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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

2.2.3 Electron Configuration in Atoms

Introduction to Electron Configuration

Electron configuration is the arrangement of electrons in an atom. Understanding this arrangement is crucial for grasping how elements interact and bond with each other.

Basic Principles of Electron Configuration

  • Electrons are negatively charged particles found in atomic orbitals around the nucleus.
  • Orbitals are defined regions around the nucleus where electrons are likely to be found.
  • Electrons in an atom occupy the lowest available energy levels (shells) first.
Electron shells of an atom

Image courtesy of SAMYA

Key Rules Governing Electron Configuration

  1. Aufbau Principle: This rule states that electrons occupy the lowest energy orbital available.
  2. Pauli Exclusion Principle: It dictates that each orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons, each with opposite spins.
  3. Hund's Rule: Electrons fill each orbital singly before pairing up in any one orbital.

Detailed Electron Configurations (Proton Numbers 1 to 20)

Hydrogen (Proton Number 1)

  • Configuration: 1s¹
  • As the simplest element, hydrogen has a single electron in the first shell (1s orbital).

Helium to Neon (Proton Numbers 2 to 10)

  • These elements progressively fill the first and second shells.
  • The configuration follows the sequence: 1s², 2s², 2p⁶.
  • Neon, with a configuration of 1s² 2s² 2p⁶, has a full second shell, making it chemically stable.

Sodium to Argon (Proton Numbers 11 to 18)

  • These elements begin filling the third shell.
  • The sequence follows: 3s², 3p⁶.
  • Argon completes the third shell with a configuration of 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶, demonstrating stability like neon.

Potassium and Calcium (Proton Numbers 19 and 20)

  • These elements start filling the fourth shell.
  • Their configurations are 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s¹ (Potassium) and 4s² (Calcium).
  • This demonstrates the concept of shells filling out of order, with the 4s orbital filling before the 3d.
Electronic configuration of potassium

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Chemical Behavior and Bonding

The Impact of Electron Configuration on Reactivity

  • The outermost electrons, known as valence electrons, are key in determining an element's chemical reactivity.
  • Elements tend to react to achieve a stable electron configuration, similar to that of noble gases.

Bonding Patterns and Electron Configuration

  • Elements with similar electron configurations tend to exhibit similar bonding behaviors.
  • For example, alkali metals with one valence electron are highly reactive and usually form ionic bonds by losing their single valence electron.

Periodic Table Trends and Electron Configuration

  • Across a period, the progressive addition of protons and electrons in atoms leads to variations in reactivity and bonding.
  • Down a group, elements exhibit similarities in chemical properties due to their similar valence electron configurations.

The Periodic Table and Electron Configuration

Relationship Between Group Number and Valence Electrons

  • In the main group elements, the group number indicates the number of valence electrons.
  • For instance, Group 1 elements have one valence electron, while Group 2 elements have two.

Significance of Period Number

  • The period number corresponds to the number of electron shells occupied in the atom.
  • Higher period numbers indicate a greater number of electron shells, which translates into larger atomic sizes.
Simple periodic table

Image courtesy of Offnfopt

Noble Gases: A Case Study in Electron Configuration

  • Noble gases, located in Group 18 of the periodic table, have full outer electron shells.
  • This complete outer shell configuration renders them highly stable and inert.

In summary, the study of electron configuration provides invaluable insights into the chemical characteristics and bonding tendencies of elements. This knowledge is not just limited to the understanding of individual elements but extends to the systematic organisation of the periodic table. For IGCSE Chemistry students, mastering electron configuration is fundamental to understanding the broader concepts of chemistry and the behaviors of elements.


In general, an element cannot have electrons in an outer shell while having empty orbitals in the inner shells. This is due to the way electrons fill the available energy levels in an atom, following the Aufbau principle. According to this principle, electrons fill the lowest available energy orbitals first before occupying higher energy levels. Therefore, inner shells (which have lower energy) are filled before the electrons start filling the outer shells. There are a few exceptions, particularly in transition metals and heavier elements, where electron configurations may not strictly follow the Aufbau principle due to very small differences in energy levels. However, in these cases, it's not that the inner orbitals are left empty, but rather that electrons are distributed in a way that may seem counterintuitive, such as in the case of chromium and copper.

