogen fuel cells generate energy from the reaction of hydrogen gas with oxygen. The overall reaction can be expressed as follows:

2H2 (g) + O2 (g) -> 2H2O (l)

This reaction is comprised of two half-reactions:

1. Anode (Oxidation):

  • Hydrogen gas is oxidised at the anode.
  • H2 (g) -> 2H+ (aq) + 2e-
  • Hydrogen molecules lose electrons and are converted to hydrogen ions.

2. Cathode (Reduction):

  • Oxygen is reduced at the cathode in the presence of water.
  • O2 (g) + 4H+ (aq) + 4e- -> 2H2O (l)
  • Oxygen molecules gain electrons and react with hydrogen ions to form water.

Electrons flow through an external circuit from the anode to the cathode, producing electric current.

A diagram of Hydrogen fuel cells energy generation.

Image courtesy of HandigeHarry

Methanol Fuel Cells

Methanol fuel cells use methanol as a fuel source. The reactions involved are as follows:

CH3OH (l) + 3/2 O2 (g) -> 2H2O (l) + CO2 (g)

Breaking this down into half-reactions gives us:

1. Anode (Oxidation):

  • Methanol is oxidised, producing electrons, protons, and carbon dioxide.
  • CH3OH (l) + H2O (l) -> CO2 (g) + 6H+ (aq) + 6e-

2. Cathode (Reduction):

  • Oxygen is reduced, utilising the electrons and protons to produce water.
  • 3/2 O2 (g) + 6H+ (aq) + 6e- -> 3H2O (l)

Just like in hydrogen fuel cells, electrons move through an external circuit, generating electric power.

Hydrogen and Methanol as Fuels for Fuel Cells

Fuel cells can operate on various fuels, but hydrogen and methanol are among the most common. Each has its unique advantages and challenges.

Hydrogen as a Fuel

  • Pros:
    • Clean Energy: The only by-product is water, making it an environmentally friendly option.
    • High Efficiency: Hydrogen fuel cells are highly efficient, especially in vehicles.
  • Cons:
    • Storage and Transport: Hydrogen is difficult to store and transport safely.
    • Production Costs: Most hydrogen is currently produced from natural gas, which is a costly and carbon-intensive process.

Methanol as a Fuel

  • Pros:
    • Easier to Handle: Methanol is a liquid at room temperature, making it easier to store and transport than hydrogen.
    • Renewable Source: It can be produced from biomass, offering a renewable energy source.
  • Cons:
    • Toxicity: Methanol is toxic and poses health risks if mishandled.
    • Carbon Emissions: Combustion of methanol produces CO2, although the emissions are less than those from fossil fuels.
Diagram showing different fuels involved in carbon emission.

Hydrogen produces no greenhouse gases while methanol contributes to greenhouse gas production.

Image courtesy of IDTechEx

Comparison with Primary (Voltaic) Cells

Fuel cells and primary (voltaic) cells both generate electricity through chemical reactions, but they have key differences.

  • Fuel Supply:
    • Fuel Cells: Operate as long as fuel is supplied.
    • Primary Cells: Have a finite amount of reactants stored within the cell.
  • Rechargeability:
    • Fuel Cells: Can be ‘recharged’ by replenishing the fuel.
    • Primary Cells: Cannot be recharged; they must be replaced once the reactants are depleted.
  • Waste Products:
    • Fuel Cells: Produce water or CO2, depending on the fuel.
    • Primary Cells: Can produce harmful waste products and require careful disposal.
  • Efficiency:
    • Fuel Cells: Generally more efficient, especially for applications like vehicles.
    • Primary Cells: Efficiency can vary widely depending on the type of cell.

In summary, fuel cells offer a sustainable and efficient alternative to traditional energy sources, with the potential to revolutionise how we power our world. Their operation, based on fundamental chemical reactions, highlights the incredible potential of chemistry to contribute to a sustainable future.


