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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

5.1.2 Reaction Pathway Diagrams

Understanding Reaction Pathway Diagrams

Reaction pathway diagrams are graphical representations that show energy changes during chemical reactions. They are vital for visualising the energy flow from reactants to products.

Components of Reaction Pathway Diagrams

  • Y-axis: Represents energy, typically in kilojoules per mole (kJ/mol).
  • X-axis: Illustrates the progress of the reaction, from reactants to products.
  • Energy Levels: Indicate the initial and final energy states of the reactants and products.
  • Activation Energy (Ea): The peak on the curve above the reactants represents the activation energy, which is the minimum energy barrier to be overcome for the reaction to proceed.

Examining Exothermic Reactions

In exothermic reactions, energy is released to the surroundings, often as heat, resulting in a temperature increase.

Characteristics of Exothermic Reaction Pathway Diagrams

  • Energy Release: Products have lower energy than reactants.
  • Profile Direction: Demonstrates a downward energy trajectory.
  • Enthalpy Change (∆H): A negative value, indicating energy release to the surroundings.

Detailed Analysis

In an exothermic reaction diagram, the starting point (reactants) is higher on the energy axis than the endpoint (products). The vertical distance between these points quantifies the energy released.

A graph of exothermic reaction.

Image courtesy of Brazosport College

Understanding Endothermic Reactions

Endothermic reactions absorb energy, typically resulting in a decrease in surrounding temperature.

Features of Endothermic Reaction Pathway Diagrams

  • Energy Absorption: The energy level of the products is higher than that of the reactants.
  • Profile Direction: Shows an upward energy trajectory.
  • Enthalpy Change (∆H): A positive value, reflecting energy absorption from the surroundings.

Detailed Analysis

For endothermic reactions, the diagram shows reactants at a lower energy level compared to the products. The vertical distance between these levels indicates the amount of energy absorbed.

A graph showing an endothermic reaction.

Image courtesy of Brazosport College

Activation Energy in Depth

Activation energy is a crucial concept, representing the energy required to initiate a reaction.

Activation Energy in Different Reactions

  • In Exothermic Reactions: Ea is the energy barrier for the reaction to release energy.
  • In Endothermic Reactions: Ea signifies the initial energy input necessary for the reaction to absorb energy.

Diagram Representation

Activation energy is depicted as the peak of the curve from the reactants' level in both types of reactions.

Practical Applications and Interpretations

Predicting Reaction Spontaneity

  • Lower Ea: Suggests a reaction is more likely to occur spontaneously.
  • Higher Ea: Indicates more energy is required to start the reaction.

Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Rates

Understanding Ea helps in predicting and controlling the speed of chemical reactions.

Role of Catalysts

Catalysts play a crucial role by lowering Ea, thereby accelerating the reaction.

Graphical representation of Catalyst's role in lowering Activation energy (Ea)

Image courtesy of nigerianscholars.com

Drawing Reaction Pathway Diagrams

To accurately draw these diagrams, one must consider the relative energy levels of reactants and products, and the Ea.

Steps for Drawing Exothermic Diagrams

  • Start with reactants at a higher energy level.
  • Draw a peak representing Ea.
  • End with products at a lower energy level.

Steps for Drawing Endothermic Diagrams

  • Begin with reactants at a lower energy level.
  • Include a peak for Ea.
  • Conclude with products at a higher energy level.

Interpreting Complex Reaction Pathways

Some reactions involve multiple steps, each with its own Ea and energy changes.

Sequential Reactions

  • Analyse each step separately.
  • Consider the overall energy change from the first reactant to the final product.

Identifying Intermediate Compounds

Intermediates appear as valleys between peaks on the diagram and are crucial in multi-step reactions.

Graphical representation of Complex Reaction with Intermediate Compounds

Image courtesy of Organic Chemistry Tutor


In summary, reaction pathway diagrams are powerful tools in chemistry, enabling students to visualise and understand the energy dynamics of chemical reactions. Mastery of these diagrams is essential for comprehending energy changes in reactions, predicting reaction behaviour, and applying this knowledge to practical and theoretical chemistry.


