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CIE IGCSE Chemistry Notes

3.2.2 Relative Molecular Mass (Mr)

What is Relative Molecular Mass?

Relative Molecular Mass (Mr) is a key term in chemistry, referring to the sum of the relative atomic masses (Ar) of the atoms in a molecule's formula. This concept is crucial for both molecular and ionic compounds, offering a comparative measure of a molecule's mass relative to the mass of carbon-12, a standard reference in chemistry.

Key Concepts

  • Mr is dimensionless: It has no units, being a relative measure.
  • Based on Carbon-12: It's measured relative to the carbon-12 atom.
  • Applicable to Molecules and Ionic Compounds: Mr is used for both types of compounds, albeit with different calculation approaches.

Calculation of Relative Molecular Mass

The calculation of Mr involves adding the relative atomic masses (Ar) of all atoms present in a molecular formula. This process varies slightly between molecular and ionic compounds.

Molecular Compounds

Example: Water (H₂O)

  1. Identify Atomic Masses: Hydrogen (H) has an Ar of 1, and Oxygen (O) has an Ar of 16.
  2. Calculate Mr: For water, Mr = (2 × Ar of H) + (1 × Ar of O) = (2 × 1) + (1 × 16) = 18.

Ionic Compounds

Example: Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

  1. Identify Atomic Masses: Sodium (Na) has an Ar of 23, and Chlorine (Cl) has an Ar of 35.5.
  2. Calculate Mr: For NaCl, Mr = Ar of Na + Ar of Cl = 23 + 35.5 = 58.5.

Practical Calculation Tips

  • Use the Periodic Table: Refer to it for accurate atomic masses.
  • Break Down Complex Molecules: For intricate molecules, calculate each atom's contribution separately.
  • Treat Polyatomic Ions as Single Units: In ionic compounds, calculate the mass of the entire ion as one.

Significance of Relative Molecular Mass in Chemistry

The understanding of Mr is essential for various practical applications in chemistry, far beyond theoretical knowledge.

Reacting Masses and Stoichiometry

In stoichiometry, Mr calculations are vital for determining the mass relationships between reactants and products in chemical reactions. This involves calculating the amount of reactants needed or the amount of products formed in a reaction.

Empirical and Molecular Formulas

Determining empirical and molecular formulas from experimental data is another area where Mr is crucial. The empirical formula represents the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound, whereas the molecular formula represents the actual number of atoms. Calculating Mr helps in determining these formulas accurately.

Molar Mass and Conversions

The concept of Mr is closely linked to molar mass, which is the mass of one mole of a substance, usually expressed in grams per mole (g/mol). Understanding Mr is essential for converting between the mass of a substance and the number of moles, a common task in chemical calculations.

Relative molecular mass and molar mass

Image courtesy of Chem Not Cheem

Analytical Chemistry

In analytical chemistry, Mr is used in techniques like mass spectrometry, where the molecular mass of compounds is determined to identify and quantify them in a mixture.

Common Questions about Relative Molecular Mass

Difference Between Mr and Ar

  • Mr is for molecules or ionic compounds, while Ar refers to individual atoms.

Decimal Values in Mr

  • Yes, especially in ionic compounds, Mr can be a decimal due to fractional atomic masses.

Why Carbon-12 as a Reference?

  • Carbon-12 is stable and abundant, making it a reliable standard for atomic mass units.

Importance of Mr in Chemical Reactions

  • Mr is vital for calculating reacting masses, understanding reaction mechanisms, and for many analytical techniques.

Detailed Example: Calculating Mr

Example: Ammonium Sulfate ((NH4)2SO4)

  1. Identify Atomic Masses: Nitrogen (N) has an Ar of 14, Hydrogen (H) has an Ar of 1, Sulfur (S) has an Ar of 32, and Oxygen (O) has an Ar of 16.
  2. Calculate Mr:
    • Nitrogen: (2 \times 14 = 28)
    • Hydrogen: (8 \times 1 = 8)
    • Sulfur: (1 \times 32 = 32)
    • Oxygen: (4 \times 16 = 64)
    • Total Mr: (28 + 8 + 32 + 64 = 132)

In this case, each type of atom in the molecule contributes a portion to the total Mr, based on its relative atomic mass and its quantity in the formula.


In conclusion, Relative Molecular Mass is a fundamental concept in IGCSE Chemistry, essential for understanding and calculating the mass of molecules and ionic compounds. Its applications are diverse, spanning from stoichiometry to analytical chemistry. A firm grasp of how to calculate and apply Mr is crucial for students to succeed in various aspects of chemistry. This topic demands a solid understanding of atomic masses and the ability to apply these concepts to a wide range of chemical contexts.


When calculating the relative molecular mass (Mr) for hydrated compounds (compounds that include water molecules as part of their structure), it is essential to include the mass of the water molecules in the calculation. Hydrated compounds are often represented in their chemical formulas with a dot followed by the number of water molecules, for example, copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, CuSO₄·5H₂O. To calculate the Mr of such a compound, one must sum the relative atomic masses of each atom in the compound, including those in the water molecules. Continuing with the example of CuSO₄·5H₂O, the calculation would involve the addition of the atomic masses of one copper atom, one sulfur atom, four oxygen atoms in the sulfate ion, ten hydrogen atoms, and five oxygen atoms from the five water molecules. This inclusion of the water molecules' mass is crucial as it significantly affects the total Mr, and consequently, any calculations involving the substance, such as determining its molar mass or using it in stoichiometric calculations. Ignoring the water molecules in such compounds would lead to incorrect results and a misunderstanding of the substance's actual mass and composition.

