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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

3.1.3 Deriving Compound Formulae

Introduction to Compound Formulae

Chemical compounds are substances formed by the combination of two or more different elements in fixed proportions. The formula of a compound is a concise way of expressing information about the atoms that constitute a particular compound. It indicates the types of atoms and the numbers of each atom in the simplest possible way. This section aims to demystify the process of deriving these formulae, which is pivotal for understanding the vast world of chemistry.

Basic Concepts in Formula Derivation

Elemental Composition

  • Elements and Compounds: Recognise that compounds are made from elements, each of which is represented by a unique chemical symbol.
  • Chemical Symbols: Familiarise with the chemical symbols of common elements, as these are the building blocks of compound formulae.

Atomic Ratios

  • Fixed Ratios: Understand that compounds are characterised by having their constituent elements in fixed ratios.
  • Role of Ratios: Learn how these ratios determine the properties of the compound and are key to deriving their formulae.

Deriving Formulae from Models and Diagrams

Interpreting Chemical Models

  • Model Types: Explore different types of models like ball-and-stick, space-filling models, and structural formulas.
  • Visual Analysis: Develop skills to analyse these models to identify the types and numbers of atoms present.
Examples of ball-and-stick, space-filling models, and structural formulas.

Image courtesy of SlideServe

Steps in Deriving Formulae

  1. Identify the Atoms: First step is to recognise each type of atom in the model, using their chemical symbols.
  2. Count the Atoms: Tally the number of each type of atom present in the model.
  3. Apply the Ratios: Use the atomic count to establish the ratio of each type of atom in the compound.
  4. Write the Formula: Construct the compound's chemical formula by combining the atomic symbols with the determined ratios.

Practical Examples

Example 1: Water (H₂O)

  • Model Analysis: A model of a water molecule shows two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom.
  • Derivation: The formula H₂O reflects this, indicating two hydrogen atoms for each oxygen atom.
Ball-and-stick model of the water molecule, H2O.

Ball-and-stick model of the water, H2O.

Image courtesy of Ben Mills

Example 2: Carbon Dioxide (CO₂)

  • Model Analysis: A carbon dioxide model illustrates one carbon atom double bonded to two oxygen atoms.
  • Derivation: This leads to the formula CO₂, showing one carbon atom for every two oxygen atoms.
Ball-and-stick model of the carbon dioxide

Ball-and-stick model of the carbon dioxide

Image courtesy of Jynto

Advanced Compound Formulae

Polyatomic Ions in Compounds

  • Definition: Understand polyatomic ions as groups of covalently bonded atoms with an overall charge.
  • Common Ions: Get acquainted with common polyatomic ions like ammonium (NH₄⁺), sulfate (SO₄²⁻), nitrate (NO₃⁻).

Deriving Formulas with Polyatomic Ions

  • Treating Ions as Units: In formulas, treat polyatomic ions as single units.
  • Example Analysis: Analyse compounds like Calcium Nitrate (Ca(NO₃)₂) where calcium (Ca²⁺) bonds with two nitrate ions.

Common Mistakes and Tips

Balancing Atom Types

  • Mistake: An error often made is not balancing the number of each type of atom in a compound.
  • Tip: Always check and balance the number of atoms of each element on both sides of a chemical equation.

Confusing Molecules and Compounds

  • Mistake: A common confusion is between molecules (any two or more atoms bonded together) and compounds (specifically those made of different types of atoms).
  • Tip: Keep in mind that while all compounds are molecules, not all molecules are compounds.

Practice Exercise

  • Task: Given various chemical models or diagrams, derive the formula of the represented compound.
  • Objective: Apply the learned steps to accurately determine the chemical formulae of compounds.

Through diligent practice and application of these principles, students will develop a strong foundation in understanding and deriving chemical formulae. This knowledge not only aids in excelling in IGCSE Chemistry but also lays the groundwork for advanced studies in the field of chemistry and other related sciences. Being proficient in this area opens up a deeper appreciation for the complexities and wonders of the chemical world.


A compound typically has a unique chemical formula that accurately represents its composition. However, certain compounds can be represented by more than one formula, each highlighting different aspects of its chemical structure. For instance, glucose has the molecular formula C₆H₁₂O₆, which shows the number of each type of atom. However, it also has a structural formula that illustrates how these atoms are bonded together, which can be represented in various ways (linear, ring structure, etc.), each offering insights into the molecule's geometry and reactivity. Another example is isomers, compounds with the same molecular formula but different arrangements of atoms, leading to different properties. Ethanol (C₂H₆O) and dimethyl ether (C₂H₆O) are isomers; they share the same molecular formula but have different structural arrangements and, consequently, different chemical and physical properties. This illustrates that while the molecular formula remains constant, the structural formula can vary, providing additional information about the compound's characteristics.

