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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

4.1.1 Fundamentals of Electrolysis

Definition and Overview of Electrolysis

Electrolysis refers to the chemical decomposition of ionic compounds when subjected to an electric current. This decomposition occurs in a specially designed setup called an electrolytic cell. A key characteristic of electrolysis is its ability to facilitate chemical reactions that are otherwise non-spontaneous under normal conditions.

Electrolytic Cells

An electrolytic cell is the apparatus used for electrolysis, consisting of:

  • Electrodes: These are conductors through which electricity enters or leaves the cell, typically made of inert materials like platinum or graphite.
  • Electrolyte: A substance containing free ions that make the substance electrically conductive. It can be either a molten ionic compound or an aqueous solution of salts, acids, or bases.

Electric Current in Electrolysis

The electric current in electrolysis serves as the driving force for chemical reactions. It facilitates the movement of electrons and ions, thus enabling the decomposition of compounds.

Illustration of electrolysis showing cathode, anode and electrolytic solution

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Detailed Roles of Electrolytic Cell Components

Anode: The Site of Oxidation

  • Function: The anode is the positively charged electrode where oxidation, the loss of electrons, occurs.
  • Process: Negative ions (anions) move towards the anode, where they give up their excess electrons and are discharged as atoms or molecules.

Cathode: The Site of Reduction

  • Function: The cathode is the negatively charged electrode where reduction, the gain of electrons, takes place.
  • Process: Positive ions (cations) are attracted to the cathode, where they acquire electrons and are discharged.

Electrolyte: The Conductive Medium

  • Function: The electrolyte contains ions that move towards the respective electrodes, allowing the flow of electric current through the cell.
  • Types: Electrolytes can be solid or liquid, such as molten salts or aqueous solutions.

Charge Transfer in Electrolysis

Electron Movement

  • Direction: Electrons flow from the cathode to the anode through the external circuit.
  • Role: This movement facilitates the reduction and oxidation processes at the respective electrodes.

Ion Movement in Electrolyte

  • Cations: Positively charged ions move towards the cathode to gain electrons.
  • Anions: Negatively charged ions travel towards the anode to lose electrons.

Electrode Reactions

  • Oxidation at Anode: Anions lose electrons, resulting in the formation of neutral atoms or molecules. For instance, chloride ions (( \text{Cl}- )) at the anode will lose electrons and form chlorine gas.
  • Reduction at Cathode: Cations gain electrons, leading to the production of neutral substances. For example, sodium ions (( \text{Na}+ )) at the cathode will gain electrons and form sodium metal.

Understanding Electrolysis Through Examples

Example: Electrolysis of Molten Sodium Chloride

  • At the Cathode: Sodium ions (( \text{Na}+ )) receive electrons and form sodium metal.
  • At the Anode: Chloride ions (( \text{Cl}- )) release electrons to produce chlorine gas.
A diagram of Electrolysis of Molten Sodium Chloride

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Example: Electrolysis of Water

  • At the Cathode: Hydrogen ions (( \text{H}^+ )) from water gain electrons to form hydrogen gas.
  • At the Anode: Hydroxide ions (( \text{OH}^- )) lose electrons, resulting in oxygen gas and water.
A diagram showing the electrolysis of water.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Factors Influencing Electrolysis

Nature of the Electrolyte

  • Ionic Composition: Determines the types of ions present and their reactivity.
  • Conductivity: Influences the efficiency of ion movement and overall reaction rate.

Type of Electrodes

  • Inert Electrodes: Do not participate in the chemical reactions, e.g., platinum or graphite.
  • Active Electrodes: Can react with the electrolyte or the products of electrolysis.

Concentration of the Electrolyte

  • Ion Availability: Higher concentrations increase the number of ions available for reaction.
  • Reaction Rate: Concentration affects the rate at which ions migrate to the electrodes.

Safety Precautions in Electrolysis

Chemical Safety

  • Handling of Chemicals: Some electrolytes and products can be corrosive or toxic.
  • Proper Lab Practices: Use of gloves, goggles, and lab coats is essential.

Electrical Safety

  • Equipment Handling: Careful handling of electrical components to prevent shocks.
  • Circuit Precautions: Ensuring proper connections and the use of appropriate voltage.
Safety gloves and goggles

Image courtesy of Texas A&M Today - Texas A&M

In summary, the fundamentals of electrolysis encompass the definition, components, principles, and safety considerations of the process. Understanding these elements provides a solid foundation for comprehending more complex electrochemical reactions and their applications. For IGCSE Chemistry students, mastering these concepts is crucial for both theoretical knowledge and practical applications in the field of chemistry.


Once ions in the electrolyte reach the electrodes during electrolysis, they undergo oxidation or reduction reactions, which are key to the electrolytic process. At the anode, oxidation occurs: negatively charged anions lose electrons to the anode. This electron loss transforms the anions into neutral atoms or molecules, which then either dissolve in the electrolyte or are released as a gas. For example, chloride ions (( \text{Cl}- )) at the anode can lose electrons to form chlorine gas.

At the cathode, the opposite reaction occurs: reduction. Positively charged cations gain electrons from the cathode, turning into neutral atoms or molecules. This process may result in the cations forming a solid deposit on the cathode or becoming part of a new compound if they react with the solvent or other ions in the solution. For instance, in the electrolysis of copper sulfate using copper electrodes, copper ions (( \text{Cu}{2+} )) gain electrons at the cathode and are deposited as metallic copper. These reactions at the electrodes are fundamental to the process of electrolysis, leading to the separation, purification, or production of different substances.

