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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

1.4.2 Molecular Mass and Diffusion Rate

Introduction to Diffusion and Molecular Mass

Diffusion is a key process in which particles spread from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration. The rate at which this spreading occurs is heavily influenced by the molecular mass of the diffusing substance.

Defining Key Terms

  • Molecular Mass: The mass of a single molecule, measured in atomic mass units (amu). It's a critical factor in determining the speed of diffusion.
  • Diffusion Rate:
Illustration of simple diffusion

Image courtesy of JrPol

Understanding the Effect of Molecular Mass on Diffusion

The Kinetic Particle Theory

According to this theory, particles are in constant, random motion. The speed of this motion and thus the rate of diffusion depends on several factors:

  • Lighter Molecules: Tend to move more rapidly as their lower mass allows them to accelerate more quickly.
  • Heavier Molecules: Their greater mass means they require more energy to move at the same speed as lighter molecules.

Practical Demonstrations

Practical experiments can effectively illustrate how molecular mass influences diffusion.

Experiment 1: Diffusion Rates of Gases

  • Objective: Comparing the diffusion rates of light and heavy gases.
  • Procedure: Release a light gas like helium and a heavier gas like carbon dioxide in a controlled environment and measure the time taken for them to disperse.
  • Observation: Helium, being lighter, diffuses quicker than carbon dioxide.
  • Conclusion: This experiment vividly shows that gases with lower molecular mass diffuse more quickly.

Experiment 2: Visualising Gas Diffusion

  • Objective: To visually track the diffusion of gases.
  • Procedure: Use gases like bromine vapor and air in separate glass tubes and observe their movement.
  • Observation: Bromine vapor, with a higher molecular mass, diffuses slower than air.
  • Conclusion: The rate of diffusion visibly correlates with molecular mass.

Additional Factors Affecting Diffusion

Beyond molecular mass, several other factors can influence the rate of diffusion:

  • Temperature: Higher temperatures increase the energy of particles, speeding up diffusion.
  • Concentration Gradient: A greater difference in concentration leads to a faster diffusion rate.
  • Medium: Gases diffuse more rapidly than liquids due to less resistance from intermolecular forces.

Real-World Applications

The principles of diffusion are observable in everyday life:

  • Cooking Aromas: Aroma molecules from cooking, generally light, diffuse quickly around the kitchen and beyond.
  • Air Purifiers: These devices rely on the diffusion of pollutants into filters where they are trapped or neutralized.

Classroom Experiments on Diffusion and Molecular Mass

Experiment 3: Perfume Diffusion in a Room

  • Objective: To track the diffusion of a perfume with a relatively low molecular mass.
  • Procedure: Spray perfume in a classroom and observe the time taken for its scent to be detected at various distances.
  • Conclusion: This experiment reinforces the concept of diffusion in a relatable context.

Experiment 4: Diffusion in Liquids

  • Objective: To observe diffusion in a liquid medium.
  • Procedure: Drop ink into a beaker of water and observe the rate of diffusion.
  • Observation: The ink slowly spreads out in the water.
  • Conclusion: This shows that diffusion also occurs in liquids, albeit at a different rate than in gases.
Diffusion/dispersion of ink in water


In-Depth Exploration of Molecular Mass and Diffusion

Understanding the relationship between molecular mass and diffusion rate is crucial in various scientific fields. This knowledge is not only academically important for IGCSE Chemistry students but also lays the foundation for future scientific studies.

Advanced Theoretical Concepts

  • Graham's Law of Effusion: This law provides a mathematical relationship between the molecular mass of a gas and its rate of effusion, which is closely related to diffusion.
  • Diffusion in Biological Systems: Examining how oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse in the human body depending on their molecular masses.

Further Experiments

Experiment 5: Diffusion in Gels

  • Objective: To observe diffusion in a more resistant medium.
  • Procedure: Place different colored dyes in a gel and watch how they diffuse over time.
  • Observation: Different dyes diffuse at different rates, depending on their molecular mass.
  • Conclusion: This experiment shows the impact of molecular mass on diffusion in semi-solid mediums.

Experiment 6: Temperature's Effect on Diffusion

  • Objective: To understand the role of temperature in diffusion.
  • Procedure: Compare the rate of diffusion of a gas at different temperatures.
  • Observation: The gas diffuses faster at higher temperatures.
  • Conclusion: This experiment highlights the influence of temperature on diffusion, along with molecular mass.


This detailed exploration of the relationship between molecular mass and diffusion rate provides IGCSE Chemistry students with a comprehensive understanding of this critical concept. Through theoretical knowledge and practical experiments, students gain invaluable insights, preparing them for more advanced studies in chemistry and related fields. The integration of real-world examples and classroom experiments makes the concept more tangible and relatable, enhancing the learning experience.


