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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

2.6.1 Structures and Uses of Graphite and Diamond

Graphite: Structure and Properties

Graphite is a form of carbon where the atoms are arranged in layers, each forming a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice.

Atomic Structure of Graphite

  • Hexagonal Lattice: Each layer of graphite consists of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagon pattern, where every atom is covalently bonded to three others.
  • Layered Arrangement: These hexagonal layers are stacked over each other but are not directly bonded, allowing them to slide over one another.
Atomic Structure of Graphite

Image courtesy of Peter Hermes Furian

Properties Arising from Structure

The distinctive structure of graphite gives rise to its unique properties:

  • Electrical Conductivity: Unlike most non-metals, graphite conducts electricity. This is due to the presence of free electrons within its layers.
  • Lubricating Properties: The weak forces between the layers allow them to slide easily, making graphite an effective lubricant.
  • High Melting Point: Despite the weak interlayer forces, the strong covalent bonds within the layers contribute to graphite's high melting point.

Uses of Graphite

The unique properties of graphite find applications in various fields:

  • Lubricants: Its ability to withstand high temperatures and its slippery nature make graphite ideal for use in high-temperature lubricants.
  • Electrodes: Graphite electrodes are used in electrochemical applications like electrolysis due to their conductivity and chemical inertness.
  • Pencils: The soft, slippery layers make it suitable for use in pencils, where it can easily leave a mark on paper.
Use of graphite in pencil

Image courtesy of Fote Machinery

Diamond: Structure and Properties

Diamond is renowned for its hardness and clarity, stemming from a different arrangement of carbon atoms.

Atomic Structure of Diamond

  • Tetrahedral Bonding: Each carbon atom in diamond is strongly covalently bonded to four other carbon atoms, forming a three-dimensional tetrahedral structure.
  • Dense Network: This arrangement creates a dense, hard structure, making diamond the hardest known natural material.
Atomic Structure of Diamond

Image courtesy of andris_torms

Properties Arising from Structure

Diamond's structure bestows it with several notable properties:

  • Hardness: The strong bond network makes diamond incredibly hard, useful in cutting and drilling applications.
  • Optical Properties: Diamond's ability to refract light gives it the characteristic brilliance, making it prized in jewellery.
  • Thermal Conductivity: Diamonds have exceptional thermal conductivity, finding use in heat sinks in electronic applications.

Uses of Diamond

Diamond's unique properties have made it valuable in several areas:

  • Industrial Cutting and Drilling: Its hardness makes it ideal for cutting, grinding, and drilling other materials.
  • Jewellery: The brilliance and rarity of diamonds make them highly desirable in jewellery.
  • Scientific Equipment: The thermal conductivity and hardness of diamonds are valuable in various scientific instruments.
Diamond crystal

Image courtesy of rawpixel.

Comparison of Graphite and Diamond

Though graphite and diamond are both forms of carbon, their properties diverge significantly:

  • Appearance and Physical Properties: Graphite is black and opaque with a metallic sheen, while diamond is typically clear and highly refractive.
  • Hardness and Strength: Diamond is the hardest known natural material, whereas graphite is soft and brittle.
  • Electrical Conductivity: Graphite conducts electricity; diamond does not, under normal conditions.

Concluding Thoughts

Graphite and diamond illustrate how the arrangement of carbon atoms leads to vastly different properties and uses. Their study not only enriches our understanding of chemical bonding and materials science but also demonstrates the incredible versatility of the element carbon.


Diamond has a high refractive index due to the dense, tetrahedral arrangement of carbon atoms in its crystal structure and the strong covalent bonding between them. This structure causes a significant bending or slowing down of light as it passes through the diamond, resulting in a high refractive index. A high refractive index means that diamond has a strong ability to bend light, which contributes to its famous sparkling and brilliant appearance. When light enters a diamond, it is bent and reflected multiple times within the stone before it exits, dispersing into its spectral colours. This dispersion, combined with the stone's internal facets, creates the characteristic sparkle and fire that make diamonds particularly prized in jewellery. The high refractive index also means that diamonds can be cut in such a way as to maximize their brilliance, enhancing their visual appeal.

