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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

2.4.3 Ionic Compounds: Formation and Properties

Formation of Ionic Bonds Between Group I and VII Elements

Electron Transfer and Ionic Bond Formation

  • Group I elements, also known as alkali metals, have a single electron in their outermost shell. This configuration makes them highly reactive, as they tend to lose this electron to achieve a stable electronic configuration. Upon losing an electron, these elements form positive ions or cations.
  • Group VII elements, known as halogens, have seven electrons in their valence shell. They are highly reactive due to their tendency to gain an electron to complete their octet, thus forming negative ions or anions.
  • The process of ionic bonding involves the transfer of electrons from a Group I element to a Group VII element. This transfer results in the formation of an ionic bond, which is the strong electrostatic force of attraction between the oppositely charged ions.

Detailed Example: Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Formation

  • Consider sodium (Na), a typical Group I element, which loses its single valence electron to achieve a stable electronic configuration, thus forming a sodium ion (Na⁺).
  • Chlorine (Cl), a Group VII element, readily accepts this electron to complete its octet, forming a chloride ion (Cl⁻).
  • The Na⁺ and Cl⁻ ions, now bearing opposite charges, are attracted to each other and form a solid compound known as sodium chloride, held together by a strong ionic bond.
A diagram showing the formation of ionic bonds.

Image courtesy of BruceBlaus

Properties of Ionic Compounds

High Melting and Boiling Points

  • Due to the strong electrostatic attraction between the positively and negatively charged ions, ionic compounds generally have high melting and boiling points.
  • This strong attraction means that a considerable amount of energy is required to overcome these forces and change the state of the compound from solid to liquid or gas.

Electrical Conductivity

  • In Solid State: Ionic compounds do not conduct electricity. The ions in the solid lattice are fixed in their positions and cannot flow, which is necessary for electrical conductivity.
  • In Molten State or Aqueous Solution: When melted or dissolved in water, ionic compounds conduct electricity. In these states, the ions are free to move and carry electrical current.
Electrical Conductivity of ionic compounds

Image courtesy of IGCSE Chemistry 2017

Structure: Giant Ionic Lattice

  • Ionic compounds typically crystallise in a giant ionic lattice structure. This structure is a three-dimensional arrangement of ions, where each positive ion is surrounded by negative ions and vice versa. This maximises the electrostatic attractions and minimises repulsion, resulting in a highly stable structure.
  • The lattice structure contributes to the high melting and boiling points of ionic compounds.
Sodium chloride (NaCl) crystal lattice

Image courtesy of Vasilyev Dmitry

Solubility in Water

  • The solubility of ionic compounds in water varies, but many are quite soluble.
  • Water molecules are polar, with a slight positive charge near the hydrogen atoms and a slight negative charge near the oxygen atom. These polar molecules interact with the ions in an ionic compound, helping to dissolve it by separating the ions from each other.
Sodium chloride solubility in water

Image courtesy of hakan


  • Ionic compounds are generally brittle. When a force is applied, it can cause like-charged ions to be aligned. Since like charges repel, this alignment leads to the fracturing of the crystal.

Examples of Ionic Compounds and Their Properties

  • Sodium Chloride (NaCl): High melting point (801°C), soluble in water, conducts electricity when molten.
  • Magnesium Oxide (MgO): Very high melting point (2852°C), slightly soluble in water, good electrical conductor when molten.
  • Potassium Bromide (KBr): High melting point (734°C), highly soluble in water, conducts electricity in solution.

Understanding the formation and properties of ionic compounds is pivotal in chemistry. This knowledge not only helps in comprehending how elements interact to form compounds but also provides insight into the properties that make these compounds useful in various applications, from industrial processes to everyday products.


Ionic compounds can conduct heat, but their ability to do so is generally lower than that of metals. Heat conduction in ionic compounds occurs through the vibration of ions within the lattice structure. When one part of an ionic compound is heated, the ions in that area start to vibrate more vigorously. This vibrational energy is then passed on to neighbouring ions through the electrostatic forces of attraction between them. However, unlike electrical conductivity, which requires the movement of free ions or electrons, heat conduction relies on the transfer of vibrational energy through the fixed positions of ions in the lattice. As a result, while ionic compounds can conduct heat, they do so less efficiently compared to metals, where free electrons can carry heat energy more effectively across the structure.

