2. Atoms, elements and compounds
3. Stoichiometry
3.4 Using concentrations of solutions in mol/dm3
3.3 Yield and atom economy of chemical reactions0/0
3.5 Use of amount of substance in relation to volumes of gases0/0
3.1 Chemical measurements, conservation of mass and the quantitative interpretation of chemical equations0/0
3.2 Use of amount of substance in relation to masses of pure substances0/0
3.4 Using concentrations of solutions in mol/dm3
3.3 Yield and atom economy of chemical reactions0/0
3.5 Use of amount of substance in relation to volumes of gases0/0
3.1 Chemical measurements, conservation of mass and the quantitative interpretation of chemical equations0/0
3.2 Use of amount of substance in relation to masses of pure substances0/0
10. Chemistry of the environment
10.3 Using materials
10.4 The Haber process and the use of NPK fertilisers0/0
10.2 Life cycle assessment and recycling0/0
10.5 The composition and evolution of the Earth's atmosphere0/0
10.6 Carbon dioxide and methane as greenhouse gases0/0
10.1 Using the Earth's resources and obtaining potable water0/0
10.7 Common atmospheric pollutants and their sources0/0
10.3 Using materials
10.4 The Haber process and the use of NPK fertilisers0/0
10.2 Life cycle assessment and recycling0/0
10.5 The composition and evolution of the Earth's atmosphere0/0
10.6 Carbon dioxide and methane as greenhouse gases0/0
10.1 Using the Earth's resources and obtaining potable water0/0
10.7 Common atmospheric pollutants and their sources0/0
11. Organic chemistry