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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

1.1.1 Distinguishing Properties


Solid matter is characterized by its rigidity and unchanging volume and shape. The defining feature of solids lies in the arrangement and movement of their constituent particles.

Key Characteristics of Solids

  • Fixed Shape and Volume: Solids retain a constant shape and volume, regardless of the container they are in. This is due to the strong intermolecular forces holding the particles in place.
  • Particle Arrangement: Typically, particles in solids are arranged in a highly ordered structure, either crystalline (with a repeating pattern) or amorphous (with no specific order). This arrangement contributes to the rigidity and incompressibility of solids.
  • Limited Particle Movement: The particles in a solid are not stationary, but their movement is limited to vibrations around fixed positions. The energy in solids is primarily in the form of vibrational energy.
  • Incompressibility and Rigidity: Because the particles are tightly packed with little space between them, solids are almost incompressible and exhibit high rigidity.

Examples and Applications

  • Crystals: Salt and diamonds are examples of crystalline solids, where atoms are arranged in a regular, repeating pattern.
  • Polymers: Rubber and plastic are amorphous solids with particles arranged randomly, giving them different physical properties.
Structure of crystalline solid

Image courtesy of Benjah-bmm27


Liquids occupy a unique state of matter, maintaining a fixed volume but adapting to the shape of their container. The properties of liquids bridge the gap between solids and gases.

Key Characteristics of Liquids

  • Indefinite Shape, Fixed Volume: While liquids can flow and take the shape of their container, they maintain a constant volume. This is a result of a balance between the forces of attraction among particles and their kinetic energy.
  • Particle Arrangement: In liquids, particles are less orderly than in solids but are closer together than in gases. This disordered arrangement allows liquids to flow.
  • Free Particle Movement: Particles in a liquid can move past each other, which allows for fluidity. The intermolecular forces in liquids are weaker than in solids but stronger than in gases.
  • Slightly Compressible Nature: Liquids are slightly compressible due to the small spaces between the particles.

Examples and Applications

  • Water: Water is a typical liquid with properties that are essential for life. Its ability to flow and adapt to containers makes it vital in biological and environmental systems.
  • Mercury: Mercury is a liquid at room temperature and is used in thermometers due to its consistent expansion with temperature.
Particle arrangement in liquids

Image courtesy of Kaneiderdaniel


Gases are the most energetic state of matter, characterized by their ability to expand and fill any available space.

Key Characteristics of Gases

  • Indefinite Shape and Volume: Gases have neither a fixed shape nor a fixed volume. They expand to fill their container, taking its shape and spreading evenly throughout.
  • Particle Arrangement: Gas particles are far apart with no specific arrangement, leading to very low density compared to solids and liquids.
  • Rapid and Free Particle Movement: Gas particles move rapidly in all directions. This high kinetic energy results in minimal interaction between particles, except during collisions.
  • High Compressibility: Due to the large spaces between particles, gases can be compressed easily, allowing them to be stored in smaller volumes.

Examples and Applications

  • Atmospheric Gases: Nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide are gases at room temperature and play critical roles in life on Earth.
  • Helium: Used in balloons, helium is lighter than air and showcases the low density of gases.
Particle arrangement in gases

Image courtesy of Kaneiderdaniel

Comparative Analysis

A detailed comparison of solids, liquids, and gases highlights their distinct properties.

Shape and Volume

  • Solids: Fixed shape and volume due to strong intermolecular forces.
  • Liquids: No fixed shape, but fixed volume. Particles are less tightly bound than in solids.
  • Gases: Neither fixed shape nor volume. Particles move freely and occupy any available space.

Particle Arrangement and Movement

  • Solids: Ordered arrangement, limited movement.
  • Liquids: Disordered, more movement than solids, less than gases.
  • Gases: Random arrangement, high-speed movement.

Density and Compressibility

  • Solids: High density, incompressible.
  • Liquids: Lower density than solids, slightly compressible.
  • Gases: Low density, highly compressible.
States of matter- solid, liquid and gas.

Image courtesy of Yelod

This comprehensive analysis of the distinguishing properties of solids, liquids, and gases provides a foundation for understanding their behavior in various chemical contexts. These properties are not just academic concepts but are observable in everyday life and have practical applications in science and technology.


