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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

3.1.1 Formulae of Elements and Compounds

The Essence of Chemical Formulae

Chemical formulae serve as a shorthand to express the makeup of molecules and compounds, revealing the elements involved and their relative proportions. This symbolic representation is a cornerstone in the language of chemistry, allowing for efficient communication of complex information.

Elemental Symbols and Their Significance

  • Unique Symbols for Elements: Each chemical element is identified by a specific symbol, typically derived from its English or Latin name. For instance, 'C' stands for Carbon, 'Fe' for Iron (from Ferrum in Latin), and 'Au' for Gold (from Aurum).
  • Representation of Elements: Pure elements are denoted simply by their symbols. Monoatomic elements like noble gases (e.g., Argon, Ar) are represented by a single symbol, while diatomic elements (e.g., Hydrogen, H₂; Nitrogen, N₂) indicate the number of atoms.

Delving into Molecules and Molecular Formulae

  • Definition of Molecules: Molecules are entities consisting of two or more atoms bonded together. They represent the smallest part of a compound that retains its chemical properties.
  • Molecular Formula: This formula specifies the exact number of each type of atom present in a molecule. For example, methane (CH₄) is composed of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms.

Understanding Compounds and Their Formulae

  • Nature of Compounds: Compounds are substances formed from the chemical union of two or more different elements. Each compound has unique properties distinct from the elements it's composed of.
  • Compound Formula: It denotes the types of atoms and their ratio in a compound. Sodium chloride (NaCl) illustrates this, indicating a 1:1 ratio of sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) atoms.
Illustration of atoms, molecules and compound

Image courtesy of O Sweet Nature

Writing Chemical Formulae: A Detailed Guide

Principles of Chemical Formulae

  • Atom Count Balance: It's vital to ensure the number of atoms for each element is equal on both sides of a chemical equation.
  • Inclusion of State Symbols: These symbols (s for solid, l for liquid, g for gas, aq for aqueous solution) are essential for indicating the physical states of substances in a reaction.
  • Understanding Valency: Comprehending the valency (combining power) of elements is crucial for formulating compounds, particularly ionic ones, correctly.

The Formulae of Elements

  • Monoatomic and Diatomic Elements: Some elements exist in nature as single atoms, while others as diatomic molecules. Understanding this difference is key in writing their formulae accurately.
  • Allotropes and Their Variations: Allotropes are different physical forms in which an element can exist, like carbon in the form of graphite, diamond, and graphene. Each allotrope has a distinct molecular structure.
Different allotropes of carbon

Image courtesy of udaix

The Formulae of Compounds

  • Ionic and Covalent Compounds: The formulae for ionic compounds (e.g., MgCl₂, magnesium chloride) and covalent compounds (e.g., CO₂, carbon dioxide) are written based on the ratio of atoms or ions they contain.
  • Polyatomic Ions in Compounds: Compounds containing polyatomic ions, like sulphate (SO₄²⁻) or nitrate (NO₃⁻), need special attention to correctly represent the ion and its charge.

Types of Chemical Formulae and Their Roles

Exploring Molecular and Empirical Formulae

  • Molecular Formula: Indicates the actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule, crucial for understanding the composition of a compound.
  • Empirical Formula: Represents the simplest integer ratio of atoms in a compound. It's particularly useful in stoichiometric calculations and understanding the basic composition of a compound.
Empirical formula vs molecular formula examples

Image courtesy of Science Notes

Structural and Display Formulae

  • Structural Formula: It provides insight into how atoms in a molecule are arranged and bonded, which is fundamental in understanding chemical reactions and properties.
  • Display Formula: Often used in organic chemistry, this formula shows the bonds between atoms, helping visualize the molecule's structure.

Differentiating Molecules, Compounds, and Elemental Forms

  • Molecules: This term encompasses any group of atoms bonded together. It can be a single element (like O₂) or a compound (like CO₂).
  • Compounds: These are specifically made up of two or more different elements joined chemically, each compound having unique properties.
  • Elemental Forms: Refers to pure forms of elements, either as individual atoms, diatomic molecules, or other molecular forms like allotropes.

Understanding these distinctions is critical in mastering the art of writing and interpreting chemical formulae. These skills form the bedrock for advancing into more complex areas of chemistry, such as reaction mechanisms and molecular interactions. By gaining proficiency in this area, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the challenges of IGCSE Chemistry with confidence and clarity.


