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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

5.1.4 Drawing and Interpreting Reaction Pathways

Introduction to Reaction Pathways

A reaction pathway is a graphical representation depicting the energy changes during a chemical reaction. It provides a clear visual understanding of whether a reaction releases or absorbs energy, and the amount of activation energy involved.

Fundamentals of Reaction Pathways

Key Components

  • Reactants and Products: Identify the initial and final states of the reaction.
  • Energy Levels: Represent the energy of reactants and products.
  • Activation Energy (Ea): The energy barrier that must be overcome.
  • Enthalpy Change (ΔH): Indicates the overall energy change in the reaction.

Drawing Reaction Pathways

Exothermic Reactions

  1. Initial Energy Level (Reactants): Start with reactants at a high energy level, as they contain stored energy.
  2. Activation Energy (Ea): Draw a peak above the reactants, showing the energy needed to initiate the reaction.
  3. Final Energy Level (Products): Position the products at a lower energy level, reflecting energy release.
  4. Label ΔH: Indicate ΔH as a negative value, showing energy loss to the surroundings.
Exothermic reaction energy diagram

Image courtesy of Expii

Endothermic Reactions

  1. Initial Energy Level (Reactants): Position reactants at a lower energy level, indicating less stored energy.
  2. Activation Energy (Ea): The peak, higher than that of exothermic reactions, denotes a greater energy requirement.
  3. Final Energy Level (Products): Place products at a higher energy level, indicating energy absorption.
  4. Label ΔH: ΔH is positive, representing energy gain from the surroundings.
Endothermic reaction energy diagram

Image courtesy of Expii

Detailed Interpretation of Reaction Pathways

Understanding ΔH and Ea

  • ΔH (Enthalpy Change): This value reflects the total energy absorbed or released. A negative ΔH signifies energy release, and a positive ΔH indicates energy absorption.
  • Ea (Activation Energy): This is the threshold energy needed to start a reaction. It's crucial in determining the reaction rate.

Reaction Type Identification

  • Exothermic Pathways: Characterized by a downward trajectory after the Ea peak, indicating energy release.
  • Endothermic Pathways: Identified by an upward trajectory post-Ea, showing energy absorption.

Practical Implications

  • Energy Dynamics: Understanding the energy requirements and release helps in controlling reactions in industrial processes.
  • Reaction Spontaneity: Exothermic reactions are generally more spontaneous due to their energy-releasing nature.

Advanced Tips for Drawing Accurate Pathways

  • Scale and Proportion: Maintain a consistent scale to accurately represent energy levels.
  • Clarity in Labeling: Ensure all parts of the diagram, including Ea and ΔH, are clearly labeled.
  • Directional Arrows: Use arrows to indicate the direction of energy change and the flow of the reaction.

Applying Knowledge: Case Studies

1. Combustion Reactions: Typical of exothermic reactions, they release energy, usually in the form of heat and light.

Combustion reaction, an example of exothermic reaction

Image courtesy of Anshuman

2. Photosynthesis: An endothermic reaction where plants absorb solar energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

Photosynthesis equation, an example of endothermic reaction

Image courteys of ZooFari

  • Ea and ΔH Confusion: It’s critical to distinguish between the initial energy needed (Ea) and the overall energy change (ΔH).
  • Direction of Reaction: The energy level of reactants does not always determine the direction of the reaction.

Integrating Knowledge into Practice

Understanding and interpreting reaction pathways are not just academic exercises; they are fundamental in real-world applications such as:

  • Chemical Engineering: Designing processes that maximise energy efficiency.
  • Environmental Chemistry: Understanding how different reactions contribute to environmental changes.

Key Takeaways

  • Visualising Energy Changes: Reaction pathways offer a visual representation of the energy dynamics in chemical reactions.
  • Identifying Reaction Types: These diagrams are pivotal in distinguishing between exothermic and endothermic reactions.
  • Practical Chemistry: Mastery of these concepts is crucial for understanding and manipulating chemical processes.

In conclusion, mastering the art of drawing and interpreting reaction pathways empowers IGCSE Chemistry students with a deeper insight into the energetic aspects of chemical reactions. This knowledge is not only foundational for academic success but also for practical applications in various scientific fields.


