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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

4.1.3 Electrode Reactions and Predictions in Electrolysis

Introduction to Electrode Reactions

Electrolysis involves two key types of reactions at electrodes: reduction at the cathode and oxidation at the anode. Understanding these reactions is crucial for predicting the products of electrolysis in different scenarios.

Cathode Reactions (Reduction)

At the cathode, a reduction reaction occurs, characterized by the gain of electrons. This process is essential in determining the nature of the product formed at the cathode.

  • Nature of Cathode Reaction: Reduction, or the gain of electrons.
  • Common Products:
    • Metals: In electrolytes containing metal ions, metals form at the cathode if they are less reactive than hydrogen.
    • Hydrogen Gas: For solutions with ions of metals more reactive than hydrogen, hydrogen gas is produced instead.
  • Examples:
    • Electrolysing copper(II) sulfate solution leads to the formation of copper metal at the cathode as ( Cu{2+} ) ions gain electrons.
    • In dilute sulfuric acid, hydrogen ions (H+) gain electrons to form hydrogen gas, as they are more readily reduced than sulfate ions.

Anode Reactions (Oxidation)

Oxidation takes place at the anode, involving the loss of electrons. The products formed at the anode are typically determined by the ions present in the electrolyte.

  • Nature of Anode Reaction: Oxidation, or the loss of electrons.
  • Common Products:
    • Non-metal Ions: Non-metal elements, primarily halogens, are typically discharged if present.
    • Oxygen Gas: In the absence of halides or other non-metals, oxygen is commonly produced from the oxidation of water or hydroxide ions.
  • Examples:
    • Chloride ions (( Cl- )) are oxidised to chlorine gas at the anode in sodium chloride solution.
    • Oxygen is produced at the anode when electrolysing dilute sulfuric acid with inert electrodes, as hydroxide ions (( OH- )) are oxidised.
General Electrode Reactions in electrolysis

Image courtesy of Chemistry Learner

Predicting Products in Electrolysis

The ability to predict the products of electrolysis is a critical skill in chemistry. This prediction is based on the nature of the electrolyte used and the relative reactivity of the ions present.

Molten Binary Compounds

In molten binary compounds, the electrolyte is typically composed of simple cations and anions from a single compound.

  • Product Formation: The metal is deposited at the cathode, and the non-metal is discharged at the anode.
  • Example: When molten sodium chloride is electrolysed, sodium metal forms at the cathode, and chlorine gas at the anode.
A diagram of Electrolysis of Molten Sodium Chloride

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Electrolysing Aqueous Solutions

Aqueous solutions present a more complex scenario, with multiple ions competing to be discharged.

  • Cathode Predictions:
    • Metals Less Reactive than Hydrogen: These metals will be deposited at the cathode.
    • Hydrogen Gas: In solutions of more reactive metals, hydrogen gas is formed instead.
  • Anode Predictions:
    • Halide Ions: Halogens are usually produced in the presence of halide ions.
    • Oxygen Gas: Oxygen is often formed in the absence of halides, originating from the oxidation of water or hydroxide ions.
  • Example: Electrolysing concentrated aqueous sodium chloride results in the formation of chlorine gas at the anode and hydrogen gas at the cathode, as sodium is too reactive to be deposited.
Electrolysis of brine

Image courtesy of Jkwchui

Constructing Ionic Half-Equations for Electrode Reactions

To fully understand and articulate the reactions occurring during electrolysis, constructing ionic half-equations is essential. These equations represent the reduction or oxidation processes at each electrode.

Oxidation at the Anode

  • General Form: The anode reaction can generally be represented as ( \text{Anion} \rightarrow \text{Product} + e- ).
  • Example: For chloride ion oxidation: ( 2Cl- \rightarrow Cl2 + 2e- ).

Reduction at the Cathode

  • General Form: The cathode reaction typically follows ( \text{Cation} + e- \rightarrow \text{Product} ).
  • Example: For the reduction of copper(II) ions: ( Cu{2+} + 2e- \rightarrow Cu ).

Steps to Construct Half-Equations

  1. Identify the Ion: Determine which ion undergoes reduction or oxidation.
  2. Balance the Charges: Add the appropriate number of electrons to balance the change in charge.
  3. Balance Atoms: Ensure that the number of atoms on each side of the equation is equal.
  4. Balance with Water and Hydrogen Ions (in aqueous solutions): When necessary, use water and hydrogen ions to balance the numbers of oxygen and hydrogen atoms respectively.

Application: Predicting Products in Specific Scenarios

Scenario 1: Electrolysing Molten Lead(II) Bromide

  • At the Cathode: Lead ion reduction: ( Pb{2+} + 2e- \rightarrow Pb ).
  • At the Anode: Bromide ion oxidation: ( 2Br- \rightarrow Br2 + 2e- ).

Scenario 2: Electrolysing Aqueous Copper(II) Sulphate with Inert Electrodes

  • At the Cathode: Copper(II) ion reduction: ( Cu{2+} + 2e- \rightarrow Cu ).
  • At the Anode: Hydroxide ion oxidation: ( 4OH- \rightarrow O2 + 2H2O + 4e- ).

In summary, a thorough understanding of electrode reactions in electrolysis is fundamental for IGCSE Chemistry students. It involves recognising the types of reactions occurring at the cathode and anode, predicting the products formed in different electrolytes, and the skillful construction of ionic half-equations. This knowledge not only enriches the students' understanding of electrolysis but also hones their ability to predict and explain the outcomes of various electrolysis scenarios, a key aspect of their chemistry curriculum.


