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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

3.2.1 Organic Compounds: Representation and Uniqueness

Organic chemistry is vast, fascinating, and central to our daily lives. A deep understanding of the representation and unique characteristics of organic compounds is pivotal to grasping this subject.

Different Types of Formulas

1. Empirical Formula

  • Represents the simplest whole-number ratio of the elements in a compound.
  • E.g., the empirical formula of benzene is CH, even though its actual molecular formula is C6H6.

2. Molecular Formula

  • Shows the exact number of atoms of each element in the smallest unit of a substance.
  • E.g., the molecular formula of benzene is C6H6.

3. Structural Formula

  • Details the specific arrangement of atoms in a compound.
  • Demonstrates single, double, or triple bonds, and the arrangement of atoms.
  • E.g., the structural formula of ethanol is CH3CH2OH.
A diagram showing the structural formula of ethanol.

The structural formula of ethanol.

Image courtesy of Tamina212

4. Stereochemical Formula

  • Provides information about the spatial arrangement of atoms.
  • Cis and trans are common terms describing geometric isomers.
A diagram showing the structure of cis-2-buten and trans-2-butene

Image courtesy of NEUROtiker

5. Skeletal Formula

  • A simplified representation, where each end and kink of a line represents a carbon atom.
  • Shows the bonds between carbons and any atoms other than hydrogen.
  • Useful for visualising longer carbon chains.
A diagram showing an example of a skeletal formula (sarcinaxanthin).

An example of a skeletal formula of sarcinaxanthin.

Image courtesy of A doubt

Construction of 3D Models of Organic Molecules

  • Physical models: Molecular kits allow for hands-on experience, aiding visual learners.
    • Ball and stick models: Shows atoms as spheres and bonds as sticks between them.
    • Space-filling models: Shows the relative size of atoms, and how they touch in real compounds.
  • Digital models: Advanced software allows for the simulation and manipulation of molecular models.
    • Provides dynamic views and can display different types of interactions and conformations.

Carbon's Unique Ability

  • Tetravalence: Carbon has four valence electrons, allowing it to form four bonds.
  • Versatility: Forms single, double, or triple bonds with other carbon atoms or with different elements.
  • Catnation: Ability to form long chains, or rings, of carbon atoms.
  • Stability: Carbon-carbon bonds are robust, making carbon compounds very stable.

These unique features of carbon lead to the formation of a vast number of compounds, more than any other element in the periodic table.

Diagram showing the structure of methane- Carbon forming four bonds.

Image courtesy of Christinelmiller

Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Depictions

Empirical Formula

  • Advantage: Simplifies complex molecules; useful for stoichiometric calculations.
  • Disadvantage: Lacks detailed information about the molecule's actual structure.

Molecular Formula

  • Advantage: Provides more detail than the empirical formula.
  • Disadvantage: Still does not provide structural or spatial arrangement.

Structural Formula

  • Advantage: Clearly demonstrates how atoms are connected.
  • Disadvantage: Can become cumbersome for large organic molecules.

Stereochemical Formula

  • Advantage: Shows spatial arrangement, aiding understanding of reactivity and properties.
  • Disadvantage: Complexity increases with the size of the molecule.

Skeletal Formula

  • Advantage: Streamlined representation for complex molecules.
  • Disadvantage: Assumes knowledge of organic chemistry conventions (e.g., each kink and end is a carbon).


The skeletal formula, sometimes known as the line-angle formula or bond-line formula, is particularly useful for depicting large organic molecules. In this representation, carbon atoms are implied at every vertex or end of a line segment, and hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon are also implied and not drawn. Only atoms other than carbon (like oxygen, nitrogen, etc.) and hydrogens bonded to them are explicitly shown. This shorthand way of drawing eliminates the need to draw every carbon and hydrogen atom, which, for large molecules, would make the diagram cluttered and hard to decipher. Instead, the skeletal formula offers a streamlined and clear visual of the molecule's carbon backbone and functional groups.

Digital models provide several advantages over physical models. Firstly, they can be manipulated easily, allowing for the dynamic visualisation of molecules from various angles and perspectives. They can also simulate molecular motions, such as rotations, vibrations, and conformational changes. Digital models can be integrated with computational chemistry tools, providing insights into molecular properties, potential energy surfaces, and reaction pathways. Furthermore, digital models allow for seamless integration of various molecular representations (space-filling, ball-and-stick, electrostatic potential maps) with a click. While physical models offer tangible, hands-on experience, digital models provide versatility, dynamism, and in-depth molecular insights, making them invaluable in modern chemistry education.

While molecular formulas give the exact number and type of atoms in a compound, they don't provide any information about how these atoms are connected or arranged. Structural formulas, on the other hand, show the specific arrangement of atoms in the compound, illustrating how each atom is bonded to the others. They explicitly depict single, double, or triple bonds and the connectivity of different functional groups. For example, both ethanol (CH3CH2OH) and dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3) have the same molecular formula, C2H6O, but different structural formulas. This difference in structure results in distinct properties and behaviours. Hence, structural formulas offer a more comprehensive understanding of a molecule's architecture and potential reactivity.

Carbon's ability to form double and triple bonds is crucial in organic chemistry as it introduces variability in molecular structure, leading to compounds with different properties. Double and triple bonds arise from the overlap of atomic orbitals, resulting in π and σ bonds. Double bonds consist of one σ and one π bond, while triple bonds consist of one σ and two π bonds. These multiple bonds affect the compound's reactivity, physical properties, and molecular geometry. For instance, alkenes, with carbon-carbon double bonds, are more reactive than alkanes, with single bonds, due to the presence of the π bond that is more exposed and easily broken.

Carbon is considered tetravalent because it has four valence electrons in its outer shell. Looking at its electron configuration, 1s² 2s² 2p², carbon has two electrons in the 2s orbital and two in the 2p orbitals. To achieve a stable electron configuration resembling that of a noble gas, carbon needs four more electrons. By sharing its four valence electrons with other atoms in covalent bonds, carbon effectively achieves this full outer shell configuration. This tetravalency allows carbon to form a wide variety of molecules and compounds by bonding with up to four other atoms simultaneously.

Practice Questions

Explain the main differences between empirical, molecular, and skeletal formulas using benzene as an example.

Benzene's empirical formula represents the simplest whole-number ratio of the elements present, which is CH. This indicates that there is a 1:1 ratio of carbon to hydrogen. The molecular formula of benzene, C6H6, shows the exact number of atoms of each element in a unit of benzene. It provides more detail than the empirical formula but doesn't convey the structure. The skeletal formula, on the other hand, is a simplified visual representation. For benzene, it's a hexagon implying a ring structure. Each corner of the hexagon represents a carbon atom, and the hydrogens are implied but not explicitly drawn. This form is particularly useful for visualising complex organic molecules.

Carbon plays a fundamental role in organic chemistry due to its unique characteristics. Briefly describe why carbon's ability to form a vast number of compounds is unparalleled in the periodic table.

Carbon is tetravalent, meaning it has four valence electrons allowing it to form four covalent bonds with other atoms. This tetravalence permits a vast array of bonding configurations, including single, double, or triple bonds with other carbons or different elements. Furthermore, carbon can undergo catenation, the ability to form long chains or rings of carbon atoms, leading to the formation of complex molecules. Additionally, carbon-carbon bonds are stable, which gives rise to stable organic compounds. This combination of bonding versatility, catenation, and stability ensures carbon's unparalleled ability in the periodic table to form a myriad of compounds.

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