1. States of Matter1.1 Properties of States0/01.1.1 Distinguishing Properties1.1.2 Particle Arrangement and Motion1.2 Changes of State0/01.2.1 Processes of State Change1.2.2 Kinetic Particle Theory in State Changes1.3 Gas Behavior0/01.3.1 Effects of Temperature and Pressure on Gas Behaviour1.3.2 Real-Life Applications of Gas Behaviour1.4 Diffusion0/01.4.1 Fundamentals of Diffusion1.4.2 Molecular Mass and Diffusion Rate1. States of Matter1.1 Properties of States0/01.1.1 Distinguishing Properties1.1.2 Particle Arrangement and Motion1.2 Changes of State0/01.2.1 Processes of State Change1.2.2 Kinetic Particle Theory in State Changes1.3 Gas Behavior0/01.3.1 Effects of Temperature and Pressure on Gas Behaviour1.3.2 Real-Life Applications of Gas Behaviour1.4 Diffusion0/01.4.1 Fundamentals of Diffusion1.4.2 Molecular Mass and Diffusion Rate2. Atoms, Elements and Compounds2.1 Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures0/02.1.1 Distinguishing Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures2.2 Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table0/02.2.1 The Structure of an Atom2.2.2 Atomic and Mass Numbers in Chemistry2.2.3 Electron Configuration in Atoms2.2.4 Periodic Table Insights2.3 Isotopes0/02.3.1 Defining Isotopes2.3.2 Symbol Interpretation and Chemical Properties2.3.3 Calculating Relative Atomic Mass2.4 Ions and Ionic Bonds0/02.4.1 Formation of Ions2.4.2 Ionic Bonding in Chemistry2.4.3 Ionic Compounds: Formation and Properties2.4.4 Giant Lattice Structure in Ionic Compounds2.5 Simple Molecules and Covalent Bonds0/02.5.1 Covalent Bond Formation2.5.2 Properties of Simple Molecular Compounds2.6 Giant Covalent Structures0/02.6.1 Structures and Uses of Graphite and Diamond2.6.2 Silicon(IV) Oxide Structure2.7 Metallic Bonding0/02.7.1 Introduction to Metallic Bonding2.7.2 Properties of Metals: An In-Depth Exploration of Their Structure and Bonding2. Atoms, Elements and Compounds2.1 Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures0/02.1.1 Distinguishing Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures2.2 Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table0/02.2.1 The Structure of an Atom2.2.2 Atomic and Mass Numbers in Chemistry2.2.3 Electron Configuration in Atoms2.2.4 Periodic Table Insights2.3 Isotopes0/02.3.1 Defining Isotopes2.3.2 Symbol Interpretation and Chemical Properties2.3.3 Calculating Relative Atomic Mass2.4 Ions and Ionic Bonds0/02.4.1 Formation of Ions2.4.2 Ionic Bonding in Chemistry2.4.3 Ionic Compounds: Formation and Properties2.4.4 Giant Lattice Structure in Ionic Compounds2.5 Simple Molecules and Covalent Bonds0/02.5.1 Covalent Bond Formation2.5.2 Properties of Simple Molecular Compounds2.6 Giant Covalent Structures0/02.6.1 Structures and Uses of Graphite and Diamond2.6.2 Silicon(IV) Oxide Structure2.7 Metallic Bonding0/02.7.1 Introduction to Metallic Bonding2.7.2 Properties of Metals: An In-Depth Exploration of Their Structure and Bonding3. Stoichiometry3.1 Chemical Formulae0/03.1.1 Formulae of Elements and Compounds3.1.2 Understanding Molecular Formula3.1.3 Deriving Compound Formulae3.1.4 Creating Chemical Equations3.1.5 Empirical Formula Concept3.1.6 Ionic Compound Formulation3.1.7 Advanced Equation Construction in Chemistry3.2 Atomic and Molecular Masses0/03.2.1 Relative Atomic Mass (Ar)3.2.2 Relative Molecular Mass (Mr)3.2.3 Reacting Masses Calculation3.3 The Mole Concept0/03.3.1 Concentration Measurements in Chemistry3.3.2 The Mole and Avogadro Constant3.3.3 Molar Calculations3.3.4 Gas Volumes at Room Temperature and Pressure (RTP)3.3.5 Comprehensive Stoichiometric Calculations3.3.6 Titration Analysis3.3.7 Formulae from Experimental Data3.3.8 Yield and Purity Calculations3. Stoichiometry3.1 Chemical Formulae0/03.1.1 Formulae of Elements and Compounds3.1.2 Understanding