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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

4.1.2 Stability and Energy Profiles

In this section, we delve into the stability of reactants and products in both endothermic and exothermic reactions, and explore how energy profiles can be sketched and interpreted to better understand these reactions. Furthermore, we’ll provide a detailed explanation of why most combustion reactions are exothermic, with a focus on the bonding in N2.

Stability in Chemical Reactions

Endothermic Reactions

In endothermic reactions, reactants absorb energy from the surroundings, leading to a higher potential energy in the products:

  • Reactants: Typically more stable because they exist at a lower energy level before absorbing energy.
  • Products: Less stable due to the increase in potential energy.

Examples of endothermic reactions include photosynthesis and the dissolution of certain salts in water.

Exothermic Reactions

Conversely, exothermic reactions release energy, resulting in products that are more stable than the reactants:

  • Reactants: Less stable as they exist at a higher potential energy level.
  • Products: More stable due to the release of energy and decrease in potential energy.

Combustion reactions and neutralisation reactions are classic examples of exothermic processes.

Diagram showing enothermic vs exotheric reactions.

Image courtesy of udaix

Energy Profiles

Energy profiles provide a visual representation of the energy changes during a chemical reaction, helping to illustrate the concepts of stability and energy transfer.

Sketching Energy Profiles

  • Axes: The vertical axis represents Potential Energy, while the horizontal axis represents the Reaction Progress.
  • Endothermic Reactions: Start at a lower energy level, reach a peak (activation energy), then end at a higher energy level.
  • Exothermic Reactions: Start at a higher energy level, reach a peak (activation energy), then end at a lower energy level.

Interpreting Energy Profiles

  • Activation Energy (Ea): The peak represents the minimum energy required for the reaction to occur.
  • Endothermic Reactions: The difference in energy between the products and reactants shows the energy absorbed.
A graph showing an endothermic reaction.

As the first activation energy requirements are met, the reaction continues and produces the product "C". Heat energy is absorbed by the molecular bonds as they are created.

Image courtesy of Brazosport College

  • Exothermic Reactions: The difference in energy between the reactants and products shows the energy released.

As the first activation energy requirements are met, the reaction continues and produces the product "C". Heat energy is released.

A graph of exothermic reaction.

Image courtesy of Brazosport College

Combustion Reactions and the Bonding in N2

Combustion reactions are predominantly exothermic, releasing energy in the form of heat and light. The combustion of hydrocarbons, such as in fuel, is a common example, resulting in the production of CO2 and H2O.

Diagram showing the chemical reaction involving combustion of methane.

A chemical reaction involving the combustion of methane resulting in the production of CO2 and H2O.

Image courtesy of Yulo1985

Bonding in N2

The molecule N2 plays a special role in combustion reactions:

  • Triple Bond: Nitrogen molecules (N2) have a triple bond, making them very stable and requiring a lot of energy to break.
A diagram showing triple covalent bonding between nitrogen molecules.

Triple covalent bonding between two nitrogen molecules making N2.

Image courtesy of Drago Karlo

  • Exothermic Nature: Once ignited (often at high temperatures), the combustion reactions involving N2 are highly exothermic.
  • Release of Energy: The breaking of the triple bond in N2 and the formation of new bonds in the products releases a significant amount of energy.

This explains why most combustion reactions, especially those involving N2, are exothermic. The stability of N2, due to its triple bond, ensures that once the reaction starts, a large amount of energy is released, contributing to the exothermic nature of these reactions.


  • Stability: In endothermic reactions, reactants are typically more stable than products, while in exothermic reactions, products are more stable.
  • Energy Profiles: Visual tools to understand the energy changes in reactions, with key points being activation energy and the difference in potential energy between reactants and products.
  • Combustion Reactions: Predominantly exothermic, with the bonding in N2 providing a clear example of the release of energy due to the breaking of stable bonds and the formation of new bonds.

By understanding these concepts, students can better appreciate the energy changes in chemical reactions and their implications on the stability of reactants and products.


Bond enthalpy refers to the energy required to break a bond in a molecule. If the reactants have bonds with high bond enthalpies, it means a lot of energy is needed to break them, which can result in a high activation energy for the reaction. Conversely, if the products have bonds with lower bond enthalpies, they are more stable and the reaction is likely to be exothermic, as energy is released when new bonds form. The energy profile of the reaction will reflect these changes in bond enthalpies, with a high peak if the activation energy is high, and a lower potential energy for the products if the reaction is exothermic.

The activation energy of a reaction is the minimum energy required for the reactants to convert into products. If the reactants are more stable, they possess lower potential energy, and thus a higher activation energy is required to initiate the reaction. This is because stable reactants are less likely to undergo a reaction spontaneously; they need a substantial energy input to overcome the energy barrier. In contrast, less stable reactants have higher potential energy and require less activation energy to start the reaction. Therefore, the activation energy is inversely related to the stability of reactants; higher stability corresponds to higher activation energy and vice versa.

An energy profile graphically represents the potential energy changes during a chemical reaction. To determine the spontaneity of a reaction, you can analyse the potential energy of the reactants in comparison to the products. If the products have lower potential energy than the reactants, the reaction is exothermic and is typically spontaneous under standard conditions. However, if the products have higher potential energy, the reaction is endothermic and may not be spontaneous. Additionally, the activation energy, illustrated by the peak of the profile, also plays a role; lower activation energy increases the likelihood of spontaneity.

In an endothermic reaction, energy is absorbed from the surroundings, leading to an increase in potential energy from reactants to products. The products are at a higher potential energy level because the absorbed energy contributes to their overall energy state, making them less stable than the reactants. The stability of a species is inversely related to its potential energy; higher potential energy means lower stability. Therefore, the products of an endothermic reaction, having absorbed energy and being at a higher potential energy level, are less stable than the reactants.

Yes, a chemical reaction can have multiple energy profiles depending on the pathway it takes, which is referred to as the reaction mechanism. Different pathways might involve different intermediate species and transition states, leading to variations in activation energies and overall energy changes. Some pathways might be more favourable under certain conditions, leading to the predominance of one energy profile over others. Understanding the different possible energy profiles for a reaction can provide insights into the most likely mechanism and conditions required for the reaction to proceed efficiently.

Practice Questions

Explain why the products in an exothermic reaction are more stable than the reactants, using an energy profile as a reference.

In an exothermic reaction, the reactants start at a higher potential energy level compared to the products. As the reaction proceeds, energy is released to the surroundings, which is represented by the decrease in potential energy on the energy profile. This decrease in potential energy indicates that the products are in a more stable state than the reactants. The energy released is equal to the difference in potential energy between the reactants and the products. The exothermic nature of the reaction and the more stable products are evident from the energy profile’s downward slope from reactants to products.

Discuss the role of the triple bond in N2 in combustion reactions and explain why these reactions are typically exothermic.

The triple bond in N2 contributes significantly to its stability, requiring a substantial amount of energy to break. In combustion reactions, once ignited, the triple bond in N2 breaks, and new bonds are formed in the products, releasing a large amount of energy. This energy release is characteristic of exothermic reactions. The products formed have lower potential energy compared to the reactants, reflecting the stability gained and the exothermic nature of the reaction. Therefore, the triple bond in N2 plays a crucial role in ensuring the release of energy, making combustion reactions predominantly exothermic.

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