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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

1.4.1 Fundamentals of Diffusion

Introduction to Diffusion

At its core, diffusion is the net movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. This phenomenon is observable in gases, liquids, and, to a lesser extent, in solids. The driving force behind diffusion is the inherent kinetic energy of particles, which causes them to move and collide, resulting in their gradual spread across available space.

Defining Diffusion

  • Kinetic Energy: The energy possessed by particles due to their motion.
  • Concentration Gradient: A difference in concentration levels across a space, guiding the direction of particle movement.
Illustration of simple diffusion

Image courtesy of JrPol

Kinetic Particle Theory: The Backbone of Diffusion

Kinetic particle theory provides a foundational understanding of how particles behave and interact, essential for comprehending diffusion.

Particle Motion and Energy

  • Constant Motion: Particles are perpetually in motion, more so in gases and liquids than in solids. This motion varies depending on the state of matter and temperature.
  • Energy Variation: The kinetic energy of particles varies, influencing their velocity and the rate of diffusion.
Kinetic Particle Theory in State Changes- solid, liquid and gas.

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Collisions and Particle Movement

  • Collision Frequency and Impact: Particles collide with each other and the walls of their container, altering their paths and contributing to the random spread characteristic of diffusion.
  • Directional Randomness: While particle movement is random, the overall direction is from higher to lower concentration, due to the uneven distribution of particles.

Factors Influencing the Rate of Diffusion

The efficiency and speed of diffusion are impacted by several factors:

  1. Temperature: A direct correlation exists between temperature and diffusion rate. Higher temperatures enhance particle kinetic energy, thus accelerating diffusion.
  2. Concentration Gradient: The steeper the gradient, the faster particles move to equilibrate concentrations.
  3. Particle Size: Smaller particles, having less mass, move more swiftly and diffuse more rapidly.
  4. Medium of Diffusion: The rate of diffusion varies across different mediums—fastest in gases and slowest in solids.

Real-World Examples

  • Spreading of Aroma: The distribution of a fragrance in a room is quicker in a warmer environment, exemplifying the impact of temperature on diffusion.
  • Ink in Water: Observing how ink disperses in water, especially at different temperatures, is a practical demonstration of diffusion in liquids.
Diffusion/dispersion of ink in water

Image courtesy of SarahRichterArt (pixabay.com)

Practical Experiments to Understand Diffusion

Hands-on experiments provide tangible evidence of diffusion:

  • Diffusion of Perfume: Releasing perfume in a room and noting how the scent spreads, even to the farthest corners, is a simple yet effective demonstration of diffusion in gases.
  • Food Coloring in Water: Dropping food coloring into water shows diffusion in liquids. The gradual spread of color, without external agitation, visually represents the diffusion process.

Analysis of Experiment Results

These experiments highlight key aspects of diffusion:

  • Rate of Spread: The speed at which the perfume scent or food coloring spreads can be correlated with room temperature or water temperature, respectively.
  • Visualising Concentration Gradient: The gradual fade of color from the point of release to the surrounding water illustrates the concept of a concentration gradient.

Advanced Concepts in Diffusion

While the basic principles of diffusion are straightforward, the concept extends into more complex areas in chemistry:

Selective Permeability and Diffusion

  • Membrane Permeability: In biological contexts, diffusion through selectively permeable membranes is a critical process. It explains how substances enter and leave cells.
  • Osmosis: A special type of diffusion, osmosis involves the movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane, driven by concentration differences.
Diffusion through a semipermeable membrane

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Diffusion in Chemical Reactions

  • Reaction Rates: In chemical reactions, the rate of diffusion of reactants can affect the rate at which the reaction proceeds.
  • Catalysts and Diffusion: Catalysts often work by enhancing the diffusion of reactants to the active sites, thereby speeding up reactions.


Understanding diffusion is crucial in mastering fundamental concepts in chemistry. Through the lens of kinetic particle theory and various influencing factors, students can appreciate the intricacies of particle movement. This knowledge extends beyond academic learning, offering insights into everyday phenomena and the workings of the natural world.


Diffusion and effusion are related yet distinct. Diffusion involves particle movement from higher to lower concentration areas and occurs in gases, liquids, and solids. Effusion is gas particles passing through a small opening from high to low pressure areas.

Molecular size is crucial in both. In diffusion, smaller molecules diffuse quicker than larger ones due to lower mass. This is seen in gas mixing or perfume dispersion in air. In effusion, gas particle escape rate through an opening is size-dependent. Graham's law of effusion states that effusion rate is inversely proportional to the square root of the gas's molar mass. Thus, lighter gases like hydrogen (H₂) effuse faster than heavier ones like oxygen (O₂), a key factor in gas separation and purification processes.

The container size influences diffusion rate by affecting the concentration gradient and travel distance for particles. In a smaller container, particles are more concentrated, and the diffusion distance to equilibrium is shorter, potentially speeding up diffusion. In contrast, a larger container means a greater travel distance and a less steep concentration gradient, possibly slowing diffusion. However, while container size affects time to equilibrium, it does not alter individual particle movement speed.

Diffusion does not require external energy because it relies on particles' inherent kinetic energy. This energy, stemming from the system's temperature, indicates the average kinetic energy of particles. As particles naturally move at temperatures above absolute zero, they are constantly in motion and colliding. This movement leads to a net transfer of particles from high to low concentration areas, known as diffusion. It's a spontaneous process, dependent on particle random motion, and continues until equilibrium is reached, where concentration becomes uniform.

Diffusion in solids occurs but is much slower and less noticeable compared to liquids and gases. Solid particles are tightly packed, limiting movement and diffusion rate. These particles vibrate around fixed positions, diffusing through vacancies or structural defects. For example, carbon atoms diffusing in iron, essential in steelmaking, is a slow process needing high temperatures for significant progress. By contrast, particles in liquids and gases have more movement freedom, enabling faster diffusion. In liquids, particles slide past each other, while in gases, they move freely in all directions, allowing quicker diffusion.

The mass of particles significantly impacts the rate of diffusion. Heavier particles, with greater mass, move slower than lighter particles under the same kinetic energy conditions. This difference is due to inertia's principle: objects with more mass require more energy to change their motion state. For instance, in a gas mixture, lighter molecules like hydrogen (H₂) diffuse more rapidly than heavier molecules like oxygen (O₂). This disparity arises because hydrogen's lower mass allows for higher velocities at a given temperature, leading to a faster diffusion rate. Hence, in a scenario where two gases are allowed to diffuse, the gas with lighter molecules will disperse more quickly across the space.

Practice Questions

Explain how temperature affects the rate of diffusion, providing a specific example.

Temperature significantly impacts the rate of diffusion. As temperature increases, particles gain more kinetic energy, causing them to move faster. This increased movement results in a higher rate of collision and, consequently, a quicker spread of particles across a concentration gradient. For example, when a jar of ammonia is opened in a warm room, the ammonia gas diffuses faster than it would in a cooler room. This is because the increased temperature provides the ammonia gas particles with more energy, leading to more rapid movement and diffusion throughout the room.

Describe an experiment to demonstrate diffusion in a liquid and explain what it shows about the process of diffusion.

An ideal experiment to demonstrate diffusion in a liquid involves adding a drop of food coloring to a beaker of water. Over time, the color spreads throughout the water without any stirring, illustrating diffusion. This experiment shows that particles in the food coloring move from an area of higher concentration (where the drop was initially added) to areas of lower concentration (the rest of the water). The random movement of these particles, driven by their kinetic energy, results in the gradual spread of the color. This visually demonstrates how diffusion allows substances to mix and spread in a liquid medium.

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