Electrolytic and galvanic cells are two fundamental types of electrochemical cells, each operating on different principles. In a galvanic cell, chemical energy is converted into electrical energy through spontaneous redox reactions. These cells consist of two different metals connected by a salt bridge or a porous partition, with each metal immersed in a solution containing its ions. The chemical reaction between the metals and their ions generates a flow of electrons, creating an electric current. The classic example is the Daniell cell, with zinc and copper electrodes in their respective sulfate solutions.

In contrast, an electrolytic cell uses electrical energy to drive a non-spontaneous chemical reaction. In this setup, an external power source, like a battery or power supply, is connected to two electrodes immersed in an electrolyte. The applied electric current causes ions in the electrolyte to undergo oxidation or reduction at the electrodes, leading to chemical changes. Electrolytic cells are used for various applications, including electroplating, refining metals, and electrolysis of water.

The key difference lies in their operation: galvanic cells generate electricity through spontaneous reactions, whereas electrolytic cells use electricity to induce chemical changes.

Hydrogen gas is often produced at the cathode in aqueous solutions during electrolysis due to the presence of water. Water molecules dissociate into hydrogen (H+) and hydroxide (OH-) ions. In solutions of salts of more reactive metals (like sodium or calcium), these metal cations compete with hydrogen ions for electrons at the cathode. However, since these metals are more reactive than hydrogen, they have a greater tendency to remain as ions. As a result, the less reactive hydrogen ions are reduced in preference to the metal ions, leading to the production of hydrogen gas.

The production of hydrogen gas at the cathode is also influenced by factors like the electrode material, the concentration of the electrolyte, and the applied voltage. For instance, in a dilute solution, there is a higher concentration of water molecules, which increases the likelihood of hydrogen ion reduction. Furthermore, some electrode materials, like platinum, can catalyze the reduction of hydrogen ions, making the production of hydrogen gas more favorable. Understanding the conditions that favor the reduction of hydrogen ions is crucial in electrolysis, particularly in processes like water treatment and the production of hydrogen fuel.

Overvoltage, also known as overpotential, is a phenomenon in electrolysis where a higher voltage than the thermodynamically predicted value is required to drive an electrochemical reaction. This occurs due to various factors, including the nature of the electrode material, the concentration of ions, and the presence of impurities. Overvoltage affects electrolysis by making the process less efficient and more energy-intensive. For instance, in the electrolysis of water, hydrogen and oxygen gases are produced at the cathode and anode, respectively. However, due to overvoltage, the actual voltage required to initiate and sustain the electrolysis of water is higher than the theoretical value. This means more electrical energy is consumed than what would be expected based on standard electrode potentials alone. Overvoltage is particularly significant in industrial applications where energy efficiency directly impacts the cost and environmental impact of the process. Understanding and minimizing overvoltage is crucial for developing efficient and sustainable electrolytic systems.

The concentration of the electrolyte has a significant impact on the products of electrolysis, particularly in aqueous solutions. In dilute solutions, water molecules can compete with the dissolved ions for discharge at the electrodes. For instance, in a dilute solution of sodium chloride, there is a higher probability of water molecules being reduced at the cathode to produce hydrogen gas, rather than sodium ions being reduced. Conversely, in a concentrated solution of the same electrolyte, the higher concentration of sodium and chloride ions increases the likelihood of sodium being reduced at the cathode and chlorine being oxidized at the anode. Additionally, the concentration of the electrolyte influences the rate of electrolysis: a more concentrated solution typically leads to a higher rate of reaction, as there are more ions available to carry the current. This principle is crucial in industrial applications of electrolysis, where controlling the concentration of the electrolyte can optimize the yield and purity of the desired products.

Inert electrodes are used in electrolysis to provide a conductive surface for the electrochemical reactions without themselves participating in the reactions. This is crucial when the focus is on the products of electrolysis from the electrolyte, rather than the electrode material. Inert electrodes do not react or interfere with the electrolyte, ensuring that the products formed at the electrodes are solely due to the ions present in the electrolyte. Common materials used for inert electrodes include graphite and platinum. Graphite is a form of carbon that is conductive and relatively inexpensive, making it a popular choice for classroom experiments. Platinum, although more expensive, is highly resistant to corrosion and is used in industrial applications. The choice of inert electrode material can depend on factors like cost, availability, and the specific requirements of the electrolysis process, such as the need for high conductivity or resistance to chemical attack.

Practice Questions

Describe the products formed at the cathode and anode when aqueous sodium chloride is electrolysed using inert electrodes. Explain why these products are formed.

At the cathode, hydrogen gas is formed instead of sodium metal. This is because sodium is more reactive than hydrogen. When sodium chloride is dissolved in water, hydrogen ions (H+) from water compete with sodium ions (Na+) for electrons. Since hydrogen is less reactive, it is reduced over sodium, leading to the formation of hydrogen gas. At the anode, chlorine gas is formed from the oxidation of chloride ions (Cl-). Chloride ions lose electrons (oxidation) to form chlorine gas. This happens because chloride ions are preferentially discharged over hydroxide ions (OH-) from water in concentrated solutions.

Write the ionic half-equations for the reactions occurring at the cathode and anode during the electrolysis of molten magnesium chloride. Explain your answer.

At the cathode, magnesium ions (Mg2+) gain two electrons to form magnesium metal, represented by the equation: ( Mg{2+} + 2e- \rightarrow Mg ). This reduction occurs because, in molten magnesium chloride, the only positively charged ions are magnesium ions. Therefore, they gain electrons to form magnesium metal. At the anode, chloride ions (Cl-) lose an electron each to form chlorine gas, represented by the equation: ( 2Cl- \rightarrow Cl2 + 2e- ). This oxidation happens because chloride ions are the only negatively charged ions present in molten magnesium chloride, leading to the discharge of chlorine gas.

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