Molecular Formula3.1.3 Deriving Compound Formulae3.1.4 Creating Chemical Equations3.1.5 Empirical Formula Concept3.1.6 Ionic Compound Formulation3.1.7 Advanced Equation Construction in Chemistry3.2 Atomic and Molecular Masses0/03.2.1 Relative Atomic Mass (Ar)3.2.2 Relative Molecular Mass (Mr)3.2.3 Reacting Masses Calculation3.3 The Mole Concept0/03.3.1 Concentration Measurements in Chemistry3.3.2 The Mole and Avogadro Constant3.3.3 Molar Calculations3.3.4 Gas Volumes at Room Temperature and Pressure (RTP)3.3.5 Comprehensive Stoichiometric Calculations3.3.6 Titration Analysis3.3.7 Formulae from Experimental Data3.3.8 Yield and Purity Calculations4. ElectrochemistryPremium4.1 Electrolysis0/04.1.1 Fundamentals of Electrolysis4.1.2 Electrolysis Products and Observations4.1.3 Electrode Reactions and Predictions in Electrolysis4.1.4 Applications of Electrolysis4.2 Hydrogen–Oxygen Fuel Cells0/04.2.1 Hydrogen–Oxygen Fuel Cells: Principles and Uses4. ElectrochemistryPremium4.1 Electrolysis0/04.1.1 Fundamentals of Electrolysis4.1.2 Electrolysis Products and Observations4.1.3 Electrode Reactions and Predictions in Electrolysis4.1.4 Applications of Electrolysis4.2 Hydrogen–Oxygen Fuel Cells0/04.2.1 Hydrogen–Oxygen Fuel Cells: Principles and Uses5. Chemical EnergeticsPremium5.1 Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions0/05.1.1 Nature of Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions5.1.2 Reaction Pathway Diagrams5.1.3 Enthalpy Changes in Reactions5.1.4 Drawing and Interpreting Reaction Pathways5.1.5 Bond Energies and Reaction Enthalpy5. Chemical EnergeticsPremium5.1 Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions0/05.1.1 Nature of Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions5.1.2 Reaction Pathway Diagrams5.1.3 Enthalpy Changes in Reactions5.1.4 Drawing and Interpreting Reaction Pathways5.1.5 Bond Energies and Reaction Enthalpy6. Chemical ReactionsPremium6.1 Physical and Chemical Changes0/06.1.1 Identifying Physical and Chemical Changes6.2 Rate of Reaction0/06.2.1 Factors Affecting Reaction Rate6.2.2 Catalysts in Reactions6.2.3 Investigating Reaction Rates6.2.4 Evaluating Reaction Rate Methods6.3 Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium0/06.3.1 Reversible Reactions: An Insight into Dynamic Chemical Processes6.3.2 Chemical Equilibrium in Closed Systems6.3.3 Equilibrium and Changing Conditions6.3.4 Industrial Processes in Chemistry: The Haber and Contact Processes6.4 Redox Reactions0/06.4.1 Oxidation Numbers and Redox Reactions6.4.2 Identifying Redox Reactions6.4.3 Oxidising and Reducing Agents in Redox Reactions6. Chemical ReactionsPremium6.1 Physical and Chemical Changes0/06.1.1 Identifying Physical and Chemical Changes6.2 Rate of Reaction0/06.2.1 Factors Affecting Reaction Rate6.2.2 Catalysts in Reactions6.2.3 Investigating Reaction Rates6.2.4 Evaluating Reaction Rate Methods6.3 Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium0/06.3.1 Reversible Reactions: An Insight into Dynamic Chemical Processes6.3.2 Chemical Equilibrium in Closed Systems6.3.3 Equilibrium and Changing Conditions6.3.4 Industrial Processes in Chemistry: The Haber and Contact Processes6.4 Redox Reactions0/06.4.1 Oxidation Numbers and Redox Reactions6.4.2 Identifying Redox Reactions6.4.3 Oxidising and Reducing Agents in Redox Reactions7. Acids, Bases, and SaltsPremium7.1 Characteristic Properties of Acids and Bases0/07.1.1 Reactions of Acids7.1.2 Nature of Bases and Alkalis7.1.3 Ions in Acids and Alkalis7.1.4 Neutralisation Reaction7.1.5 Proton Transfer in Acids and Bases7.2 Oxides0/07.2.1 Classification of Oxides7.3 Preparation of Salts0/07.3.1 Preparation of Soluble Salts7.3.2 Hydration and Anhydrous Substances7.3.3 Insoluble Salts and Crystallisation7. Acids, Bases, and SaltsPremium7.1 Characteristic