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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

4.3.1 Combustion Reactions

In this section, we'll explore the intricate world of combustion reactions, from deducing their equations, understanding the significance of high activation energy in fuels, to identifying the agents that participate in these reactions.

Deduction of Equations for Combustion Reactions


Hydrocarbons are organic compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen. When hydrocarbons combust in the presence of oxygen, they form carbon dioxide and water. The general equation for the combustion of a hydrocarbon is:

Hydrocarbon + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water

For example, the combustion of methane (CH₄) is:

CH₄ + 2O₂ → CO₂ + 2H₂O

Diagram showing the chemical equation for the combustion of methane.

Image courtesy of Yulo1985


Alcohols contain an -OH functional group. When alcohols combust, they form carbon dioxide, water, and sometimes additional products depending on the specific alcohol. The general equation for the combustion of an alcohol is:

Alcohol + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water

For instance, the combustion of ethanol (C₂H₅OH) is:

C₂H₅OH + 3O₂ → 2CO₂ + 3H₂O

Role of High Activation Energy in Fuels

What is Activation Energy?

Activation energy is the minimum energy required for a chemical reaction to proceed. It acts as an energy barrier that reactants must overcome to transform into products.

A graph showing the activation energy needed for a reaction to start.

The activation energy is the energy required from the current state in order for the reaction to proceed.

Image courtesy of Brazosport College

Significance in Fuels

  • Safety: High activation energy ensures that fuels don't combust spontaneously, making them safe for storage and transport. For instance, petrol in a car's tank doesn't ignite unless a spark is provided.
  • Controlled Combustion: It allows for the controlled release of energy. When we light a burner or start an engine, we're essentially providing the necessary activation energy to start the combustion process.
  • Efficiency: Fuels with appropriate activation energy levels burn more efficiently. Too low might lead to incomplete combustion, whereas too high might mean the fuel doesn't burn easily.

Identifying Oxidising and Reducing Agents in Combustion Reactions

Oxidising Agents

An oxidising agent is a substance that causes another substance to be oxidised, and in the process, it is reduced. In combustion reactions:

  • Oxygen is the primary oxidising agent. It accepts electrons from the substance being burned (usually a hydrocarbon or an alcohol) and is reduced to form water or carbon dioxide.

For example, in the combustion of methane: CH₄ + 2O₂ → CO₂ + 2H₂O Oxygen (O₂) is reduced to water (H₂O) and carbon dioxide (CO₂).

Reducing Agents

A reducing agent causes another substance to be reduced, and in the process, it is oxidised. In combustion reactions:

  • The hydrocarbon or alcohol acts as the reducing agent. It donates electrons to oxygen and is oxidised to produce carbon dioxide and water.

Continuing with the methane example: CH₄ + 2O₂ → CO₂ + 2H₂O Methane (CH₄) is oxidised to carbon dioxide (CO₂) and water (H₂O).

A diagram showing the oxidizing agent and reducing agent.

Image courtesy of WolfpackBME


The structure of a hydrocarbon significantly influences its combustion properties. Straight-chain alkanes tend to have higher boiling points and require more energy to ignite than their branched-chain isomers due to increased van der Waals forces. Additionally, the presence of double bonds in alkenes and alkynes can lower the activation energy required for combustion, making them more reactive than alkanes. Cycloalkanes may also behave differently due to the strain in their ring structures. Generally, larger and more complex hydrocarbons have a tendency to undergo incomplete combustion, especially under conditions where there is insufficient oxygen.

A high activation energy for vehicle fuels is crucial for safety and efficiency. It ensures that the fuel does not ignite spontaneously, which could lead to accidents or explosions. The high activation energy requires a specific condition, such as a spark in a petrol engine or heat in a diesel engine, to initiate combustion. This controlled initiation of combustion allows for the efficient conversion of the fuel’s chemical energy into mechanical energy, powering the vehicle. Furthermore, it prevents the occurrence of engine knocking, which is caused by premature ignition of the fuel-air mixture, ensuring smoother engine operation and longevity.

In a combustion reaction, the oxidising agent gains electrons from the reducing agent, which undergoes oxidation. As the oxidising agent gains electrons, its oxidation state decreases, meaning it is reduced. For example, in the combustion of methane, oxygen (O₂) is the oxidising agent. Methane (CH₄) donates electrons to oxygen, resulting in the formation of water (H₂O) and carbon dioxide (CO₂). In this process, the oxygen atoms in O₂ go from an oxidation state of 0 to -2 in H₂O and +4 in CO₂, showing that they have gained electrons and are therefore reduced.

Alcohols generally require more oxygen for complete combustion compared to hydrocarbons due to the presence of the oxygen atom in their molecular structure. This oxygen atom is already bonded to the hydrogen, reducing the amount of hydrogen available to react with external oxygen when compared to a hydrocarbon with a similar carbon chain length. As a result, a higher proportion of oxygen is needed to ensure that all the carbon atoms are oxidised to carbon dioxide and all the hydrogen atoms are oxidised to water. This is why the balanced equations for the combustion of alcohols often involve larger coefficients for oxygen compared to those for hydrocarbons.

Several factors can influence the activation energy of a fuel, including its molecular structure, the presence of impurities, and environmental conditions. The molecular structure, such as the length and branching of hydrocarbon chains or the presence of functional groups in alcohols, plays a significant role. Impurities can act as catalysts or inhibitors, altering the activation energy required for combustion. Environmental conditions, such as pressure and temperature, also play a role; for instance, higher temperatures can effectively lower the activation energy, making combustion easier to initiate. Understanding these factors is crucial for manipulating the combustion properties of fuels for specific applications.

Practice Questions

Given the balanced equation for the combustion of ethene (C2H4): C2H4 + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 2H2O, identify the oxidising and reducing agents, and explain the role of high activation energy in this reaction.

The oxidising agent in the reaction is oxygen (O2) as it gains electrons when it is transformed into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Ethene (C2H4) acts as the reducing agent because it loses electrons during its transformation into carbon dioxide and water. The role of high activation energy in this reaction is crucial for safety and controlled combustion. It prevents the ethene from combusting spontaneously, ensuring that a significant amount of energy, in the form of heat or a spark, is required to initiate the reaction. This property allows for the safe storage and transportation of ethene, as well as the efficient and controlled release of energy during its combustion.

Deduce the balanced equation for the complete combustion of propanol (C3H7OH), and discuss the importance of having a high activation energy for this fuel.

The balanced equation for the complete combustion of propanol (C3H7OH) is: C3H7OH + 9/2 O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O. In this reaction, propanol reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water. High activation energy is important for propanol as a fuel because it ensures that the fuel does not ignite spontaneously, which could lead to dangerous situations. It requires a significant amount of energy, usually in the form of heat or a spark, to initiate the combustion reaction. This property ensures the safe storage and transportation of propanol and enables a controlled and efficient release of energy, making propanol a practical and safe fuel choice.

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