Graphite can indeed be transformed into diamond, but this process requires extreme conditions of high temperature and high pressure, similar to those found deep within the Earth where natural diamonds are formed. In laboratories, this transformation is achieved using two primary methods: High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). In the HPHT process, graphite is subjected to temperatures above 1,400°C and pressures above 5 GPa. This environment forces the carbon atoms in graphite to rearrange into the tetrahedral structure of diamond. The CVD method involves breaking down gases like methane in a vacuum chamber to deposit carbon atoms onto a substrate, gradually building up a diamond structure. Both methods exploit the ability of carbon atoms to form different allotropes under different conditions and are used to create synthetic diamonds for industrial and gemstone purposes.

Graphite is used in some nuclear reactors as a neutron moderator. In a nuclear reactor, moderation is crucial for maintaining a controlled, sustained nuclear chain reaction. A moderator slows down fast neutrons, making them more likely to be captured by the fissile uranium-235, sustaining the chain reaction. Graphite is an excellent moderator due to its ability to slow down neutrons without absorbing them. Its layered structure, where weak Van der Waals forces allow layers to slide easily, also contributes to its stability under the high temperatures and intense radiation found in reactors. Furthermore, graphite's high melting point and chemical inertness make it suitable for the harsh environment inside a reactor. These properties, combined with its ability to conduct heat, help in maintaining the reactor's temperature and safety.

The extraordinary hardness of diamond is a direct result of its unique crystal structure. In a diamond, each carbon atom forms four strong covalent bonds with four other carbon atoms in a tetrahedral arrangement. This structure creates a rigid, three-dimensional lattice that extends throughout the entire crystal. The strength of these covalent bonds and the dense packing of the atoms contribute to diamond's unparalleled hardness. The tetrahedral bonding ensures that to break or deform a diamond, a significant amount of energy must be applied to disrupt the strong covalent bonds. This structure also contributes to the uniformity in hardness, as it is equally hard in all directions, a property known as isotropic hardness. Therefore, it is the density and strength of these covalent bonds, along with the geometric arrangement of the atoms, that make diamond the hardest known natural substance.

The mining of graphite and diamonds has significant environmental impacts, including habitat destruction, soil erosion, and pollution. Graphite mining, often open-pit, can lead to the clearing of land, affecting local ecosystems and wildlife. Additionally, the fine particulate matter from graphite can contaminate air and water sources, posing health risks to nearby communities. Diamond mining, especially in open-pit and alluvial mining, can lead to extensive ecological damage, including the removal of large amounts of soil and the disruption of riverbeds.

To address these issues, various measures are being implemented. In graphite mining, efforts include the rehabilitation of mined land, water purification systems to prevent contamination, and dust control measures. For diamond mining, the Kimberley Process was established to prevent "conflict diamonds" from entering the market, aiming to reduce the funding of armed conflict. Additionally, some diamond mines have adopted more sustainable practices, such as restoring ecosystems after mining operations and using more environmentally friendly mining techniques. Despite these efforts, the need for more stringent and widespread environmental regulations and rehabilitation practices remains a pressing concern in the mining industry.

Practice Questions

Describe the structure of graphite and explain why it can act as a lubricant.

Graphite has a unique structure where carbon atoms are arranged in layers, with each layer forming a hexagonal lattice. In this lattice, each carbon atom is covalently bonded to three others, creating a planar sheet. The layers themselves are held together by weak Van der Waals forces, allowing them to slide over each other easily. This ability to slide is what makes graphite an effective lubricant. The weak interlayer forces reduce friction between moving parts, while the strength of the covalent bonds within the layers maintains the structure's integrity, ensuring the lubricant remains effective over time.

Compare and contrast the structures of diamond and graphite and how these structures relate to their electrical conductivities

Diamond and graphite, both allotropes of carbon, differ markedly in their structures and resulting properties. Diamond has a tetrahedral structure where each carbon atom is strongly covalently bonded to four others, forming a rigid three-dimensional lattice. This dense bonding arrangement lacks free electrons, rendering diamond a non-conductor of electricity. In contrast, graphite's structure comprises layers of carbon atoms bonded in a hexagonal lattice with each atom covalently bonded to three others. The fourth electron of each carbon atom in graphite is delocalised, allowing it to conduct electricity. This difference in electron mobility between the two structures directly influences their electrical conductivities.

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