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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

1.2.1 Processes of State Change


Melting, the transition from solid to liquid, is a process that begins when a substance absorbs sufficient thermal energy to weaken its internal forces.

  • Energy Absorption and Molecular Dynamics: As the substance absorbs heat, its internal energy increases. This added energy disrupts the organized arrangement of molecules in the solid state, causing them to vibrate more vigorously. Once these vibrations are intense enough to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the molecules in a fixed position, the solid begins to melt.
  • At the Molecular Level: The melting point, the temperature at which a solid turns into a liquid, varies depending on the strength of the intermolecular forces. In ionic compounds, where these forces are typically stronger, the melting points are higher compared to molecular solids.
Melting of ice cube (solid) into water (liquid)

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Boiling, the conversion of liquid to gas, is an energy-intensive process that takes place throughout the liquid at its boiling point.

  • Energy Absorption and Molecular Behaviour: In boiling, the liquid absorbs heat, which is then converted into kinetic energy within the molecules. As the temperature rises to the boiling point, these molecules have enough energy to break free from the intermolecular attractions within the liquid.
  • Vapour Formation: The formation of bubbles within the liquid signifies boiling. These bubbles are pockets of vapour that form as molecules escape into the gaseous phase. The boiling point of a substance is influenced by atmospheric pressure, with higher altitudes having lower boiling points due to decreased pressure.
Boiling of water on a flame

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Freezing, or solidification, is the reverse of melting, where a liquid becomes a solid. This occurs when a liquid's temperature is lowered, causing it to lose energy.

  • Energy Release and Molecular Reorganization: As the liquid cools, it loses energy, leading to a reduction in molecular motion. When the motion decreases sufficiently, the attractive forces between molecules become dominant, and they begin to arrange into a more structured, rigid form, resulting in a solid.
  • Crystallization: The process of freezing often involves the formation of crystals, where molecules arrange in a definite, ordered pattern. The rate of cooling can affect the size and shape of these crystals - rapid cooling leads to smaller crystals, while slow cooling forms larger ones.
Freezing, or solidification - liquid to solid

Image courtesy of Expii


Evaporation is a unique process of state change where a liquid turns into a gas below its boiling point.

  • Surface Activity and Energy Requirement: This phenomenon occurs primarily at the surface of the liquid. Molecules with higher kinetic energy escape from the surface into the atmosphere as gas. Evaporation causes cooling, as the molecules with the highest kinetic energy leave the liquid, reducing its overall temperature.
  • Factors Affecting Evaporation: Several factors influence the rate of evaporation, including temperature, surface area, humidity, and wind speed. Higher temperatures and larger surface areas accelerate evaporation, while high humidity and low wind speed slow it down.


Condensation is the process of a gas turning into a liquid. It is the reverse of vaporisation and typically occurs when a gas is cooled.

  • Energy Release and Molecular Transition: During condensation, gas molecules lose kinetic energy and slow down. This decrease in energy allows the molecules to come closer together, overcoming their tendency to repel each other in the gaseous state. Consequently, they form intermolecular bonds, transitioning into a liquid state.
  • Dew Point: The temperature at which a gas condenses into a liquid is known as the dew point. This varies depending on the pressure and the type of gas.
Illustration of Condensation vs evaporation

Image courtesy of Britannica

Kinetic Particle Theory in State Changes

The Kinetic Particle Theory (KPT) explains the state of matter based on the energy and movement of particles.

  • In Solids: Particles are closely packed in a fixed position and vibrate around fixed points. They have low kinetic energy, which explains why solids retain a fixed shape and volume.
  • In Liquids: Particles are still close but can move around each other. They have more kinetic energy than in solids, allowing a liquid to flow and take the shape of its container while maintaining a constant volume.
  • In Gases: Particles are far apart and move rapidly in all directions. The high kinetic energy in gases allows them to expand and fill any container, having neither a fixed shape nor a fixed volume.
Kinetic Particle Theory in State Changes- solid, liquid and gas.

Image courtesy of Yelod

Heating and Cooling Curves

Heating and cooling curves are graphical representations of the state change process.

  • Heating Curves: These show how the temperature of a substance increases with added energy. The curve plateaus at phase changes (melting and boiling points) where energy is used in changing the state rather than increasing temperature.
  • Cooling Curves: These illustrate how the temperature of a substance decreases as it loses energy. Similar to heating curves, they show plateaus at freezing and condensation points, indicating where energy is released during state changes.


Understanding these processes is essential in Chemistry, as they highlight how substances respond to energy changes at a molecular level. These transitions, governed by the principles of the Kinetic Particle Theory, demonstrate the dynamic nature of matter and its interaction with energy, providing a foundational understanding for IGCSE Chemistry students.