The amorphous and crystalline forms of solids differ significantly in their properties due to the arrangement of their particles. In crystalline solids, particles are arranged in a highly ordered, repeating pattern. This regular arrangement leads to distinct physical properties like clear melting points, specific heat capacities, and well-defined geometric shapes. Crystalline solids are often harder and have higher melting points due to the strong intermolecular forces in their orderly structure. Examples include diamonds and table salt. Amorphous solids, on the other hand, lack this regular arrangement, leading to more random and less predictable properties. They do not have clear melting points, instead, they soften over a range of temperatures. Amorphous solids, like glass and plastics, are generally less hard than crystalline solids and can be more easily molded or shaped. This distinction is important in materials science and has practical applications in various industries.

Solids typically have a higher density than liquids and gases due to the close packing of their particles. The particles in a solid are tightly bound together by strong intermolecular forces and are arranged in a highly ordered manner, leaving very little space between them. This close packing results in a high mass per unit volume, which is what we observe as high density. In contrast, the particles in liquids are less tightly packed due to weaker intermolecular forces and more space between the particles compared to solids. Gases have the lowest density; their particles are spread far apart and move freely, resulting in a much lower mass per unit volume. The density of a substance is a key property in understanding its behaviour and interaction with other materials, and it has significant implications in fields like material science, engineering, and environmental studies.

Changes in pressure can significantly impact the states of matter, particularly for gases. When pressure is increased on a gas, its particles are forced closer together, which can lead to a decrease in volume (compressibility) or even a change in state, such as gas to liquid if the temperature is also low enough. This is because the increased pressure overcomes the kinetic energy of the gas particles, reducing the spaces between them. In liquids and solids, the effect of pressure is less pronounced due to the already close packing of particles. However, under extremely high pressures, liquids can be compressed slightly, and solids can undergo structural changes, leading to different phases. These changes are key in understanding phenomena like the formation of different forms of ice under high pressures in the polar ice caps.

Temperature plays a crucial role in determining the properties of solids, liquids, and gases. In solids, increasing temperature causes the particles to vibrate more vigorously, but they remain in their fixed positions. This can lead to expansion of the solid, although the effect is usually less pronounced compared to liquids and gases. In liquids, a temperature rise increases the kinetic energy of the particles, causing them to move more freely. This can lead to an expansion of the liquid, though it's not as significant as in gases. For gases, temperature increases result in a substantial increase in the speed and kinetic energy of the particles. This often leads to an increase in volume (if the gas is unconstrained) or pressure (if the gas is confined), due to the increased movement and collisions of the particles. In general, gases are most responsive to temperature changes, followed by liquids, and then solids.

Gases fill their containers completely due to the high kinetic energy of their particles, which move rapidly and in all directions. This movement allows gas particles to spread out evenly and occupy every part of the container, regardless of its shape. In contrast, the particles in liquids and solids are more closely bound by intermolecular forces. In liquids, although the particles can move past each other, they remain relatively close together, which is why a liquid only fills the bottom of a container and takes its shape. Solids have the least kinetic energy, with particles vibrating in fixed positions, and thus retain their shape regardless of the container. The key factor here is the strength of the intermolecular forces and the level of kinetic energy in the particles, which are highest in gases and lowest in solids.

Practice Questions

Explain why gases are compressible whereas solids are not. Use the concept of particle arrangement and intermolecular forces in your answer.

Solids are incompressible due to the close packing of their particles, which leaves minimal space between them. The strong intermolecular forces in solids hold the particles firmly in place, restricting their movement to mere vibrations. This tight arrangement and the strength of these forces make it extremely difficult to compress solids further. In contrast, gases are compressible because their particles are widely spaced and move freely at high speeds. The significant gaps between gas particles allow them to be pushed closer together under pressure, thus making gases compressible.

Describe how the properties of liquids make them different from solids and gases. Focus on particle movement and arrangement.

Liquids are unique in their properties, distinguishing them from both solids and gases. Unlike solids, whose particles are tightly packed and only vibrate in fixed positions, particles in liquids are less orderly and have more space to move around. This allows liquids to flow and take the shape of their container, unlike the rigid structure of solids. Compared to gases, liquid particles are closer together, and while they move more freely than in solids, they do not have the same freedom and high kinetic energy as gas particles. This intermediate arrangement and movement of particles give liquids their characteristic properties, such as a fixed volume but variable shape.

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