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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

5.1.3 Enthalpy Changes in Reactions

Introduction to Enthalpy Change (∆H)

Enthalpy change, symbolised as ∆H, refers to the change in the heat content of a system during a chemical reaction. It is a thermodynamic quantity that offers insights into the energy changes accompanying chemical processes.

Key Aspects of Enthalpy Change

  • Thermal Energy Transfer: Enthalpy change is essentially about the transfer of thermal energy. It is a crucial indicator of whether a reaction is absorbing or releasing energy.
  • Measurement: ∆H is measured in joules per mole (J/mol) and is an important parameter in thermochemical equations.
  • Sign Conventions: The sign of ∆H (positive or negative) helps in categorising the reaction as exothermic or endothermic.

Exothermic Reactions: Energy Release

Exothermic reactions are characterised by the release of energy, primarily in the form of heat, to their surroundings. This results in an observable increase in the temperature of the environment.

Understanding Exothermic Reactions

  • Energy Dynamics: In these reactions, the energy released in forming new bonds in the products is greater than the energy consumed in breaking the bonds in the reactants.
  • Examples: Common examples include combustion reactions, such as the burning of fuel, and many oxidation-reduction reactions.
  • Applications: These reactions are widely used in heat-generating applications, like in thermal power plants and home heating systems.

Graphical Representation

On an enthalpy diagram, exothermic reactions are depicted with the products having a lower energy level than the reactants, signifying a negative ∆H. The area between the reactants' and products' energy levels represents the energy released.

A graph of exothermic reaction.

Image courtesy of Brazosport College

Endothermic Reactions: Energy Absorption

In stark contrast, endothermic reactions absorb energy from their surroundings, typically causing a temperature decrease in the surrounding area.

Understanding Endothermic Reactions

  • Energy Dynamics: These reactions require more energy to break the bonds in the reactants than is released when new bonds are formed in the products.
  • Examples: Photosynthesis in plants and the dissolution of salts in water are classical examples.
  • Applications: Endothermic processes are critical in cooling technologies, such as in refrigerators and air conditioners.

Graphical Representation

For endothermic reactions, the energy level diagram shows the products at a higher energy level than the reactants, with a positive ∆H value. The energy absorbed from the surroundings is represented by the gap between the reactants and products.

A graph showing an endothermic reaction.

Image courtesy of Brazosport College

Activation Energy (Ea): The Initial Hurdle

Activation energy, or Ea, is a fundamental concept in chemical kinetics. It represents the minimum energy necessary for a reaction to proceed.

Role of Activation Energy

  • Initiating Reactions: Ea is the energy required to initiate the breaking of bonds in the reactants, leading to the formation of the activated complex.
  • Influencing Reaction Rate: The magnitude of Ea significantly affects the rate of a chemical reaction. Higher activation energy usually translates to a slower reaction rate, as fewer reactant molecules have sufficient energy to overcome this barrier at a given temperature.
Graph showing activation energy and activated complex during a reaction

Image courtesy of Britannica

Factors Influencing Ea

  • Nature of Reactants: The chemical structure and bonding of the reactants directly impact the activation energy.
  • Catalysts: Catalysts lower the activation energy, enabling reactions to proceed faster and at lower temperatures.

Practical Implications and Applications

Understanding enthalpy changes and activation energy is not just academically relevant; it has profound practical implications in various fields.

Industrial and Environmental Relevance

  • Chemical Industry: In designing chemical reactors and processes, understanding enthalpy changes ensures efficiency and safety, particularly in exothermic reactions where uncontrolled heat release can be hazardous.
  • Environmental Chemistry: Managing the energy changes in industrial reactions is vital for environmental sustainability, as it affects resource utilisation and emission levels.

Daily Life Applications

  • Heating and Cooling Systems: The principles of exothermic and endothermic reactions are employed in household heating systems and refrigeration.
  • Food Chemistry: Cooking, which often involves exothermic reactions, is an everyday example of practical chemistry.


The study of enthalpy changes, encompassing the concepts of exothermic and endothermic reactions and activation energy, is crucial for understanding the energy aspects of chemical reactions. This knowledge is not only foundational for IGCSE Chemistry students but also invaluable for anyone interested in the practical applications of chemistry in various industries and in everyday life.


