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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

3.3.7 Formulae from Experimental Data

Introduction to Titration in Chemistry

Titration is a fundamental analytical method in chemistry used to determine the concentration of an unknown solution. This technique involves gradually adding a solution of known concentration (the titrant) to the unknown solution until the chemical reaction between them is complete. The point at which the reaction just finishes is known as the endpoint, and it is often indicated by a colour change in the solution due to an indicator.

Laboratory setup for titration.

Image courtesy of sinhyu

Moles in Titration

The Mole Concept

  • A mole is a standard unit in chemistry representing 6.02 × 10²³ particles (atoms, molecules, ions, or electrons) of a substance.
  • In titrations, understanding moles is vital for comprehending the stoichiometry, which is the ratio in which reactants combine.

Calculating Moles in Titration

  • Formula for Moles: Moles = Concentration (mol/dm³) × Volume (dm³)
  • Example Calculation: Consider a titration where 25.0 cm³ of hydrochloric acid (HCl) reacts with sodium hydroxide (NaOH). If the concentration of HCl is 0.1 mol/dm³, the moles of HCl = 0.1 × 25/1000 = 0.0025 moles.

Concentration in Titration

Understanding Concentration

  • Concentration is a measure of how much of a given substance is present in a certain volume of solution, often expressed in mol/dm³.

Calculating Concentration

  • Formula for Concentration: Concentration (mol/dm³) = Moles / Volume (dm³)
  • Example Calculation: If you dissolve 0.0025 moles of NaOH in 250 cm³ of water, the concentration = 0.0025 / (250/1000) = 0.01 mol/dm³.

Volume Calculations in Titration

Role of Volume

  • In titration, the volume of titrant needed to reach the endpoint is crucial for determining the concentration of the unknown solution.

Calculating Volumes

  • Volume Calculation Formula: Volume (dm³) = Moles / Concentration (mol/dm³)
  • Example Calculation: To find the volume of NaOH required to neutralise 0.0025 moles of HCl with a concentration of 0.1 mol/dm³, Volume = 0.0025 / 0.1 = 0.025 dm³ or 25 cm³.

Analysing Titration Data

Interpreting Titration Curves

  • Titration curves plot the pH change of a solution against the volume of titrant added. The point where the curve levels off indicates the endpoint.

Case Study: Acid-Base Titration

  • Scenario: Consider the titration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) with sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
  • Data Analysis: Plotting the volume of NaOH against pH, the endpoint is identified by a sharp change in pH. Utilising the known concentration of NaOH and the volume at the endpoint, calculate the concentration of HCl.
Acid-Base Titration and Titration Curve

Image courtesy of Khan Academy

Practical Aspects of Titration

  • Burette Use: Employ a burette for precise measurement of titrant volume.
  • Indicator Selection: Select an appropriate indicator that has a distinct colour change at the endpoint of the titration.
  • Repetition for Accuracy: Conduct multiple titrations and average the results to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Addressing Common Errors in Titration

  • Parallax Error: Read volumes at eye level to the meniscus to avoid parallax errors.
  • Indicator Choice: Use the correct indicator for your specific reaction type to ensure an accurate endpoint is observed.
Common points to understand during titration to avoid errors

Image courtesy of RSC Education

Advanced Titration Techniques

Back Titration

  • Back titration is used when the direct titration is not suitable, for example, when the reaction is very slow or produces a precipitate.
  • This involves adding an excess of a standard solution to the reactant, then titrating this excess with another standard solution.

Redox Titration

  • Redox titrations involve oxidation-reduction reactions. The endpoint is often detected using an indicator that changes colour at a particular redox potential.

Precipitation Titration

  • In precipitation titrations, the endpoint is reached when a precipitate forms. This is common in reactions involving silver nitrate (AgNO₃).

By mastering these titration techniques and understanding how to interpret the data, IGCSE students can apply these principles to a range of scenarios. This knowledge forms a foundation for further study in chemistry and related fields, offering insight into the quantitative aspects of chemical reactions.


Rinsing the burette with the titrant before beginning a titration is crucial for accurate results. The main reason for this practice is to ensure that the entire inner surface of the burette is coated with the solution to be used, eliminating any residual water or previous solutions. Water or other residues can dilute the titrant, leading to inaccuracies in the concentration and volume measurements. This can ultimately affect the stoichiometry of the reaction, resulting in erroneous calculations of the unknown solution's concentration. Additionally, rinsing helps to remove any air bubbles trapped in the nozzle or the burette, which can lead to volume inaccuracies if not removed. Consistency in the chemical composition within the burette is essential for maintaining the precision of the titration process, making this a standard practice in chemistry laboratories.

