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Study Notes
1.1 Characteristics of Living Organisms1.2 Biological Classification Systems1.3 Features for Classification
2.1 Cell Structure2.2 Size of Specimens
3.1 Diffusion3.2 Osmosis3.3 Active Transport
4.1 Biological Molecules
5.1 Fundamentals of Enzymes5.2 Effects on Enzyme Activity
6.1 Photosynthesis6.2 Leaf Structure
7.1 Diet7.2 Digestive System7.3 Physical Digestion7.4 Chemical Digestion7.5 Absorption
8.1 Xylem and Phloem8.2 Water Uptake8.3 Transpiration8.4 Translocation
9.1 Circulatory Systems9.2 Heart9.3 Blood Vessels9.4 Blood
10.1 Diseases and Immunity
11.1 Gas Exchange Surfaces11.2 Composition of Air11.3 Breathing and Physical Activity11.4 Respiratory System Protection
12.1 Energy Uses in Organisms12.2 Aerobic Respiration12.3 Anaerobic Respiration
13.1 Organs of Excretion13.2 The Nephron and Urine Formation13.3 Liver and Excretion
14.1 Nervous System14.2 Sense Organs14.3 Hormones14.4 Homeostasis14.5 Tropic Responses in Plants
15.1 Understanding Drugs15.2 Antibiotics
16.1 Asexual Reproduction16.2 Sexual Reproduction16.3 Sexual Reproduction in Plants16.4 Sexual Reproduction in Humans16.5 Hormonal Regulation in Humans 16.6 Sexually Transmitted Infections
17.1 Chromosomes, Genes, and Proteins17.2 Mitosis17.3 Meiosis17.4 Monohybrid Inheritance
18.1 Variation18.2 Adaptive Features18.3 Selection
19.1 Energy Flow19.2 Food Chains and Food Webs19.3 Nutrient Cycles19.4 Populations
20.1 Food Supply20.2 Habitat Destruction20.3 Pollution20.4 Conservation
21.1 Bacteria in Biotechnology21.2 Biotechnology21.3 Genetic Modification

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