Breaking bonds requires energy because it involves overcoming the attractive forces that hold atoms together in a molecule. Atoms in a molecule are bonded together by shared or transferred electrons, creating a stable, low-energy state. To separate these atoms, energy must be supplied to overcome the energy barrier of these stable bonds, essentially disrupting the established electron configurations. On the other hand, forming bonds releases energy because when new bonds are formed, atoms achieve a more stable, lower energy configuration. The process of bond formation allows atoms to attain a state where their potential energy is minimized, which results in the release of energy, often in the form of heat. The net energy change of breaking and forming bonds determines whether a reaction is endothermic or exothermic.

In a laboratory setting, the enthalpy change of a reaction (∆H) is typically measured using a calorimeter, a device designed to measure heat changes. The basic principle involves conducting the reaction in a closed environment and measuring the temperature change of a known quantity of water or other suitable substance that absorbs or releases heat during the reaction. By knowing the mass of the water, its specific heat capacity (the amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature by one degree Celsius), and the temperature change, the heat absorbed or released by the reaction can be calculated. This value is then adjusted based on the molar quantities of the reactants to find the enthalpy change per mole, giving the ∆H for the reaction. This method is particularly effective for reactions occurring in solution or where direct heat measurement is feasible.

It is possible for a single reaction to exhibit both exothermic and endothermic characteristics at different stages, although it's not common. This typically occurs in multi-step reactions, where individual steps might absorb energy (endothermic) or release energy (exothermic). For instance, in a complex reaction, the initial step might require energy to break bonds in the reactants (endothermic), while a subsequent step could release energy when new bonds are formed in the intermediate products (exothermic). The overall enthalpy change of the reaction (∆H) is determined by the net sum of these energy changes. If the total energy released is greater than the energy absorbed, the reaction is exothermic, and vice versa for endothermic reactions. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent in biochemical pathways and multi-step industrial processes.

A catalyst does not affect the enthalpy change (∆H) of a reaction. It's a common misconception that catalysts alter ∆H, but their actual role is to provide an alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation energy (Ea). By lowering Ea, a catalyst allows the reactants to convert into products more efficiently and at a faster rate. However, the overall energy change from reactants to products remains the same. This means that the total energy absorbed or released by the reaction, which is what ∆H represents, does not change due to the presence of a catalyst. Whether a reaction is exothermic or endothermic, and the extent of the energy transfer, is determined by the nature of the reactants and products, not by the catalyst.

Enthalpy change plays a significant role in environmental chemistry, particularly in understanding and managing the energy aspects of various natural and industrial processes. For example, in the assessment of carbon footprints and the development of sustainable practices, the enthalpy changes of chemical reactions are crucial. Reactions with large negative ∆H (exothermic) are often explored for energy production, such as in biofuel combustion, where understanding the energy output is vital for efficiency and environmental impact assessment. Conversely, processes that absorb large amounts of energy (endothermic reactions) can be significant in environmental remediation, like in carbon capture technologies where the absorption of CO2 is thermodynamically analysed. Additionally, understanding enthalpy changes is essential in predicting and mitigating the environmental impacts of industrial chemical processes, ensuring that they are energy-efficient and have minimal adverse effects on the environment. This includes evaluating the heat released into ecosystems and its potential effects on local flora and fauna.

Practice Questions

Explain why the enthalpy change (∆H) is negative in exothermic reactions and positive in endothermic reactions. Include in your answer the concept of energy transfer in these reactions.

The enthalpy change (∆H) is negative in exothermic reactions because these reactions release more energy than they absorb. This is due to the fact that the energy released in forming new bonds in the products is greater than the energy required to break the bonds in the reactants. The surplus energy is released to the surroundings, typically as heat, resulting in a decrease in the system's internal energy, thus a negative ∆H. Conversely, in endothermic reactions, ∆H is positive as these reactions absorb more energy than they release. Here, the energy needed to break bonds in the reactants exceeds the energy released upon forming new bonds in the products. Therefore, these reactions draw in energy from the surroundings, increasing the system's internal energy, leading to a positive ∆H.

Describe the role of activation energy (Ea) in chemical reactions and explain how it influences the rate of a reaction.

Activation energy (Ea) is the minimum energy required to initiate a chemical reaction. It plays a crucial role in determining the rate of a reaction. Higher activation energy means that a larger proportion of reactant molecules need to gain sufficient energy to overcome the energy barrier for the reaction to proceed. Consequently, reactions with high Ea tend to have slower rates because fewer molecules have the necessary energy at any given moment to surpass this threshold. Conversely, reactions with lower activation energy have a higher rate as more reactant molecules possess the needed energy to react. Catalysts can also influence the reaction rate by lowering the activation energy, thereby allowing more molecules to participate in the reaction at a given time.

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