Understanding molecular geometry is crucial in deriving compound formulae as it provides insight into the arrangement of atoms within a molecule and how these atoms bond together. Molecular geometry affects the chemical and physical properties of the compound, including reactivity, polarity, phase of matter, colour, and magnetism. For instance, the angular geometry of water (H₂O) leads to its polarity, making it an excellent solvent. The linear geometry of carbon dioxide (CO₂) explains its non-polarity, affecting how it interacts with other substances. In organic chemistry, the tetrahedral geometry of methane (CH₄) or the planar geometry of ethene (C₂H₄) significantly influences their chemical behaviour and reactions. By understanding molecular geometry, students can better predict the properties of compounds and the types of chemical reactions they might undergo. This understanding is not only fundamental for deriving the right formulae but also for comprehending the broader implications of these formulae in real-world chemical contexts.

Determining the formula of a compound from a chemical diagram that includes ions requires understanding the charges of the ions and how they combine to form neutral compounds. Firstly, identify the ions and their respective charges. For example, in a diagram depicting sodium ions (Na⁺) and chloride ions (Cl⁻), the positive and negative charges should balance each other out. Since both ions have charges of ±1, they combine in a 1:1 ratio, forming NaCl. In a more complex scenario, such as calcium ions (Ca²⁺) and sulfate ions (SO₄²⁻), the ratio is also 1:1, resulting in CaSO₄. However, if the ions have different charges, such as aluminum ions (Al³⁺) and chloride ions (Cl⁻), a 1:3 ratio is needed to balance the charges, forming AlCl₃. It's crucial to understand that the total positive charge must equal the total negative charge to achieve a neutral compound. This approach is fundamental in deriving the formula of ionic compounds from chemical diagrams.

Valency plays a crucial role in the derivation of chemical formulae as it indicates the combining power of an element, essentially showing how many electrons an atom will lose, gain, or share when it forms chemical bonds. In simple terms, valency is the number of hydrogen atoms an element can combine with or displace in a chemical reaction. For instance, the valency of oxygen is 2, meaning it can combine with two hydrogen atoms to form water (H₂O). In a compound like methane (CH₄), carbon has a valency of 4, bonding with four hydrogen atoms. Understanding valency is especially important in forming compounds with the correct ratios of atoms. For example, in magnesium oxide (MgO), magnesium has a valency of 2 and oxygen a valency of 2, leading to a 1:1 ratio in the compound. A correct understanding of valency ensures that the derived chemical formulae accurately represent the compound's composition and conforms to the law of conservation of mass.

The Periodic Table is an invaluable tool in deriving compound formulae as it provides essential information about the elements that make up compounds. Each element's position in the Periodic Table indicates its atomic number (the number of protons), which directly relates to its atomic symbol used in chemical formulae. Additionally, the table groups elements with similar chemical properties, which is crucial in predicting how different elements will combine. For instance, elements in Group 1 (alkali metals) typically form +1 ions, while those in Group 17 (halogens) form -1 ions. This knowledge helps in determining the ratios in which different elements combine to form compounds. The Periodic Table also gives information about the valency of elements, which is the ability of an atom to bond with other atoms, and this is key in determining the ratios of atoms in a compound. By understanding these patterns and properties, students can more accurately derive the formulae of compounds.

Practice Questions

A molecule is made up of one carbon (C) atom, four hydrogen (H) atoms, and two oxygen (O) atoms. Write the chemical formula for this compound and explain the process of deriving it.

The chemical formula for the compound consisting of one carbon, four hydrogen, and two oxygen atoms is C₂H₄O₂. In deriving this formula, I first list the atoms present: carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O). The number of each type of atom is counted: one carbon, four hydrogens, and two oxygens. These numbers are then used to write the formula. Since there is one carbon atom, the carbon symbol (C) is followed by a subscript of 1 (which is typically omitted). Similarly, hydrogen is represented by H₄ and oxygen by O₂, leading to the final formula C₂H₄O₂. This formula represents the exact number of each atom in the molecule.

Given a diagram of a molecule consisting of two sodium (Na) atoms and a sulfur (S) atom, derive the chemical formula of the compound formed. Explain your reasoning.

The compound formed by two sodium atoms and one sulfur atom is represented by the formula Na₂S. In deriving this formula, I first identify the atoms present: sodium (Na) and sulfur (S). There are two sodium atoms and one sulfur atom. Sodium, being a Group 1 element, has a valency of +1, while sulfur, a Group 16 element, has a valency of -2. To balance the charges, two sodium atoms (+1 each) are required for one sulfur atom (-2), leading to the formula Na₂S. This shows a 2:1 ratio of sodium to sulfur atoms, reflecting the compound's composition.

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