Evaporation causes cooling due to the energy dynamics involved in the process. When a liquid evaporates, it absorbs heat from its surroundings. This absorption of heat occurs because the molecules with the highest kinetic energy are the ones that escape from the liquid surface into the gas phase. As these high-energy molecules leave, the average kinetic energy of the remaining liquid molecules decreases, leading to a drop in temperature. Essentially, the process of evaporation removes energy (in the form of heat) from the liquid, resulting in a cooling effect. This principle is the basis for many natural and artificial cooling processes, such as perspiration in humans and evaporative coolers in air conditioning systems. The cooling effect of evaporation is also critical in regulating temperatures in various ecological and industrial systems.

The rate of cooling significantly influences the crystalline structure formed when a substance freezes. Rapid cooling usually results in the formation of small, disordered crystals, as the molecules do not have sufficient time to arrange into a well-ordered structure. This rapid process often traps impurities within the crystals, leading to a less pure and more brittle solid. On the other hand, slow cooling allows molecules to align more orderly and form larger, more perfect crystals. This slower process enables the molecules to arrange themselves in a more stable and structured manner, often resulting in a purer and stronger solid. This principle is widely applied in materials science and metallurgy, where the properties of a material, such as strength, purity, and brittleness, can be controlled by manipulating the cooling rate.

Atmospheric pressure has a significant impact on the boiling point of a liquid. The boiling point is the temperature at which the vapour pressure of the liquid equals the external pressure surrounding it. At higher altitudes, atmospheric pressure is lower due to the thinner atmosphere. This lower pressure means that liquids can boil at lower temperatures since less energy is required for the liquid molecules to escape into the gaseous state. For example, water at sea level boils at 100°C, but at higher altitudes, it boils at lower temperatures. This effect is critical in various applications, such as cooking and industrial processes, where adjustments might be necessary to account for changes in boiling points due to varying atmospheric pressures. Conversely, in a high-pressure environment, such as a pressure cooker, the boiling point of water increases, allowing food to cook faster due to the higher temperature.

Different substances have varying melting and boiling points due to the differences in the strength of their intermolecular forces. These forces include ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds, dipole-dipole interactions, and London dispersion forces. Substances with strong intermolecular forces, like ionic compounds, require more energy to overcome these forces, hence they have higher melting and boiling points. For instance, sodium chloride (NaCl), an ionic compound, has a high melting point because the strong ionic bonds between Na⁺ and Cl⁻ ions require a significant amount of energy to break. Conversely, molecular substances like water, which have hydrogen bonds (a type of dipole-dipole interaction), have lower melting and boiling points than ionic compounds but higher than those with only London dispersion forces. The presence of hydrogen bonds in water contributes to its relatively high boiling point compared to other molecular liquids. Additionally, the molecular structure and mass also play a role – larger molecules or those with more complex structures generally have higher melting and boiling points due to increased van der Waals forces.

The latent heat of fusion is the amount of energy required to change a substance from solid to liquid at its melting point, without changing its temperature. This energy is essential for breaking the intermolecular forces that hold the solid together. During the melting process, the absorbed energy is primarily used to overcome these forces rather than increasing the temperature. This means that while a solid is melting, its temperature remains constant, despite the continuous absorption of heat. The latent heat of fusion varies for different substances, depending on the strength of their intermolecular bonds. For instance, water has a relatively high latent heat of fusion, reflecting the significant amount of energy needed to break its hydrogen bonds during melting. This concept is crucial in understanding phase transitions and is widely applied in areas such as metallurgy, cryogenics, and the food industry.

Practice Questions

Explain why the temperature of a substance does not change during its boiling process, even though heat is continuously supplied.

The temperature of a substance remains constant during its boiling process because the energy supplied is used to overcome the intermolecular forces, not to increase the kinetic energy of the molecules. This energy is required to change the state of the substance from liquid to gas. As the liquid boils, the molecules gain enough energy to break free from their intermolecular attractions and escape as gas. This phase change requires a significant amount of energy, known as the latent heat of vaporisation, which is absorbed without causing a temperature rise. This explains why the temperature remains constant during boiling.

Describe the molecular changes that occur when a liquid freezes into a solid, and explain how this relates to the Kinetic Particle Theory.

When a liquid freezes into a solid, the molecular movement decreases significantly due to the loss of thermal energy. As the temperature drops, the kinetic energy of the molecules reduces, causing them to move less vigorously. Consequently, the attractive forces between the molecules become more effective, pulling them closer together into a fixed, orderly arrangement characteristic of a solid state. According to the Kinetic Particle Theory, the state of a substance is determined by the energy and movement of its particles. In this case, the decreased energy and movement result in the transition from a liquid to a solid state, where the particles are closely packed and vibrate in fixed positions.

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