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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

2.4.1 Formation of Ions

Introduction to Ions

Ions are atoms or groups of atoms that have gained or lost electrons, resulting in a net electric charge. This charge may be positive (in cations) or negative (in anions), depending on the balance between protons (positive particles) and electrons (negative particles). Understanding how ions are formed by electron loss or gain is fundamental in chemistry.

Formation of Positive Ions (Cations)

Electron Loss and Cation Creation

  • Definition and Overview: Cations, or positive ions, emerge when atoms shed electrons. This is typical in metals, which often have loosely bound outer electrons.
  • Mechanism of Electron Loss: During this process, an atom relinquishes one or more electrons to attain a stable electronic configuration, usually mirroring that of the nearest noble gas.
  • Examples in Depth: Consider sodium (Na), which loses one electron to become Na⁺. Magnesium (Mg), on the other hand, loses two electrons to form Mg²⁺.

Characteristics and Properties of Cations

  • Size Comparison: Post electron loss, the cation is smaller than its parent atom. This size reduction is due to the lesser electron-proton repulsion and a greater effective nuclear charge.
  • Charge Determination: The positive charge of a cation corresponds to the number of electrons lost. For example, aluminium (Al) forms Al³⁺ by losing three electrons.
Illustration of cation generation

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Formation of Negative Ions (Anions)

Electron Gain and Anion Formation

  • Basic Understanding: Anions are formed when atoms, typically non-metals, acquire extra electrons.
  • Process of Gaining Electrons: This electron gain leads to a complete outer electron shell, resembling the electronic configuration of noble gases.
  • Detailed Examples: Chlorine (Cl), by accepting an electron, turns into Cl⁻. Oxygen (O) gains two electrons to form O²⁻.

Characteristics and Implications of Anions

  • Size After Formation: Anions are larger than their parent atoms, a consequence of increased electron-electron repulsion within the enlarged electron cloud.
  • Negative Charge Aspect: The negative charge on an anion reflects the number of electrons gained. Sulfur (S), for instance, becomes S²⁻ upon gaining two electrons.
Illustration of anion generation

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Factors Influencing the Formation of Ions

Atomic and Electronic Structure

  • Outer Shell Configuration: The ease of losing or gaining electrons is largely dictated by the number of electrons in the outer shell.
  • Metallic and Non-metallic Character: Metals tend to lose electrons easily due to their lower ionization energies, while non-metals, with higher electron affinities, are prone to gaining electrons.

Periodic Table and Ion Formation

  • Group Trends: Elements in Group I form +1 ions, while Group VII elements typically form -1 ions. This trend is a direct consequence of their respective electron configurations.
  • Periodic Trends: Across a period, the metallic character decreases, and the non-metallic character increases, influencing the tendency to lose or gain electrons.

Energy Considerations in Ion Formation

Ionization Energy Explored

  • Concept and Relevance: Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from an isolated atom in the gaseous state. It is a crucial factor in the formation of cations.
  • Trends in Ionization Energy: This energy generally increases across a period and decreases down a group.
Diagram showing the ionization energy-energy required to remove the outermost electron from an atom.

Image courtesy of Watthana Tirahimonch

Electron Affinity and Its Significance

  • Understanding Electron Affinity: This term refers to the energy change that occurs when an electron is added to a neutral atom in the gaseous state. It is vital for anion formation.
  • Trends and Implications: Electron affinity increases across a period and decreases down a group, influencing the tendency to form anions.
Diagram showing electron affinity- the energy required to add an electron to a gaseous atom.

Image courtesy of Reuel Sa

Practical Examples and Applications

  • Ionic Compounds in Daily Life: Everyday examples include sodium chloride (NaCl) and calcium oxide (CaO). In NaCl, sodium donates an electron to chlorine, forming Na⁺ and Cl⁻ ions. In CaO, calcium forms Ca²⁺ by losing two electrons, while oxygen forms O²⁻ by gaining two electrons.

In conclusion, the formation of ions, through the processes of electron loss and gain, is a fundamental concept in chemistry. It underpins the structure and properties of ionic compounds and is pivotal in understanding chemical reactivity and stability. This detailed exploration into ion formation equips IGCSE Chemistry students with the knowledge required to grasp more complex chemical concepts.


Electron affinity plays a pivotal role in the formation of anions. It refers to the amount of energy released when an electron is added to a neutral atom in the gaseous state. This property is crucial for non-metals, which tend to gain electrons and form anions. A high electron affinity indicates that a non-metal atom can easily accept an electron, releasing energy in the process. This release of energy is a driving force for the formation of anions. For example, elements like chlorine or oxygen have high electron affinities, meaning they readily accept electrons and form anions (Cl⁻ and O²⁻, respectively). When these atoms gain electrons, they achieve a more stable electron configuration, often resembling the nearest noble gas. The concept of electron affinity explains why certain elements, especially those in Group VI and VII, are more likely to gain electrons and form stable anions, as opposed to losing electrons to form cations.