Properties of Acids and Bases0/07.1.1 Reactions of Acids7.1.2 Nature of Bases and Alkalis7.1.3 Ions in Acids and Alkalis7.1.4 Neutralisation Reaction7.1.5 Proton Transfer in Acids and Bases7.2 Oxides0/07.2.1 Classification of Oxides7.3 Preparation of Salts0/07.3.1 Preparation of Soluble Salts7.3.2 Hydration and Anhydrous Substances7.3.3 Insoluble Salts and Crystallisation8. The Periodic TablePremium8.1 Arrangement of Elements0/08.1.1 The Periodic Table Structure8.1.2 Chemical Properties and Electronic Configuration8.1.3 Trends in Groups8.2 Group I Properties0/08.2.1 Characteristics of Group I Alkali Metals8.3 Group VII Properties0/08.3.1 Introduction to Group VII Halogens8.4 Transition Elements0/08.4.1 Transition Elements: Exploring Their Fascinating Characteristics8.5 Noble Gases0/08.5.1 Characteristics of Group VIII Noble Gases8. The Periodic TablePremium8.1 Arrangement of Elements0/08.1.1 The Periodic Table Structure8.1.2 Chemical Properties and Electronic Configuration8.1.3 Trends in Groups8.2 Group I Properties0/08.2.1 Characteristics of Group I Alkali Metals8.3 Group VII Properties0/08.3.1 Introduction to Group VII Halogens8.4 Transition Elements0/08.4.1 Transition Elements: Exploring Their Fascinating Characteristics8.5 Noble Gases0/08.5.1 Characteristics of Group VIII Noble Gases9. MetalsPremium9.1 Properties of Metals0/09.1.1 Physical Properties of Metals9.1.2 Chemical Properties of Metals9.2 Uses of Metals0/09.2.1 Applications Based on Physical Properties9.3 Alloys and their Properties0/09.3.1 Nature and Examples of Alloys9.3.2 Properties and Uses of Alloys9.3.3 Structural Explanation for Alloy Properties9.4 Reactivity Series0/09.4.1 The Reactivity Series9.4.2 Reactivity and Ion Formation9.5 Corrosion of Metals0/09.5.1 Rusting of Iron and Steel9.5.2 Galvanising and Sacrificial Protection9.6 Extraction of Metals0/09.6.1 Metal Extraction and Reactivity Series9.6.2 Detailed Processes of Metal Extraction9. MetalsPremium9.1 Properties of Metals0/09.1.1 Physical Properties of Metals9.1.2 Chemical Properties of Metals9.2 Uses of Metals0/09.2.1 Applications Based on Physical Properties9.3 Alloys and their Properties0/09.3.1 Nature and Examples of Alloys9.3.2 Properties and Uses of Alloys9.3.3 Structural Explanation for Alloy Properties9.4 Reactivity Series0/09.4.1 The Reactivity Series9.4.2 Reactivity and Ion Formation9.5 Corrosion of Metals0/09.5.1 Rusting of Iron and Steel9.5.2 Galvanising and Sacrificial Protection9.6 Extraction of Metals0/09.6.1 Metal Extraction and Reactivity Series9.6.2 Detailed Processes of Metal Extraction10. Chemistry of the EnvironmentPremium10.1 Water0/010.1.1 Testing for Water: Chemical Methods and Purity Analysis10.1.2 Distilled Water in Chemistry10.1.3 Substances in Natural Water Sources10.1.4 Water Treatment in Domestic Water Supply10.2 Fertilisers0/010.2.1 Fertilisers: Use of Ammonium Salts and Nitrates10.3 Air Quality and Climate0/010.3.1 Composition of Air10.3.2 Air Pollutants10.3.3 Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases10.3.4 Environmental Strategies to Combat Climate Change and Acid Rain10.3.5 Photosynthesis: The Vital Process of Plant Life10.3.6 Nitrogen Oxides in Car Engines10. Chemistry of the EnvironmentPremium10.1 Water0/010.1.1 Testing for Water: Chemical Methods and Purity Analysis10.1.2 Distilled Water in Chemistry10.1.3 Substances in Natural Water Sources10.1.4 Water Treatment in Domestic Water Supply10.2 Fertilisers0/010.2.1 Fertilisers: Use of Ammonium Salts and Nitrates10.3 Air Quality and Climate0/010.3.1 Composition of Air10.3.2 Air Pollutants10.3.3 Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases10.3.4 Environmental Strategies to Combat Climate Change and Acid Rain10.3.5 Photosynthesis: The Vital Process of Plant Life10.3.6 Nitrogen Oxides in Car