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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

3.1.6 Oxidation States and Their Significance

In the realm of chemistry, understanding oxidation states is pivotal. It provides insight into the behaviour of elements in chemical reactions, especially redox reactions, and helps determine the composition and charge distribution in compounds and ions.

Deduction of Oxidation States in Ions or Compounds

  • Ions: The oxidation state of a monoatomic ion is equal to its charge.
    • E.g., Na⁺ has an oxidation state of +1, while Cl⁻ has an oxidation state of -1.
  • Compounds: The sum of the oxidation states of all the atoms in a compound equals the charge on the compound.
    • E.g., in H₂O, the oxidation state of hydrogen is +1 and oxygen is -2. Hence, the sum is 2(+1) + (-2) = 0, matching the neutral charge of the molecule.

Why the Oxidation State of an Element is Zero

  • Pure Elements: For any uncombined element, regardless of its complexity or number of atoms, the oxidation state is always zero.
    • This is because there is no charge difference in pure elements; the atoms don't exhibit any preference to give away or accept electrons.
    • Examples include O₂, S₈, P₄, and Fe. In each of these, the oxidation state of the element is zero.
Diagram showing examples of pure elements with zero oxidation states.

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Notation and Examples of Oxidation States

  • Notation: Oxidation states are denoted by Roman numerals in parentheses. They can be positive, zero, or negative.
    • E.g., Iron(II) sulphate suggests iron has an oxidation state of +2.
  • Multiple Oxidation States: Some elements, especially transition metals, can have multiple oxidation states.
    • E.g., iron can exist in oxidation states of +2 (as in Fe²⁺) or +3 (as in Fe³⁺).
  • Common Oxidation States:
    • Group 1 metals (e.g., Na, K) generally have an oxidation state of +1.
    • Group 2 metals (e.g., Mg, Ca) have an oxidation state of +2.
    • Halogens (e.g., Cl, Br) mostly exhibit an oxidation state of -1, although they can show positive oxidation states in certain compounds.
Periodic table of elements showing oxidation states of elements.

Image courtesy of andriano_cz

Application of Oxidation States in Analysing Redox Reactions

  • Redox Reactions: These are reactions wherein oxidation (loss of electrons) and reduction (gain of electrons) occur simultaneously.
  • Identification:
    • Oxidation is an increase in oxidation state.
    • Reduction is a decrease in oxidation state.
Diagram showing a general example of redox reaction.

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  • Analysing Redox Reactions: Using oxidation states can help in identifying the oxidising and reducing agents in a reaction.
    • E.g., in the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to form water:
      • H₂ + ½O₂ → H₂O
      • Hydrogen's oxidation state changes from 0 in H₂ to +1 in H₂O, indicating that it has been oxidised.
      • Oxygen's oxidation state changes from 0 in O₂ to -2 in H₂O, indicating that it has been reduced.
    • Hence, H₂ is the reducing agent, and O₂ is the oxidising agent.
Diagram showing the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to form water and changes in oxidation state.

Image courtesy of Chemistry Steps

  • Balancing Redox Reactions: Oxidation states aid in balancing redox reactions, ensuring that the number of electrons lost in the oxidation half-reaction equals the number gained in the reduction half-reaction.

Redox reactions are fundamental in many chemical processes, from the rusting of iron to the operation of batteries. Understanding and correctly identifying oxidation states allows for a deeper comprehension of these reactions and ensures that chemical equations representing them are balanced correctly.

Remember, the application of oxidation states goes beyond just determining which atom or ion is oxidised or reduced. It provides a systematic method to analyse the movement and sharing of electrons in chemical systems, paving the way for understanding the underlying mechanisms of various chemical reactions.


The range of oxidation states an element can exhibit is due to the involvement of the inner shell electrons in bonding, especially for transition metals. These elements have incompletely filled d orbitals which can participate in bonding. The flexibility in the number of electrons that can be used from these d orbitals for bonding results in the variable oxidation states. For instance, manganese can exhibit oxidation states from +2 to +7 due to the varied involvement of its d electrons.

The oxidation state of a monoatomic ion is equal to the charge on the ion. This is because the ion, being monoatomic, contains only one type of atom, and its charge arises from the loss or gain of electrons. For instance, Na+ has an oxidation state of +1 as it has lost one electron, whereas O2- has an oxidation state of -2 as it has gained two electrons.

Yes, oxidation states can be fractional, but this is typically an average value across several atoms in a compound rather than a true depiction of electron distribution. A common example is superoxides where oxygen has an oxidation state of -1/2. In KO2, potassium superoxide, each oxygen atom doesn't individually have a -1/2 charge, but when considering the compound as a whole and distributing the charges, the average oxidation state for oxygen becomes -1/2.

For elements in the s and p blocks, the oxidation state can often be predicted from the group number. Elements in Group 1 (alkali metals) generally have an oxidation state of +1, while those in Group 2 (alkaline earth metals) have +2. For the p block elements, the oxidation state can be the group number minus ten. For example, Group 15 elements like nitrogen typically have an oxidation state of -3, while Group 17 elements (halogens) have an oxidation state of -1. However, there are exceptions and some elements in these groups can display multiple oxidation states.

Multiple oxidation states can be determined by considering the rules of assigning oxidation states and the nature of the other elements present in the compound. For instance, in transition metals which often exhibit multiple oxidation states, the type and number of ligands or atoms it's bound to can give clues. For instance, iron in FeCl2 has an oxidation state of +2, whereas in FeCl3, it has an oxidation state of +3. However, determining exact values might require knowledge of the compound's structure or advanced techniques like X-ray crystallography.

Practice Questions

Given the reaction: 2Fe2O3 + 3C → 4Fe + 3CO2, identify the oxidising and reducing agents, and provide their initial and final oxidation states.

In the given reaction, iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3) is reduced from an oxidation state of +3 (in Fe2O3) to 0 in elemental iron (Fe). Therefore, Fe2O3 is the oxidising agent. Carbon (C) is oxidised from an oxidation state of 0 in elemental carbon to +4 in carbon dioxide (CO2). Thus, carbon (C) is the reducing agent.

Explain why the oxidation state of any element in its elemental form is zero and provide an example.

The oxidation state of any element in its elemental form is zero because, in its pure form, the element is not combined with any other element, and there's no charge difference or preference for the atoms to give away or accept electrons. For example, in elemental nitrogen, N2, both nitrogen atoms have the same electronegativity and there's no electron transfer between them. As a result, the oxidation state for each nitrogen atom in N2 is zero.

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