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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

3.1.4 Reactivity Trends in Groups 1 and 17

Group 1 metals, commonly known as alkali metals, and group 17 elements, also known as halogens, are both crucial in understanding reactivity trends in the periodic table. This set of notes will delve into their reactions and the underlying reasons for their distinct behaviours.

Reactions of Group 1 Metals with Water

Alkali metals are known for their high reactivity with water. As we move down the group, this reactivity increases. Here’s a breakdown of their reactions:

  • Lithium (Li): Reacts slowly with water, producing hydrogen gas and lithium hydroxide.
    • Li + H20 → LiOH + H2
  • Sodium (Na): Reacts more vigorously than lithium, producing hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide.
    • Na + H20 → NaOH + H2
  • Potassium (K): Reacts explosively with cold water, forming potassium hydroxide and hydrogen.
    • K + H20 → KOH + H2
  • Rubidium (Rb) & Cesium (Cs): React violently and explosively with water.
Diagram showing the reaction of lithium, sodium and potassium with water.

Image courtesy of the science hive

The reactivity increase down the group is due to the outer electron being further from the nucleus, making it easier to lose and thus increasing reactivity.

Reactions of Group 17 Elements with Halide Ions

Halogens are known for their reactivity with metals, forming halide salts. However, they can also react with halide ions in a displacement reaction:

  • A more reactive halogen can displace a less reactive halogen from its salt solution. For instance:
    • Cl2 + 2NaBr → 2NaCl + Br2

As we move down group 17, the reactivity decreases. This trend is the opposite of group 1 metals.

Increasing Metallic Character in Group 1

Metallic character refers to how easily atoms can lose electrons. In group 1:

  • The atomic size increases down the group due to the addition of electron shells.
  • Outer electrons are further from the nucleus and are less strongly attracted.
  • This results in an increase in the ease of losing electrons and hence an increase in metallic character.

In summary, alkali metals become more metallic and reactive as we move down the group.

IB Chemistry Tutor Tip: Understanding the reactivity trends in Groups 1 and 17 is pivotal for predicting chemical behaviour, highlighting the significance of electron positioning relative to the nucleus in chemical reactions.

Decreasing Non-Metallic Character in Group 17

Non-metallic character is associated with how easily atoms can gain electrons. In group 17:

  • The atomic size increases as we move down the group.
  • Outer electrons are further from the nucleus and experience more shielding from inner electron shells.
  • This makes gaining an extra electron more difficult, leading to a decrease in non-metallic character.

In essence, halogens become less non-metallic and less reactive as electron gainers as we move down the group.

Diagram showing the trend in metallic characters in the periodic table.

Image courtesy of Chemistry Learner

IB Tutor Advice: Focus on practising displacement reactions and predicting products, ensuring you understand the underlying trends in reactivity and atomic structure for both Groups 1 and 17.

Simulations in Exploring Chemical Reactivity

Simulations have become a powerful tool in understanding chemical reactions, particularly when experiments are too dangerous, like certain reactions of alkali metals with water:

  • Safety: Simulations offer a safe environment to study explosive or toxic reactions without the associated risks.
  • Visualisation: It allows students to visualise atomic and molecular interactions, aiding comprehension.
  • Variability: Students can modify conditions like temperature or concentration and instantly observe changes in reactivity.
  • Accessibility: Some reactions require specialised equipment or are too rapid to study in real-time, making simulations invaluable.

Incorporating simulations into the study of reactivity trends gives students an in-depth and interactive understanding of the subject matter, making complex concepts more accessible and comprehensible.


While the general trend in Group 17 is a decrease in reactivity as you descend the group, there are subtle nuances. For instance, fluorine is exceptionally reactive, more so than chlorine, but chlorine is more versatile in its reactions and forms compounds with a broader range of elements. Another nuance arises with astatine, the heaviest halogen, which exhibits some metallic properties due to relativistic effects. This can influence its reactivity patterns, making it differ from the typical halogen behaviour. However, astatine is rare and radioactive, so its chemistry is less well-known than other halogens.

The metallic character of an element relates to its ability to lose electrons easily. In Group 1, as you move down the group, the atomic size increases, making the outermost electron more shielded and farther from the nucleus. This causes it to be more loosely held, enhancing the element's metallic character. As a result, these elements tend to lose their outermost electron more readily, making them more reactive. Hence, the increasing metallic character directly correlates with the increasing reactivity of Group 1 metals.

Simulations provide a dynamic, visual representation of the atomic and molecular interactions taking place during chemical reactions. For Group 17, using simulations, students can visualise how the atomic size and electron shielding affect electron acceptance. They can observe how, as you move down the group, the atomic size increases, leading to more electron shielding and reduced electron affinity. This visual perspective, combined with real-time manipulation possibilities, deepens the understanding of why non-metallic character decreases in Group 17. Simulations can also demonstrate how different halogens react with the same element, showcasing their varying reactivities.

Group 17 elements, primarily non-metals, typically have a strong tendency to gain an electron to achieve a stable noble gas electron configuration. However, they can also exhibit positive oxidation states, especially when combined with oxygen or other more electronegative elements. The formation of these positive oxidation states is due to their ability to share electrons with elements like oxygen in covalent bonds, leading to compounds like chlorine heptoxide (Cl2O7), where chlorine exhibits a +7 oxidation state. The presence of multiple electron shells in heavier halogens allows for d-orbital participation in bonding, facilitating these higher oxidation states.

Francium, despite being at the bottom of Group 1 and potentially the most reactive alkali metal, is rarely discussed due to its extreme rarity and high radioactivity. It has a very short half-life, and only small amounts have been produced in labs. Its fleeting existence and radioactivity make it difficult to study and work with. Furthermore, its potential reaction with water is extrapolated based on trends from other alkali metals, but direct observations are challenging due to the reasons mentioned. As a result, its reactivity remains largely theoretical in academic discussions.

Practice Questions

Describe the trend in reactivity as you move down Group 1 and Group 17 of the periodic table. Provide reasons for these trends.

Group 1 elements, or alkali metals, exhibit an increasing trend in reactivity as we move down the group. This is because as we descend the group, atomic size increases with the addition of electron shells. The outermost electron is further from the nucleus, making it easier to lose. As a result, alkali metals become more reactive. On the other hand, Group 17 elements, the halogens, show a decreasing trend in reactivity as we move down. The atomic size increases, and outer electrons experience more shielding from inner electron shells. This makes gaining an extra electron more challenging, leading to reduced reactivity in electron acceptance.

Explain the significance and benefits of using simulations in studying the reactions of Group 1 metals with water.

Simulations play a pivotal role in studying the reactions of Group 1 metals with water. Firstly, they ensure safety. Reactions of certain alkali metals with water can be explosive, and simulations prevent any risks associated with hands-on experiments. Secondly, simulations provide a visual insight into atomic and molecular interactions, enhancing students' comprehension. They also allow for instant modification of conditions, such as temperature or concentration, enabling students to observe variations in reactivity. Lastly, certain reactions might require specialised equipment or might be too rapid to be studied in real-time. Simulations make these reactions more accessible, granting students a deeper understanding without the logistical challenges of physical experimentation.

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