The solubility of ionic compounds in water generally increases with temperature. As temperature rises, the kinetic energy of water molecules also increases, which enhances their ability to disrupt the ionic lattice of the solute. This disruption makes it easier for the water molecules to separate the ions from each other and dissolve them. However, the extent of this effect varies among different ionic compounds. For some, the increase in solubility with temperature is quite significant, while for others, it is relatively modest. Additionally, there are exceptional cases where the solubility decreases with an increase in temperature. This solubility behaviour is an important factor in various industrial processes and laboratory practices, where controlling the temperature can be used to manipulate the solubility of ionic compounds.

The size of ions in an ionic compound significantly affects its properties, such as melting point, boiling point, and lattice energy. Larger ions have a more spread-out charge distribution, which results in weaker electrostatic forces of attraction between the ions. Consequently, ionic compounds with larger ions tend to have lower melting and boiling points, as less energy is required to overcome these weaker forces. Additionally, the size of ions can influence the lattice energy of the compound, which is the energy released when the ions come together to form the lattice. Smaller ions, with their charge concentrated over a smaller area, have stronger attractions and therefore higher lattice energies. This relationship between ion size and compound properties is critical in predicting the behaviour of different ionic compounds and is a fundamental aspect of understanding their chemical characteristics.

While many ionic compounds are soluble in water due to its polarity, some are insoluble or only slightly soluble. This is because the solubility of an ionic compound in water depends not only on the ability of water molecules to overcome the ionic forces in the compound's lattice but also on the relative strength of these forces. If the electrostatic attraction between the ions in the lattice is very strong, water molecules may not have sufficient energy to separate the ions and dissolve the compound. In some cases, the lattice energy of the ionic compound is greater than the energy provided by the solvation process (the process of surrounding the ions with water molecules). Therefore, despite the polar nature of water, compounds with very strong ionic bonds might remain largely insoluble. Examples include silver chloride (AgCl) and barium sulfate (BaSO₄), which have high lattice energies that resist the solvation process.

Ionic compounds form crystals with specific geometric shapes due to the orderly arrangement of ions in their lattice structure. The lattice is formed by the regular, repeating pattern of positively charged cations and negatively charged anions. This arrangement is dictated by the need to maximise electrostatic attraction and minimise repulsion between ions. The shape of the crystal reflects the way these ions stack together in the most efficient and stable manner. For example, sodium chloride forms cubic crystals because the sodium and chloride ions alternate in a cube-like structure, creating a repeating pattern. Each ion is surrounded by ions of opposite charge, arranged in a way that balances the forces of attraction and repulsion. This orderly and repetitive pattern results in the formation of crystals with specific, predictable geometric shapes, characteristic of the particular ionic compound.

Practice Questions

Explain why ionic compounds, such as sodium chloride, have high melting and boiling points.

Ionic compounds like sodium chloride have high melting and boiling points due to the strong electrostatic forces of attraction between the positively charged cations and negatively charged anions in their lattice structure. These forces, known as ionic bonds, are extremely strong and require a large amount of energy to overcome. In sodium chloride, each sodium ion (Na⁺) is surrounded by chloride ions (Cl⁻), and each chloride ion is surrounded by sodium ions. This extensive network of strong ionic bonds throughout the crystal lattice is what gives ionic compounds their high melting and boiling points.

Describe the electrical conductivity of ionic compounds in different states and explain the reason behind this behaviour.

Ionic compounds conduct electricity in their molten state or when dissolved in water, but not in their solid state. In the solid state, ions are fixed in a lattice and cannot move freely, preventing the flow of electrical current. However, when melted or dissolved, the rigid structure breaks down, allowing the ions to move freely. These free-moving ions can carry charge, which enables the compound to conduct electricity. For example, in molten or aqueous sodium chloride, the sodium (Na⁺) and chloride (Cl⁻) ions are free to move and can carry electrical current, thus conducting electricity.

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