Relative molecular mass (Mr) itself does not directly give the actual mass of a substance but rather provides a relative measure compared to carbon-12. To determine the actual mass of a substance, Mr must be used in conjunction with the concept of moles. The molar mass of a substance, which is the mass of one mole of that substance, is numerically equal to its Mr but expressed in grams per mole (g/mol). By knowing the number of moles of a substance, one can calculate its actual mass using the formula: Actual mass = Number of moles × Molar mass. For example, if we have a substance with an Mr of 58.5 (like sodium chloride, NaCl) and we have 2 moles of it, the actual mass would be 2 moles × 58.5 g/mol = 117 grams. This calculation is fundamental in laboratory practices for measuring out substances and in stoichiometry for determining the mass of reactants and products in chemical reactions. Thus, while Mr is a dimensionless quantity providing a relative comparison, it forms a crucial part of the calculations needed to find the actual mass of substances in practical chemistry.

In a laboratory setting, the accuracy of the relative molecular mass (Mr) values used in calculations can vary depending on several factors, including isotopic abundance and the purity of substances. Isotopic abundance can affect Mr calculations, as the relative atomic mass of an element is an average value that takes into account the different isotopes of the element and their abundances in nature. These averages are generally consistent, but slight variations can occur in different geographical locations or in specific samples. Therefore, while the Mr values provided in the periodic table are precise for general use, they may not perfectly represent every sample.

Purity of substances is another critical factor. In practice, substances used in laboratories are not always 100% pure. Impurities can alter the actual Mr of a substance from its theoretical value. For instance, a sample of a compound might contain traces of other compounds or elements, which could skew the Mr calculation if not accounted for.

Despite these variables, the Mr values used in laboratory calculations are generally accurate enough for most educational and research purposes. High-precision work, such as in analytical chemistry or pharmaceuticals, might require more precise measurements of isotopic abundance and higher purity levels. In such cases, advanced techniques and equipment are used to ensure the utmost accuracy.

Despite the distinct structural differences between molecular and ionic compounds, the concept of relative molecular mass (Mr) is applicable to both due to its fundamental basis in atomic mass units. Molecular compounds are composed of molecules, which are groups of atoms covalently bonded together. On the other hand, ionic compounds consist of a lattice of positively and negatively charged ions. However, the core idea behind Mr is the summation of the relative atomic masses (Ar) of the constituent atoms or ions, regardless of the type of bonding or structure. This uniform approach simplifies the process of comparing and calculating the masses of different substances. In molecular compounds, Mr is the total of the atomic masses of the atoms in a molecule. In ionic compounds, despite the absence of discrete molecules, Mr still represents the sum of the masses of the constituent ions in their formula units. For example, in sodium chloride (NaCl), the Mr is calculated by adding the Ar of sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl). This universal application of Mr across different compound types reflects the standardization of atomic mass units and facilitates a coherent and consistent method for mass calculations in chemistry.

The concept of isotopes significantly influences the calculation of relative molecular mass (Mr). Isotopes are different forms of an element, having the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. This variation in neutron number leads to different atomic masses for the isotopes. For instance, chlorine has two main isotopes, ^35Cl and ^37Cl, with relative atomic masses of approximately 35 and 37, respectively. When calculating the Mr of a compound containing chlorine, we must consider the average relative atomic mass of chlorine, which accounts for the natural abundance of its isotopes. This average is often not a whole number. For example, the average relative atomic mass of chlorine is about 35.5, considering the relative abundances of its isotopes. Therefore, in a compound like sodium chloride (NaCl), the Mr would be calculated using the average atomic mass of chlorine (35.5) instead of a whole number. This inclusion of isotopic masses ensures that the calculated Mr closely reflects the actual mass of the molecules as they exist in nature.

Practice Questions

Calculate the relative molecular mass (Mr) of calcium carbonate (CaCO₃). The relative atomic masses are: Calcium (Ca) = 40, Carbon (C) = 12, Oxygen (O) = 16.

To calculate the Mr of calcium carbonate (CaCO₃), we must add the relative atomic masses (Ar) of each atom in the molecule. Calcium carbonate consists of one calcium atom, one carbon atom, and three oxygen atoms. The calculation is as follows: Mr = Ar of Ca + Ar of C + 3 × Ar of O = 40 (for Ca) + 12 (for C) + 3 × 16 (for O) = 40 + 12 + 48 = 100. Therefore, the relative molecular mass of calcium carbonate is 100.

Given the compound magnesium oxide (MgO), where the relative atomic mass of magnesium (Mg) is 24 and oxygen (O) is 16, calculate its relative molecular mass (Mr).

The calculation of the relative molecular mass (Mr) of magnesium oxide (MgO) involves summing the relative atomic masses of magnesium and oxygen. Magnesium oxide contains one magnesium atom and one oxygen atom. Therefore, the Mr of MgO is calculated as follows: Mr = Ar of Mg + Ar of O = 24 (for Mg) + 16 (for O) = 40. Thus, the relative molecular mass of magnesium oxide is 40, indicating that it is 40 times as massive as the standard, carbon-12.

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