Engines11. Organic ChemistryPremium11.1 Formulae, Functional Groups, and Terminology0/011.1.1 Drawing and Interpreting Formulae11.1.2 Introduction to General Formulae of Homologous Series11.1.3 Functional Groups in Organic Chemistry11.1.4 Structural Formulae and Isomers11.1.5 Characteristics of Homologous Series in Organic Chemistry11.2 Naming Organic Compounds0/011.2.1 Introduction to Naming and Drawing Simple Organic Compounds11.2.2 Identifying Compound Types by Chemical Names11.2.3 Naming and Drawing Complex Organic Compounds11.3 Fuels0/011.3.1 Naming Fossil Fuels11.3.2 Hydrocarbons and Petroleum11.3.3 Uses of Petroleum Fractions11.4 Alkanes0/011.4.1 Bonding and Reactivity of Alkanes11.4.2 Substitution Reactions of Alkanes with Chlorine11.5 Alkenes0/011.5.1 Bonding and Manufacture of Alkenes11.5.2 Distinguishing Tests for Alkenes11.5.3 Addition Reactions of Alkenes11.6 Alcohols0/011.6.1 Manufacture and Combustion of Ethanol11.6.2 Ethanol Production: Advantages and Disadvantages11.7 Carboxylic Acids0/011.7.1 Reactions of Ethanoic Acid11.7.2 Formation and Esterification of Ethanoic Acid11.8 Polymers0/011.8.1 Introduction to Polymers11.8.2 Types and Structures of Polymers11.8.3 Protein Structure and Recycling of Polymers11. Organic ChemistryPremium11.1 Formulae, Functional Groups, and Terminology0/011.1.1 Drawing and Interpreting Formulae11.1.2 Introduction to General Formulae of Homologous Series11.1.3 Functional Groups in Organic Chemistry11.1.4 Structural Formulae and Isomers11.1.5 Characteristics of Homologous Series in Organic Chemistry11.2 Naming Organic Compounds0/011.2.1 Introduction to Naming and Drawing Simple Organic Compounds11.2.2 Identifying Compound Types by Chemical Names11.2.3 Naming and Drawing Complex Organic Compounds11.3 Fuels0/011.3.1 Naming Fossil Fuels11.3.2 Hydrocarbons and Petroleum11.3.3 Uses of Petroleum Fractions11.4 Alkanes0/011.4.1 Bonding and Reactivity of Alkanes11.4.2 Substitution Reactions of Alkanes with Chlorine11.5 Alkenes0/011.5.1 Bonding and Manufacture of Alkenes11.5.2 Distinguishing Tests for Alkenes11.5.3 Addition Reactions of Alkenes11.6 Alcohols0/011.6.1 Manufacture and Combustion of Ethanol11.6.2 Ethanol Production: Advantages and Disadvantages11.7 Carboxylic Acids0/011.7.1 Reactions of Ethanoic Acid11.7.2 Formation and Esterification of Ethanoic Acid11.8 Polymers0/011.8.1 Introduction to Polymers11.8.2 Types and Structures of Polymers11.8.3 Protein Structure and Recycling of Polymers12. Experimental Techniques and Chemical AnalysisPremium12.1 Experimental Design0/012.1.1 Appropriate Apparatus for Measurement12.1.2 Solvents, Solutes, and Solutions12.2 Acid-Base Titrations0/012.2.1 Acid-Base Titrations: Performing the Procedure12.3 Chromatography0/012.3.1 Introduction to Paper Chromatography for Coloured Substances12.3.2 Chromatography for Colourless Substances12.4 Separation and Purification0/012.4.1 Separation and Purification Methods12.4.2 Assessing Purity in Substances12.5 Identification of Ions and Gases0/012.5.1 Anion Tests in Chemistry12.5.2 Cation Tests with Sodium Hydroxide and Ammonia12.5.3 Gas Tests12.5.4 Flame Tests for Cations12. Experimental Techniques and Chemical AnalysisPremium12.1 Experimental Design0/012.1.1 Appropriate Apparatus for Measurement12.1.2 Solvents, Solutes, and Solutions12.2 Acid-Base Titrations0/012.2.1 Acid-Base Titrations: Performing the Procedure12.3 Chromatography0/012.3.1 Introduction to Paper Chromatography for Coloured Substances12.3.2 Chromatography for Colourless Substances12.4 Separation and Purification0/012.4.1 Separation and Purification Methods12.4.2 Assessing Purity in Substances12.5 Identification of Ions and Gases0/012.5.1 Anion Tests in Chemistry12.5.2 Cation Tests with Sodium Hydroxide and Ammonia12.5.3 Gas Tests12.5.4 Flame Tests for Cations