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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

2.7.2 Properties of Metals: An In-Depth Exploration of Their Structure and Bonding

1. Introduction to Metallic Structure

The foundation of understanding metal properties lies in comprehending their basic structure. Metals are made up of atoms arranged in a compact and orderly pattern, forming what is known as a metallic lattice.

  • Metallic Lattice: This lattice is a three-dimensional structure where atoms are positioned in a regular, repeating arrangement. The nature of this lattice is crucial to the formation of metallic bonds and significantly influences the physical properties of metals.

2. Detailed Nature of Metallic Bonding

To fully appreciate the properties of metals, one must delve into the nature of metallic bonding.

  • Electrostatic Attraction in Metallic Bonding: In metallic bonding, atoms release some of their outer electrons. These electrons, no longer associated with any particular atom, move freely throughout the metal and are known as delocalised electrons. The positively charged metal ions (cations) in the lattice are then held together by the electrostatic attraction to this 'sea' of delocalised electrons.
  • Unique Characteristics of Delocalised Electrons: The delocalisation of electrons means that they are not fixed in place but can move freely throughout the entire structure of the metal. This is markedly different from the electrons in ionic or covalent bonds and is the key to many of the distinctive properties of metals.
A diagram of Metallic bonding- electrostatic attractive force between delocalised electrons and metal ions present in the metallic lattice.

Image courtesy of Watthana Tirahimonch

3. Electrical Conductivity Explored

Metals are renowned for their excellent electrical conductivity. This property arises directly from their unique bonding and structure.

  • Mechanism of Electrical Conduction: The free electrons in a metal's structure can move without obstruction through the lattice. This movement of electrons constitutes the flow of electric current. When a metal is connected to a power source, these electrons drift towards the positive terminal, creating a current.
  • Factors Affecting Conductivity: The conductivity of a metal can vary based on several factors, including the number of delocalised electrons and the structure of the metallic lattice. For example, copper, with its high number of free electrons and a closely packed lattice, exhibits exceptional electrical conductivity.

4. Malleability and Ductility Unravelled

Metals are known for their malleability and ductility, which refer to their ability to be shaped without breaking.

  • Atomic Layer Movement: Metals can change shape under force because the layers of atoms in the metallic lattice can slide over each other. This does not disrupt the metallic bond and allows the metal to deform without fracturing.
  • Bonding Resilience Explained: The metallic bond's strength is consistent in all directions within the lattice, enabling metals to endure various forms of stress. This uniformity in the bond's strength contributes to a metal's malleability and ductility.
A diagram showing the malleability of metals.

Image courtesy of すじにくシチュー

5. Strength and Durability

The metallic bond's strength plays a pivotal role in the overall durability and strength of metals.

  • Strong Electrostatic Forces: The electrostatic forces between the positive ions and the delocalised electrons are extremely robust, which imparts high tensile strength to metals.
  • Stability of the Lattice: The metallic lattice's stability under varying temperatures and conditions contributes to the metal's durability. Metals maintain their structural integrity under a range of environmental factors, making them suitable for numerous applications.

6. Heat Conductivity

Metals are efficient heat conductors, a property that is intricately linked to the movement of electrons and lattice vibrations.

  • Heat Transfer via Electrons: The free movement of delocalised electrons in a metal facilitates the transfer of heat energy. As electrons move, they carry thermal energy across the metal.
  • Lattice Vibrations and Heat: At higher temperatures, the atoms in the metallic lattice vibrate more intensely. These vibrations contribute to heat transfer, as energy is passed from one atom to the next.

7. Reflectivity and Lustre

The distinctive lustre and reflectivity of metals can be explained through their electron structure.

  • Interaction with Light: When light photons hit a metal surface, the free electrons absorb and re-emit these photons, causing the metal to appear shiny. This phenomenon is also responsible for the various colours seen in different metals.

8. Corrosion Resistance

Certain metals exhibit notable resistance to corrosion, a property related to their electron configuration.

  • Protective Oxide Layers: In some metals, the reaction with oxygen in the environment leads to the formation of a protective oxide layer. This layer acts as a barrier, preventing further corrosion of the metal beneath.
corrosion resistance

Image courtesy of School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy - Arizona State University

9. Alloy Formation and its Significance

The ability of metals to form alloys is critical to enhancing their properties.

  • Alloying Process: When different metals are mixed at the atomic level, they form alloys. These alloys often possess superior properties compared to the pure metals, such as increased strength, reduced corrosion, or enhanced electrical conductivity.

10. Magnetic Properties

Certain metals display magnetic properties, attributable to the alignment of electron spins.

  • Electron Spin and Magnetism: In metals like iron, nickel, and cobalt, the spins of free electrons can align in a particular direction. This alignment contributes to the metal's magnetic properties.