Some elements exhibit more than one valency due to the presence of d-orbitals in their electron configuration, which allows for variable oxidation states. Transition metals are particularly known for this characteristic. For example, iron can exhibit valencies of +2 and +3, leading to different compounds like FeO (iron(II) oxide) and Fe₂O₃ (iron(III) oxide). The difference in valency affects the ratio of atoms in the compound's chemical formula. In compounds with elements having variable valencies, it's essential to specify the valency being used, often indicated in the compound's name (e.g., copper(II) sulphate for CuSO₄). The ability of an element to exhibit more than one valency adds a layer of complexity to chemical formulae, as it requires an understanding of the element's chemical behaviour and the context in which it is being used.

Parentheses in chemical formulae are used to indicate that a group of atoms within the formula is a polyatomic ion and needs to be treated as a single unit, especially when more than one of such a group is present in the compound. For instance, in the formula of calcium sulphate, CaSO₄, no parentheses are needed as there is only one sulphate ion. However, in aluminium sulphate, Al₂(SO₄)₃, parentheses surround the SO₄ to indicate that each aluminium ion is combined with three sulphate ions. The subscript '3' outside the parentheses applies to the entire sulphate ion, indicating that there are three of these ions in the compound. This use of parentheses ensures clarity in representing the composition of compounds, especially those involving complex ions or groups of atoms that behave as a single entity in a compound.

A hydrate is a compound that contains water molecules integrated into its crystal structure, whereas an anhydrous compound is devoid of water. The chemical formula of a hydrate reflects this by including the water content. For example, copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate is written as CuSO₄·5H₂O, indicating that each formula unit of copper(II) sulphate is associated with five water molecules. The dot between CuSO₄ and 5H₂O signifies this association. In contrast, an anhydrous compound, such as anhydrous copper(II) sulphate, is simply written as CuSO₄, with no mention of water. The transition from a hydrate to an anhydrous compound typically involves heating, which removes the water of crystallisation, altering both the physical properties and the chemical formula of the compound.

Certain elements naturally exist as diatomic molecules in their standard state due to their electronic configurations, which lead to the formation of stable pairs of atoms. Elements like hydrogen (H₂), nitrogen (N₂), oxygen (O₂), and the halogens (e.g., fluorine F₂, chlorine Cl₂) are commonly found as diatomic molecules. This diatomic nature is a result of the atoms forming covalent bonds with each other to achieve a more stable, lower energy state by filling their outer electron shells. In their chemical formulae, this diatomic nature is represented by the subscript '2', indicating that two atoms of the element are bonded together to form a single molecule. This representation is crucial in understanding the elemental form of these substances, particularly when they participate in chemical reactions, as it impacts stoichiometry and the interpretation of reaction mechanisms.

Determining the chemical formula of a molecular compound from its name involves understanding the prefixes used in naming and the valency of each element. The name of a molecular compound often includes prefixes like mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, etc., which indicate the number of atoms of each element present. For instance, carbon dioxide (CO₂) has the prefix 'di-', indicating two oxygen atoms. Additionally, knowledge of the elements' valencies is crucial. Elements in a compound combine in a way that their total valencies balance each other. In CO₂, carbon has a valency of 4, while oxygen has a valency of 2. The formula CO₂ reflects that two oxygen atoms (each with a valency of 2) balance the valency of one carbon atom. This method of determining the formula requires a clear understanding of valency rules and the ability to interpret chemical nomenclature accurately.

Practice Questions

Identify the compound with the formula CO₂. Explain the nature of this compound, how its formula is written, and why it is categorised as such.

Carbon dioxide, represented by the formula CO₂, is a covalent compound. This formula indicates that each molecule of carbon dioxide consists of one carbon atom (C) and two oxygen atoms (O). The subscript '2' next to oxygen signifies that there are two oxygen atoms for every carbon atom in the molecule. This compound is formed by the covalent bonding of carbon and oxygen atoms, where they share electrons to achieve stability. It is categorised as a covalent compound due to the nature of the bonding between its constituent atoms, which involves the sharing of electron pairs between non-metal atoms. This understanding is crucial for predicting the behaviour and interactions of such molecules in various chemical processes.

Given the elements Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl), write the formula for the compound they form and explain the principles behind the formulation of this compound.

Sodium and chlorine form the compound sodium chloride, with the chemical formula NaCl. This formula is derived based on the ionic bonding between sodium and chlorine atoms. Sodium, a metal, tends to lose one electron to achieve a stable electronic configuration, forming a Na⁺ ion. Chlorine, a non-metal, gains an electron to complete its valence shell, forming a Cl⁻ ion. The formula NaCl reflects the 1:1 ratio of sodium ions to chloride ions, indicating that each sodium ion combines with one chloride ion to form the compound. This is a classic example of an ionic compound, where oppositely charged ions are held together by electrostatic forces, illustrating the transfer of electrons from a metal to a non-metal.

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