The choice of electrode material in electrolysis is critical as it can influence the efficiency, safety, and outcomes of the electrolytic reactions. Electrodes can be either inert or reactive. Inert electrodes, such as platinum or graphite, do not participate in the chemical reactions occurring in the electrolytic cell. They are chosen for their ability to conduct electricity efficiently while remaining chemically stable and unreactive with the electrolyte or the products of electrolysis. Inert electrodes are preferred when the focus is on the reactions of the electrolyte itself, without interference from the electrode material.

On the other hand, reactive electrodes are made from materials that can participate in the electrolytic reactions. They can either be oxidised or reduced during the process, which can be desirable in certain applications, such as metal refining or electroplating. The material of these electrodes can significantly affect the products of electrolysis. For example, using a copper electrode in the electrolysis of a copper salt solution can lead to the deposition of copper at the cathode. Therefore, the selection of electrode material is a key consideration in designing an electrolytic process, as it determines the efficiency, purity of the products, and overall success of the electrolysis.

The environmental implications of the electrolysis process can be both positive and negative, depending on the context and application. On the positive side, electrolysis is used in processes like water treatment, where it can help remove pollutants and purify water, contributing to environmental protection. It's also employed in the production of hydrogen gas from water, which is considered a clean and renewable energy source. When hydrogen is used as a fuel, its only by-product is water, making it an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels.

However, there are negative environmental implications as well. The production of chlorine and other industrial chemicals through electrolysis can lead to environmental hazards if not properly managed. Chlorine gas, for instance, is toxic and can be harmful to both the environment and living organisms if released uncontrollably. Additionally, the energy requirement for electrolysis can be substantial, and if this energy comes from non-renewable sources, it contributes to carbon emissions and global warming.

The environmental impact of electrolysis, therefore, depends largely on how it is used and managed. When integrated with sustainable practices and renewable energy sources, it can be part of a greener and more sustainable future. Conversely, if used without adequate safeguards and reliance on fossil fuels, it can contribute to environmental degradation.

Electrolysis requires a compound that can dissociate into ions, as it is the movement and reaction of these ions that constitute the process. Not all solutions and compounds are suitable for electrolysis. For a compound to be electrolysed, it must be either in a molten state or dissolved in a suitable solvent to form an electrolyte. This is because electrolysis relies on the flow of ions, and in solid compounds, ions are in a fixed position and cannot move freely. When a compound is melted or dissolved, its ions are free to move, allowing them to conduct electricity and participate in the electrolytic process. Ionic compounds, like salts, are typically good candidates for electrolysis in their molten form. In solution, both ionic compounds and certain covalent compounds that ionise can undergo electrolysis. However, the nature of the solvent, typically water, can influence the outcome of the electrolysis, as water itself can undergo ionisation and participate in the electrolytic reactions. Therefore, the feasibility and outcome of electrolysis greatly depend on the physical state and chemical nature of the compound used.

Ions move towards electrodes of opposite charge due to the fundamental principles of electrostatic attraction in chemistry. In an electrolytic cell, the electrodes are charged – the anode is positively charged, and the cathode is negatively charged. Cations, which are positively charged ions, are attracted to the cathode because of their positive charge, which is attracted to the negative charge of the cathode. Similarly, anions, which are negatively charged ions, are attracted to the anode due to their negative charge, which seeks the positive charge of the anode. This movement is not just a random migration; it's driven by the electric field established within the electrolyte. As the electric current passes through the electrolyte, it creates an electric field that exerts a force on the ions. This force guides the ions towards the oppositely charged electrode, ensuring the continuation of the electrolysis process. The movement of these ions is crucial as it allows for the transfer of electrons at the electrodes, leading to the desired chemical reactions that define electrolysis.

Practice Questions

In an electrolytic cell with inert electrodes, describe the reactions that occur at the anode and cathode when dilute sulfuric acid (( \text{H}_2\text{SO}_4 )) is electrolysed. Explain your answer.

During the electrolysis of dilute sulfuric acid with inert electrodes, at the cathode, hydrogen ions (( \text{H}+ )) gain electrons (reduction) to form hydrogen gas. This is represented by the half-equation: ( 2\text{H}+ + 2e- \rightarrow \text{H}2 ). At the anode, hydroxide ions (( \text{OH}- )) from the dissociation of water lose electrons (oxidation) to form oxygen gas and water. The half-equation is: ( 4\text{OH}- \rightarrow \text{O}2 + 2\text{H}2\text{O} + 4e- ). The process at the anode is preferred over the oxidation of sulfate ions because it requires less energy.

Explain why the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride (( \text{NaCl} )) produces different products at the electrodes compared to its electrolysis in aqueous solution.

In the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride, only sodium and chloride ions are present. At the cathode, sodium ions (( \text{Na}+ )) gain electrons (reduction) to form sodium metal. The reaction is ( \text{Na}+ + e- \rightarrow \text{Na} ). At the anode, chloride ions (( \text{Cl}- )) lose electrons (oxidation) to form chlorine gas, represented by ( 2\text{Cl}- \rightarrow \text{Cl}2 + 2e- ). In contrast, during the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride, water molecules also participate. Hydrogen is produced at the cathode (from water) instead of sodium, and oxygen (from water) may be produced at the anode instead of chlorine. This is because water molecules can also undergo oxidation and reduction reactions.

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