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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

1.3.1 Effects of Temperature and Pressure on Gas Behaviour

Introduction to Kinetic Theory and Gas Behaviour

The kinetic theory of gases is a scientific model that explains the behaviour of gases in terms of the motion of their particles. It asserts that gases consist of small particles moving in random directions at high speeds.

  • Fundamentals of Kinetic Theory:
    • Gases are composed of a large number of tiny particles that are far apart relative to their size.
    • These particles are in constant, random motion and collide with each other and the walls of their container.
    • These collisions are elastic, meaning there is no overall loss of kinetic energy.
    • The kinetic energy of gas particles is directly proportional to the temperature of the gas in Kelvins.
Diagram showing the kinetic molecular theory of gases.

Image courtesy of Science Facts

Temperature Effects on Gas Volume

Temperature plays a pivotal role in determining the behaviour of gases. According to kinetic theory, temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of gas particles.

  • Increasing Temperature:
    • An increase in temperature leads to an increase in the average kinetic energy of the gas particles.
    • This increased kinetic energy results in more forceful collisions against the container walls, which can lead to an increase in pressure or volume, depending on the conditions.
  • Practical Example: A balloon inflated in a cold room will expand when taken into a warmer room due to the increase in the average kinetic energy of the air molecules inside it.
Temperature Effects on Gas Volume

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Pressure Effects on Gas Volume

Pressure, the force exerted by gas particles per unit area on the walls of their container, is another crucial factor affecting gas behaviour.

  • Increasing Pressure:
    • When pressure is increased by compressing the gas, the volume decreases if the temperature remains constant.
    • This is because the gas particles are forced closer together, reducing the space they occupy.
  • Practical Example: In scuba diving tanks, air is compressed to a much smaller volume to allow divers to carry enough air underwater.
Pressure Effects on Gas Volume

Image courtesy of Visionlearning

Gas Laws: Quantifying the Relationships

Several gas laws provide mathematical relationships to quantify the effects of temperature and pressure on gas volume.

Boyle’s Law (Pressure-Volume Relationship)

Boyle’s Law states that for a given mass of gas at constant temperature, the volume of the gas is inversely proportional to its pressure.

  • Mathematical Expression: ( P \times V = k ), where ( P ) is pressure, ( V ) is volume, and ( k ) is a constant.
  • Application: This law is crucial in understanding how syringes and hydraulic systems work.

Charles’s Law (Temperature-Volume Relationship)

Charles’s Law describes how the volume of a gas changes with temperature, holding pressure constant.

  • Mathematical Expression: ( \frac{V}{T} = k ), with ( V ) being volume, ( T ) temperature, and ( k ) a constant.
  • Application: This law can be observed in the expansion and contraction of car tyres with changes in ambient temperature.

Combined Gas Law

The combined gas law integrates Boyle's and Charles's laws and describes the relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature of a fixed amount of gas.

  • Mathematical Expression: ( \frac{PV}{T} = k ), where ( P ), ( V ), and ( T ) represent pressure, volume, and temperature, respectively.
  • Application: This law is used in various applications, including the design of air conditioning systems and understanding the behaviour of the Earth's atmosphere.
Gas law- Boyle’s Law, Charles’s Law, and Combined Gas Law

Image courtesy of HaqueMukul

Kinetic Energy, Temperature, and Pressure Interactions

The interactions between kinetic energy, temperature, and pressure are key to understanding gas behaviour.

  • Kinetic Energy and Temperature: The average kinetic energy of gas particles increases with temperature, leading to a more vigorous motion.
  • Pressure and Particle Collisions: As the gas particles move more rapidly, they collide more often and with greater force against the container walls, leading to an increase in pressure.

Real-life Implications and Applications

These principles find numerous applications in everyday life and industrial processes.

  • Weather Balloons: Used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity. These balloons expand as they rise to higher altitudes due to lower atmospheric pressure and changes in temperature.
  • Automotive Airbags: Airbags in vehicles rapidly inflate due to a chemical reaction producing a large volume of gas under high pressure, demonstrating Boyle’s Law in action.
A Weather Balloon

Image courtesy of lilyl

Experimental Verification

Laboratory experiments using gas syringes or sealed flasks can demonstrate these gas laws. Students can measure how the volume of a gas changes with temperature in a sealed syringe or observe the change in pressure using pressure sensors.


In summary, the study of how temperature and pressure affect the volume of gases, guided by the kinetic theory and gas laws, is not only crucial in theoretical chemistry but also finds practical applications in diverse fields. This understanding forms a significant part of the IGCSE Chemistry curriculum, providing students with a solid foundation for further studies in science and engineering.


