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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

2.4.4 Giant Lattice Structure in Ionic Compounds

Introduction to Giant Lattice Structure

Ionic compounds are distinguished by their orderly and extensive giant lattice structures. This three-dimensional arrangement of ions is a cornerstone in understanding the behaviour and physical properties of these compounds, particularly their high melting and boiling points, and their specific electrical conductivity characteristics.

Fundamental Concepts of the Giant Lattice Structure

Definition and Characteristics

  • Definition: A giant lattice structure in ionic compounds refers to a large-scale, repeating arrangement of ions in a three-dimensional space.
  • Key Characteristics:
    • Alternating Ions: The structure is composed of alternating positive (cations) and negative ions (anions), arranged in a way that maintains electrical neutrality.
    • Strong Electrostatic Forces: These ions are held together by powerful electrostatic forces of attraction, which are the basis for the stability of the structure.
    • Regular Arrangement: The ions are organized in a highly ordered, repeating pattern, forming what is known as a crystal lattice.

Formation of the Giant Lattice

  • Process of Formation: As an ionic compound crystallises, its constituent ions systematically arrange themselves into a specific, repeating pattern, forming the lattice.
  • Energy Considerations: This process is exothermic, meaning it releases energy, contributing to the stability and durability of the lattice structure.

Detailed Analysis of the Lattice Structure

Geometrical Arrangement

  • Variety in Lattice Types: The exact geometrical arrangement of the lattice can vary, primarily depending on the sizes and charges of the ions. Common lattice structures include face-centred cubic and body-centred cubic.
  • Coordination Number: This is a term that describes the number of opposite charged ions surrounding a given ion in the lattice. It's a crucial factor that influences the overall stability and shape of the lattice.
face-centred cubic and body-centred cubic geometrical arrangement

Image courtesy of Materials Science & Engineering

Ionic Radii and Their Influence on Lattice Structure

  • Size Matters: The size of ions, or their ionic radii, is a critical factor in determining the type of lattice that will form.
  • Fitting In: Generally, smaller cations fit into the spaces between larger anions in the lattice, a fitting that is crucial for the stability of the structure.

The Role of Ionic Charges

  • Impact of Charge on Strength: The charge on the ions directly affects the strength of the electrostatic forces within the lattice. Higher charges lead to stronger forces, which in turn contribute to more robust lattice structures.

Physical Properties Arising from the Lattice Structure

High Melting and Boiling Points

  • Why High Temperatures: The strength of the electrostatic forces in the lattice means that a significant amount of energy is required to overcome these forces, resulting in high melting and boiling points for ionic compounds.
  • Real-World Examples: This is evident in compounds like sodium chloride (table salt) and magnesium oxide, which both have high melting points.

Electrical Conductivity

  • Conductivity in Different States: In their solid state, ionic compounds do not conduct electricity as the ions are immobile within the lattice. However, when melted or dissolved in water, the ions become free to move, allowing the compound to conduct electricity.
Electrical Conductivity of ionic compounds

Image courtesy of IGCSE Chemistry 2017

Brittleness of Ionic Compounds

  • Understanding Brittleness: Ionic compounds are brittle due to the nature of their lattice structure. When force is applied, like charges may be brought close together, resulting in repulsion and consequently, the shattering of the crystal.

Analysis of Specific Ionic Lattices

Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

  • Structure and Stability: Sodium chloride forms a face-centred cubic lattice. Each sodium ion is surrounded by six chloride ions and vice versa, leading to a coordination number of 6.
  • Physical Properties: This arrangement contributes to the high melting point of NaCl and its characteristic crystalline structure.
Sodium chloride (NaCl) crystal lattice

Image courtesy of Vasilyev Dmitry

Magnesium Oxide (MgO)

  • Lattice Type: Magnesium oxide forms a more compact lattice due to the smaller size of the Mg²⁺ ion compared to the Na⁺ ion in sodium chloride.
  • Properties: MgO has a very high melting point and is also an excellent electrical insulator in its solid state due to the strong ionic bonding and lack of free-moving electrons.
magnesium oxide crystal structure

Image courtesy of MDPI


The giant lattice structure of ionic compounds is a marvel of chemical bonding, underpinning many of the unique properties of these substances. Understanding this structure is not just a curricular requirement for IGCSE Chemistry students but also a gateway to appreciating the intricate beauty of chemical structures. These orderly arrangements of ions with their strong electrostatic attractions offer profound insights into the world of chemistry, revealing the reasons behind some of the most fundamental properties of ionic compounds.


Ionic compounds typically have high melting and boiling points compared to covalent compounds due to the nature of the ionic bonds in their lattice structure. In ionic compounds, the lattice is formed by the strong electrostatic attraction between positively charged cations and negatively charged anions. These ionic bonds are significantly stronger than the intermolecular forces present in covalent compounds, such as van der Waals forces, dipole-dipole interactions, or hydrogen bonding. Consequently, a substantial amount of energy is required to overcome these strong ionic bonds to change the state of the compound from solid to liquid (melting) or from liquid to gas (boiling). In contrast, covalent compounds, which are generally held together by weaker intermolecular forces, require less energy to break these forces, resulting in lower melting and boiling points. This fundamental difference in bonding types and the strength of the bonds involved is the primary reason for the higher melting and boiling points observed in ionic compounds.