The shape of a molecule can affect its rate of diffusion, particularly in complex molecules. In general, linear or streamlined molecules tend to diffuse more rapidly than those with bulky or complex shapes. This is because streamlined molecules can move more easily through the medium, encountering less resistance. Bulky or complex-shaped molecules, on the other hand, experience more friction or resistance as they move, which can slow down their diffusion rate. The shape of a molecule determines how it interacts with its surrounding environment and other molecules, which in turn affects how easily it can move. However, it's important to note that while molecular shape is a factor, it is often less significant than molecular mass or size in determining the rate of diffusion.

Diffusion varies significantly across different states of matter due to the varying degrees of particle movement and spacing. In gases, diffusion occurs rapidly because the particles are far apart and move quickly, allowing them to spread out swiftly. Gases also have minimal intermolecular forces, enabling faster particle movement. In liquids, diffusion is slower than in gases because the particles are closer together and move less freely, although they still have some freedom to move around. The intermolecular forces in liquids are stronger than in gases, slightly restricting particle movement. In solids, diffusion is the slowest because the particles are tightly packed in a fixed structure and have very limited movement. The rate of diffusion in solids is so slow that it is often negligible in practical terms. The state of matter, therefore, plays a crucial role in determining the rate of diffusion, with gases exhibiting the fastest and solids the slowest rates.

The concentration gradient plays a pivotal role in the rate of diffusion. It refers to the difference in concentration of a substance between two areas. A steep concentration gradient, where there is a significant difference in concentration between two areas, results in a faster rate of diffusion. This is because particles naturally move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. The greater the difference in concentration, the stronger the driving force for the particles to move, leading to a quicker diffusion process. Conversely, if the concentration gradient is small, the rate of diffusion decreases as there is less of a disparity in concentration to drive the movement of particles. This principle is fundamental in many biological and chemical processes, where substances need to be transported across different concentrations.

While diffusion in solids does occur, it is significantly slower compared to liquids and gases, and the impact of molecular mass is less pronounced. In solids, the particles are tightly packed together, with very little space to move. This limited movement means that the diffusion process is much slower. However, the molecular mass of particles can still influence diffusion rates to some extent. Lighter particles in a solid may diffuse slightly faster than heavier ones due to their lower mass, but the overall rate of diffusion is still slow due to the rigid structure of solids. Factors like temperature and the nature of the solid material also play a significant role. For example, in metals, diffusion happens through vacancies or defects in the lattice structure, and it's more about the size of the atoms or ions rather than their mass. In summary, while molecular mass does impact diffusion in solids, the effect is minimal compared to other factors.

Heavier molecules diffuse more slowly due to their larger mass, which directly influences their kinetic energy and velocity. In the kinetic particle theory, the speed of particle movement is inversely proportional to the mass of the particles. Heavier molecules have greater mass, meaning that for a given amount of kinetic energy, they move more slowly compared to lighter molecules. This slower movement results in a reduced rate of diffusion. Additionally, heavier molecules experience stronger intermolecular forces compared to lighter molecules. These forces require more energy to overcome, further slowing down the movement of these molecules. This is why, in a mixture of gases, a heavier gas like carbon dioxide will diffuse more slowly than a lighter gas such as helium or hydrogen. The rate of diffusion is crucial in many natural and industrial processes, where the separation of substances based on their molecular mass is often desired.

Practice Questions

Describe an experiment to demonstrate the effect of molecular mass on the rate of diffusion in gases. Include in your answer the materials needed, the procedure, and what you would expect to observe.

To demonstrate the effect of molecular mass on the rate of diffusion in gases, we could perform an experiment using hydrogen gas (light molecular mass) and oxygen gas (heavier molecular mass). For this experiment, we would need two gas jars, a stopwatch, hydrogen gas, oxygen gas, and a controlled environment like a laboratory. Firstly, we would release equal amounts of hydrogen and oxygen gas separately in two identical gas jars. The stopwatch would be used to measure the time taken for each gas to diffuse and fill the jar. We expect to observe that hydrogen gas, due to its lower molecular mass, diffuses faster than oxygen. This experiment visually and quantitatively demonstrates how molecular mass affects the rate of diffusion in gases.

Explain how the molecular mass of a substance influences its diffusion rate, using the kinetic particle theory.

According to the kinetic particle theory, particles of matter are in constant random motion, and their speed depends on their energy, which is influenced by their mass. In the context of diffusion, a substance with a lower molecular mass has lighter particles, which can move more rapidly since they require less energy to achieve high speeds. This increased speed results in a faster rate of diffusion. Conversely, a substance with a higher molecular mass has heavier particles that move slower, as they require more energy to move at the same speed, leading to a slower diffusion rate. This explanation illustrates how molecular mass directly influences the diffusion rate of a substance.

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