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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

3.3.6 Titration Analysis

Introduction to Titration

Titration is a laboratory method that measures the volume of a known concentration solution (titrant) required to react completely with a solution of unknown concentration (analyte). This technique allows for precise determination of the concentration of the unknown solution.

Key Terms in Titration

  • Titrant: A solution of known concentration used in titration.
  • Analyte: The solution whose concentration is determined through titration.
  • Endpoint: The point in the titration process where the reaction is considered complete, often indicated by a colour change or an electronic device like a pH meter.

The Titration Process

The process of titration involves several critical steps to ensure accuracy and reliability of the results.

  1. Preparation of Solutions: Both the standard solution (titrant) and the sample solution (analyte) must be accurately prepared.
  2. Filling the Burette: The burette is carefully filled with the titrant, ensuring no air bubbles are present.
  3. Initial Volume Recording: The initial volume of the titrant in the burette is accurately recorded.
  4. Adding the Indicator: A suitable indicator is added to the analyte, which will show a colour change at the endpoint.
  5. Titration Process: The titrant is slowly added to the analyte, with constant swirling, until the endpoint is reached.
  6. Final Volume Reading: The final volume of the titrant in the burette is noted.
  7. Calculations: The difference in volume is used, along with the known concentration of the titrant, to calculate the concentration of the analyte.
Illustration of steps of Acid-base titration

Image courtesy of VectorMine

Calculating Moles in Titration

Calculating the number of moles involved in the reaction is a fundamental part of titration analysis.

Formula for Moles Calculation

( \text{Moles} = \text{Concentration (mol/dm³)} \times \text{Volume (dm³)} )

Example Calculation

Consider 25.0 cm³ of hydrochloric acid (HCl) reacts completely with 50.0 cm³ of sodium hydroxide (NaOH), where NaOH concentration is 0.1 mol/dm³. The moles of NaOH are calculated as follows:

( \text{Moles of NaOH} = 0.1 \text{ mol/dm³} \times 0.050 \text{ dm³} = 0.005 \text{ moles} )

Calculating Concentrations

The concentration of the analyte can be determined using the moles of the titrant and the stoichiometry of the reaction.

Example Calculation

If the equation of the reaction between HCl and NaOH is:

( \text{HCl} + \text{NaOH} \rightarrow \text{NaCl} + \text{H}_2\text{O} )

With a 1:1 reaction ratio, the moles of HCl is the same as NaOH:

( \text{Moles of HCl} = 0.005 \text{ moles} )

Therefore, the concentration of HCl:

( \text{Concentration of HCl} = \frac{\text{Moles of HCl}}{\text{Volume of HCl in dm³}} = \frac{0.005 \text{ moles}}{0.025 \text{ dm³}} = 0.2 \text{ mol/dm³} )

Volume Calculations in Titration

Determining the volume of titrant used to reach the endpoint is critical in titration analysis.

Example Calculation

If 20.0 cm³ of sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄) is required to neutralise 25.0 cm³ of NaOH (concentration 0.15 mol/dm³), the calculations proceed as follows:

  1. Moles of NaOH used: ( \text{Moles of NaOH} = 0.15 \text{ mol/dm³} \times 0.025 \text{ dm³} = 0.00375 \text{ moles} )
  2. From the balanced chemical equation, determine the moles of H₂SO₄ needed.
  3. Calculate the concentration of H₂SO₄: (\text{Concentration of H₂SO₄} = \frac{\text{Moles of H₂SO₄}}{\text{Volume of H₂SO₄ in dm³}} )

Titration Techniques for Accuracy

Accurate titration requires meticulous technique and attention to detail.

  • Use of Clean Apparatus: Ensure that all glassware, especially the burette, is clean and dry before use.
  • Avoiding Parallax Error: Read the burette at eye level to avoid errors in volume measurement.
  • Using a White Tile: A white tile under the flask helps in clearly seeing the colour change at the endpoint.
  • Precise Volume Recording: Accurately note the initial and final volumes of the titrant to ensure accurate calculations.
Laboratory setup for titration.

Image courtesy of sinhyu

Analyzing Experimental Data in Titration

Titration data analysis involves understanding the stoichiometry of the reaction, accurately identifying the endpoint, and calculating the concentration and moles correctly. This analysis is crucial in determining the purity of substances and the concentration of solutions in various applications.

Considerations for Data Analysis

  • Balanced Reaction Equation: Ensure the chemical equation of the reaction is correctly balanced.
  • Stoichiometry Understanding: Understand the molar relationships between the reactants and products.
  • Accurate Endpoint Identification: Correctly identifying the endpoint is crucial for precise calculations.
  • Meticulous Calculations: Ensure all calculations are performed accurately, considering the correct stoichiometry.

Titration analysis in the IGCSE Chemistry syllabus equips students with the knowledge and skills to perform quantitative chemical analyses. Through understanding the principles of titration, students learn to determine concentrations, understand stoichiometric relationships, and apply these concepts in practical scenarios. This knowledge forms a significant part of the chemistry curriculum, preparing students for advanced studies and various practical applications in the field of chemistry.