Elements in the same group of the periodic table have similar chemical properties because they have the same number of valence electrons. The valence electrons are primarily responsible for an element's chemical behaviour, as they are the electrons involved in bonding and reactions. For instance, all alkali metals in Group 1 have one valence electron, which they tend to lose easily, leading to similar reactivity patterns like forming ionic bonds with halogens and reacting vigorously with water. Similarly, noble gases in Group 18 have a full valence shell, making them generally unreactive. This consistency in valence electron configuration across a group leads to similarities in chemical properties, despite differences in atomic size, electronegativity, and other atomic characteristics.

Ions form as atoms seek to achieve a more stable electron configuration, often resembling that of the nearest noble gas. Atoms can achieve this stability by either losing or gaining electrons to fill or empty their outermost shell. The electron configuration of an atom directly influences the charge of the ion it forms. Atoms that have only a few electrons in their outermost shell (like alkali metals) tend to lose these electrons to achieve stability, forming positively charged ions (cations). Conversely, atoms with nearly full outer shells (like halogens) tend to gain electrons to complete their outer shell, forming negatively charged ions (anions). The number of electrons lost or gained determines the charge of the ion. For example, sodium (Na), which has one valence electron, loses this electron to form Na⁺, while chlorine (Cl), which needs one electron to complete its outer shell, gains an electron to form Cl⁻. This process is governed by the tendency of elements to achieve a stable, noble gas-like electron configuration.

Across a period, as the atomic number increases, electrons are added to the same principal energy level while the number of protons in the nucleus also increases. This increased nuclear charge attracts the electrons more strongly, pulling them closer to the nucleus. As a result, despite the increase in the number of electrons, the atomic radius decreases across a period. This is because the increased nuclear charge outweighs the addition of electrons in the same shell. In contrast, down a group, new electron shells are added, placing the outermost electrons further from the nucleus. Even though the nuclear charge increases down a group, the effect of increased distance and the added electron shielding from inner shells means that the atomic radius generally increases down a group. Thus, electron configuration plays a critical role in determining the size of atoms, both across periods and down groups in the periodic table.

The filling of the 4s orbital before the 3d orbital is a consequence of the subtle differences in energy levels within the atom. In terms of principal quantum numbers, the 4s orbital belongs to the fourth shell, while the 3d orbital belongs to the third shell. It might seem logical for the 3d orbital to have a lower energy level, but due to the complexities in the atomic structure, the 4s orbital is actually lower in energy when it's empty or partially filled. Therefore, electrons fill the 4s orbital first. Once the 4s orbital is filled, the electrons then begin to populate the 3d orbital. This is important because the energy levels of orbitals are not fixed and can change depending on the electron configuration. As more electrons are added, the relative energy levels can shift, causing the 3d orbitals to become lower in energy than the 4s orbitals in larger atoms.

Practice Questions

Describe the electron configuration of magnesium (Mg) and explain how its electron configuration influences its chemical properties and bonding behaviour.

Magnesium (Mg), with a proton number of 12, has the electron configuration 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s². This configuration indicates that magnesium has two electrons in its outermost shell (3s²). These two valence electrons are relatively easy for magnesium to lose, making it highly reactive. By losing these electrons, magnesium forms Mg²⁺ ions, achieving a stable electron configuration similar to neon. This tendency to lose electrons explains why magnesium readily forms ionic bonds, especially with non-metals like oxygen or chlorine, resulting in compounds such as magnesium oxide (MgO) or magnesium chloride (MgCl₂). This electron configuration, therefore, directly influences magnesium's reactivity and its preference for forming ionic compounds.

Explain the significance of the electron configuration in determining the position of potassium (K) in the periodic table and its chemical reactivity.

Potassium (K), with an atomic number of 19, has an electron configuration of 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s¹. This configuration shows that potassium has one electron in its outermost shell. The presence of this single valence electron places potassium in Group 1 of the periodic table, categorising it as an alkali metal. This solitary valence electron is easily lost, making potassium highly reactive, especially with water, releasing hydrogen gas and forming potassium hydroxide. Potassium's placement in the periodic table and its chemical reactivity are thus directly linked to its electron configuration, which is characterized by having one electron in the outermost shell, making it highly reactive and eager to achieve a stable configuration.

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