Reaction pathways are more than just theoretical representations; they offer practical insights into the feasibility of chemical reactions. By analysing the energy profiles depicted in these pathways, chemists can predict how likely a reaction is to occur under given conditions. For instance, a reaction with a very high activation energy (Ea) may be less feasible in practical applications due to the high energy requirement to initiate the reaction. Conversely, a reaction with a relatively low Ea and a significant negative enthalpy change (ΔH) is more likely to be feasible and spontaneous, as it requires less initial energy and releases energy during the process. This understanding is pivotal in industries such as pharmaceuticals, where the feasibility of reactions directly impacts the synthesis of drugs, or in energy production, where the energy output of reactions is critical.

The use of a catalyst in a chemical reaction significantly affects the reaction pathway, particularly the activation energy (Ea). A catalyst provides an alternative pathway for the reaction with a lower activation energy. This is represented on the reaction pathway diagram as a lower peak compared to the uncatalysed reaction. However, it's important to note that while a catalyst lowers Ea, it does not affect the overall enthalpy change (ΔH) of the reaction. Catalysts speed up the rate of a reaction by making it easier for reactants to reach the transition state but do not alter the energy content of reactants and products. This principle is vital in industrial chemistry, where catalysts are used to increase the efficiency of reactions.

Activation energy (Ea) is fundamentally the energy required to initiate a chemical reaction. In endothermic reactions, this energy is typically higher due to the need for the reactants to absorb sufficient energy to reach the transition state. This absorption process requires breaking of initial bonds, which necessitates a significant energy input. On the other hand, exothermic reactions often involve the release of energy as bonds are formed, which usually requires less energy to overcome the initial energy barrier. The higher activation energy in endothermic reactions is thus indicative of the greater energy requirement to start the reaction, as these reactions are inherently energy-absorbing. Understanding this concept is crucial in appreciating the energy dynamics in chemical reactions, where the direction of energy flow (absorption or release) significantly impacts the activation energy required.

Yes, a chemical reaction can have both exothermic and endothermic stages. This is typically the case in multi-step reactions where different stages of the reaction involve either absorption or release of energy. In a reaction pathway diagram, this would be represented by multiple peaks and troughs. Each peak represents an activation energy barrier for a stage in the reaction. Following each peak, the pathway would either ascend (for an endothermic stage) or descend (for an exothermic stage). The overall enthalpy change (ΔH) of the reaction would still be represented as the difference in energy between the initial reactants and the final products. Such diagrams are especially useful in understanding complex reactions in biochemistry, where multiple steps often involve varied energy changes.

In a reaction pathway diagram, an equilibrium reaction is represented by a system where the energy levels of the reactants and products are such that the forward and reverse reactions occur at the same rate. This is typically shown by having both the forward and reverse reaction pathways. In such diagrams, the activation energy (Ea) for both the forward and reverse reactions can be observed, along with the respective enthalpy changes (ΔH). Equilibrium signifies a state where the concentrations of reactants and products remain constant over time. It is a key concept in chemical reactions, particularly in synthesising reactions and in biological systems, where many reactions occur under equilibrium conditions. Understanding how equilibrium is represented in reaction pathways helps in predicting the behaviour of reactants and products under different conditions.

Practice Questions

Describe how you would draw a reaction pathway for an exothermic reaction. Include details about the placement of reactants, products, the activation energy (Ea), and the enthalpy change (ΔH).

To draw a reaction pathway for an exothermic reaction, start by placing the reactants at a higher energy level, as they contain more stored energy compared to the products. Next, draw a peak above the reactants to represent the activation energy (Ea), the minimum energy needed to initiate the reaction. Following this peak, the pathway should descend to a lower energy level where the products are placed, indicating energy release. The enthalpy change (ΔH) should be labeled between the reactants and products, showing a negative value, as energy is released to the surroundings in an exothermic reaction.

Explain how the reaction pathway of an endothermic reaction differs from that of an exothermic reaction. Focus on the energy levels of reactants and products, as well as the enthalpy change (ΔH).

In an endothermic reaction, the reaction pathway begins with reactants at a lower energy level, reflecting their need for energy absorption. The activation energy peak is higher compared to an exothermic reaction, indicating a greater energy input requirement. The products are then placed at a higher energy level than the reactants, showing that energy has been absorbed from the surroundings. The enthalpy change (ΔH) in an endothermic reaction is positive, denoting energy gain. In contrast, an exothermic reaction starts with high-energy reactants, leads to a lower-energy product level, and has a negative ΔH, indicating energy release.

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