Catalysts play a crucial role in fuel cells by increasing the rate of the electrochemical reactions at the electrodes without being consumed in the process. At the anode, the catalyst facilitates the oxidation of the fuel, while at the cathode, it aids in the reduction of oxygen. For hydrogen fuel cells, platinum is a commonly used catalyst, although research is ongoing to find less expensive alternatives. The catalyst ensures that the reactions occur rapidly and efficiently at relatively low temperatures, which is vital for maintaining the overall efficiency and performance of the fuel cell.

Fuel cells in vehicles offer several advantages over traditional combustion engines. They are more efficient, converting a higher percentage of the energy in the fuel directly into motion. This is because fuel cells avoid the intermediate step of burning fuel, which results in energy loss as heat. Additionally, fuel cells emit only water vapour when hydrogen is used as the fuel, contributing to reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. They also operate more quietly compared to combustion engines. However, challenges such as the development of hydrogen infrastructure and the current high costs associated with fuel cell vehicles need to be addressed for widespread adoption.

The efficiency of a fuel cell can be affected by various factors, including the type of fuel used, the design and materials of the cell, operating conditions, and the presence of impurities in the fuel. To maintain high efficiency, it is crucial to ensure that the fuel is pure and free from contaminants that could poison the catalysts. The temperature and pressure conditions of the cell must also be carefully controlled. Using advanced materials and design techniques can help to optimise the flow of reactants and products, minimising losses and maintaining a uniform temperature across the cell. Regular maintenance and monitoring are also essential to detect and address any issues promptly.

Methanol fuel cells produce carbon dioxide and water as by-products, whereas hydrogen fuel cells only produce water. The production of carbon dioxide in methanol fuel cells implies that they are not entirely carbon-neutral, even though the emissions are generally lower compared to fossil fuels. However, if the methanol is produced from renewable sources, such as biomass, the overall carbon footprint can be significantly reduced. In contrast, hydrogen fuel cells are often considered more environmentally friendly, provided that the hydrogen is produced using clean energy sources, as their only by-product is water.

Hydrogen's storage and transport pose significant challenges primarily due to its low density and high reactivity. Being the lightest and smallest molecule, hydrogen has a very low density as a gas, requiring high pressure or extremely low temperatures to be stored and transported in larger quantities, which can be energy-intensive and expensive. Furthermore, hydrogen's small size allows it to permeate through materials that would contain other gases, leading to potential leaks. Its high reactivity, especially in the presence of oxygen, raises safety concerns, as it can be explosive under certain conditions. These factors necessitate special infrastructure and materials, increasing the cost and complexity of using hydrogen as a fuel.

Practice Questions

Explain the differences in operation between a fuel cell using hydrogen as a fuel and a primary (voltaic) cell.

A hydrogen fuel cell operates by the electrochemical reaction of hydrogen gas with oxygen to produce water, generating electricity in the process. The fuel cell continues to produce electricity as long as hydrogen fuel is supplied. In contrast, a primary (voltaic) cell contains a finite amount of reactants which, once depleted, result in the cessation of electrical production, making it non-rechargeable. Fuel cells generally offer higher efficiency, especially in applications such as vehicles, and produce cleaner by-products compared to the potentially harmful waste produced by primary cells.

Describe the electrode reactions occurring in a methanol fuel cell.

In a methanol fuel cell, methanol undergoes oxidation at the anode, resulting in the production of carbon dioxide, protons, and electrons. The half-equation for this reaction is CH3OH (l) + H2O (l) -> CO2 (g) + 6H+ (aq) + 6e-. Meanwhile, at the cathode, oxygen is reduced by accepting the electrons that have travelled through the external circuit and reacting with the protons to form water. The half-equation for the cathode reaction is 3/2 O2 (g) + 6H+ (aq) + 6e- -> 3H2O (l). The overall cell reaction involves the conversion of methanol and oxygen into carbon dioxide and water, generating electric current in the process.

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