Common sources of error in titration experiments include parallax errors, improper handling of equipment, inaccurate measurement of solutions, and incorrect identification of the endpoint. Parallax errors occur when reading volumes from a burette or pipette at an angle rather than eye level, leading to incorrect volume readings. This can be minimised by ensuring the eye is directly level with the meniscus when taking readings. Improper handling of equipment, like not rinsing burettes and pipettes with the solutions they will contain, can lead to contamination and dilution errors. Ensuring all equipment is clean and properly rinsed can mitigate this. Inaccurate measurement of solutions can happen due to faulty glassware or not allowing the solution to drain fully from the burette or pipette. Using calibrated glassware and practising proper titration technique can address this. Incorrect identification of the endpoint, especially when using indicators, can result in titration errors. This can be minimised by choosing the appropriate indicator for the specific titration type and practising to recognise the colour change accurately. Additionally, repeating the titration several times and taking an average of the results can help mitigate individual measurement errors and improve accuracy.

Rinsing the burette and pipette with the solutions they will contain is a crucial step in titration for ensuring accuracy. This practice removes any residual water or other contaminants from the glassware, which could otherwise dilute the solutions and lead to inaccurate measurements. For instance, if a burette previously rinsed with water is used to measure a titrant without further rinsing with the titrant solution, the initial few millilitres of the titrant will mix with the residual water, altering its concentration. This alteration can significantly affect the titration results, as the concentration of the titrant is a critical factor in calculating the concentration of the analyte. Similarly, when using a pipette, it is essential to rinse it with the solution to be measured to ensure that the volume dispensed is accurate and representative of the solution's true concentration. Proper rinsing eliminates the possibility of cross-contamination and ensures that the glassware delivers a precise volume of solution, which is fundamental for accurate titration results.

Selecting an appropriate indicator for a titration experiment is crucial as it determines the accuracy of the endpoint detection. The choice of indicator depends on the pH range over which the reaction occurs and the pH change at the endpoint. For strong acid-strong base titrations, indicators like phenolphthalein or methyl orange are suitable as they change colour over a pH range that coincides with the steep pH change at the endpoint. Phenolphthalein changes from colourless to pink around pH 8.3, ideal for strong acid-base reactions. For weak acid-strong base titrations, an indicator like phenolphthalein is preferred, as the endpoint pH will be slightly basic. In contrast, for weak base-strong acid titrations, methyl orange is better as it changes colour in acidic conditions. The ideal indicator is one that changes colour at a pH close to the equivalence point of the reaction. It's important to understand the pH changes during the titration and select an indicator that provides a clear and sharp colour change at the equivalence point.

Identifying the endpoint in a titration without an indicator can be achieved using instrumental methods, such as a pH meter or a conductivity meter. A pH meter measures the pH of the solution continuously, and the endpoint is identified by observing a sudden change in the pH value. In acid-base titrations, the pH changes rapidly near the equivalence point, and this sharp change can be used to determine the endpoint. For instance, in a strong acid-strong base titration, the pH rises sharply as the base is added, and the point of inflection on the pH curve indicates the equivalence point. Similarly, a conductivity meter can be used, especially in titrations involving ionic compounds. The conductivity of the solution changes as ions are neutralised, and the endpoint is identified by a significant change in conductivity. These instrumental methods are particularly useful in titrations where the colour change of an indicator is not distinct or in solutions where colour changes are difficult to observe. They provide a more precise and objective way to determine the endpoint, especially in complex or highly accurate titrations.

Titration can be used to determine the purity of a substance by quantifying the amount of a specific reactant that it contains. This is particularly useful for substances that are expected to react in a known stoichiometry with a titrant. For example, to determine the purity of an acid, the acid can be titrated against a base of known concentration. The volume of the base required to neutralise a known mass of the acid sample is measured. From this, the amount of the acid in the sample is calculated using the stoichiometry of the reaction. Comparing this with the theoretical amount expected (if the sample were pure) allows the calculation of the purity percentage. For instance, if a sample of hydrochloric acid is less pure, it will require less base to reach the endpoint compared to a pure sample. By calculating the moles of base used and relating it to the expected moles of the pure acid, the purity of the acid can be quantified. This method is widely used in quality control in industries to ensure that raw materials and products meet their specified purity levels.

Practice Questions

In a titration experiment, 25.0 cm³ of sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄) is completely neutralised by 30.0 cm³ of sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The concentration of the NaOH solution is 0.1 mol/dm³. Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction and calculate the concentration of the sulfuric acid.

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction between sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide is: H₂SO₄ + 2NaOH → Na₂SO₄ + 2H₂O. First, calculate the moles of NaOH used: Moles = Concentration × Volume = 0.1 mol/dm³ × 0.030 dm³ = 0.003 moles. Since the stoichiometry of the reaction is 1:2, the moles of H₂SO₄ are half that of NaOH, which is 0.0015 moles. Finally, calculate the concentration of H₂SO₄: Concentration = Moles / Volume = 0.0015 moles / 0.025 dm³ = 0.06 mol/dm³. Thus, the concentration of the sulfuric acid is 0.06 mol/dm³.

A student titrates a 50.0 cm³ sample of hydrochloric acid (HCl) with 0.2 mol/dm³ barium hydroxide (Ba(OH)₂). It takes 35.0 cm³ of the Ba(OH)₂ solution to reach the endpoint. Calculate the concentration of the HCl solution.

First, calculate the moles of Ba(OH)₂: Moles = Concentration × Volume = 0.2 mol/dm³ × 0.035 dm³ = 0.007 moles. The balanced chemical equation is Ba(OH)₂ + 2HCl → BaCl₂ + 2H₂O, indicating a 1:2 molar ratio. Therefore, the moles of HCl are double that of Ba(OH)₂, which is 0.014 moles. To find the concentration of HCl, use the formula: Concentration = Moles / Volume = 0.014 moles / 0.050 dm³ = 0.28 mol/dm³. Hence, the concentration of the hydrochloric acid is 0.28 mol/dm³.

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