Back titration is an effective method for determining the concentration of insoluble substances. This technique is particularly useful when the substance in question reacts too slowly or incompletely with the titrant, or when the direct titration does not have a suitable indicator. In back titration, the insoluble substance is first reacted with an excess of a standard solution (known concentration). The excess reactant is then titrated with a second standard solution. The amount of the second standard solution used indicates how much of the first reactant was in excess, which can then be used to calculate the amount of reactant that reacted with the insoluble substance. By knowing this amount and the volume of the first reactant initially added, the concentration of the insoluble substance can be determined. This method is particularly useful for substances like calcium carbonate (in limestone) or certain organic compounds, providing an indirect yet accurate way to measure their concentration.

Several potential sources of error in a titration experiment can impact the accuracy and precision of the results. One common source of error is measurement inaccuracies, which can occur while reading the burette or pipette. This can be minimised by ensuring proper positioning at eye level and avoiding parallax errors. Another source of error is the incorrect use of indicators, leading to premature or delayed endpoint detection. Choosing the appropriate indicator for the specific reaction type and being consistent in observing the colour change can mitigate this. Air bubbles in the burette or pipette can also introduce errors, so it's crucial to remove them before conducting the titration. Incomplete mixing of solutions and temperature fluctuations, which affect the reaction rate and solubility, are other potential errors. To minimise these, thorough mixing and conducting the experiment in a temperature-controlled environment are recommended. Finally, human errors, such as inconsistent titrant addition or miscalculations, can be reduced through practice, careful procedure following, and double-checking calculations.

A primary standard in titration is a highly pure, stable, non-hygroscopic, and high molecular weight substance used to prepare a solution of known concentration. Its significance lies in its ability to provide accurate and reliable reference points for titration. When choosing a primary standard, several factors are considered. It must be pure enough so its mass directly relates to the number of moles present. The substance should be stable in air, meaning it doesn't react with atmospheric components like CO₂ or moisture. Non-hygroscopic nature is vital to ensure it doesn't absorb water from the air, which could change its mass. Additionally, a high molecular weight reduces the relative error in the mass measurement. Examples of primary standards include sodium carbonate (Na₂CO₃) for acid-base titrations and potassium dichromate (K₂Cr₂O₇) for redox titrations. By using a primary standard, chemists ensure that the titrant's concentration is accurate, leading to more reliable titration results.

Without an indicator, the endpoint of a titration can be determined using instrumental methods. One common method is a pH meter, which precisely measures the pH change of the solution. In acid-base titrations, the pH meter helps identify the point where the solution rapidly changes pH, indicating the neutralisation point. Another method is conductometry, where changes in the solution's electrical conductivity are monitored. During titration, ions are neutralised, altering the conductivity. The endpoint is indicated by a sudden change in the conductivity graph. Both methods are particularly useful in titrations where the colour change of an indicator might be unclear or when precise endpoint detection is required, such as in research or industrial applications. These instrumental methods offer greater accuracy and are essential in cases where the visual indicators might not provide reliable results, like in coloured or opaque solutions.

Practice Questions

In a titration experiment, 25.0 cm³ of sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄) of unknown concentration is neutralised by 30.0 cm³ of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Calculate the concentration of the sulfuric acid.

To calculate the concentration of sulfuric acid, first, we need to determine the moles of NaOH used. Since concentration (C) = moles (n) / volume (V), for NaOH, n = C × V = 0.1 mol/dm³ × 30/1000 dm³ = 0.003 moles. Sulfuric acid is a diprotic acid, meaning each molecule can donate two protons. Therefore, the mole ratio of H₂SO₄ to NaOH is 1:2. So, the moles of H₂SO₄ = 0.003 moles / 2 = 0.0015 moles. Finally, the concentration of H₂SO₄ = moles / volume = 0.0015 moles / (25/1000) dm³ = 0.06 mol/dm³. Therefore, the concentration of the sulfuric acid is 0.06 M.

A student carries out a titration to determine the concentration of a hydrochloric acid solution. They find that it takes 20.0 cm³ of 0.5 M NaOH to neutralise 10.0 cm³ of the acid. Calculate the concentration of the hydrochloric acid.

To find the concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl), we first calculate the moles of sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Using the formula, moles = concentration × volume, we have moles of NaOH = 0.5 mol/dm³ × 20/1000 dm³ = 0.01 moles. In a reaction between NaOH and HCl, they react in a 1:1 mole ratio. Thus, the moles of HCl will also be 0.01 moles. The concentration of HCl is then calculated by dividing the moles of HCl by its volume in dm³. Hence, concentration of HCl = 0.01 moles / (10/1000) dm³ = 1.0 mol/dm³. Therefore, the concentration of the hydrochloric acid is 1.0 M.

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