Boyle’s Law and Charles’s Law are ideal gas laws and are accurate for most gases under normal conditions (room temperature and atmospheric pressure). However, their accuracy diminishes under extreme conditions. For Boyle’s Law, deviations occur at very high pressures, where gas molecules are so close that intermolecular forces become significant, or at very low temperatures, where gases condense into liquids or solids. For Charles’s Law, deviations are noticeable at very low temperatures close to the liquefaction point of the gas, as the volume of the gas does not increase linearly with temperature. Therefore, while these laws provide a good approximation for gas behaviour under many conditions, they have limitations and do not accurately predict the behaviour of real gases under extreme conditions.

An 'ideal gas' is a theoretical construct where gas particles are considered to have no volume and no interaction with each other, perfectly obeying the gas laws (Boyle’s, Charles’s, and Avogadro’s laws) under all conditions of temperature and pressure. In contrast, a 'real gas' displays behaviour that deviates from these ideal conditions, especially under high pressure and low temperature. Real gas particles have finite volume and experience intermolecular forces. In practical applications, these differences become significant in processes that involve high pressures or low temperatures, like in liquefying gases or in industrial processes involving high-pressure reactors. The Van der Waals equation is often used to correct for the non-ideal behaviour of real gases, providing more accurate results under these conditions.

When a gas transitions from a high-pressure to a low-pressure environment, its volume typically increases. This is because the gas particles, which were previously compressed close together, now have more space to move and spread out. This expansion can also lead to a decrease in temperature, as per Gay-Lussac’s Law, if the expansion is adiabatic (no heat exchange with the environment). Conversely, when transitioning from a low-pressure to a high-pressure environment, the volume of the gas decreases, as the particles are forced closer together. This compression can result in an increase in temperature. These changes are crucial in various applications, such as in pneumatic systems, where air is compressed and expanded to do work, and in meteorological phenomena, where changes in atmospheric pressure lead to weather changes.

Absolute zero, 0 Kelvin (-273.15°C), is the theoretical temperature at which the particles of a substance have minimal kinetic energy and theoretically cease to move. In the context of gas behaviour, reaching absolute zero would imply that the gas particles have no kinetic energy and thus no motion. According to the kinetic theory, this would mean that the gas would exert no pressure and occupy no volume, effectively ceasing to behave as a gas. In practice, achieving absolute zero is impossible due to the Third Law of Thermodynamics, which states that the entropy of a perfect crystal approaches zero as the temperature approaches absolute zero. In simpler terms, as temperature decreases, so does the amount of energy available to do work, making it increasingly difficult to extract the remaining energy from a substance to cool it further.

The kinetic molecular theory explains that as temperature increases, the average kinetic energy of gas molecules also increases. At extremely high temperatures, the kinetic energy of the gas molecules becomes significantly large. This results in the molecules moving at very high speeds and colliding with more energy. These high-energy collisions can lead to various phenomena not observed at lower temperatures, such as ionisation of gas molecules, where electrons are knocked out of their orbits, creating plasma—a state of matter distinct from solid, liquid, or gas. In this state, the behaviour of the gas deviates significantly from the ideal gas laws, as these laws assume low-pressure conditions and neglect interactions between molecules, which become significant at such high energies.

Practice Questions

Explain how the volume of a gas changes when it is heated from 20°C to 80°C while the pressure remains constant. Include Charles’s Law in your explanation

The volume of a gas increases when heated from 20°C to 80°C at constant pressure, as per Charles’s Law, which states that the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature in Kelvins. When the temperature rises, the average kinetic energy of gas molecules increases, causing them to move faster and occupy more space. To convert temperatures to Kelvin, add 273. Thus, at 20°C (293K) and at 80°C (353K), the volume at 80°C will be greater in the same ratio as 353/293, assuming the pressure is constant.

A sample of gas occupies 500 cm³ at a pressure of 100 kPa. If the pressure is increased to 150 kPa while maintaining the temperature constant, what will be the new volume of the gas? Use Boyle’s Law in your explanation.

Using Boyle’s Law, which states that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume at constant temperature (P1V1 = P2V2), we can calculate the new volume. Initially, the gas has a volume of 500 cm³ at 100 kPa. When the pressure is increased to 150 kPa, the volume decreases. By substituting into Boyle’s Law, we get 100 kPa × 500 cm³ = 150 kPa × V2. Therefore, V2 = (100 kPa × 500 cm³) / 150 kPa = 333.33 cm³. The new volume of the gas will be approximately 333 cm³.

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