The hardness of ionic compounds is directly influenced by their giant lattice structure. Hardness in this context refers to the resistance of a material to deformation or scratching. In an ionic lattice, the ions are held in place by strong electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions. This rigidity and strength of the lattice contribute to the overall hardness of the compound. The closer and more tightly packed the ions are within the lattice, the harder the compound tends to be. Factors like the size of the ions and the charge on the ions affect how closely they can pack together, impacting the hardness. For example, a lattice with small, highly charged ions can pack more densely, resulting in a harder compound. However, it's important to note that while ionic compounds are hard, they are also brittle. This brittleness arises because when a force is applied, it can cause like-charged ions to align, leading to repulsion and cracks in the lattice. Hence, while the giant lattice structure contributes to the hardness of ionic compounds, it also makes them prone to breaking under stress.

The type of lattice structure in an ionic compound significantly affects its properties, including melting and boiling points, solubility, hardness, and electrical conductivity. Different lattice types, determined by the size and charge of the ions involved, result in variations in these properties. For instance, a face-centred cubic lattice, where ions are closely packed, typically leads to higher melting and boiling points due to the stronger electrostatic forces that need to be overcome. The lattice type also influences the coordination number, which is the number of ions immediately surrounding a given ion. A higher coordination number usually translates to a more stable and robust lattice, impacting the compound's hardness and brittleness. Additionally, the type of lattice affects the solubility of the compound in various solvents. A more tightly bound lattice structure may be less soluble as it is harder for the solvent molecules to disrupt the lattice and solvate the ions. Finally, the lattice structure impacts electrical conductivity. In a solid state, the immobility of ions in a rigid lattice prevents conductivity, while in a molten state or when dissolved, the free movement of ions facilitates electrical conduction. Hence, the specific lattice structure of an ionic compound is a key determinant of its physical and chemical properties.

The giant lattice structure of ionic compounds plays a crucial role in their solubility in water. When an ionic compound is introduced to water, the polar water molecules interact with the ions in the lattice. Water molecules, having a positive and a negative end due to their polar nature, are attracted to the oppositely charged ions in the lattice. This interaction leads to the weakening of the electrostatic forces holding the lattice together. If the attraction between the water molecules and the ions is strong enough to overcome these forces, the ions are pulled away from the lattice and dissolve in water. The degree of solubility depends on the strength of the ionic bonds in the lattice and the ion-dipole forces between the ions and water molecules. Strongly bonded ions in a tight lattice structure, like in some high melting point compounds, may have lower solubility. Conversely, compounds with less tightly bound ions dissolve more readily. The process of dissolving also involves the hydration of ions, where water molecules surround and stabilize the ions in solution.

The size of ions, or ionic radii, significantly influences the structure and properties of an ionic lattice. In a lattice, smaller cations often fit into the spaces between larger anions. This fitting determines the type of lattice that forms and its coordination number, which is the number of ions surrounding a given ion. For instance, in a lattice where small cations are surrounded by larger anions, a high coordination number is observed, leading to a more compact and stable structure. The size difference also affects the melting and boiling points of the ionic compound. A smaller size difference between cations and anions usually results in a closer packing of ions, leading to stronger electrostatic forces. Consequently, more energy is required to overcome these forces, resulting in higher melting and boiling points. Moreover, the size of ions impacts the hardness and brittleness of the compound. Smaller ions can pack more tightly, making the lattice harder but also more brittle, as the ions are less able to shift without breaking the lattice structure.

Practice Questions

Describe the structure of a sodium chloride (NaCl) crystal lattice and explain how this structure contributes to its high melting point.

Sodium chloride forms a face-centred cubic lattice structure, where each sodium ion (Na⁺) is surrounded by six chloride ions (Cl⁻), and each chloride ion is likewise surrounded by six sodium ions. This arrangement creates a highly stable and regular pattern of alternating positive and negative ions. The strong electrostatic forces of attraction between these oppositely charged ions require a significant amount of energy to overcome, which is the primary reason for sodium chloride's high melting point. The lattice structure ensures that these forces are evenly distributed throughout the crystal, contributing to the compound's overall stability and high melting point.

Explain why ionic compounds are generally brittle and provide an example.

Ionic compounds are brittle due to the nature of the ionic bonds in their lattice structure. When a force is applied, ions of the same charge can be forced close together. For instance, in a sodium chloride lattice, applying force might shift the layers such that sodium ions align with sodium ions and chloride ions align with chloride ions. This alignment of like charges leads to repulsion, which causes the lattice to fracture or shatter. This brittleness is a direct consequence of the strong electrostatic forces within the lattice and the inflexibility of the ion arrangement, as demonstrated in the case of sodium chloride.

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