In summary, the exploration of metals’ properties, grounded in their atomic structure and bonding, reveals a complex and fascinating world. These properties are not merely of academic interest but have profound implications in various practical fields, from engineering to electronics. Understanding the intricacies of metallic bonding and structure enables students and professionals alike to harness these properties for diverse applications.


The malleability of a metal, which is its ability to be hammered or rolled into sheets, varies depending on its atomic structure and bonding. Metals with closely packed atoms in their lattice structure, where atoms can easily slide past each other, tend to be more malleable. The nature of the metallic bond also plays a significant role. Metals with a higher number of delocalised electrons generally have stronger bonds, allowing the atoms to shift position without breaking the lattice. Additionally, the presence of impurities or alloying elements can influence malleability. For example, pure gold is very malleable due to its atomic structure and bonding nature, whereas alloying gold with other metals can reduce its malleability by disrupting the regular arrangement of atoms.

Yes, the electrical conductivity of metals is affected by temperature. Typically, as the temperature of a metal increases, its electrical conductivity decreases. This is because higher temperatures cause the metal ions in the lattice to vibrate more vigorously. These increased vibrations create a kind of ‘traffic’ for the delocalised electrons, hindering their free flow. As a result, the resistance to the flow of electric current increases, reducing conductivity. In other words, the movement of electrons, essential for conductivity, becomes less efficient due to increased thermal activity within the metal. This is in contrast to semiconductors, where conductivity increases with temperature, as more electrons gain enough energy to jump into the conduction band.

Ductility, the ability of a metal to be drawn into wires, is greatly influenced by its atomic structure and the nature of metallic bonding. Metals that have a high degree of ductility typically possess a crystal lattice that allows atoms to rearrange themselves easily without breaking the metallic bond. The presence of delocalised electrons contributes to this property; a higher density of these electrons often correlates with greater ductility. The type of crystal structure is also crucial. For instance, metals with face-centred cubic (FCC) structures, like copper and gold, are generally more ductile. This is because the FCC structure has more slip planes, directions along which atoms can slide past one another, allowing the metal to stretch more easily. Impurities and alloying elements can affect ductility too. Adding small amounts of certain elements can increase ductility, while others may decrease it.

Alloying, the process of mixing a metal with one or more other elements, can significantly alter the properties of the base metal. When different atoms are introduced into the metal lattice, they often disrupt the regular arrangement of atoms. This disruption can lead to changes in physical properties. For example, alloys are generally harder than pure metals because the different-sized atoms of the alloying elements distort the metallic lattice, hindering the movement of dislocations which are responsible for deformation. This makes the alloy stronger and less malleable. Alloying can also affect other properties like melting point, corrosion resistance, and electrical conductivity. For instance, adding chromium to steel (which is an alloy of iron and carbon) enhances its resistance to rusting (corrosion resistance).

Metals typically exhibit high melting and boiling points due to the strength of the metallic bonds that hold their atoms together. The metallic bond is the force of attraction between the positively charged metal ions and the sea of delocalised electrons. This bond is quite strong, and a significant amount of energy is required to overcome these forces and change the state of the metal from solid to liquid (melting) or from liquid to gas (boiling). Furthermore, the closely packed arrangement of atoms in a metallic lattice contributes to this high thermal stability. The denser the lattice, the stronger the bond, and hence, the higher the melting and boiling points. For instance, metals like iron and copper have high melting points due to their closely packed lattice and the strong electrostatic forces between the ions and the delocalised electrons.

Practice Questions

Explain why metals are good conductors of electricity. Include details of the structure and bonding in your answer.

Metals are exceptional conductors of electricity primarily due to the presence of delocalised electrons in their structure. In a metal, atoms release some outer electrons, which then move freely throughout the metallic lattice. These free-moving electrons are not bound to any specific atom, allowing them to conduct electrical current efficiently. When a voltage is applied, these electrons flow easily towards the positive terminal, facilitating the flow of electricity. This electrical conductivity is a direct consequence of the unique arrangement of electrons in the metallic bond, where the sea of delocalised electrons in the lattice plays a crucial role.

Describe how the structure and bonding in metals contribute to their malleability.

Metals are malleable due to the nature of metallic bonding and their atomic arrangement. In a metal, atoms are arranged in a lattice structure, held together by a 'sea' of delocalised electrons. This bonding allows layers of atoms to slide over each other when force is applied, without breaking the metallic bond. As a result, metals can be hammered or bent into different shapes without fracturing. This malleability arises because the bond strength in the metallic lattice is uniform in all directions, enabling metals to deform under stress while maintaining their structural integrity. This unique property is a direct result of the flexible yet strong nature of metallic bonding.

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