Anions have higher electron-electron repulsion compared to their neutral atoms due to the increase in the number of electrons after gaining one or more electrons. In an anion, the addition of negatively charged electrons to the valence shell increases the electron density. Since electrons are negatively charged, they repel each other. This repulsion is more pronounced in anions because there are more electrons in the same or only slightly expanded space compared to their neutral atom counterparts. For example, when a chlorine atom gains an electron to become Cl⁻, the number of electrons increases in its valence shell, enhancing the repulsive forces among these electrons. This repulsion forces the electrons to move as far apart as possible, leading to an expansion of the electron cloud and an increase in the size of the anion. The strength of these repulsive forces is a key factor in determining the size and shape of the anion.

Ionisation energy is fundamentally linked to the formation of cations. It is defined as the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an isolated gaseous atom or ion. When forming a cation, an atom must lose one or more electrons. The ionisation energy is a measure of how easily this can occur. Lower ionisation energy implies that less energy is needed to remove an electron, making it easier for an atom to form a cation. For example, elements in Group I of the Periodic Table, such as lithium or sodium, have relatively low ionisation energies. This low energy requirement facilitates the loss of their single outer electron, leading to the formation of cations like Li⁺ or Na⁺. In contrast, elements with higher ionisation energies require more energy to remove an electron and are less likely to form cations readily. The trend in ionisation energy across the Periodic Table - decreasing down a group and increasing across a period - helps explain why certain elements are more predisposed to forming cations than others.

Metals tend to lose electrons more easily than non-metals due to their atomic structure and the position they occupy on the Periodic Table. Metals, generally located on the left side of the Periodic Table, have fewer electrons in their outermost shell and a larger atomic radius. This combination results in a weaker attraction between the nucleus and the outermost electrons. The weaker nuclear pull makes it easier for these electrons to be removed. Additionally, metals have lower ionisation energies, meaning less energy is required to remove an outer electron. For instance, sodium (Na), a typical metal, has only one electron in its outer shell, which is relatively far from the nucleus. This makes it energetically favourable for sodium to lose this electron and attain a stable electronic configuration, similar to that of neon, a noble gas. In contrast, non-metals, which are found on the right side of the Periodic Table, have more electrons in their outer shell and a smaller atomic radius, leading to a stronger nuclear attraction and higher ionisation energies. This makes them less inclined to lose electrons.

The magnitude of ionisation energy in different elements is influenced by several key factors:

  1. Atomic Size: Generally, as the atomic size increases, the ionisation energy decreases. This is because larger atoms have electrons that are farther from the nucleus, reducing the nuclear attraction on the outermost electrons.
  2. Nuclear Charge: A higher nuclear charge (more protons in the nucleus) typically leads to higher ionisation energy, as the increased positive charge more strongly attracts electrons.
  3. Shielding Effect: Electrons in inner shells can shield outer electrons from the full effect of the nuclear charge. More shielding generally results in lower ionisation energy, as outer electrons are less strongly attracted to the nucleus.
  4. Electron Configuration: Elements with a stable electron configuration (like noble gases) or half-filled subshells tend to have higher ionisation energies due to their relative electronic stability.
  5. Position on the Periodic Table: Ionisation energy tends to increase across a period (from left to right) due to increasing nuclear charge and decreasing atomic radius. Conversely, it decreases down a group (top to bottom) due to increasing atomic size and the shielding effect. This trend explains why elements like helium have very high ionisation energies, while elements like cesium have much lower values. Understanding these factors helps explain the varying tendencies of different elements to lose electrons and form cations.

Practice Questions

Describe the process by which a magnesium atom (Mg) becomes a magnesium ion (Mg²⁺). Include details about electron configuration and the changes that occur during this process.

A magnesium atom becomes a magnesium ion (Mg²⁺) by losing two electrons. Magnesium, located in Group II of the Periodic Table, has an electronic configuration of 2,8,2. To achieve stability, it aims to lose two electrons to attain a noble gas configuration similar to neon. When Mg loses these two electrons, its electron configuration becomes 2,8, mirroring neon's stable configuration. This loss of electrons results in a positively charged ion, Mg²⁺. The process signifies magnesium's low ionisation energy, common in metals, facilitating the loss of outer electrons to form stable cations.

Explain why the size of an anion is generally larger than its parent atom, using chloride ion (Cl⁻) as an example.

An anion is generally larger than its parent atom due to the increased electron-electron repulsion in the electron cloud after gaining electrons. Taking the chloride ion (Cl⁻) as an example, a chlorine atom gains one electron to form Cl⁻. This additional electron increases the number of electrons in the valence shell, leading to increased repulsion among these negatively charged particles. As a result, the electron cloud expands, making the anion larger than the original atom. This expansion is a direct consequence of the anion's increased negative charge, which influences the spatial distribution of electrons, thereby increasing the ion's size.

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