A reaction pathway diagram can provide clues about the reversibility of a reaction by showing the energy profiles of both the forward and reverse reactions. In a reversible reaction, the diagram will have two peaks representing the activation energies for both the forward and reverse processes. The energy difference between the reactants and products (i.e., ∆H) will be the same in magnitude but opposite in sign for the forward and reverse reactions. If the energy barriers (activation energies) for both directions are relatively low, it suggests that the reaction can readily proceed in both directions, indicating reversibility. However, if one direction has a significantly higher energy barrier, it may imply that the reaction predominantly proceeds in one direction, indicating limited reversibility.

A reaction pathway diagram can be used to infer the presence of a catalyst in a reaction by examining the activation energy (Ea). In the presence of a catalyst, the Ea is lower compared to the reaction without the catalyst. This is because a catalyst provides an alternative reaction pathway with a lower energy barrier. On the diagram, this is represented by a lower peak for the activation energy. It's important to note that while a catalyst lowers the activation energy, it does not alter the overall energy change (∆H) of the reaction. The products and reactants' energy levels remain the same, but the lowered Ea indicates a faster reaction rate due to the catalyst's presence.

Activation energy is a fundamental concept for understanding reaction pathway diagrams as it represents the minimum energy required for a reaction to occur. It is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps in determining the rate of a reaction – lower activation energy generally means a faster reaction. Secondly, understanding activation energy is vital for the practical application of controlling reaction rates in industrial processes, such as in the synthesis of chemicals, where precise control over reaction rates is essential for efficiency and safety. In real-world scenarios, catalysts are often used to lower the activation energy, thereby accelerating reactions that would otherwise be too slow for practical use. Moreover, in biological systems, enzymes act as natural catalysts to lower activation energies, allowing essential biochemical reactions to occur rapidly at body temperature. Thus, the concept of activation energy is not only pivotal in theoretical chemistry but also in applied and industrial chemistry, as well as in biological systems.

The actual energy change in a reaction can differ from the ∆H value shown on a reaction pathway diagram due to several factors. Firstly, reaction pathway diagrams are often simplified representations that may not account for all complexities of a real reaction, such as side reactions or intermediate steps. Secondly, ∆H values on diagrams are typically measured under standard conditions (e.g., 1 atm pressure and 298 K temperature), but actual reactions might occur under different conditions, affecting the energy change. Thirdly, the presence of a catalyst can lower the activation energy without affecting the overall ∆H, but it can change the reaction mechanism, leading to discrepancies between theoretical and actual energy changes. Additionally, experimental errors or impurities in reactants can also cause variations in energy changes observed in practical scenarios.

The shape of the curve on a reaction pathway diagram, particularly the height and steepness of the activation energy peak, provides insights into the speed of the reaction. A lower and less steep activation energy peak suggests that less energy is required to initiate the reaction, which typically translates to a faster reaction rate. This is because the number of molecules with sufficient energy to overcome the activation barrier is higher, leading to more frequent successful collisions between reactant molecules. Conversely, a higher and steeper activation energy peak indicates a slower reaction, as fewer molecules possess the necessary energy to surmount the energy barrier. Therefore, the shape and height of the activation energy peak are indirect indicators of how quickly a reaction will proceed under given conditions.

Practice Questions

Explain how the reaction pathway diagram differs for an exothermic and an endothermic reaction. Include in your explanation the significance of the activation energy and the enthalpy change (∆H).

An excellent answer would demonstrate a clear understanding of the fundamental differences between exothermic and endothermic reactions as depicted in reaction pathway diagrams. In an exothermic reaction, the energy level of the products is lower than that of the reactants, showing a release of energy to the surroundings, indicated by a negative ∆H. The diagram typically slopes downwards. Conversely, for an endothermic reaction, the energy level of the products is higher than the reactants, reflecting energy absorption from the surroundings, denoted by a positive ∆H, and the diagram slopes upwards. Activation energy (Ea) is the initial energy peak required to start both types of reactions, but it does not determine the nature (exothermic or endothermic) of the reaction.

A reaction pathway diagram shows reactants at a certain energy level, a peak higher than the reactants, and products at a lower energy level than the reactants. Is this reaction exothermic or endothermic? Justify your answer.

This reaction is exothermic. In the described reaction pathway diagram, the products are at a lower energy level compared to the reactants, which is a key characteristic of an exothermic reaction. The difference in energy levels shows that energy is released to the surroundings during the reaction process. The presence of a peak indicates the activation energy required to initiate the reaction, but the overall decrease in energy from reactants to products confirms that it is an exothermic process, as energy is being released, not absorbed, which would be indicated by a positive enthalpy change (∆H).

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